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Abbott, Patricia; Happe, Francesca and Charlton, Rebecca A. 2018. Exploratory Study of Executive Function Abilities Across the Adult Lifespan in Individuals Receiving an ASD Diagnosis in Adulthood. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(12), pp. 4193-4206. ISSN 0162-3257 [Article]

Addyman, Caspar; Fogelquist, Charlotte; Levakova, Lenka and Rees, Sarah. 2018. Social Facilitation of Laughter and Smiles in Preschool Children. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(6), pp. 528-541. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Adeyemi, Sola. 2018. I write as a pan-African: A Conversation with Oladipo Agboluaje. African Performance Review, 10(1), pp. 8-30. ISSN 1750-4848 [Article]

Adeyemi, Sola. 2018. Review of Iyunolu Osagie, "African Modernity and the Philosophy of Culture in the Works of Femi Euba". African Theatre 17: Contemporary Dance, pp. 223-225. [Article]

Agnew, Zarinah K.; Banissy, Michael J.; McGettigan, Carolyn; Walsh, Vincent and Scott, Sophie K.. 2018. Investigating the Neural Basis of Theta Burst Stimulation to Premotor Cortex on Emotional Vocalization Perception: A Combined TMS-fMRI Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, [Article]

Ahrens, Petra; Celis, Karen; Childs, Sarah; Engeli, Isabelle; Evans, Elizabeth and Mugge, Liza. 2018. Politics and Gender: Rocking Political Science and Creating New Horizons. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 1(1-2), pp. 3-16. ISSN 2515-1088 [Article]

Ajnakina, Olesya; Lally, John; Di Forti, Marta; Stilo, Simona; Kolliakou, Anna; Gardner-Sood, Poonam; Dazzan, Paola; Pariante, Carmine; Marques, Tiago Reiss; Mondelli, Valeria; MacCabe, James; Gaughran, Fiona; David, Anthony S; Stamate, Daniel; Murray, Robin and Fisher, Helen L.. 2018. Utilising symptom dimensions with diagnostic categories improves prediction of time to first remission in first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 193, pp. 391-398. ISSN 0920-9964 [Article]

Alavian Ghavanini, Sanaz; Homayounvala, Elaheh and Rezaian, Ali. 2018. Mood-tracking application as persuasive technology for reduction of occupational stress. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 12(2), pp. 143-161. ISSN 1746-725X [Article]

Alexander, Victoria D.. 2018. Heteronomy in the arts field: state funding and British arts organizations. The British Journal of Sociology, 69(1), pp. 23-43. ISSN 0007-1315 [Article]

Alexander, Victoria D.; Blank, Grant and Hale, Scott A.. 2018. Digital Traces of Distinction? Popular Orientation and User-Engagement with Status Hierarchies in TripAdvisor Reviews of Cultural Organizations. New Media & Society, 20(11), pp. 4218-4236. ISSN 1461-4448 [Article]

Alexander, Victoria D.; Blank, Grant and Hale, Scott A.. 2018. TripAdvisor Reviews of London Museums: A New Approach to Understanding Visitors. Museum International, 70(1-2), pp. 154-165. ISSN 1350-0775 [Article]

Alexander, Victoria D. and Bowler, Anne E.. 2018. Scandal and the Work of Art: The Nude in an Aesthetically Inflected Sociology of the Arts. Cultural Sociology, 12(3), pp. 325-342. ISSN 1749-9755 [Article]

Allen, Rory. 2018. Fisher’s F-ratio illustrated graphically. The Mathematical Gazette, 102(553), pp. 50-62. ISSN 0025-5572 [Article]

Anderson, Jim. 2018. Museum artefacts, language learning and cross-curricular pedagogy. EAL Journal(6), pp. 42-43. ISSN 2398-8533 [Article]

Appleton, Leo. 2018. Positioning the Academic Library within the Institution: Structures and Challenges. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 24(3-4), pp. 209-216. ISSN 1361-4533 [Article]

Appleton, Leo. 2018. Qualitative methods for engaging students in performance measurement. Information and Learning Science, 119(1/2), pp. 64-76. ISSN 2398-5348 [Article]

Appleton, Leo; Hall, Hazel; Duff, Alistair S. and Raeside, Robert. 2018. UK public library roles and value: A focus group analysis. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50(3), pp. 275-283. ISSN 0961-0006 [Article]

Aristova, I.L.; Esipenko, E.A.; Sharafieva, K.R.; Maslennikova, E.P.; Chipeeva, N.A.; Feklicheva, I.V.; Soldatova, E.L.; Fenin, A.Y.; Ismatullina, V.I.; Malykh, S. and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Modern approaches in the study of spatial abilities: a structure and etiology of individual differences. Voprosy Psihologii (Questions in Psychology), [Article]

Arriaga, Ximena B.; Kumashiro, Madoka; Simpson, Jeffry A. and Overall, Nickola C.. 2018. Revising working models across time: Relationship situations that enhance attachment security. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 22(1), pp. 71-96. ISSN 1088-8683 [Article]

Asarnow, J; Bloch, M.H.; Brandeis, D; Burt, S.A.; Fearon, P; Fombonne, Eric; Green, J; Gregory, Alice M.; Gunnar, M; Halperin, J.M.; Hollis, Chris; Jaffee, S; Klump, K; Landau, S; Lesch, K-P.; Oldehinkel, A.J.; Peterson, B.; Ramchandani, P.; Sonuga-Barke, E.; Stringaris, A. and Zeanah, C.H.. 2018. Special Editorial: Open science and the Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry - next steps? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 59(7), pp. 826-827. ISSN 0021-9630 [Article]


Badini, Isabella; Toivainen, Teemu; Oliver, Bonamy R and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Early Predictors of Creative Writing at Age 9. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 49(8), pp. 63-74. [Article]

Badkobeh, Golnaz; Fici, Gabriele and Puglisi, Simon. 2018. Algorithms for Anti-Powers in Strings. Information Processing Letters, 137, pp. 57-60. ISSN 0020-0190 [Article]

Baker, Christopher. 2018. Resisting the Transcendent? The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity, pp. 303-314. [Article]

Baker, Christopher and Power, Maria. 2018. Ghosts in the Machine: Beliefs, Values and Worldviews in the Workplace and Business Environment. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39(4), pp. 474-489. ISSN 1361-7672 [Article]

Barber, Ros. 2018. Shakespeare and Warwickshire Dialect Claims. Notes and Queries, 65(4), pp. 549-551. ISSN 0029-3970 [Article]

Barker, Meg-John; Gill, Rosalind and Harvey, Laura. 2018. Mediated intimacy: Sex advice in media culture. Sexualities, 21(8), pp. 1337-1345. ISSN 1363-4607 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2018. The Fugitive [POEM]. Under the Radar, 21, pp. 8-9. ISSN 1758-3357 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2018. The Heebie-Jeebies [POEM]. Brittle Star, 43, pp. 76-77. ISSN 1467-6230 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2018. I carry a suitcase of whippets [POEM]. Under the Radar, 21, p. 10. ISSN 1758-3357 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2018. I prefer to get my information from unreliable sources [POEM]. Truths: A Telltale Press Anthology, p. 32. [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2018. Lane closed for material curing [POEM]. Antiphon, 22, p. 10. ISSN 2058-7627 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2018. Newly in love, distracted neuroscientists HEART [POEM]. Poetry News, Aut.(2018), p. 11. [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2018. The day my brain broke [POEM]. Brittle Star, 43, p. 25. ISSN 1467-6230 [Article]

Barral, Virginie. 2018. Towards Judicial Coordination for Good Water Governance? International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 67(4), pp. 931-959. ISSN 0020-5893 [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2018. Between Documentality and Imagination: Five Theses on Curating the Violent Past. Memory Studies, 11(2), pp. 137-155. ISSN 1750-6980 [Article]

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Bell, Vikki and Paolantonio, Mario Di. 2018. Presenting the (Dictatorial) Past in Contemporary Argentina: Truth Forums and Arts of Dramatization. Social & Legal Studies, 27(5), pp. 572-595. ISSN 0964-6639 [Article]

Berio, Daniel; Leymarie, Frederic Fol and Plamondon, Rejean. 2018. Expressive Curve Editing with the Sigma Lognormal Model. Eurographics 2018 short papers, 033-036. [Article]

Berio, Daniel; Leymarie, Frederic Fol and Plamondon, Rejean. 2018. Kinematic Reconstruction of Calligraphic Traces from Shape Features. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 1(1), pp. 762-767. [Article]

Bernard, Claudia A.. 2018. Black History Month: a provocation and a timeline. Critical and Radical Social Work, 6(3), pp. 387-406. ISSN 2049-8608 [Article]

Bernardo, Francisco; Grierson, Mick and Fiebrink, Rebecca. 2018. User-Centred Design Actions for Lightweight Evaluation of an Interactive Machine Learning Toolkit. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (CITARJ), 10(2), 2-25-2-38. ISSN 1646-9798 [Article]

Besson, Jean. 2018. Review of Almost Home. Maroons between Slavery and Freedom in Jamaica, Nova Scotia, and Sierra Leone by Ruma Chopra. International Review of Social History, 63(3), pp. 526-529. ISSN 0020-8590 [Article]

Besson, Jean. 2018. Review of In the forests of freedom: the fighting Maroons of Dominica by Lennox Honychurch. Slavery & Abolition, 39(2), pp. 442-444. ISSN 0144-039X [Article]

Besson, Jean. 2018. Sidney W Mintz’s ‘peasantry’ as a critique of capitalism: New evidence from Jamaica. Critique of Anthropology, 38(4), pp. 443-460. ISSN 0308-275X [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Pereda, Ernesto and Ioannaou, Christos I. 2018. Functional associations at global brain level during perception of an auditory illusion by applying maximal information coefficient. Physica A, 491, pp. 708-715. ISSN 0378-4371 [Article]

Bigliassi, Marcelo; Karageorghis, Costas I.; Nowicky, Alexander V.; Wright, Michael J. and Orgs, Guido. 2018. Effects of auditory distraction on voluntary movements: exploring the underlying mechanisms associated with parallel processing. Psychological Research, 82(4), pp. 720-733. ISSN 0340-0727 [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2018. Is Anyone Home? A Way to Find Out If AI Has Become Self-Aware. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 5(17), pp. 1-2. [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.); Meyer, K. de and Nasuto, S.J.. 2018. Recruiting robots perform stochastic diffusion search. International Robotics & Automation Journal, 4(2), pp. 143-144. ISSN 2574-8092 [Article]

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Blas, Zach. 2018. The Jubilee of 2033. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 24(4), ISSN 1064-2684 [Article]

Blinder, Caroline. 2018. Looking for Harlem: The absent Narrator in Roy DeCarava and Langston Hughes' The Sweet Flypaper of Life (1955). CoSMo - Comparative Studies in Modernism(13), ISSN 2281-6658 [Article]

Bloniewski, Tomasz; Likhanov, Maxim; Khuc, Janine; Budakova, Anna; Zakharov, Ilya and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Test-Retest Reliability of Behavioural and ERP Measures in Maths-Related Processing. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 49(13), pp. 113-124. [Article]

Bokhan, Tatiana G.; Terekhina, Olga V.; Shabalovskaya, Marina V.; Leshchinskaia, Svetlana B.; Silaeva, Anna V.; Naku, Elena A.; Selita, Fatos and Agarkova, Lyubov A.. 2018. Spouses’ Psychological States and Family Relations in Families with Natural and Induced Pregnancies. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11(4), pp. 50-67. ISSN 2074-6857 [Article]

Borghini, Giulia; Candini, Michela; Filannino, Cristina; Hussain, Masud; Walsh, Vincent; Romei, Vincenzo; Zokaei, Nahid and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2018. Alpha Oscillations Are Causally Linked to Inhibitory Abilities in Ageing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(18), pp. 4418-4429. ISSN 0270-6474 [Article]

Borodaeva, Zh.; Chipeeva, Nadezhda A.; Maslennikova, Ekaterina P.; Feklicheva, Inna V.; Soldatova, Elena; Sharafieva, K.R.; Ismatullina, V.; Malykh, S. and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Stem Gender Gap and Intra-Individual Strengths in Maths and Russian Language. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 49(15), pp. 132-144. [Article]

Boucher, Andy; Brown, Dean; Ovalle, Liliana; Sheen, Andy; Vanis, Mike and Gaver, William. 2018. TaskCam. CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(D111), [Article]

Boucher, Andy; Brown, Dean; Ovalle, Liliana; Sheen, Andy; Vanis, Mike; Odom, William; Oogjes, Doenja and Gaver, William. 2018. TaskCam: Designing and Testing an Open Tool for Cultural Probes Studies. CHI '18 Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, [Article]

Bowen, Jonathan P; Trickett, Terry; Green, Jeremy B. A and Lomas, Andy. 2018. Turing’s Genius – Defining an apt microcosm. Proceedings of Proceedings of EVA London 2018, UK, [Article]

Boyce, P; Engebretsen, E; Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ; Posocco, S; Newton, E and Lewin, E. 2018. A commitment to difference: An interview with Esther Newton. Sexualities, 21(5-6), pp. 951-969. ISSN 1363-4607 [Article]

Brenner, David. 2018. Performing Rebellion: Karaoke as a Lens into Political Violence. International Political Sociology, 12(4), pp. 401-417. ISSN 1749-5679 [Article]

Brewer, N; Nagesh Vagadia, A; Hope, Lorraine and Gabbert, Fiona. 2018. Interviewing Witnesses: Eliciting Coarse-Grain Information. Law and Human Behavior, 42(5), pp. 458-471. ISSN 0147-7307 [Article]

Brody, D C and Hughston, L P. 2018. Social Discounting and the Long Rate of Interest. Mathematical Finance, 28(1), pp. 306-334. ISSN 0960-1627 [Article]

Brody, D C; Hughston, L P and Meier, D M. 2018. Lévy-Vasicek Models and the Long-Bond Return Process. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 21(3), 1850026. ISSN 0219-0249 [Article]

Buchan, Daniel W.A and Jones, David T. 2018. Improved protein contact predictions with the MetaPSICOV2 server in CASP12. Proteins, 86(S1), pp. 78-83. ISSN 0887-3585 [Article]

Bulley, James. 2018. BBC Proms Profile: Daphne Oram. Pioneers of Sound, 2018(13), [Article]

Bulley, James. 2018. BBC Proms Profile: Still Point. Pioneers of Sound, 2018(13), [Article]

Bulley, James and Price, Astra. 2018. The Talking Drum. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 22(1), ISSN 1071-4391 [Article]

Burt, Philippa. 2018. From the Western Front to the East Coast: Barker's Trojan Women in the USA. New Theatre Quarterly, 34(4), pp. 326-338. ISSN 0266-464X [Article]


Cabañes, Jason Vincent. 2018. Telling migrant stories in collaborative photography research: Photographic practices and the mediation of migrant voices. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 21(6), pp. 643-660. ISSN 1367-8779 [Article]

Caggiano, Pietro and Jehkonen, Mervi. 2018. The 'Neglected' Personal Neglect. Neuropsychology Review, 28(4), pp. 417-435. ISSN 1040-7308 [Article]

Campbell, Kirsten. 2018. Producing Knowledge in the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict Research: Objects, Methods, Politics, and Gender Justice Methodology. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 25(4), pp. 469-495. ISSN 1072-4745 [Article]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude. 2018. Les années 1610 vues par Henri, duc de Rohan: Brouilleries, passions et « interêts particuliers ». L’Acier de mes vers: Les Tragiques, 1616-2016, Albineana, 30, pp. 85-98. ISSN 1154-5852 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano. 2018. Beyond Constraining and Enabling: Toward New Microfoundations for Institutional Theory. Academy of Management Review, 43(1), pp. 132-155. ISSN 0363-7425 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano. 2018. A Bridge over Troubled Water: A Structural Political Economy of Vertical Integration. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 46, pp. 172-179. ISSN 0954-349X [Article]

Carsten, Janet; Day, Sophie E. and Stafford, Charles. 2018. Introduction: Reason and Passion: The Parallel Worlds of Ethnography and Biography. Social Anthropology, 26(1), pp. 5-14. ISSN 0964-0282 [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2018. The Humiliation of 'Sex with Optimism': Fieldnotes from Tinder. Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, 1(3), pp. 104-122. [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2018. Mediating affect in John Pilger’s Utopia: ‘the good life’ as a structure of whiteness. Cultural Studies, 32(1), pp. 126-148. ISSN 0950-2386 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca. 2018. Drawing as a Window onto Expertise. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(6), pp. 501-507. ISSN 0963-7214 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca; Brunswick, Nicola; Siev, Joseph and McManus, I. C.. 2018. Meta-analytic findings reveal lower means but higher variances in visuo-spatial ability in dyslexia. British Journal of Psychology, 109(4), pp. 897-916. ISSN 0007-1269 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca; Mullin, Caitlin; Scheerlinck, Bram and Wagemans, Johan. 2018. Putting the Art in Artificial: Aesthetic Responses to Computer-generated Art. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 12(2), pp. 177-192. ISSN 1931-3896 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca; Swinnen, Lena; Heeren, Sarah and Wagemans, Johan. 2018. Perceptual flexibility is coupled with reduced executive inhibition in students of the visual arts. British Journal of Psychology, 109(2), pp. 244-258. ISSN 0007-1269 [Article]

Chapman, Robert; Devereux, Johanna; Nanau, Victoria; Smereczynska, Vanessa; Matsepuro, Daria and Selita, Fatos. 2018. To Tell or Not to Tell: The Ethics and Law of Disclosing Health-Related Genetic Information to Family Members. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11(4), pp. 68-78. ISSN 2074-6857 [Article]

Chapman, Silvia; Colvin, Leigh E.; Vuorre, Matti; Cocchini, Gianna; Metcalfe, Janet; Huey, Edward D. and Cosentino, Stephanie. 2018. Cross Domain Self-Monitoring in Anosognosia for Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s disease. Cortex, 101, pp. 221-233. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

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Charlton, Rebecca A; Lamar, Melissa; Zhang, Aifeng; Ren, Xinguo; Ajilore, Olusola; Pandey, Ghanshyam N and Kumar, Anand. 2018. Associations between pro-inflammatory cytokines, learning, and memory in late-life depression and healthy aging. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33(1), pp. 104-112. ISSN 0885-6230 [Article]

Chen, Xiuli; Holland, Peter and Galea, Joseph M. 2018. The effects of reward and punishment on motor skill learning. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 20, pp. 83-88. ISSN 2352-1546 [Article]

Chilver, John. 2018. The discursive array: Towards a politics of painting as time–space production. Journal of Contemporary Painting, 4(1), pp. 81-101. ISSN 2052-6695 [Article]

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Cichocka, Aleksandra; Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka; Marchlewska, Marta; Bilewicz, Michal; Jaworska, Manana and Olechowski, Mateusz. 2018. Personal control decreases narcissistic but increases non-narcissistic in-group positivity. Journal of Personality, 86(3), pp. 465-480. ISSN 0022-3506 [Article]

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Clark, Sheryl. 2018. Fitness, fatness and healthism discourse: girls constructing ‘healthy’ identities in school. Gender and Education, 30(4), pp. 477-493. ISSN 0954-0253 [Article]

Clarke, Marilyn and Gray, Andrew. 2018. Remixing the Library: Revolutions Per Minute with ‘Sounds of the Stax’. Multimedia, Information and Technology, 44(1), pp. 39-41. [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Beschin, Nicoletta and Della Sala, Sergio. 2018. Unawareness for motor impairment and distorted perception of task difficulty. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 24(1), pp. 45-56. ISSN 1355-6177 [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Galligan, Toni; Mora, Laura and Kuhn, Gustav. 2018. The magic hand: plasticity of mental hand representation. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(11), pp. 2314-2324. ISSN 1747-0218 [Article]

Codol, Olivier; Holland, Peter and Galea, Joseph M.. 2018. The relationship between reinforcement and explicit control during visuomotor adaptation. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 9121. ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska; Perach, Rotem; Kadmon Stern, Tali; Albeck, Shulamith; Rotem, Dror; Arnow, Tamara Lynn and Lerman, Yaffa. 2018. Telephone hotline for aging: Information needs, quality of service, and insights. International Social Work, 61(5), pp. 681-691. ISSN 0020-8728 [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2018. Pricing Bodies: A Feminist New Materialist Approach to the Relations Between the Economic and Socio-Cultural. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 19(2), pp. 230-248. ISSN 1600-910X [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2018. Theorizing the present: digital media, pre-emergence and infra-structures of feeling. Cultural Studies, 32(4), pp. 600-622. ISSN 0950-2386 [Article]

Condé, Alice and Gossling, Jessica. 2018. The Devil in the Detail: An Introduction to Decadent Occultism from the Editors. Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, 1(2), i-ix. [Article]

Cowie, Dorothy; McKenna, Aisling; Bremner, Andrew J. and Aspell, Jane E.. 2018. The development of bodily self-consciousness: Changing responses to the Full Body Illusion in childhood. Developmental Science, 21(3), e12557. ISSN 1363-755X [Article]

Cowley, Robert; Barnett, Clive; Katzschner, Tania; Tkacz, Nathaniel and Boeck, Filip De. 2018. Forum: resilience & design. Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses, 6(1), pp. 1-34. ISSN 2169-3293 [Article]

Crane, Laura; Batty, Richard; Adeyinka, Hanna; Goddard, Lorna; Henry, L.A. and Hill, Elisabeth L.. 2018. Autism diagnosis in the United Kingdom: Perspectives of autistic adults, parents and professionals. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(11), pp. 3761-3772. ISSN 0162-3257 [Article]

Craps, Stef and Crownshaw, Richard. 2018. Introduction: The Rising Tide of Climate Change Fiction. Studies in the Novel, 50(1), pp. 1-8. ISSN 0039-3827 [Article]

Crook, Tim. 2018. Orwell, Poetry and the Microphone. George Orwell Studies Journal, 3(1), pp. 51-59. ISSN 2399-1267 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean. 2018. Untimely Ripped (against the mass image). Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media, 5(1), pp. 13-23. ISSN 2045-6271 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean; Candela, Emily; Dicker, Barnaby; Drew, Benedict and Leslie, Esther. 2018. Liquid Crystals: A Roundtable. Journal of Visual Culture, 17(1), pp. 22-67. ISSN 14704129 [Article]

Cuch, Laura. 2018. Spiritual Flavours: Meals. Feast Journal, 2(4), 14. ISSN 2397-785X [Article]


Dafermos, Yannis; Nikolaidi, Maria and Galanis, Giorgos. 2018. Climate Change, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy. Ecological Economics, 152, pp. 219-234. ISSN 0921-8009 [Article]

Dattatreyan, E. Gabriel and Orrantia, Juan. 2018. In the Dark all Cats are Black. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 38(2), pp. 412-440. ISSN 1089-201X [Article]

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Davis, Aeron. 2018. Defining Speculative Value in the Age of Financialized Capitalism. The Sociological Review, 66(1), pp. 3-19. ISSN 0038-0261 [Article]

Davis, Josh; Forrest, Charlotte; Treml, Felicia and Jansari, Ashok S.. 2018. Identification from CCTV: Assessing police super-recogniser ability to spot faces in a crowd and susceptibility to change blindness. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32(3), pp. 337-353. ISSN 0888-4080 [Article]

Day, Sophie E.. 2018. An experiment in story-telling: reassembling the house in Ladakh. Social Anthropology, 26(1), pp. 88-102. ISSN 0964-0282 [Article]

De Nicola, Bruno. 2018. A Digital Database of Islamic Manuscripts for the Study of the Medieval Anatolia. Kodex. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Buchwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 8, pp. 23-38. [Article]

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De Nicola, Bruno. 2018. Letters from Mongol Anatolia: Professional, Political and Intellectual Connections among Members of a Persianised Elite. Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 56(1), pp. 77-90. ISSN 0578-6967 [Article]

Demie, Feyisa and Lewis, Kirstin. 2018. Raising achievement of English as additional language pupils in schools: implications for policy and practice. Educational Review, 70(4), pp. 427-446. ISSN 0013-1911 [Article]

Dencik, Lina. 2018. Surveillance realism and the politics of imagination: is there no alternative? Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 38(1), pp. 31-43. ISSN 1875-7103 [Article]

Dencik, Lina; Hintz, Arne and Carey, Zoe. 2018. Prediction, pre-emption and limits to dissent: social media and big data uses for policing protests in the United Kingdom. New Media & Society, 20(4), pp. 1433-1450. ISSN 1461-4448 [Article]

Denis, Dan; French, Christopher C.; Schneider, Melanie Nicole and Gregory, Alice M.. 2018. Subjective sleep-related variables in those who have and have not experienced sleep paralysis. Journal of Sleep Research, 27(5), ISSN 0962-1105 [Article]

Desmarais, Jane H.. 2018. Voluptuous Interventionism: An Introductory Note from the Editor-in-Chief. Volupté: interdisciplinary journal of decadence studies, 1(1), i-vi. ISSN 2515-0073 [Article]

Desmarais-Tremblay, Maxime. 2018. Ian Kumekawa, The First Serious Optimist. A. C. Pigou and the Birth of Welfare Economics [Review]. History of Economic Ideas, 26(1), pp. 190-194. ISSN 1122-8792 [Article]

Desmarais-Tremblay, Maxime. 2018. The world in the model. How economists work and think [Review]. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(3), pp. 493-498. ISSN 0967-2567 [Article]

Di Bernardi Luft, Caroline; Zioga, Ioanna; Thompson, Nicholas; Banissy, Michael J. and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2018. Right temporal alpha oscillations as a neural mechanism for inhibiting obvious associations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(52), E12144-E12152. ISSN 0027-8424 [Article]

Diker Vanberg, Aysem. 2018. The right to data portability in the GDPR: What lessons can be learned from the EU experience? Journal of Internet Law, 21(7), pp. 10-19. ISSN 1094-2904 [Article]

Diker Vanberg, Aysem and Maunick, Maelya. 2018. Data protection in the UK post-Brexit: the only certainty is uncertainty. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 32(1), pp. 190-206. ISSN 1360-0869 [Article]

Dinham, Adam. 2018. Religion and Belief in Health and Social Care: the case for Religious Literacy. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 11(2), pp. 83-90. ISSN 2056-4902 [Article]

Doern, Rachel; Williams, Nick and Vorley, Tim. 2018. Special Issue on Entrepreneurship and Crises: Business as Usual? An Introduction and Review of the Literature. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 31, pp. 400-412. ISSN 0898-5626 [Article]

Dossett, Kate; Joseph-Gabriel, Annette K; Jeffries, Hasan Kwame; King, Nicole; Plath, Lydia; Rice, Alan and Salt, Karen. 2018. Teaching African American Studies in the US and the UK. Journal of American Studies, 52(2), 528 -554. ISSN 0021-8758 [Article]

Dutta, Sahil Jai; Knafo, Samuel; Lane, Richard and Wyn-Jones, Steffan. 2018. Managers, not markets. IPPR Progressive Review, 25(2), pp. 166-176. ISSN 2573-2323 [Article]

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Skalny, Anatoly V.; Tinkov, Alexey A.; Voronina, Irina; Terekhina, Olga; Skalnaya, Margarita G.; Bohan, Tatiana G.; Agarkova, Lyubov A. and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. The impact of lifestyle factors on age-related differences in hair trace element content in pregnant women in the third trimester. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 17(1), pp. 83-89. ISSN 1644-0730 [Article]

Skalny, Anatoly V.; Tinkov, Alexey A.; Voronina, Irina; Terekhina, Olga; Skalnaya, Margarita G. and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Hair Trace Element and Electrolyte Content in Women with Natural and In Vitro Fertilization-Induced Pregnancy. Biological Trace Element Research, 181(1), pp. 1-9. ISSN 0163-4984 [Article]

Slavny, R J M and Moore, James W.. 2018. Individual Differences in the Intentionality Bias and its Association with Cognitive Empathy. Personality and Individual Differences, 122, pp. 104-108. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Smith-Woolley, Emily; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Selzam, Saskia; Rimfeld, Kaili; Krapohl, Eva; von Stumm, Sophie; Asbury, Kathryn; Dale, Philip S.; Young, Toby; Allen, Rebecca; Kovas, Yulia and Plomin, Robert. 2018. Differences in exam performance between pupils attending selective and non-selective schools mirror the genetic differences between them. npj Science of Learning, 3(1), ISSN 2056-7936 [Article]

Spiers, Adam J; van der Linden, Janet; Wiseman, Sarah and Oshodi, Maria. 2018. Testing a Shape-Changing Haptic Navigation Device with Vision-Impaired and Sighted Audiences in an Immersive Theatre Setting. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 48(6), pp. 614-625. ISSN 2168-2291 [Article]

St Louis, Brett. 2018. Post/colonial palimpsest and the place of ideas. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 25(1), pp. 55-60. ISSN 1070-289X [Article]

Stenner, Paul and Greco, Monica. 2018. On The Magic Mountain: The novel as liminal affective technology. International Political Anthropology, 11(1), pp. 43-60. [Article]

Stevenson, Guy. 2018. Straw Gods: A Cautious Response to Jordan B. Peterson. Los Angeles Review of Books, [Article]

Stewart, GR; Charlton, Rebecca A and Wallace, Gregory L.. 2018. Aging with Elevated Autistic Traits: Cognitive Functioning Among Older Adults with the Broad Autism Phenotype. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 54, pp. 27-36. ISSN 1750-9467) [Article]

Strasser, Anita. 2018. Save Reginald! Save Tidemill! SPLIT Sociology Zine(1), pp. 21-22. [Article]

Sumner, Emma; Hutton, Samuel B.; Kuhn, Gustav and Hill, Elisabeth L.. 2018. Oculomotor atypicalities in Developmental Coordination Disorder. Developmental Science, 21(1), e12501. ISSN 1363-755X [Article]

Susanto, H.; Kusdiantara, R.; Li, N.; Kirikchi, O. B.; Adzkiya, D.; Putri, E. R. M. and Asfihani, T.. 2018. Snakes and ghosts in a parity-time-symmetric chain of dimers. Pysical Review E, 97(062204), ISSN 2470-0045 [Article]

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Sweeney, Carole. 2018. "Why This Rather Than That?": The Delightful Perversity of Brigid Brophy. Contemporary Womens Writing, 12(2), pp. 233-247. ISSN 1754-1476 [Article]


Tamari, Tomoko. 2018. The Tokyo Olympics 2020 Sport Stadium Controversy: Exploring the Role of Star Architects and Global Brands. International Planning History Society Proceedings, 18(1), pp. 1099-1109. ISSN 2468-6956 [Article]

Tarlo, Emma. 2018. Great Expectations: The role of the wig stylist (sheitel macher) in orthodox Jewish salons. Fashion Theory: Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, Special issue on Hair, 22(6), pp. 569-591. ISSN 1362-704X [Article]

Tarr, JS; Cornish, F and Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ. 2018. Beyond the binaries: Reshaping pain communication through arts workshops. Sociology of Health & Illness, 40(3), pp. 577-592. ISSN 0141-9889 [Article]

Taylor, Mark. 2018. Understanding stories of professional formation during early childhood education and care practice placements. Irish Educational Studies, 37(2), pp. 227-241. ISSN 0332-3315 [Article]

Taylor, Nick. 2018. The Return of Character: Parallels Between Late-Victorian and Twenty-First Century Discourses. Sociological Research Online, 23(2), pp. 399-415. ISSN 1360-7804 [Article]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2018. Crimes of solidarity: migration and containment through rescue. Radical Philosophy, 2(01), ISSN 0300-211X [Article]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2018. Spy, track and archive: The temporality of visibility in Eurosur and Jora. Security Dialogue, 49(4), pp. 272-288. ISSN 0967-0106 [Article]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2018. The temporal borders of asylum. Temporality of control in the EU border regime. Political Geography, 64, pp. 13-22. ISSN 0962-6298 [Article]

Tazzioli, Martina; De Genova, Nicholas and Garelli, Glenda. 2018. Autonomy of Asylum?: The Autonomy of Migration Undoing the Refugee Crisis Script. South Atlantic Quarterly, 117(2), pp. 239-265. ISSN 0038-2876 [Article]

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Teague, Laura. 2018. The curriculum as a site of counter politics: theorising the ‘domain of the sayable’. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39(1), pp. 92-106. ISSN 0142-5692 [Article]

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Thomas, C.; Didierjean, A and Kuhn, Gustav. 2018. The Flushtration Count Illusion: Attribute substitution tricks our interpretation of a simple visual event sequence. British Journal of Psychology, 109(4), pp. 850-861. ISSN 0007-1269 [Article]

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Thomas, C; Didierjean, A and Kuhn, Gustav. 2018. It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(12), pp. 2481-2487. ISSN 1747-0218 [Article]

Thomas, Samantha L.; Bestman, Amy; Pitt, Hannah; Cassidy, Rebecca; McCarthy, Simone; Nyemcsok, Christian; Cowlishaw, Sean and Daube, Mike. 2018. Young people’s awareness of the timing and placement of gambling advertising on traditional and social media platforms: a study of 11–16-year-olds in Australia. Harm Reduction Journal, 15(51), ISSN 1477-7517 [Article]

Thompson, Naomi and Pihlaja, Stephen. 2018. Temporary liberties and uncertain futures: young female Muslim perceptions of life in England. Journal of Youth Studies, 21(10), pp. 1326-1343. ISSN 1367-6261 [Article]

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Tik, Martin; Sladky, Ronald; Di Bernardi Luft, Caroline; Willinger, David; Hoffman, Andre; Banissy, Michael J.; Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Windischberger, Christian. 2018. Ultra-high-field fMRI insights on insight: Neural correlates of 2 the Aha!-moment. Human Brain Mapping, 39(8), pp. 3241-3252. ISSN 1065-9471 [Article]

Toivainen, Teemu; Badini, I; Chapman, Robert; Malanchini, Margherita; Oliver, Bonamy R; Matsepuro, Daria and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Assessing Creative Expressiveness in Children’s Written Stories Using the Consensual Assessment Technique. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 49(80), pp. 687-697. [Article]

Toivainen, Teemu; Pannini, Giulia; Papageorgiou, Kostas A.; Malanchini, Margherita; Rimfeld, Kaili; Shakeshaft, Nicholas and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Prenatal testosterone does not explain sex differences in spatial ability. Scientific Reports, 8(13653), ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]

Tomasello, R.; Garagnani, M.; Wennekers, T. and Pulvermüller, F.. 2018. A neurobiologically constrained cortex model of semantic grounding with spiking neurons and brain-like connectivity. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 12(88), [Article]

Toscano, Alberto. 2018. The Civil War of Images. Political Tragedies, Political Iconographies. Filosofski Vestnik, 39(2), pp. 17-40. ISSN 0353-4510 [Article]

Trahan, T; Durrant, Simon J.; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Williamson, Victoria J.. 2018. The music that helps people sleep and the reasons they believe it works: A mixed methods analysis of online survey reports. PLoS ONE, 13(11), ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

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Trigeorgis, G.; Nicolaou, M. A.; Schuller, B. and Zafeiriou, S.. 2018. Deep Canonical Time Warping for simultaneous alignment and representation learning of sequences. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 40(5), pp. 1128-1138. ISSN 0162-8828 [Article]

Tubridy, Derval. 2018. Incommensurable Corporealities? Touretteshero's Not I. Contemporary Theatre Review, 28(1), ISSN 1048-6801 [Article]

Tubridy, Derval. 2018. Theatre and Installation: Perspectives on Beckett. Contemporary Theatre Review, 28(1), pp. 68-81. ISSN 1048-6801 [Article]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2018. How Estonian is it? Contemporary Theatre Review, 28(2), pp. 264-268. ISSN 1048-6801 [Article]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2018. Letters from Europe. Performance Research, 23(4-5), pp. 453-455. ISSN 1352-8165 [Article]


Underwood, J W. 2018. On Poetry and Uncertain Subjects. Poetry, 213(1), ISSN 0032-2032 [Article]


Varvantakis, Christos; Dragonas, Thalia; Askouni, Nelly and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa. 2018. Grounding Childhood (Trans)National Identities in the Everyday. Children & Society, 33(1), pp. 68-81. ISSN 0951-0605 [Article]

Varvantakis, Christos and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa. 2018. Multimodal ethnographies between curation and experimentation. entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 1(2), pp. 24-29. [Article]

Vianna Franco, Marco P.. 2018. An Appraisal of Environmental Microhistory: Epistemological and Historiographical Insights. Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, 7(3), pp. 262-274. ISSN 2238-8869 [Article]

Vishmidt, Marina. 2018. Anomaly and Autonomy: On the Currency of the Exception in the Value Relations of Contemporary. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 81(4), pp. 588-600. ISSN 0044-2992 [Article]

Voorveld, Hilde A. M.; Araujo, Theo; Bernritter, Stefan F.; Rietberg, Edwin and Vliegenthart, Rens. 2018. How advertising in offline media drives reach of and engagement with brands on Facebook. International Journal of Advertising, 35(5), pp. 785-805. ISSN 0265-0487 [Article]

Voronin, Ivan A.; Ovcharova, Olga N.; Bezrukova, Elizaveta M. and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Predictors of the Unifed State Exam Performance of Students from Schools with Regular and Advanced Mathematical Curricula. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11(4), pp. 177-199. ISSN 2074-6857 [Article]

Vráblíková, Lenka. 2018. Maria Do Mar Pereira: Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: An Ethnography of Academia. Czech Sociological Review, 54(3), pp. 481-484. ISSN 0038-0288 [Article]

van der Hallen, Ruth; Chamberlain, Rebecca; De-Wit, Lee and Wagemans, Johan. 2018. Superior disembedding in children with ASD: New tests using abstract, meaningful, and 3D contexts. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(7), pp. 2478-2489. ISSN 0162-3257 [Article]

von Zimmermann, Jorina; Vicary, Staci; Sperling, Matthias; Orgs, Guido and Richardson, Daniel C.. 2018. The choreography of group affiliation. Topics in Cognitive Science, 10(1), pp. 80-94. ISSN 1756-8757 [Article]


Wagner, Erica. 2018. Exclusive interview with author Barbara Kingsolver. Harper's Bazaar, ISSN 0017-7873 [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. The German-American Family Who Built the Brooklyn Bridge. Zocalo Public Square, [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. How the “mighty woman with a torch” came into being. The Economist, ISSN 0013-0613 [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. "In sorrow and in anger". New Statesman, p. 69. ISSN 1364-7431 [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. Is it time to rethink our attitude to mortality? The Financial Times, ISSN 0307-1766 [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. Private griefs, national tragedies. New Statesman, ISSN 1364-7431 [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. Where Shall We Run to? by Alan Garner — ‘I don’t find me interesting’. The Financial Times, ISSN 0307-1766 [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. Writer Claire Tomalin: ‘You begin to see certain patterns’. The Financial Times, ISSN 0307-1766 [Article]

Wagner, Erica. 2018. The legacy of Philip Roth. The Financial Times, ISSN 0307-1766 [Article]

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Wald, Erica. 2018. Governing the Bottle: Alcohol, Race and Class in Nineteenth-Century India. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 46(3), pp. 397-417. ISSN 0308-6534 [Article]

Ward, J; Schnakenberg, P and Banissy, Michael J.. 2018. The relationship between mirror-touch synaesthesia and empathy: New evidence and a new screening tool. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35(5-6), pp. 314-332. ISSN 0264-3294 [Article]

Warmington, Paul; Gillborn, David; Rollock, Nicola and Demack, Sean. 2018. “They can’t handle the race agenda”: stakeholders’ reflections on race and education policy, 1993–2013. Educational Review, 70(4), pp. 409-426. ISSN 0013-1911 [Article]

Webber, Jeffery R.; Bhattacharya, Tithi; Blanc, Eric; Doyle Griffiths, Kate and Weiner, Lois. 2018. Return of the Strike: A Forum on the Teachers’ Rebellion in the United States. Historical Materialism, 26(4), pp. 119-163. ISSN 1465-4466 [Article]

Wegman, L. A.; Hoffman, B. J; Carter, N. T.; Twenge, J. M. and Guenole, Nigel. 2018. Placing Job Characteristics in Context: Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Changes in Job Characteristics Since 1975. Journal of Management, 44(1), pp. 352-386. ISSN 0149-2063 [Article]

Wei, Wei; Budakova, Anna; Bloniewski, Tomasz; Matsepuro, Daria and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Spatial Anxiety and Spatial Performance in Univeristy Students in Russia and China. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 49(89), pp. 771-781. [Article]

Wei, Wei; Deng, Wanying; Chen, Chen; He, Jie; Qin, Jike and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. A Mechanistic Study of the Association Between Symbolic Approximate Arithmetic Performance and Basic Number Magnitude Processing Based on Task Difficulty. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(1551), [Article]

Wendt, Guilherme Welter; Appel-Silva, Marli; Kovas, Yulia and Bloniewski, Tomasz. 2018. Links Between Cyberbullying, Depression and Self-Esteem in a Sample of Brazilian Adolescents. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 49(90), pp. 782-793. [Article]

Wendt, Guilherme Welter and Jones Bartoli, Alice. 2018. Adult Bullying and Primary and Secondary Psychopathic Traits: Insights from a Community Sample. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 27(2), pp. 131-146. ISSN 1092-6771 [Article]

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West, Keon. 2018. Understanding and reducing sexual prejudice in Jamaica: Theoretical and practical insights from a severely anti-gay society. The Journal of Sex Research (Annual Review of Sex Research Special Issue), 55(4-5), pp. 472-485. ISSN 0022-4499 [Article]

Weston, Gavin and Djohari, Natalie. 2018. Student/staff ‘Collaborative Event Ethnography’ at the Antiques Roadshow. Journal Of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 4(1), pp. 1-7. [Article]

White, Elaine K.; Garon-Carrier, Gabrielle; Tosto, Maria G.; Malykh, Sergey B.; Li, Xinying; Kiddle, Beatrix; Riglin, Lucy; Byrne, Brian; Dionne, Ginette; Brendgen, Mara; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard E.; Boivin, Michel and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Twin classroom dilemma: To study together or separately? Developmental Psychology, 54(7), pp. 1244-1254. ISSN 0012-1649 [Article]

Wilkie, Alex; Farías, Ignacio and Sánchez Criado, Tomás. 2018. For a Speculative Aesthetics of Description: Interview with Alex Wilkie. Diseña(12), pp. 70-87. ISSN 0718-8447 [Article]

Wolf, Nicole. 2018. Is this just a story? Friendships and fictions for speculative alliances. The Yugantar film collective (1980-83). Moving Image Review & Art Journal, 7(2), pp. 252-266. ISSN 2045-6298 [Article]

Wolf, Nicole. 2018. Metabolisms of the Feminist Archive and the Nowness of Yugantar (1980–83). Documentary Now, edited by Ravi Vasudevan, 70(1), pp. 42-49. [Article]

Woodger, David and Westman, Susan. 2018. Student empowerment in the teaching of race equality in Higher Education. Youth & Policy, ISSN 0262-9798 [Article]

Wright, Chris. 2018. Uncertain Realities : Art, Anthropology, and Activism. FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism(11), pp. 1-11. ISSN 2694-0094 [Article]


Yee-King, Matthew; Fedden, Leon and d'Inverno, Mark. 2018. Automatic Programming of VST Sound Synthesizers using Deep Networks and Other Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2(2), pp. 150-159. ISSN 2471-285X [Article]

Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit. 2018. Exploring Persian Lore in the Hebrew Book of Asaf. Aleph, 18(1), pp. 123-146. ISSN 1565-1525 [Article]

Yon, Daniel; Gilbert, Sam J.; de Lange, Floris P. and Press, Clare. 2018. Action sharpens sensory representations of expected outcomes. Nature Communications, 9, 4288. ISSN 2041-1723 [Article]

Yon, Daniel and Press, Clare. 2018. Sensory predictions during action support perception of imitative reactions across suprasecond delays. Cognition, 173, pp. 21-27. ISSN 0010-0277 [Article]


Zigomo, Pamela and Hull, Richard. 2018. Unlocking Doors: Decolonising the Design of an Art Exhibition in Zimbabwe. Event Management, 22(6), pp. 997-1008. ISSN 1525-9951 [Article]

Zopf, Regine; Polito, Vince and Moore, James W.. 2018. Revisiting the link between body and agency: visual movement congruency enhances intentional binding but is not body-specific. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 196. ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]

Zucconi, Alan. 2018. Inverse Kinematics in 2D., [Article]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 01:33:41 2025 BST.