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Abrams, Dominic; Palmer, Sally B.; Rutland, Adam; Cameron, Lindsey and Van de Vyver, Julie. 2014. Evaluations of and reasoning about normative and deviant ingroup and outgroup members: Development of the black sheep effect. Developmental Psychology, 50(1), pp. 258-270. ISSN 0012-1649 [Article]

Abrams, Dominic; Rutland, Adam; Palmer, Sally B.; Pelletier, Joseph; Ferrell, Jennifer M. and Lee, Samantha. 2014. The role of cognitive abilities in children's inferences about social atypicality and peer exclusion and inclusion in intergroup contexts. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32(3), pp. 233-247. ISSN 0261-510X [Article]

Abrams, Dominic; Rutland, Adam; Palmer, Sally B. and Purewal, Kiran. 2014. Children's responses to social atypicality among group members – advantages of a contextualized social developmental account. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32(3), pp. 257-261. ISSN 0261-510X [Article]

Addyman, Caspar and Mareschal, Denis. 2014. GAMIT-Net: Retrospective and prospective interval timing in a single neural network. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 98-103. [Article]

Addyman, Caspar; Rocha, Sinead and Mareschal, Denis. 2014. Mapping the Origins of Time : Scalar Errors in Infant Time Estimation. Developmental Psychology, 50(8), pp. 2030-2035. ISSN 0012-1649 [Article]

Adeyemi, Sola. 2014. Working with Wole Soyinka [Tunji Oyelana in conversation with Sola Adeyemi],. African Theatre 13: Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Wole Soyinka(13), pp. 17-23. [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2014. 'Mixed Orientations. Subjectivities, 7, pp. 92-109. [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2014. Not in the Mood. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 82, pp. 13-28. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Ahmetoglu, Gorkan; Furnham, Adrian and Fagan, Patrick. 2014. Pricing practices: A critical review of their effects on consumer perceptions and behaviour. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), pp. 696-707. ISSN 0969-6989 [Article]

Aldred, Rachel and Jungnickel, Katrina. 2014. Why culture matters for transport policy: the case of cycling in the UK. Journal of Transport Geography, 34, pp. 78-87. ISSN 0966-6923 [Article]

Alexander, Sally A.. 2014. Generational memory and 20th-century lives. Families, Relationships and Societies, 3(3), 491-494(4). ISSN 2046-7435 [Article]

Alexander, Tamsin. 2014. Too Russian for British Ears: La Vita per lo Czar at Covent Garden, 1887. Tekst. Kniga. Knigoizdaniye (Text. Book. Publishing), 2(6), pp. 30-48. ISSN 2306-2061 [Article]

Alexander, Victoria D. and Bowler, Anne E.. 2014. Art at the Crossroads: The Arts in Society and the Sociology of Art. Poetics, 43(1), pp. 1-19. ISSN 0304-422X [Article]

Allsop, Y and Jessel, John. 2014. Teachers’ experience and reflections on game-based learning in the primary classroom: views from England and Italy. International Journal of Game Based Learning, 5(1), pp. 1-17. ISSN 2155-6849 [Article]

Allum, Nick; Sibley, Elissa; Sturgis, Patrick and Stoneman, Paul. 2014. Religious beliefs, knowledge about science and attitudes towards medical genetics. Public Understanding of Science, 23(7), pp. 833-849. ISSN 0963-6625 [Article]

Almeida, Patricia I. L.; Ahmetoglu, Gorkan and Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas. 2014. Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur? The Relationship Between Vocational Interests and Individual Differences in Entrepreneurship. Journal of Career Assessment, 22(1), pp. 102-112. ISSN 1069-0727 [Article]

Alogna, V. K. and Gabbert, Fiona. 2014. Registered replication report: Schooler & Engstler-Schooler (1990). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9, pp. 556-578. ISSN 1745-6916 [Article]

Altman, Tess and Shore, Cris. 2014. Paradoxes of ‘public diplomacy’: Ethnographic perspectives on the European Union delegations in the antipodes. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 25(3), pp. 337-356. ISSN 1035-8811 [Article]

Ammaturo, Francesca Romana. 2014. The Right to a Privilege? Homonormativity and the Recognition of Same-Sex Couples in Europe. Social & Legal Studies, 23(2), pp. 175-194. ISSN 0964-6639 [Article]

Aquino, Gerardo; Tweedy, Luke; Heinrich, Doris and Endres, Robert. 2014. Memory improves precision of cell sensing in fluctuating environments. Scientific Reports, 4, 5688. ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]

Arend, Larry; Cappelletti, Marinella and Henik, A. 2014. Time counts: Bidirectional interaction between time and numbers in human adults. Consciousness and Cognition, 26(1), pp. 3-12. ISSN 1053-8100 [Article]

Arriaga, Ximena B.; Kumashiro, Madoka; Finkel, Eli J.; VanderDrift, Laura E. and Luchies, Laura B.. 2014. Filling the Void: Bolstering Attachment Security in Committed Relationships. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(4), pp. 398-406. ISSN 1948-5506 [Article]

Artamonova, Elena. 2014. Alexander Grechaninov and the Viola. Alexander Grechaninov: Complete Music for Viola and Piano, pp. 2-10. [Article]

Artamonova, Elena. 2014. Vadim Borisovsky and His Viola Arrangements: Recent Discoveries in Russian Archives and Libraries, Part I. Journal of the American Viola Society, 30(2), pp. 27-36. ISSN 0898-5987 [Article]

al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid. 2014. Penguins Huddling Optimisation. International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), 6(2), pp. 1-29. [Article]

ap Sion, Pwyll and Redhead, L. 2014. Introduction: Musical Borrowing and Quotation in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries. Contemporary Music Review, 34(2), pp. 125-127. ISSN 0749-4467 [Article]


Back, Les. 2014. Journeying Through words: Les Back reflects on writing with Thomas Yarrow. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20, pp. 766-770. ISSN 1359-0987 [Article]

Back, Les and Moreno Figueroa, Monica. 2014. Following Stuart Hall. City, 18(3), pp. 353-355. ISSN 1360-4813 [Article]

Bagci, Sabahat C.; Kumashiro, Madoka; Smith, Peter K.; Blumberg, Herbert and Rutland, Adam. 2014. Cross-ethnic friendships: Are they really rare? Evidence from secondary schools around London. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 41, pp. 125-137. ISSN 0147-1767 [Article]

Banissy, Michael J.; Jonas, Clare and Cohen Kadosh, Roi. 2014. Synesthesia: an introduction. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1414. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Barber, Ros. 2014. Did Shakespeare Visit Italy? The London Magazine, ISSN 0024-6085 [Article]

Barclay, Nicola L. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2014. Sleep in Childhood and Adolescence: Age-Specific Sleep Characteristics, Common Sleep Disturbances and Associated Difficulties. Current topics in behavioral neurosciences, 16, pp. 337-365. ISSN 1866-3370 [Article]

Barnett, Anna; Hill, Elisabeth L.; Kirby, Amanda and Sugden, David A.. 2014. Adaptation and Extension of the European Recommendations (EACD) on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) for the UK context. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 35(2), pp. 103-115. ISSN 0194-2638 [Article]

Bengry, Justin. 2014. Review of Disturbing Practices: History, Sexuality, and Women's Experience of Modern War by Laura Doan. Journal of British Studies, 53(02), pp. 531-532. ISSN 0021-9371 [Article]

Benjamin, Elizabeth and Corser, Sophie. 2014. Introduction. Literature and Art: Conversations and Collaborations - MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities, 9, pp. 1-8. [Article]

Benoit, Charles-Etienne; Dalla Bella, Simone; Farrugia, Nicolas; Obrig, Hellmuth; Mainka, Stefan and Kotz, Sonja A.. 2014. Musically cued gait-training improves both perceptual and motor timing in Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 494. ISSN 1662-5161 [Article]

Benson, Michaela. 2014. Trajectories of middle-class belonging: The dynamics of place attachment and classed identities. Urban Studies, 51(14), pp. 3097-3112. ISSN 0042-0980 [Article]

Bernard, Claudia A.; Fairtlough, Anna; Fletcher, Joan and Ahmet, Akile. 2014. A Qualitative Study of Marginalised Social Work Students' Views of Social Work Education and Learning. The British Journal of Social Work, 44(7), pp. 1934-1949. ISSN 0045-3102 [Article]

Besson, Jean. 2014. Review of Enacting power: the criminalization of obeah in the Anglophone Caribbean, 1760-2011 by Jerome S. Handler and Kenneth M. Bilby. Slavery & Abolition: A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave Studies, 35(2), pp. 384-386. ISSN 0144-039X [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Andrade, Paulo Estêvão. 2014. Music: specialized to integrate? Empirical Musicology Review, 9(3-4), ISSN 1559-5749 [Article]

Bhopal, Kalwant and Shain, Farzana. 2014. Introduction. Educational inclusion: towards a social justice agenda? British Journal of the Sociology of Education, 35(5), pp. 645-649. ISSN 0142-5692 [Article]

Bishop, D.; Kuhn, Gustav and Matron, C.. 2014. Telling people where to look in a soccer-based decision task: A nomothetic approach. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 7(2), pp. 1-13. [Article]

Bishop, Daniel Tony; Moore, Sarah; Horne, Sara and Teszka, Robert. 2014. Attentional capture by spoken language: effects on netballers’ visual task performance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(17), pp. 1611-1620. ISSN 0264-0414 [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2014. AISB50: Artificial Intelligence at a new branch point. The AISB Quarterly, 139, pp. 11-17. ISSN 0268-4179 [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2014. Fear artificial stupidity, not artificial intelligence. New Scientist, ISSN 0262-4079 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2014. Affect and Automaticity: Towards an Analytics of Experimentation. Subjectivity, 7(4), pp. 362-384. ISSN 1755-6341 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2014. Escuchar voces y corporización. Interdisciplina, 2(3), pp. 295-313. ISSN ISSN en trámite [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2014. Immateriality, Affectivity, Experimentation: Queer Science and Future-Psychology. Transformations: Journal of Media and Culture(25), pp. 1-12. [Article]

Blackwell, Tim and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2014. Comparing Perceptual and Computational Complexity for Short Rhythmic Patterns. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 126, pp. 111-112. ISSN 1877-0428 [Article]

Blas, Zach. 2014. "Informatic Opacity". Journal of Aesthetics and Protest, 9, [Article]

Bodak, R; Malhotra, P; Bernardi, N.F.; Cocchini, Gianna and Stewart, Lauren. 2014. Reducing chronic visuo-spatial neglect following right hemisphere stroke through instrument playing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(413), ISSN 1662-5161 [Article]

Bogdanova, O.; Ginku, E.; Bogdanova, E.; Zueva, D.; Malanchini, M. and Kovas, Yulia. 2014. Mathematical Anxiety and mathematical learning: Multidimensional approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 60(s), p. 9. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Boldrini, Lucia. 2014. Comparative Literature, Ancient Rome, and the Crisis of Modern European History. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 15(7), 3. ISSN 1481-4374 [Article]

Bolhuis, K.; McAdams, T. A.; Monzani, B.; Gregory, Alice M.; Mataix-Cols, D.; Stringaris, A. and Eley, Thalia C.. 2014. Aetiological overlap between obsessive–compulsive and depressive symptoms: a longitudinal twin study in adolescents and adults. Psychological Medicine, 44(07), pp. 1439-1449. ISSN 0033-2917 [Article]

Bone, A; McGrath-Lone, Louise; Day, Sophie E. and Ward, H.. 2014. Inequalities in cancer patient experience: analysis of data from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2011-12. BMJ Open, 4(2), ISSN 2044-6055 [Article]

Bosco, Filipe; Murtagh, Fionn; Emneus, Jenny; Agrell, Cecilia; Diamond, Dermot; Guiseppi-Elie, Anthony; Katusabe, Atkins; Lynch, Jim; Morse, Stephen; Moussy, Francis G; Nair, P.K.R; Weathers, Pamela J and Bell, Simon. 2014. Transdisciplinary Sustainability: The Council for Frontiers of Knowledge. International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research, 7(1), pp. 1-26. [Article]

Bowden, Deborah; McLennan, Danielle and Gruzelier, John. 2014. A randomised controlled trial of the effects of Brain Wave Vibration training on mood and well-being. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 11(3), pp. 223-232. ISSN 2194-6329 [Article]

Bremner, Andrew J.; Begum Ali, J. and Cowie, D. 2014. The origins of ability and automaticity in tactile spatial perception. Developmental Science, 17(6), pp. 946-947. [Article]

Brenner, David. 2014. Battlefield to Marketplace and Back. Himal Southasian, 27(3), pp. 82-93. ISSN 1012-9804 [Article]

Brenner, David. 2014. When Buddhist Monks Wield Kalashnikovs. Foreign Policy, ISSN 0015-7228 [Article]

Bromberg, Svenja. 2014. Badiou's Recommencement of the Young-Hegelian Purification of Politics: A Response to Ishay Landa. International Critical Thought, 4(3), pp. 367-383. ISSN 2159-8282 [Article]

Bromberg, Svenja. 2014. The Value of the Humanities in the Context of the Political Economy of Publishing. Grundlagenforschung für eine linke Praxis in den Geisteswissenschaften, 1, pp. 20-36. ISSN 2363-7234 [Article]

Brotherton, Robert and French, Christopher C.. 2014. Belief in Conspiracy Theories and Susceptibility to the Conjunction Fallacy. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28(2), pp. 238-248. ISSN 0888-4080 [Article]

Brown, H. M.; Waszczuk, M.A.; Zavos, Helena M. S.; Trzaskowski, M.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C.. 2014. Cognitive content-specificity in anxiety and depression: a twin study of associations with anxiety sensitivity dimensions across development. Psychological Medicine, 44(16), 3469 -3480. ISSN 0033-2917 [Article]

Buchczyk, Magdalena. 2014. Encounters in the workshops: Reconsidering pattern, plot and space of Horezu pottery. Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie, 51, pp. 115-130. ISSN 0570-2259 [Article]

Buckley, Bernadette. 2014. Crosshatching Culture and Conflict. Art and Conflict, pp. 21-38. ISSN 978-1-910642-01-6 [Article]

Burt, Philippa. 2014. Punishing the Outsiders: Theatre Workshop and the Arts Council. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 5(2), pp. 119-130. ISSN 1944-3927 [Article]

Burton, James. 2014. On Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth. Theory, Culture & Society, ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]


Cabañes, Jason Vincent. 2014. Multicultural mediations, developing world realities: Indians, Koreans and Manila’s entertainment media. Media, Culture and Society, 36(5), pp. 628-643. ISSN 0163-4437 [Article]

Caggiano, Pietro; Beschin, Nicoletta and Cocchini, Gianna. 2014. Personal Neglect Following Unilateral Right And Left Brain Damage. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 140, pp. 164-167. ISSN 1877-0428 [Article]

Cakici, Baki and Bylund, Markus. 2014. Changing Behaviour to Save Energy: ICT-Based Surveillance for a Low-Carbon Economy in the Seventh Framework Programme. Proceedings of the 2014 conference ICT for Sustainability, 2, pp. 165-170. ISSN 2352-538x [Article]

Cakici, Baki and Sanches, Pedro. 2014. Detecting the Visible: The Discursive Construction of Health Threats in a Syndromic Surveillance System Design. Societies, 4(3), pp. 399-413. ISSN 2075-4698 [Article]

Callaghan, M.F.; Freund, P.; Draganski, B.; Anderson, E.; Cappelletti, Marinella; Chowdhury, R.; Diedrichsen, J.; FitzGerald, T.H.B.; Smittenaar, P.; Helms, G.; Lutti, A. and Weiskopf, N.. 2014. Widespread age-related differences in the human brain microstructure revealed by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Neurobiology of Aging, 35(8), pp. 1862-1872. ISSN 0197-4580 [Article]

Callan, Brian. 2014. Something's wrong here: transnational dissent and the unimagined community. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 9(1), pp. 106-120. ISSN 2158-2041 [Article]

Campbell, Jim; Rondón, Janeet; Galway, Karen and Leavey, Gerard. 2014. Exploring the Needs of Socially Excluded Young Men. Children and Society, 28(2), pp. 104-115. ISSN 1099-0860 [Article]

Campbell, Kirsten. 2014. Reassembling International Justice: The Making of ‘the Social’ in International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 8(1), pp. 53-74. ISSN 1752-7716 [Article]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude. 2014. Le don du roi ou les vingt ans du Grand Dauphin. Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 36(1), pp. 28-37. ISSN 0265-1068 [Article]

Cappelletti, Marinella. 2014. Better Together? The Cognitive Advantages of Synaesthesia for Time, Numbers and Space. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 31(7-8), pp. 545-564. ISSN 0264-3294 [Article]

Cappelletti, Marinella; Chamberlain, Rebecca; Freemana, Elliot D.; Kanai, Ryota; Butterworth, Brian; Price, Cathy J. and Rees, Geraint. 2014. Commonalities for Numerical and Continuous Quantity Skills at Temporo-parietal Junction. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(5), pp. 986-999. ISSN 0898-929X [Article]

Cappelletti, Marinella; Didino, Daniele; Stoianov, Ivilin and Zorzi, Marco. 2014. Number skills are maintained in healthy ageing. Cognitive Psychology, 69, pp. 25-45. ISSN 0010-0285 [Article]

Cappelletti, Marinella and Price, Cathy J.. 2014. Residual number processing in dyscalculia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 18-28. ISSN 2213-1582 [Article]

Caramiaux, Baptiste; Bevilacqua, Frédéric; Bianco, Tommaso; Schnell, Norbert; Houix, Olivier and Susini, Patrick. 2014. The Role of Sound Source Perception in Gestural Sound Description. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 11(1), pp. 1-19. ISSN 1544-3558 [Article]

Caramiaux, Baptiste; Françoise, Jules; Schnell, Norbert and Bevilacqua, Frédéric. 2014. Mapping Through Listening. Computer Music Journal, 38(3), pp. 34-48. ISSN 0148-9267 [Article]

Caramiaux, Baptiste; Montecchio, Nicola; Tanaka, Atau and Bevilacqua, Frédéric. 2014. Adaptive Gesture Recognition with Variation Estimation for Interactive Systems. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (ACM TiiS), 4(4), [Article]

Cardeña, Etzel and Terhune, Devin Blair. 2014. Hypnotizability, personality traits, and the propensity to experience alterations of consciousness. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(3), pp. 292-307. ISSN 2326-5523 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano and Coffman, D. 2014. Economic interdependencies and political conflict: The political economy of taxation in eighteenth-century Britain. Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 31(3), pp. 277-300. ISSN 1120-2890 [Article]

Cardullo, Paolo. 2014. Sniffing the city: issues of sousveillance in inner city London. Visual Studies, 29(3), pp. 285-293. ISSN 1472-586X [Article]

Carey, Daniel; Mercure, Evelyne; Pizzioli, Fabrizio and Aydelott, Jennifer. 2014. Auditory semantic processing in dichotic listening: Effects of competing speech, ear of presentation, and sentential bias on N400s to spoken words in context. Neuropsychologia, 65, pp. 102-112. ISSN 0028-3932 [Article]

Carlotto, Mary Sandra; Wendt, Guilherme Welter; Lisboa, Carolina and Moraes, Marcela Alves de. 2014. Predictors of work addiction in workers who use information and communication technologies. Temas em Psicologia, 22(2), pp. 377-387. ISSN 1413-389X [Article]

Casas, Lidia and Vivaldi, Lieta. 2014. Abortion in Chile: the practice under a restrictive regime. Reproductive Health Matters, 22(44), pp. 70-81. ISSN 0968-8080 [Article]

Casas-Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias, Sebastian; De Genova, Nicholas; Garelli, Glenda; Grappi, Giorgio; Heller, Charles; Hess, Sabine; Kasparek, Bernd; Mezzadra, Sandro; Neilson, Brett; Peano, Irene; Pezzani, Lorenzo; Pickles, John; Rahola, Federico; Riedner, Lisa; Scheel, Stephan and Tazzioli, Martina. 2014. New Keywords: Migration and Borders. Cultural Studies, 29(1), pp. 55-87. ISSN 0950-2386 [Article]

Cassidy, Rebecca. 2014. Afterword: Manufacturing Gambling. Oceania, 84(3), pp. 306-314. ISSN 1834-4461 [Article]

Cassidy, Rebecca. 2014. Fair game? Producing and publishing gambling research. International Gambling Studies, 14(3), pp. 345-353. ISSN 1445-9795 [Article]

Catturani, Ivana and Venkatachalam, Ragupathy. 2014. Optimal Interest Rates in Cooperative Banks with Non-member Customers. Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 3(1), pp. 181-200. ISSN 2281-8642 [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2014. Feeling and the Production of Lesbian Space in The L Word. Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 21(5), pp. 650-665. ISSN 0966-369X [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2014. The Lesbian Intimate: Capacities for Feeling in Convergent Media Contexts. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 11(1), pp. 237-253. ISSN 1749-8716 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca; McManus, I. C.; Brunswick, Nicola; Rankin, Qona; Riley, Howard and Kanai, Ryota. 2014. Drawing on the right side of the brain: a voxel-based morphometry analysis of observational drawing. NeuroImage, 96(1), pp. 167-173. ISSN 1053-8119 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca; McManus, I. C.; Riley, Howard; Rankin, Qona and Brunswick, Nicola. 2014. Cain’s House Revisited and Revived: Extending Theory and Methodology for Quantifying Drawing Accuracy. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 8(2), pp. 152-167. ISSN 1931-3896 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A. 2014. Associations between vascular risk and mood in euthymic older adults: Preliminary findings. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(9), pp. 936-945. ISSN 1064-7481 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A. 2014. In Vivo Quantification of White Matter Microstructure for Use in Aging: A Focus on Two Emerging Techniques. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(2), pp. 111-121. ISSN 1064-7481 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A. 2014. Subcortical Biophysical Abnormalities in Patients with Mood Disorders. Molecular Psychiatry, 19, pp. 710-716. ISSN 1359-4184 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A. 2014. White Matter Tract Integrity in Late-Life Depression: Associations with Severity and Cognition. Psychological Medicine, 44(7), pp. 1427-1437. ISSN 0033-2917 [Article]

Chilver, John. 2014. Number intersecting with art: three studies. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 15(2), pp. 239-249. ISSN 1600-910X [Article]

Cioffi, Maria Cristina; Moore, James W. and Banissy, Michael J.. 2014. What can mirror-touch synaesthesia tell us about the sense of agency? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 256. ISSN 1662-5161 [Article]

Clements, Paul. 2014. The Consumption of Communism: Changing Representations of Statue Park Museum and Budapest. Art & the Public Sphere, 2(1-3), pp. 73-86. ISSN 2042-793X [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Lello, Owen; McIntosh, Robert and Della Sala, Sergio. 2014. Phantabulation: A case of visual imagery interference on visual perception. Neurocase, 20(5), pp. 581-590. ISSN 1355-4794 [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2014. 'No room for truth': On the Precariousness of Life and Narrative in The Last of the Just. European Judaism, 47(1), pp. 15-25. ISSN 0014-3006 [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2014. The Trouble You Reported. The Times Literary Supplement, [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2014. Habit, Temporality and the Body as Movement: '5:2 Your Life'. Somatechnics, 4(1), pp. 76-94. ISSN 2044-0138 [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2014. Inventive Feminist Theory: Representation, Materiality and Intensive Time. Women: A Cultural Review, 25(1), pp. 27-45. ISSN 0957-4042 [Article]

Collins, Emily and Freeman, Jonathan. 2014. Video Game Use and Cognitive Performance: Does It Vary with the Presence of Problematic Video Game Use? Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(3), pp. 153-159. ISSN 2152-2715 [Article]

Confalonieri, Roberto and Prade, Henri. 2014. Using possibilistic logic for modeling qualitative decision: Answer Set Programming algorithms. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(2), pp. 711-738. ISSN 0888-613X [Article]

Cook, Jennifer; Swapp, David; Pan, Xueni; Bianchi-Berthouze, Nadia and Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne. 2014. Atypical interference effect of action observation in autism spectrum conditions. Psychological Medicine, 44(4), pp. 731-740. ISSN 0033-2917 [Article]

Correia, Nuno N. and Kleimola, Jari. 2014. Web Browser as Platform for Audiovisual Performances. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE), [Article]

Correia, Nuno N. and Tanaka, Atau. 2014. User-Centered Design of a Tool for Interactive Computer-Generated Audiovisuals. Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on Live Interfaces, [Article]

Crespi, Paola. 2014. Rhythmananalysis in Gymnastics and Dance: Rudolf Bode and Rudolf Laban. Body & Society, 20(3&4), pp. 30-50. ISSN 1357-034X [Article]

[img] [img]
Crone, Bridget. 2014. Book Review: Pascal Gielen, Instituting Art in a Flat World. Journal of Curatorial Studies, 3(2-3), pp. 407-409. ISSN 2045-5836 [Article]

Crook, Tim. 2014. BBC audio drama: the last post for a 20th century art in the 21st century? Australian Journalism Review, 36(2), pp. 51-62. ISSN 0810 2686 [Article]

Crook, Tim. 2014. Norman Corwin's The Lonesome Train (Live Broadcast) CBS 1944. RadioDoc Review, 1(1), [Article]

Crook, Timothy. 2014. Utopian dreams for better journalism? Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics., 11(1/2), pp. 20-24. ISSN 1742-0105 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean. 2014. Decolonising Ecomedia. Cultural Politics, 10(3), pp. 275-286. ISSN 1743-2197 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean. 2014. Telecommunication Networks: Economy, Ecology, Rule. Theory, Culture & Society, 31(7-8), pp. 185-199. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Curran, James P.; Coen, Sharon; Soroka, Stuart; Aalberg, Toril; Hayashi, Kaori; Hichy, Zira; Iyengar, Shanto; Jones, Paul; Mazzoleni, Gianpietro; Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos; Woong Rhee, June; Rojas, Hernando; Rowe, David and Tiffen, Rod. 2014. Reconsidering ‘Virtuous Circle’ and ‘Media Malaise’ Theories of the Media: An 11-Nation Study. Journalism, 15(7), pp. 815-833. ISSN 1464-8849 [Article]

Custance, Deborah M.; Mayer, Jennifer L.; Kumar, Emmelianna; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Heaton, Pam F.. 2014. Do Children With Autism Re-Enact Object Movements Rather Than Imitate Demonstrator Actions? Autism Research, 7(1), pp. 28-39. ISSN 1939-3792 [Article]


Danino, Nina and Maziere, Michael. 2014. Roundtable discussion: London Film-makers’ Co-op – the second generation. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 3(2), pp. 236-247. ISSN 2045-6298 [Article]

Dattatreyan, E. Gabriel. 2014. Diasporic Sincerity: Tales from a 'returnee' researcher. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 21(2), pp. 152-167. ISSN 1070-289X [Article]

Davis, O.S.P.; Band, G.; Pirinen, M.; Haworth, C.M.A.; Meaburn, E.L.; Kovas, Yulia and et, al.. 2014. The correlation between reading and mathematics ability at age twelve has a substantial genetic component. Nature Communications, 5(4204), pp. 1-6. ISSN 2041-1723 [Article]

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West, Keon and Turner, Rhiannon. 2014. Using extended contact to improve physiological responses and behavior toward people with schizophrenia. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 50, pp. 57-64. ISSN 00221031 [Article]

Wilkie, Alex. 2014. Prototyping as Event: Designing the Future of Obesity. Journal of Cultural Economy, 7(4), pp. 476-492. ISSN 1753-0350 [Article]

Williams, H. and Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2014. Stochastic Diffusion Search: A Comparison of Swarm Intelligence Parameter Estimation Algorithms with RANSAC. Algorithms, 7(2), pp. 206-228. ISSN 1999-4893 [Article]

Williamson, Milly. 2014. The British Media, the Veil and the Limits of Freedom. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(1), pp. 64-81. ISSN 1873-9857 [Article]

Williamson, Victoria J. and Jilka, Sagar R. 2014. Experiencing earworms: An interview study of Involuntary Musical Imagery. Psychology of Music, 42(5), pp. 653-670. ISSN 0305-7356 [Article]

Williamson, Victoria J.; Liikkanen, Lassi A.; Jakubowski, Kelly and Stewart, Lauren. 2014. Sticky Tunes: How Do People React to Involuntary Musical Imagery? PLoS ONE, 9(1), e86170. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Wolpe, Noham; Moore, James W.; Rae, Charlotte L.; Rittman, Timothy; Altena, Ellemarije; Haggard, Patrick and Rowe, James B.. 2014. The medial frontal-prefrontal network for altered awareness and control of action in corticobasal syndrome. Brain, 137(1), pp. 208-220. ISSN 1460-2156 [Article]


Xu, Wei; Cohen-Woods, Sarah; Chen, Qian; Noor, Abdul; Knight, Jo; Hosang, Georgina M.; Parikh, Sagar; De Luca, Vincenzo; Tozzi, Federica; Muglia, Pierandrea; Forte, Julia; McQuillin, Andrew; Hu, Pingzhao; Gurling, Hugh MD; Kennedy, James L.; McGuffin, Peter; Farmer, Anne E.; Strauss, John and John, Vincent B.. 2014. Genome-wide association study of bipolar disorder in Canadian and UK populations corroborates disease loci including SYNE1 and CSMD1. BMC Medical Genetics, 15(2), pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2350 [Article]


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Zamborlin, Bruno; Bevilacqua, Frédéric; Gillies, Marco and d'Inverno, Mark. 2014. Fluid gesture interaction design: applications of continuous recognition for the design of modern gestural interfaces. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 3(4), 22. ISSN 2160-6455 [Article]

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Zylinska, Joanna. 2014. iEarth. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 5, [Article]

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