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Abbas, Paaras; von Werthern, Martha; Katona, Cornelius; Woo, Yeree and Brady, Francesca. 2021. The Texture of Narrative Dilemmas: qualitative study in front-line professionals working with asylum seekers in the UK. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 45(1), pp. 8-14. ISSN 0007-1250 [Article]

Acunzo, D. J.; Oakley, D. A. and Terhune, Devin Blair. 2021. The neurochemistry of hypnotic suggestion. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 63(4), pp. 355-371. ISSN 0002-9157 [Article]

Acunzo, David and Terhune, Devin Blair. 2021. A Critical Review of Standardized Measures of Hypnotic Suggestibility. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 69(1), pp. 50-71. ISSN 0020-7144 [Article]

Adeyemi, Sola. 2021. Aspects of Intercultural Performance Aesthetics in Femi Òsófisán’s Drama. African Performance Review, 11(2), pp. 7-27. ISSN 1750-4848 [Article]

Agunsoye, Ariane. 2021. Ekaterina Svetlova, Financial Models and Society: Villains or Scapegoats? Œconomia, 11(2), pp. 365-371. ISSN 2269-8450 [Article]

Agunsoye, Ariane. 2021. 'Locked in the Rat Race': Variegated financial subjectivities in the United Kingdom. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(7), pp. 1828-1848. ISSN 0308-518X [Article]

Ahrens, Petra; Erzeel, Silvia; Evans, Elizabeth; Kantola, Johanna; Kuhar, Roman and Lomardo, Emanuela. 2021. Gender and Politics Research in Europe: Towards a Consolidation of a Flourishing Political Science Subfield? European Political Science, 20(1), pp. 105-122. ISSN 1680-4333 [Article]

Alexander, Victoria D. and Bowler, Anne E.. 2021. Contestation in aesthetic fields: Legitimation and legitimacy struggles in outsider art. Poetics, 84, 101485. ISSN 0304-422X [Article]

Alleyne, Brian. 2021. Black Software Matters. Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies(8), ISSN 2047-2390 [Article]

Almada, Leonardo F. and Linnell, Karina J. 2021. Introduction: Special Issue on Sentience and Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 28(7-8), pp. 9-17. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

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Alston, Adam. 2021. ‘Burn the witch’: Decadence and the occult in contemporary feminist performance. Theatre Research International, 46(3), pp. 285-302. ISSN 0307-8833 [Article]

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Alston, Adam. 2021. Carnal acts: Decadence in theatre, performance and live art. Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, 4(2), ii-xxiii. ISSN 2515-0073 [Article]

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Alston, Adam. 2021. Survival of the sickest: On decadence, disease and the performing body. Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, 4(2), pp. 130-156. ISSN 2515-0073 [Article]

Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Krause, Amanda E and North, Adrian C. 2021. Popular music lyrics and musicians’ gender over time: A computational approach. Psychology of Music, 49(3), pp. 426-444. ISSN 0305-7356 [Article]

Aquino, Gerardo; Chandía, Kristopher J. and Bologna, Mauro. 2021. Effect of Ergodic and Non-Ergodic Fluctuations on a Charge Diffusing in a Stochastic Magnetic Field. Entropy, 23(6), 781. ISSN 1099-4300 [Article]

Aradau, Claudia and Tazzioli, Martina. 2021. Covid-19 and rebordering the world. Radical Philosophy, 2.10, ISSN 0300-211X [Article]

Arriaga, Ximena B.; Eller, Jami; Kumashiro, Madoka; Rholes, W. Steven and Simpson, Jeffry A.. 2021. Self-Efficacy and Declines Over Time in Attachment Anxiety During the Transition to Parenthood. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(5), pp. 658-666. ISSN 1948-5506 [Article]

Astacio Alvarez, Patricia; Dattatreyan, E. Gabriel and Shankar, Arjun I.. 2021. Multimodal Ambivalence: A Manifesto for Producing in S@!#t Times. American Anthropologist, 123(2), pp. 420-427. ISSN 0002-7294 [Article]

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Athanassiou, D and Musgrave, George. 2021. Building a Heavy Metal World: Cultural Entrepreneurship in the Polish People’s Republic. Artivate: A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts, 10(1), pp. 1-19. ISSN 2164-7747 [Article]

Awan, Nishat. 2021. Performing on the streets: Infrastructures of subaltern resistance in Pakistan. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(6), pp. 1274-1293. ISSN 2399-6544 [Article]

Azanova, Maria; Herrojo Ruiz, Maria; Belianin, Alexis V.; Klucharev, Vasily and Nikulin, Vadim V.. 2021. Resting-State Theta Oscillations and Reward Sensitivity in Risk Taking. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 608699. ISSN 1662-4548 [Article]


Back, Les. 2021. Hope's Work. Antipode, 53(1), pp. 3-20. ISSN 0066-4812 [Article]

Badkobeh, Golnaz; Gawrychowski, Pawel; Kärkkäinen, Juha; Puglisi, Simon J. and Zhukova, Bella. 2021. Tight Upper and Lower Bounds on Suffix Tree Breadth. Theoretical Computer Science, 854, pp. 63-67. ISSN 0304-3975 [Article]

Bahrampour, Anvar and Rafe, Vahid. 2021. Using memetic algorithm for robustness testing of contract-based software models. Artificial Intelligence Review, ISSN 0269-2821 [Article]

Banovic, Marija and Barone, Ada Maria. 2021. The hybrid enigma: The importance of self-construal for the effectiveness of communication messages promoting sustainable behaviour. Food Quality and Preference, 94, 104334. ISSN 0950-3293 [Article]

Barakat, Basel; Keates, Simeon; Wassell, Ian J. and Arshad, Kamran. 2021. Modelling IoT devices communication employing representative operation modes to reveal traffic generation characteristics. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 36(2), pp. 117-129. ISSN 1744-5760 [Article]

Barakat, Basel; Taha, Ahmad; Samson, Ryan; Steponenaite, Aiste; Ansari, Shuja; Langdon, Patrick M.; Wassell, Ian J.; Abbasi, Qammer H.; Imran, Muhammad Ali and Keates, Simeon. 2021. 6G Opportunities Arising from Internet of Things Use Cases: A Review Paper. Future Internet, 13(6), 159. ISSN 1999-5903 [Article]

Barber, Ros. 2021. Big Data or Not Enough? Zeta Test Reliability and the Attribution of Henry VI. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 36(3), pp. 542-564. ISSN 0268-1145 [Article]

Barbera, David S.; Huckvale, Mark; Fleming, Victoria; Upton, Emily; Coley-Fisher, Henry; Doogan, Catherine; Shaw, Ian; Latham, William; Leff, Alexander P. and Crinion, Jenny. 2021. NUVA: A Naming Utterance Verifier for Aphasia Treatment. Computer Speech & Language, 69, 101221. ISSN 0885-2308 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2021. Body found in garden after confession [POEM]. Poetry News, 2021(Spring), p. 11. ISSN 1353-7237 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2021. Excavation [POEM]. Finished Creatures(5), p. 68. [Article]

Barone, Ada Maria; Banovic, Marija; Asioli, Daniele; Wallace, Erin; Ruiz-Capillas, Claudia and Grasso, Simona. 2021. The usual suspect: How to co-create healthier meat products. Food Research International, 143, 110304. ISSN 0963-9969 [Article]

Barone, Ada Maria; Donato, Carmela and Romani, Simona. 2021. Physically processing imperfect produce: The impact of prototypicality. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(6), pp. 1547-1561. ISSN 1472-0817 [Article]

Behrens, Ronny; Zhang Foutz, Natasha; Franklin, Michael; Funk, Jannis; Gutierrez-Navratil, Fernanda; Hofmann, Julian and Leibfried, Ulrike. 2021. Leveraging analytics to produce compelling and profitable film content. Journal of Cultural Economics, 45(2), pp. 171-211. ISSN 0885-2545 [Article]

Bell, Marcus. 2021. INFERNO: Catastrophically Queer. Agôn. Revue des arts de la scène, 9, ISSN 1961-8581 [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2021. Documenting Dictatorship: Writing and Resistance in Chile's Vicaría de la Solidaridad. Theory, Culture & Society, 38(1), pp. 53-78. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Bendiek, Paula; Taha, Ahmad; Abbasi, Qammer H. and Barakat, Basel. 2021. Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using a Data-Driven Algorithm and Contextual Optimisation. Applied Sciences, 12(1), 134. ISSN 2076-3417 [Article]

Bennett, Greg. 2021. Building an academic law library from scratch. Legal Information Management, 21(3), pp. 207-211. ISSN 1472-6696 [Article]

Benson, Michaela. 2021. Brexit’s hidden costs for Britons living in the EU. Current History, 120(824), pp. 118-120. ISSN 0011-3530 [Article]

Beswick, Katie and Johnson, Javon. 2021. Sounds of the City: Dramaturgy, Space, Identity. Critical Stages/Scènes critiques(24), ISSN 2409-7411 [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2021. Artificial Intelligence Is Stupid and Causal Reasoning Will Not Fix It. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 513474. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2021. Affective Politics, Activism and the Commons: From WECH to Grenfell. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics(103), pp. 156-180. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Blais, Caroline; Linnell, Karina J; Caparos, Serge and Estephan, Amanda. 2021. Cultural differences in face recognition and potential underlying mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 627026. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Bogart, Anne and Shevtsova, Maria. 2021. Covid Conversations 2: Anne Bogart. New Theatre Quarterly, 37(2), pp. 103-118. ISSN 0266-464X [Article]

Bonadio, Enrico; McDonagh, Luke and Dinev, Plamen. 2021. Artificial Intelligence as Inventor: Exploring the Consequences for Patent Law. Intellectual Property Quarterly, 1, pp. 48-66. ISSN 1364-906X [Article]

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Bouzianis, G; Hughston, L P; Jaimungal, S and Sánchez-Betancourt, L. 2021. Lévy-Ito Models in Finance. Probability Surveys, 18, pp. 132-178. ISSN 1549-5787 [Article]

Bowman, Jonathan and West, Keon. 2021. Brexit: The influence of motivation to respond without prejudice, willingness to disagree, and attitudes to immigration. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(1), pp. 222-247. ISSN 0144-6665 [Article]

Brenman, Natassia F. and Milne, Richard. 2021. Lived time and the affordances of clinical research participation. Sociology of Health & Illness, 43(9), pp. 2031-2048. ISSN 0141-9889 [Article]

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Brody, D C and Hughston, L P. 2021. Quantum Measurement of Space-Time Events. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54(23), 235304. ISSN 1751-8113 [Article]

Budakova, A.V.; Likhanov, Maxim V.; Zhurbitskiy, A.V.; Sitnikova, E.O.; Bezrukovaa, E.M. and Kovas, Yulia. 2021. Measuring Spatial Ability for Talent Identification, Educational Assessment, and Support: Evidence from Adolescents with High Achievement in Science, Arts, and Sports. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(2), pp. 59-85. ISSN 2074-6857 [Article]

Budler, Marko; Zupic, Ivan and Trkman, Peter. 2021. The development of business model research: A bibliometric review. Journal of Business Research, 135, pp. 480-495. ISSN 0148-2963 [Article]


Caggiano, Pietro; Bertone, Elena and Cocchini, Gianna. 2021. Same action in different spatial locations induces selective modulation of body metric representation. Experimental Brain Research, 239(8), pp. 2509-2518. ISSN 0014-4819 [Article]

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Canigueral, Roser; Ward, Jamie A and Hamilton, Antonia F de C. 2021. Effects of Being Watched on Eye Gaze and Facial Displays of Typical and Autistic Individuals During Conversation. Autism, 25(1), pp. 210-226. ISSN 1362-3613 [Article]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude. 2021. “Dancing Queen”: The Court Ballets of Anne of Austria, Queen of France (1615-1635). The Castle Chronicles. Annals, 8(74), ISSN 0239-4898 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano. 2021. Structural change and development in the Italian South as a matter of systemic interest. L'industria. Review of Industrial Economics and Policy, 42(2), pp. 193-205. ISSN 0019-7416 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano and Runde, Jochen. 2021. From dishwashing to dishwasher cooking: on social positioning and how users are drawn towards alternative uses of existing technology. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45(4), pp. 613-630. ISSN 0309-166X [Article]

Carlile, Anna; Butteriss, Ethan and Pullen Sansfaçon, Annie. 2021. “It’s like my kid came back overnight”: Experiences of trans and non-binary young people and their families seeking, finding and engaging with clinical care in England. International Journal of Transgender Health, 22(4), pp. 412-424. ISSN 1553-2739 [Article]

Chabanon, Eve; Colin, Anna and Planeix-Crocker, Madeleine. 2021. Crossed Perspectives on Collaboration. On Curating(52), pp. 163-171. ISSN 2673-2955 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca; Kozbelt, Aaron; Drake, Jennifer and Wagemans, Johan. 2021. Learning to See by Learning to Draw: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship Between Representational Drawing Training and Visuospatial Skill. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15(1), pp. 76-90. ISSN 1931-3896 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca and Pepperell, Robert. 2021. Slow Looking at Slow Art: the Work of Pierre Bonnard. Leonardo, 54(6), pp. 615-618. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]

Chaparro, Gerardo and Musgrave, George. 2021. Moral Music Management: Ethical Decision-Making After Avicii. International Journal of Music Business Research, 10(1), pp. 3-16. ISSN 2227-5789 [Article]

Chaudhury, Aadita and Colla, Sheila. 2021. Next steps in dismantling discrimination: Lessons from ecology and conservation science. Conservation Letters, 14(2), e12774. ISSN 1755-263X [Article]

Christodoulou, Vasiliki; Flaxman, Paul E. and Lloyd, Joda. 2021. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Group Format for College Students. Journal of College Counseling, 24(3), pp. 210-223. ISSN 1099-0399 [Article]

Cleaton, MAM; Tal-Saban, M; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Kirby, A.. 2021. Gender and age differences in the presentation of at-risk or probable Developmental Coordination Disorder in adults. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 115, 104010. ISSN 0891-4222 [Article]

Cole, Tom and Gillies, Marco. 2021. Thinking and Doing: Challenge, Agency, and the Eudaimonic Experience in Video Games. Games and Culture, 16(2), pp. 187-207. ISSN 1555-4120 [Article]

Condé, Alice and Gossling, Jessica. 2021. Beyond the Supernatural: Decadent Pedagogy and The Picture of Dorian Gray. International Council of Teachers of English Newsletter(4), pp. 22-24. [Article]

Corbett, Emily and Phillips, Leah. 2021. Ploughing the Field: YA in Translation. International Journal of Young Adult Literature, 2(1), ISSN 2634-5277 [Article]

Correia, Nuno N. and Tanaka, Atau. 2021. From GUI to AVUI: Situating Audiovisual User Interfaces Within Human-Computer Interaction and Related Fields. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 8(27), e5. ISSN 2409-9708 [Article]

Crane, Laura; Hearst, C; Ashworth, M; Davies, J and Hill, Elisabeth L.. 2021. Supporting Newly Identified or Diagnosed Autistic Adults: An Initial Evaluation of an Autistic-Led Programme. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(3), pp. 892-905. ISSN 0162-3257 [Article]

Crook, Tim. 2021. The George Orwell and H. G. Wells row: Gain and Loss in the Utopian and Dystopian Feud. George Orwell Studies, 5(2), pp. 113-126. ISSN 2399-1267 [Article]

Crook, Tim. 2021. Orwell’s Enduring Significance in Courts of Law. George Orwell Studies, 6(1), pp. 85-98. ISSN 2399-1267 [Article]


Dattatreyan, E. Gabriel and Marrero-Guillamón, Isaac. 2021. Pedagogies of the Senses: Multimodal strategies for Unsettling Visual Anthropology. Visual Anthropology Review, 37(2), pp. 267-289. ISSN 1058-7187 [Article]

Davies, Will. 2021. Anti-Equivalence: Pragmatics of post-liberal dispute. European Journal of Social Theory, 24(1), pp. 44-64. ISSN 1368-4310 [Article]

Davies, Will. 2021. The Politics of Recognition in the Age of Social Media. New Left Review(128), pp. 83-99. ISSN 0028-6060 [Article]

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Davies, Will. 2021. The Revenge of Sovereignty on Government? The Release of Neoliberal Politics from Economics Post-2008. Theory, Culture & Society, 38(6), pp. 95-118. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

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Davies, Will and Gane, Nicholas. 2021. Post-neoliberalism? An introduction. Theory, Culture & Society, 38(6), pp. 3-28. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Day, Sophie E.; Viney, William; Bruton, Jane and Ward, Helen. 2021. Past-futures in experimental care: breast cancer and HIV medicine. New Genetics and Society, 40(4), pp. 449-472. ISSN 1463-6778 [Article]

Delahunty, Thomas and Kimbell, Richard. 2021. (Re)framing a philosophical and epistemological framework for teaching and learning in STEM: Emerging pedagogies for complexity. British Educational Research Journal, 47(3), pp. 742-769. ISSN 0141-1926 [Article]

Dennis, Fay. 2021. Advocating for diamorphine: Cosmopolitical care and collective action in the ruins of the ‘old British system’. Critical Public Health, 31(2), pp. 144-155. ISSN 0958-1596 [Article]

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Dennis, Fay. 2021. Drug fatalities and treatment fatalism: Complicating the ageing cohort theory. Sociology of Health & Illness, 43(5), pp. 1175-1190. ISSN 0141-9889 [Article]

Desmarais, Jane H.. 2021. Late-Victorian Decadent Song Literature. Victorian Literature and Culture, 49(4), pp. 689-710. ISSN 1060-1503 [Article]

Desmarais-Tremblay, Maxime. 2021. Monopoly power and competition. The Italian Marginalist perspective [Review]. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(1), pp. 170-172. ISSN 0967-2567 [Article]

Desmarais-Tremblay, Maxime. 2021. Paternalism and the Public Household: On the Domestic Origins of Public Economics. History of Political Economy, 53(2), pp. 179-211. ISSN 0018-2702 [Article]

Desmarais-Tremblay, Maxime and Svorenčík, Andrej. 2021. A prosopography of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(6), pp. 1005-1024. ISSN 0967-2567 [Article]

Di Guilmi, Corrado and Galanis, Giorgos. 2021. Convergence and divergence in dynamic voting with inequality. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 187, pp. 137-158. ISSN 0167-2681 [Article]

Dieter, Michael; Helmond, Anne; Tkacz, Nathaniel; van der Vlist, Fernando and Weltevrede, Esther. 2021. Pandemic platform governance: mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps. Internet Policy Review: journal on internet regulation, 10(3), ISSN 2197-6775 [Article]

Diker Vanberg, Aysem. 2021. Informational privacy post GDPR – end of the road or the start of a long journey? The International Journal of Human Rights, 25(1), pp. 52-78. ISSN 1364-2987 [Article]

Djohari, Natalie; Weston, Gavin; Cassidy, Rebecca and Kulas-Reid, Ivana. 2021. The visibility of gambling sponsorship in football related products marketed directly to children. Soccer & Society, 22(7), pp. 769-777. ISSN 1466-0970 [Article]

Doherty, Louise and de St Croix, Tania. 2021. There's a cupboard full of pasta! Beyond sustenance: reflections on youth work and commensality. Concept, 12(3), pp. 1-11. ISSN 1359-1983 [Article]

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Donato, Carmela; Barone, Ada Maria and Romani, Simona. 2021. The satiating power of sustainability: the effect of package sustainability on perceived satiation of healthy food. British Food Journal, 123(13), pp. 162-177. ISSN 0007-070X [Article]

Doran, Heather; Barnard, Daniel; McAlister, Joe; Briscoe, Rachel; Hackman, Lucina and Nic Daeid, Niamh. 2021. The Evidence Chamber: Playful Science Communication and Research Through Digital Storytelling. Frontiers in Communication, 6, 786891. ISSN 2297-900X [Article]

Douglas, Lee. 2021. Seeing like a scientist: subjunctive forensics and shared ways of seeing in the Spanish forensic archive. Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia, 28, pp. 143-165. ISSN 2341-0809 [Article]

Drever, John L.; Cobianchi, Mattia and Yildirim, Aysegul. 2021. London Street Noises: A Ground-Breaking Field Recording Campaign from 1928. Acoustics, 3(1), pp. 118-136. ISSN 2624-599X [Article]

Duncan, Ifor. 2021. The Meteorological Occult: Submergences in the Venetian Fog. Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities, 1(1), pp. 37-58. ISSN 2785-2709 [Article]

de Albuquerque, João Porto; Anderson, Liana; Calvillo, Nerea; Coaffee, Jon; Cunha, Maria Alexandra; Degrossi, Livia Castro; Neto, Giovanni Dolif; Horita, Flavio; Klonner, Carolin; Lima-Silva, Fernanda; Marchezini, Victor; da Mata Martins, Mario Henrique; Pajarito-Grajales, Diego; Pitidis, Vangelis; Rudorff, Conrado; Tkacz, Nathaniel; Traijber, Rachel and Zipf, Alexander. 2021. The role of data in transformations to sustainability: a critical research agenda. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, pp. 153-163. ISSN 1877-3435 [Article]

de Lacey, Alex. 2021. Pirate mentality: How London radio has shaped creative practice in grime music. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 19(1), pp. 197-215. ISSN 1476-4504 [Article]


Ehrenstein, V and Neyland, D.. 2021. Economic under-determination: industrial competitiveness and free allowances in the European carbon market. Journal of Cultural Economy, 14(5), pp. 596-611. ISSN 1753-0350 [Article]

Elias, Hannah and Spafford, Martin. 2021. Teaching Britain's 'civil rights' history: activism and citizenship in context. Teaching History(185), pp. 10-21. ISSN 0040-06109 [Article]

Elliot, Alice. 2021. Trickster hospitality: A Moroccan escalation act. History and Anthropology, 32(1), pp. 129-141. ISSN 0275-7206 [Article]

Esfandyari, Sajad and Rafe, Vahid. 2021. GALP: A hybrid artificial intelligence algorithm for generating covering array. Soft Computing, 25(11), pp. 7673-7689. ISSN 1432-7643 [Article]

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Evans, Elizabeth and Bussey-Chamberlain, Prudence. 2021. The Problems with Feminist Nostalgia: Intersectionality and White Popular Feminism. European Journal of Women's Studies, 28(3), pp. 353-368. ISSN 1350-5068 [Article]


Farris, Sara R.; Yuval-Davis, Nira and Rottenberg, Catherine. 2021. The Frontline as Performative Frame: An Analysis of the UK COVID Crisis. State Crime Journal, 10(2), pp. 284-303. ISSN 2046-6056 [Article]

Federico, Christopher M.; Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka and Baran, Tomasz. 2021. Collective Narcissism, In-Group Satisfaction, and Solidarity in the Face of COVID-19. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(6), pp. 1071-1081. ISSN 1948-5506 [Article]

Felstead, Kevin and French, Christopher C.. 2021. Dr James Ost’s contributions to the work of the British False Memory Society. Memory, 30(6), pp. 669-677. ISSN 0965-8211 [Article]

Fernando, Sandra and Ohene-Djan, James. 2021. An empirical evaluation of a graphics creation technique for blind and visually impaired individuals. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 39(3), pp. 191-213. ISSN 0264-6196 [Article]

Figueira, Carla and Fullman, Aimee. 2021. Emergencies, Emergences, Engagement: Cultural Relations and Climate Action. Cultural Relations Collection, [Article]

Finburgh Delijani, Clare. 2021. Le Passage du milieu dans le théâtre britannique. Théâtre/Public, 241, pp. 52-58. ISSN 0335-2927 [Article]

Finnemann, Johanna J. S.; Plaisted-Grant, Kate; Moore, James W.; Teufel, Christoph and Fletcher, Paul C.. 2021. Low-level, prediction-based sensory and motor processes are unimpaired in Autism. Neuropsychologia, 156, 107835. ISSN 0028-3932 [Article]

Fleming, Cass. 2021. UM CONSTANTE PROCESSO DE EXPANSÃO [A Constant Process of Expansion]. Revista Cientí­fica/FAP, 24(1), ISSN 1679-4915 [Article]

Fortmann, J; Fisher, Abigail; Hough, R; Gregory, Alice M. and Pugh, G. 2021. Sleep quality among teenagers and young adults with cancer. Cancer Nursing, 44(1), pp. 13-19. ISSN 0162-220X [Article]

Furse, Anna F. D.. 2021. Ephemeral Arts in a world of Science. Communications. Media. Design, 5(4), pp. 105-119. ISSN 2542-1395 [Article]

Furse, Anna F. D.. 2021. Staying in Touch. Teoriia Mody: Odezhda, Telo, Kulʹtura [Fashion Theory: Dress, Body and Culture](62), pp. 25-44. [Article]


Gabbert, Fiona; Hope, Lorraine; Luther, Kirk; Wright, Gordon R. T.; Ng, Magdalene and Oxburgh, Gavin. 2021. Exploring the use of rapport in professional information‐gathering contexts by systematically mapping the evidence base. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(2), pp. 329-341. ISSN 0888-4080 [Article]

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Galanis, Giorgos; Di Guilmi, Corrado; Bennett, David L. and Baskozos, Giorgos. 2021. The effectiveness of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in reducing the COVID-19 contagion in the UK, an observational and modelling study. PLoS ONE, 16(11), e0260364. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Galanis, Giorgos and Kumar, Ashok. 2021. A dynamic model of global value network governance. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(1), pp. 53-72. ISSN 0308-518X [Article]

Garagnani, M.; Kirilina, E. and Pulvermüller, F. 2021. Semantic grounding of novel spoken words in the primary visual cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 581847. ISSN 1662-5161 [Article]

Garelli, Glenda and Tazzioli, Martina. 2021. Migration and ‘pull factor’ traps. Migration Studies, 9(3), pp. 383-399. ISSN 2049-5838 [Article]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2021. Acts of air: reshaping the urban sonic. Sound Studies, 7(2), pp. 269-272. ISSN 2055-1940 [Article]

Gaschke, Jenny; Gould, Sarah; Perry, Gill; Ventrella, Francesco; Lamm, Kimberly; Davidow, Jackson; Harbison, Isobel; Coomasaru, Edwin; Alexander Cameron, James; Hart, Imogen; Fowler, Corinne and Massouras, Alexander. 2021. British Art after Brexit. British Art Studies(20), ISSN 2058-5462 [Article]

George, Rosalyn P. and Maguire, Meg. 2021. Academics ‘Staying on’ Post Retirement Age in English Universities Departments of Education: Opportunities, Threats and Employment Policies. British Journal of Educational Studies, 69(4), pp. 453-470. ISSN 0007-1005 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2021. Teaching Creative Writing Online: Research-Informed Strategies. Writing in Education, 83, pp. 89-91. ISSN 1361-8539 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2021. What’s Next? Ecoliteracies and creative writing. Writing in Education, 83, pp. 12-19. ISSN 1361-8539 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2021. Why teach creative writing? Examining the challenges of its pedagogies. Changing English, 28(2), pp. 148-168. ISSN 1358-684X [Article]

Gilbert, Francis; Daly, Grainne and Riley, Peggy. 2021. Letting it all spill out: the benefits of venting for creative writing teachers and students. Writing in Education, 84, ISSN 1361-8539 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis and Macleroy, Vicky. 2021. Different ways of descending into the crypt: methodologies and methods for researching creative writing. New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 18(3), pp. 253-271. ISSN 1479-0726 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis and Matthews, Miranda. 2021. Affective digital presence: how to free online writing and drawing? Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 14(2), 29. ISSN 1753-5190 [Article]

Gill, Rosalind. 2021. Being watched and feeling judged on social media. Feminist Media Studies, 21(8), pp. 1387-1392. ISSN 1468-0777 [Article]

Given, Jock; Iosifidis, Petros and Klontzas, Michael. 2021. Editorial: COVID-19 and Digital Media Policy (Special Issue). Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 12(1), pp. 3-9. ISSN 2040-4182 [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka and Bierwiaczonek, Kinga. 2021. Male, National, and Religious Collective Narcissism Predict Sexism. Sex Roles, 84(11-12), pp. 680-700. ISSN 0360-0025 [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka; Bierwiaczonek, Kinga; Baran, Tomasz; Keenan, Oliver and Hase, Adrian. 2021. The COVID-19 Pandemic, Authoritarianism and Rejection of Sexual Dissenters in Poland. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Diversity, 8(2), pp. 250-260. ISSN 2329-0382 [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka and Keenan, Oliver. 2021. Collective narcissism as a framework for understanding populism. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 5(2), pp. 54-64. ISSN 2475-0387 [Article]

Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ and Posocco, S. 2021. Archives, promises, values: forensic infrastructures in times of austerity. Critique of Anthropology, 41(1), pp. 3-20. ISSN 0308-275X [Article]

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Gouzoulis, Giorgos and Galanis, Giorgos. 2021. The impact of financialisation on public health in times of COVID-19 and beyond. Sociology of Health & Illness, 43(6), pp. 1328-1334. ISSN 0141-9889 [Article]

Graham, Stephen. 2021. Summer’s Gone: Late Style and Popular Music. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 146(2), pp. 315-333. ISSN 0269-0403 [Article]

Greco, Monica. 2021. Vitalism Now – A Problematic. Theory, Culture & Society, 38(2), pp. 47-69. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Grewal, Kiran. 2021. Privilege, Precarity and the Epistemic and Political Challenge of Covid-19. Portal: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 17(1-2), pp. 7-13. ISSN 1449-2490 [Article]

Gula, Justyna; Herrojo Ruiz, Maria and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2021. Characterizing the middle-age neurophysiology using EEG/MEG. Neurobiology of Aging, ISSN 0197-4580 [Article] (Forthcoming)

Gunaratnam, Yasmin. 2021. ‘Not in my name’: empathy and intimacy in volunteer refugee hosting. Journal of Sociology, 57(3), pp. 707-724. ISSN 1440-7833 [Article]

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Gunaratnam, Yasmin and Walker, Sarah. 2021. Young, unauthorised and Black: African unaccompanied minors and becoming an adult in Italy. Journal of Sociology, 57(3), pp. 690-706. ISSN 1440-7833 [Article]


Hall, Sean. 2021. Holy Shit: Excremental Philosophy, Religious Ontology, and Spiritual Revelation. The International Journal of Zizek Studies, 15(1), ISSN 1751-8229 [Article]

Hamza, Husseina; Jacca, Joyce; Jarrett, Tracey and Graham, Janna. 2021. Instituting and Organising “From the Pockets”: A Field Report from a Museum in the Making. On Curating(52), pp. 71-83. ISSN 2673-2955 [Article]

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Hase, Adrian; Behenke, Maciej; Mazurkiewicz, Magdalena; Wieteska, Kamil and Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka. 2021. Distress and Retaliatory Aggression in Response to Witnessing Intergroup Exclusion are Greater on Higher Levels of Collective Narcissism. Psychophysiology, 58(9), e13879. ISSN 0048-5772 [Article]

Henze, Raphaela and Dinardi, Cecilia. 2021. Kulturpolitische Herausforderungen in Lateinamerika. Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen, 174(3), pp. 35-37. ISSN 0722-4591 [Article]

Herrojo Ruiz, Maria; Maudrich, Thomas; Kalloch, Benjamin; Sammler, Daniela; Kenville, Rouven; Villringer, Arno; Sehm, Bernhard and Nikulin, Vadim V.. 2021. Modulation of neural activity in frontopolar cortex drives reward-based motor learning. Scientific Reports, 11, 20303. ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]

Hill, Clareese. 2021. Survival Praxis through Hood Feminism, Negritude and Poetics. Architecture and Culture, 9(2), pp. 238-248. ISSN 2050-7828 [Article]

Hiraide, Lydia Ayame. 2021. Black and Southern Feminisms Matter in the Global Climate Struggle. E-International Relations, ISSN 2053-8626 [Article]

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Hirsh, David and Hilary, Miller. 2021. The UN Durban Antiracist Process: Projecting Racism Onto Israel. Jewish Journal, ISSN 0888-0468 [Article]

Hirsh, David and Zeifert, Charisse. 2021. David Unterhalter and BDS: Not the first campaign against Jews being judges. News 24, South Africa, [Article]

Hitchcock, Michael. 2021. Souvenirs: how they may be or may not be understood. Finnish Journal of Tourism, 17(2), pp. 15-21. ISSN 2490-2039 [Article]

Holdstock, Samuel. 2021. The Dialogic Possibilities for Interactive Fiction in the Secondary Academy English Classroom. Changing English, 28(4), pp. 395-410. ISSN 1358-684X [Article]

Hope, Julia. 2021. In Conversation with Beverley Naidoo: On Crossing Boundaries through Reading and Writing. Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature, 59(2), pp. 67-78. ISSN 0006-7377 [Article]

Horry, R; Hughes, C; Sharma, A; Gabbert, Fiona and Hope, Lorraine. 2021. A meta‐analytic review of the Self‐Administered Interview©: Quantity and accuracy of details reported on initial and subsequent retrieval attempts. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(2), pp. 428-444. ISSN 0888-4080 [Article]

Hotchin, Victoria and West, Keon. 2021. Reflecting on nostalgic, positive, and novel experiences increases state Openness. Journal of Personality, 89(2), pp. 258-275. ISSN 0022-3506 [Article]

Humphries, Stacey; Holler, Judith; Crawford, Trevor and Poliakoff, Ellen. 2021. Cospeech gestures are a window into the effects of Parkinson's disease on action representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150(8), pp. 1581-1597. ISSN 0096-3445 [Article]

Humphries, Stacey; Rick, Jacqueline; Weintraub, Daniel and Chatterjee, Anjan. 2021. Movement in Aesthetic Experiences: What We Can Learn from Parkinson Disease. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(7), pp. 1329-1342. ISSN 0898-929X [Article]

Hurst, Isobel. 2021. The Epic Tradition. Oxford Bibliographies in Victorian Literature, [Article]


Jansen, Fieke; Sánchez-Monedero, Javier and Dencik, Lina. 2021. Biometric identity systems in law enforcement and the politics of (voice)recognition: the case of SiiP. Big Data & Society, 8(2), ISSN 2053-9517 [Article]

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Kao, Ying-Fang and Venkatachalam, Ragupathy. 2021. Human and Machine Learning. Computational Economics, 57, pp. 889-909. ISSN 0927-7099 [Article]

Karlis, Alexandros; Galanis, Giorgos; Terovitis, Spyros and Turner, Matthew. 2021. Heterogeneity and clustering of defaults. Quantitative Finance, 21(9), pp. 1533-1549. ISSN 1469-7688 [Article]

Kazim, Emre; Koshiyama, Adriano Soares; Hilliard, Airlie and Polle, Roseline. 2021. Systematizing Audit in Algorithmic Recruitment. Journal of Intelligence, 9(3), 46. ISSN 2079-3200 [Article]

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Keenan, Oliver and Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka. 2021. Collective Narcissism and Weakening of American Democracy. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 21(1), pp. 237-258. ISSN 1529-7489 [Article]

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Khanijou, Ratna; Cappellini, Benedetta and Hosany, Sameer. 2021. Meal for Two: A Typology of Co-performed Practices. Journal of Business Research, 134, pp. 675-688. ISSN 0148-2963 [Article]

Khanijou, Ratna and Pirani, Daniela. 2021. Ethical Dilemmas in Studying Family Consumption. Qualitative Market Research, 24(1), pp. 32-46. ISSN 1352-2752 [Article]

Khanna, Shama and Brathwaite-Shirley, Danielle. 2021. Interview with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley by Flatness for Feminist Review and Women’s Art Library, April 2021. Feminist Review, 129(1), pp. 109-122. ISSN 0141-7789 [Article]

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Kirschner, Carolyn. 2021. Remote Sensing the Arctic: An Exploration of Non-Human Perspectives of the Territory. Evental Aesthetics: Aesthetic Intersections 4, 10, pp. 3-28. ISSN 2167-1931 [Article]

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Kontogianni, Feni; Rubinova, Eva; Hope, Lorraine; Taylor, Paul J.; Vrij, Aldert and Gabbert, Fiona. 2021. Facilitating recall and particularisation of repeated events in adults using a multi-method interviewing format. Memory, 29(4), pp. 471-485. ISSN 0965-8211 [Article]


Lachmann, Bernd; Doebler, Anna; Sindermann, Cornelia; Sariyska, Rayna; Cooper, Andrew; Haas, Heidrun and Montag, Christian. 2021. The molecular genetics of life satisfaction: Extending findings from a recent genome-wide association study and examining the role of the serotonin transporter. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(1), pp. 305-322. ISSN 1389-4978 [Article]

Lai, Gorm; Leymarie, Frederic Fol; Latham, William; Arita, Takaya and Suzuki, Reiji. 2021. Virtual Creature Morphology - A Review. Computer Graphics Forum, 40(2), pp. 659-681. ISSN 0167-7055 [Article]

Lantos, Dorottya and Forgas, Joseph P.. 2021. The role of collective narcissism in populist attitudes and the collapse of democracy in Hungary. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 5(2), pp. 65-78. ISSN 2475-0387 [Article]

Latham, William; Todd, Stephen; Todd, Peter and Putnam, Lance. 2021. Exhibiting Mutator VR: Procedural Art Evolves to Virtual Reality. Leonardo, 54(3), pp. 274-281. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]

LeCompte, Elizabeth; Valk, Kate and Shevtsova, Maria. 2021. Covid Conversations 3: Elizabeth LeCompte and Kate Valk. New Theatre Quarterly, 37(3), pp. 205-222. ISSN 0266-464X [Article]

Lee, Jenna; Mayall, Leighanne A.; Bates, Kathryn E.; Hill, Elisabeth L.; Leonard, Hayley C. and Farran, Emily K.. 2021. The relationship between motor milestone achievement and childhood motor deficits in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 113, 103920. ISSN 0891-4222 [Article]

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Lisiak, Agata; Back, Les and Jackson, Emma. 2021. Urban Multiculture and Xenophonophobia in London and Berlin. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(1), pp. 259-274. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]

Littler, Jo and Rottenberg, Catherine. 2021. Feminist solidarities: theoretical and practical complexities. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(3), pp. 864-877. ISSN 0968-6673 [Article]

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Mabb, David. 2021. News from SOMEWHERE. The Journal of William Morris Studies, XXIV(1-2), pp. 88-94. ISSN 1756-1353 [Article]

Madianou, Mirca. 2021. Nonhuman humanitarianism: when ‘AI for good’ can be harmful. Information, Communication and Society, 24(6), pp. 850-868. ISSN 1369-118X [Article]

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Madrid-Valero, J.J.; Chapman, Robert; Bailo, E; Ordoñana, Juan R.; Selita, Fatos; Kovas, Yulia and Gregory, Alice M.. 2021. What do people know about the heritability of sleep? Behavior Genetics, 51(2), pp. 144-153. ISSN 0001-8244 [Article]

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Madrid-Valero, Juan J; Barclay, Nicola L.; Rowe, Richard; Perach, Rotem; Buysse, Daniel J.; Ordoñana, Juan R.; Eley, Thalia C. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2021. Association between symptoms of sleep apnea and problem behaviors in young adult twins and siblings. Psychological Medicine, 51(7), 1175 -1182. ISSN 0033-2917 [Article]

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Mencke, Iris; Quiroga-Martinez, David Ricardo; Omigie, Diana; Michalareas, Georgios; Schwarzacher, Franz; Trusbak Haumann, Niels; Vuust, Peter and Brattico, Elvira. 2021. Prediction Under Uncertainty: Dissociating Sensory from Cognitive Expectations in Highly Uncertain Musical Contexts. Brain Research, 1773, 147664. ISSN 0006-8993 [Article]

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Newall, Philip W. S.; Cassidy, Rebecca; Walasek, Lukasz; Ludvig, Elliot A. and Meyer, Caroline. 2021. Who uses custom sports betting products? Addiction Research & Theory, 29(2), pp. 148-154. ISSN 1606-6359 [Article]

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Ng, Julia. 2021. Undecidability and Reversibility. CR: The New Centennial Review, 21(1), pp. 11-35. ISSN 1532-687X [Article]

Nicholls, Emily Jay; Henry, Jade Vu and Dennis, Fay. 2021. ‘Not in our Name’: Vexing Care in the Neoliberal University. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 9(1), pp. 65-76. ISSN 1894-4647 [Article]

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West, Keon; Borras Guevara, Martha Lucia; Morton, Thomas and Greenland, Katy. 2021. Fragile Heterosexuality. Social Psychology, 52(3), pp. 143-161. ISSN 1864-9335 [Article]

West, Keon; Greenland, Katy and van Laar, Colette. 2021. Implicit racism, colour blindness, and narrow definitions of discrimination: Why some White people prefer ‘All Lives Matter’ to ‘Black Lives Matter'. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(4), pp. 1136-1153. ISSN 0144-6665 [Article]

Wilkins, Andrew. 2021. Book review of Reframing Education as a Public and Common Good: Enhancing Democratic Governance by Rita Locatelli. Journal of Education Policy, 36(1), pp. 155-158. ISSN 0268-0939 [Article]

Wilkinson, Hannah R and Jones Bartoli, Alice. 2021. Antisocial behaviour and teacher–student relationship quality: The role of emotion‐related abilities and callous–unemotional traits. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(1), pp. 482-499. ISSN 0007-0998 [Article]

Winch, Alison and Little, Ben. 2021. Mediating American hospitality: Mark Zuckerberg’s challenge to Donald Trump? European Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(6), pp. 1243-1260. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]

Woods, Kathryn and Botcherby, Pierre. 2021. Then & Now Arts at Warwick Student Project: Co-creation in the COVID-19 crisis. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 8(4), pp. 55-75. ISSN 2053-9665 [Article]

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Yu, Ai and Jyawali, Harishchandra. 2021. Job crafting as dynamic displays of gender identities and meanings in male-dominated occupations. Gender, Work and Organization, 28(2), pp. 610-625. ISSN 0968-6673 [Article]


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Zacharias, Thomas and Mullings-Lawrence, Sireita. 2021. Legacies of indenture: identity and belonging in post-colonial Jamaica. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(1), pp. 97-114. ISSN 0141-9870 [Article]

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Zhang, Qian and Negus, Keith. 2021. Stages, platforms, streams: the economies and industries of live music after digitalization. Popular Music and Society, 44(5), pp. 539-557. ISSN 0300-7766 [Article]

Zibrek, Katja; Pan, Xueni and Orel, Marko. 2021. Meeting Remotely-The Challenges of Optimal Avatar Interaction in VR. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, 773258. ISSN 2673-4192 [Article]

Zivrali, E; Howlin, Pat; Charlton, Rebecca A and Happe, Francesca. 2021. Age-related Effects on Social Cognition in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Possible Protective Effect on Theory of Mind. Autism Research, 14(5), pp. 911-920. ISSN 1939-3792 [Article]

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Zylinska, Joanna. 2021. Postcards from the End of the World. Photography and Culture, 14(2), pp. 191-200. ISSN 1751-4517 [Article]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 01:33:55 2025 BST.