Number of items: 1344.
 Preview |
Golding, Johnny;
Casey, Mona;
Cheeseman, David;
Hellings, James;
Paganellli, Mattia;
Rogers, Henry;
Wild, Carol and
Williams, Grace, eds.
The Cruelty of the Classical Canon,
Zetesis: The International Journal for Fine Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences, 1(1). 2059-2582
[Edited Journal]
Beck, Jay;
Gardiner, Ian R. and
Hanson, Helen, eds.
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, Volume 7, Issue 1, Spring 2013,
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, 7(1). 1753-0776
[Edited Journal]
Beck, Jay;
Gardiner, Ian R. and
Hanson, Helen, eds.
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, Volume 7, Issue 2, Autumn 2013,
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, 7(2). 1753-0776
[Edited Journal]
Golding, Johnny;
Casey, Mona;
Cheeseman, David;
Hellings, James;
Paganellli, Mattia;
Rogers, Henry;
Wild, Carol and
Williams, Grace, eds.
Wet ⇌ Dry ⇌ thick ⇌ thiN ⇌
(GettiNG beyoND the raW aND the cookeD),
Zetesis: The International Journal for Fine Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences, 1(2). 2059-2582
[Edited Journal]
Aalberg, Toril;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Coen, Sharon;
Soroka, Stuart;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Ivengar, Shanto;
Jones, Paul K.;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Rojas, Hernando;
Rowe, David;
Tiffen, Rod and
Curran, James P..
International TV News, Foreign Affairs Interest and Public Knowledge: A Comparative Study of Foreign News Coverage and Public Opinion in 11 Countries.
Journalism Studies, 14(3),
pp. 387-406.
ISSN 1461-670X
 Preview |
Ashcroft, Louise.
In: "Unperforming", Artsadmin, United Kingdom, 13th September 2017, 1st March 2018, 10th May 2018.
Banissy, Michael J.;
Holle, Henning;
Cassell, Josephine E.;
Annett, Lucy;
Walsh, Vincent;
Spiller, MJ;
Tsakanikos, E and
Ward, Jamie.
Personality traits in people with synaesthesia: Do synaesthetes have an atypical personality profile.
Personality and Individual Differences, 54(7),
pp. 828-831.
Banissy, Michael J.;
Tester, Victoria;
Muggleton, Neil G.;
Janik, Agnieszka B.;
Davenport, Aimee;
Franklin, Anna;
Walsh, Vincent and
Ward, Jamie.
Synesthesia for Color Is Linked to Improved Color Perception but Reduced Motion Perception.
Psychological Science, 24(12),
pp. 2390-2397.
ISSN 0956-7976
Bell, Vikki.
Celia Lury and
Nina Wakeford, eds.
Inventive Methods: The Happening of the Social (Culture, Economy, and the Social).
Routledge, pp. 147-162.
ISBN 978-0415721103
[Book Section]
Bohns, Vanessa K.;
Lucas, Gale M.;
Molden, Daniel C.;
Finkel, Eli J.;
Coolsen, Michael K.;
Kumashiro, Madoka;
Rusbult, Caryl E. and
Higgins, E. Tory.
Opposites Fit: Regulatory Focus Complementarity and Relationship Well-Being.
Social Cognition, 31(1),
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 0278-016X
Boldrini, Lucia.
The Uncertain Mediterranean Borders of Comparative Literature.
Adnan Karaismailoğlu and
Yusuf Öz, eds.
IV Uluslararasi Karşilaştirmali Edebiyat Bilimi Kongresi, "Kültürler ve Değerler Buluşması" / IV International Comparative Literature Congress, "Meeting of Cultures and Values", Bildiriler / Proceedings.
Kırıkkale: Kırıkkale Universitesi Yayilari [Kırıkkale University Publications], pp. 441-454.
ISBN 978-975-8626-04-5
[Book Section]
Boso, Marianna;
Forth, Jamie;
Bordin, Annamaria;
Faggioli, Raffaella;
D'Angelo, Egidio;
Politi, Pierluigi;
Barale, Francesco and
Heaton, Pam F..
Transposition Ability in a Young Musician With Autism and Blindness:
Testing Cognitive Models of Autism.
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 23(2),
pp. 109-116.
ISSN 0275-3987
Brown, Rupert;
Baysu, Gülseli;
Cameron, Lindsey;
Nigbur, Dennis;
Rutland, Adam;
Watters, Charles;
Hossain, Rosa;
LeTouze, Dominique and
Landau, Anick.
Acculturation attitudes and social adjustment in British South Asian children: A longitudinal study.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(12),
pp. 1656-1667.
ISSN 0146-1672
Cappelletti, Marinella;
Gessaroli, Erica;
Hithersay, Rosalyn;
Mitolo, Micaela;
Didino, Daniele;
Kanai, Ryota;
Cohen Kadosh, Roi and
Walsh, Vincent.
Transfer of Cognitive Training across Magnitude Dimensions Achieved with Concurrent Brain Stimulation of the Parietal Lobe.
Journal of Neuroscience, 33(37),
14899 -14907.
ISSN 0270-6474
Cassar, Ignaz and
Kalyva, Eve.
'Making Art, Making Time'.
Program session at the annual conference of the College Art Association. New York City, United States.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Crone, Bridget.
Seeing Red.
Robin Mackay, ed.
Final Machine.
Falmouth, UK: Urbanomic, pp. 15-20.
ISBN 9780957529502
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
The Light At the End.
Bashir Makhoul, ed.
Palestinian Video Art - Constellation of the Moving Image.
Jerusalem: Palestinian Art Court - al Hoash, pp. 52-64.
ISBN 978-9950352032
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
The Politics of the Line.
Jonathan Harris and
Richard Koeck, eds.
Picasso and the Politics of Representation: War and Peace in the Era of the Cold War and Since.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 69-88.
ISBN 9781846318757
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
The Shadow.
MIRAJ The Moving Image Review & Art Journal, 2(2),
pp. 187-197.
ISSN 20456298
Curran, James P. and
Aalberg, Toril.
James P. Curran and
Toril Aalberg, eds.
How Media Inform Democracy: A Comparative Approach.
New York: Routledge, pp. 189-200.
ISBN 978-0415740425
[Book Section]
Curran, James P.;
Coen, Sharon;
Aalberg, Toril;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Jones, Paul K.;
Splendore, Sergio;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
Internet Revolution Revisited : A Comparative Study of Online News Journal.
Media, Culture & Society, 35(7),
pp. 880-897.
ISSN 0163-4437
Curran, James P.;
Coen, Sharon;
Soroka, Stuart;
Aalberg, Toril;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Hichy, Zira;
Iyengar, Shanto;
Jones, Paul;
Krishnatray, Pradeep;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Maeda, Yukio;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Woong Rhee, June;
Rojas, Hernando;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
'Media System, Public Knowledge and Political Engagement: An 11-Nation Study'.
Media system, public knowledge and political engagement : an 11-nation study. London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Curran, James P.;
Soroka, Stuart;
Andrew, Blake;
Aalberg, Toril;
Ivengar, Shanto;
Coen, Sharon;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Jones, Paul K.;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Woong Rhee, June;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
Auntie Knows Best? Public Broadcasting and Public Affairs Knowledge.
British Journal of Political Science, 43(4),
pp. 719-739.
ISSN 0007-1234
Dyangani Ose, Elvira.
Random Anecdotes.
Madeleine Grynsztejn;
Federica Martini and
Vittoria Martini, eds.
Alfredo Jaar Venezia Venezia, Pavilion of Chile 55 International Art Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia 2013.
Barcelona; New York: Actar.
ISBN 978-0-989331-73-9
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Edwards-Leis, Christine and
Keirl, Steve.
Scholarly Review 2.
For The Design and Technology Association, Wellesbourne.
 Preview |
Edwards-Leis, Christine and
Keirl, Steve.
Scholarly Review 3.
For The Design and Technology Association, Wellesbourne.
Evans-Lacko, S.;
Malcolm, E.;
West, Keon;
Rose, D.;
London, J.;
Rusch, N.;
Little, K.;
Henderson, C. and
Thornicroft, G..
Influence of Time to Change's social marketing interventions on stigma in England 2009-2011.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 202(s55),
ISSN 0007-1250
Fisher, Andrew.
Photographic Scale.
Daniel Rubinstein;
Johnny Golding and
Andrew Fisher, eds.
On The Verge of Photography: Imaging Beyond Representation.
Birmingham: ARTicle, pp. 151-169.
ISBN 978-1-873352-02-1
[Book Section]
Fisher, Helen L.;
Cohen-Woods, Sarah;
Hosang, Georgina M.;
Korszun, Ania;
Owen, Mike;
Craddock, Nick;
Craig, Ian;
Farmer, Anne E.;
McGuffin, Peter and
Uher, Rudolf.
Interaction between specific forms of childhood maltreatment and the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) in recurrent depressive disorder.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 145(1),
pp. 136-141.
ISSN 0165-0327
Fleming, Cass.
‘The Michael Chekhov Centre UK Past, Present and Future: an Inter-Generational Dialogue.’ An edited selection of interviews with Sarah Kane, Graham Dixon and Martin Sharp. Co authors: Tom Cornford, Cass Fleming and Sinéad Rushe in Franc Chamberlain and Andrey Kirillov (eds), ‘Michael Chekhov in the Twenty-first Century: New Sources, New Contexts, New Perspectives.’.
Theatre, Dance & Performance Training, 4(2),
pp. 316-324.
ISSN 1944-3927
Gabbert, Fiona and
Hope, Lorraine.
Suggestibility and memory conformity.
Anne Ridley;
Fiona Gabbert and
David La Rooy, eds.
Suggestibility in Legal Contexts: Psychological Research and Forensic Implications.
London: Wiley-Blackwell.
ISBN 978-0-470-66369-1
[Book Section]
Gabbert, Fiona and
Hope, Lorraine.
Suggestibility and memory conformity.
Anne Ridley;
Fiona Gabbert and
David La Rooy, eds.
Suggestibility in Legal Contexts: Psychological Research and Forensic Implications.
London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 63-84.
ISBN 978-0470663684
[Book Section]
George, Rosalyn P. and
Clay, John.
Equality and Diversity.
Viv Ellis, ed.
Learning and Teaching in Secondary Schools.
Learning Matters; Fifth Edition edition, pp. 169-182.
ISBN 978-1446267516
[Book Section]
Griffiths, Simon and
Kippin, Henry.
Simon Griffiths;
Henry Kippin and
Gerry Stoker, eds.
Public Services: A New Reform Agenda.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 9781849663489
[Book Section]
Gunkel, Henriette.
Max Annas;
Annett Busch and
Henriette Gunkel, eds.
Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme. Issue 3.
Berlin: Brinkmann u Bose, pp. 177-181.
ISBN 78-3940048165
[Book Section]
Hameed, Ayesha.
'The Image of Gaddafi'.
Radical Media Forum: Aesthetics and the Politics of Moving Images. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 10 December 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Hayward, Keith and
Kindynis, T.
The crime-consumerism nexus.
Jeffrey Ian Ross, ed.
Encyclopaedia of Street Crime in America.
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, pp. 123-125.
ISBN 9781412999571
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Hessayon, Ariel.
‘Boehme’s life and times’.
In: , ed.
Ariel Hessayon and Sarah Apetrei (eds.), An Introduction to Jacob Boehme: Four Centuries of Thought and Reception.
New York: Routledge, pp. 13-37.
ISBN 978-0-415-84357-7
[Book Section]
Hilal, Sandi;
Petti, Alessandro;
Weizman, Eyal and
Perugini, Nicola.
The lawless line.
London Review of International Law, 1(1),
pp. 201-209.
ISSN 2050-6325
Hosang, Georgina M.;
Johnson, Sheri L.;
Kiecolt-Glaser, Janice;
Di Gregorio, Michael P.;
Lambert, David R.;
Bechtel, Mark A.;
Hearne, Dean W.;
Herron, Joel B. and
Glaser, Ronald.
Gender specific association of child abuse and adult cardiovascular disease in a sample of patients with Basal Cell Carcinoma.
Child Abuse and Neglect, 37(6),
pp. 374-379.
ISSN 0145-2134
Jefferies, Janis K..
Brave New Worlds: Smart or What?
Zane Berzina;
Barbara Junge;
Wim Westerveld and
Carola Zwick, eds.
The Digital Turn Design in the Era of Interactive Technologies.
Berlin: Park Books, pp. 154-160.
ISBN 978-3906027029
[Book Section]
Jefferies, Janis K..
'Textiles as Art'.
Seminar in Copenhagen in conjunction to the exhibition OUT OF FASHION - Textiles in Contemporary Art. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation , Center for design and Textiles in conjunction to the exhibition at Gl Holtegaard, Denmark.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Jefferies, Janis K.;
Bunt, Brogan;
Salter, Chris;
Pritchard, Helen and
Prophet, Jane.
'Panel 1: Media Art, Mediation and Contemporary Art with Brogan Bunt (University of Wollongong), Chris Salter (Concordia University), Helen Pritchard and Jane Prophet (City Arts University, Hong Kong).'.
ISEA Sydney. Sydney, Australia.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Jefferies, Janis K. and
Tarlo, Emma.
'Material Witness'.
Training workshops with Dr Emma Tarlo (Department of Anthropology) for PhD researchers in visual and material culture. Courtauld, University of Kent and Goldsmiths, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Jugo, Admir;
Alicehajic, E;
Huel, R;
Amory, S;
Jasaragic, E;
Rizvic, A;
Parsons, T;
Hanson, I and
Vennemeyer, M.
'Perurac Lake, Bosnia: A Multidisciplinary Operation to Locate, Recover and Examine DNA Samples, and Identify the Missing From Balkans Conflicts'.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Anniversary Meeting. Washington DC, United States February 18-23 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Keirl, Steve.
Auto/biographies and Democratic Technologies at the Crossroads.
J Hallstrom and
C Klasander, eds.
Ginners teknikdidactiska handbook: Några teser om teknik, skola och samhälle (The Ginner Handbook of Technology Education: Some Theses about Technology, School and Society).
Linkoping: CETIS (Centrum for tekniken I skolan), Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 167-188.
[Book Section]
Kovas, Yulia;
Galajinsky, E.V.;
Boivin, M.;
Harold, G.;
Jones, A.P.;
Lemelin, J-P.;
Luo, Y.;
Petrill, S.A.;
Plomin, R.;
Tikhomirova, T.N.;
Zhou, X. and
Malykh, S.P..
The Russian School Twin Registry (RSTR): Project PROGRESS.
Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16(1),
pp. 126-133.
ISSN 1832-4274
Kovas, Yulia;
Malykh, S. and
Petrill, S.A..
Genetics for Education.
D. Mareschal;
B. Butterworth and
A. Tolmie, eds.
Educational Neuroscience.
Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 77-109.
ISBN 978-1-119-97319-5
[Book Section]
Kranick, Sarah M;
Moore, James W.;
Yusuf, Nadia;
Martinez, Valeria T;
Lafaver, Kathrin;
Edwards, Mark J;
Mehta, Arpan R;
Collins, Phoebe;
Harrison, Neil A;
Haggard, Patrick;
Hallett, Mark and
Voon, Valerie.
Action-effect binding is decreased in motor conversion disorder: Implications for sense of agency.
Movement Disorders, 28(8),
pp. 1110-1116.
ISSN 0885-3185
 Preview |
Krishnan, Saloni;
Alcock, Katherine J.;
Mercure, Evelyne;
Leech, Robert;
Barker, Edward;
Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and
Dick, Frederic.
Articulating Novel Words: Children's Oromotor Skills Predict Nonword Repetition Abilities.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56(6),
pp. 1800-1812.
ISSN 1092-4388
Lamar, Melissa;
Charlton, Rebecca A;
Ajilore, Olusola;
Zhang, Aifeng;
Yang, Shaolin;
Barrick, Thomas R;
Rhodes, Emma and
Kumar, Anand.
Prefrontal vulnerabilities and whole brain connectivity in aging and depression.
Neuropsychologia, 51(8),
pp. 1463-1470.
ISSN 0028-3932
Lidstone, Gerald N..
Rethinking Education.
Giannalia Beyens;
Miguel Ramos;
Enrik Zipane and
Truus Ophuysen, eds.
Empowering Individuals with the Appropriate Educational Tools,Skills and Competencies, for their Active Cultural, Political and Economic Participation in Society in Europe and Beyond.
Brusseles: Access to the Culture Platform, pp. 8-21.
ISBN 9789090284378
[Book Section]
Linnell, Sheridan and
Westwood, Jill.
Art therapy in Australia.
B Loza;
A Chmielnicka-Plaskota and
T Rudowski, eds.
Arteterapia: od teorii do terapii.
Poland: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjainej, pp. 55-60.
[Book Section]
Liu, Fang;
Jiang, Cunmei;
Pfordresher, Peter Q.;
Mantell, James T.;
Xu, Yi;
Yang, Yufang and
Stewart, Lauren.
Individuals with congenital amusia imitate pitches more accurately in singing than in speaking: implications for music and language processing.
Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 75(8),
pp. 1783-1798.
ISSN 1943-3921
Mabb, David.
Art into Everyday Life.
Marta Rabikowska, ed.
The Everyday of Memory; Between Communism and Post-Communism.
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien.: Peter Lang, pp. 137-146.
ISBN ISBN 978-3-0343-0847-2
[Book Section]
Maitland, Sarah.
Punishment Without Revenge, by Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of adaptation of translation by Meredith Oakes, directed by Laurence Boswell, Theatre Royal Bath.
In: "Punishment Without Revenge, by Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of adaptation of translation by Meredith Oakes, directed by Laurence Boswell, Theatre Royal Bath", Theatre Royal Bath, Bath, United Kingdom, 26 September-21 December 2013.
Martin, Simon.
Simon Martin.
In: "Simon Martin", Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, United Kingdom, 31 January - 3 May 2013.
McAdams, Tom A.;
Gregory, Alice M.;
Rowe, Richard;
Zavos, Helena M. S.;
Barclay, Nicola L.;
Lau, Jennifer Y. F.;
Maughan, Barbara and
Eley, Thalia C..
The Genesis 12-19 (G1219) Study: A Twin and Sibling Study of Gene-Environment Interplay and Adolescent Development in the UK.
Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16(01),
pp. 134-143.
ISSN 1832-4274
McAuliffe, Sam.
'Nocturnal Space'.
The Deepest Darkness: Robin Mason. Block 336 Gallery, London, United Kingdom 10 May 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
McDonald, Russ.
The Language of Tragedy.
Russ McDonald, ed.
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 23-50.
ISBN 978-1107019775
[Book Section]
McDonald, Russ.
The Language of Tragedy.
Claire McEachern, ed.
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 23-49.
ISBN 978-1107643321
[Book Section]
McDonald, Russ.
Peggy of Anjou.
Gordon McMullan;
Lena Cowen Orlin and
Virginia Mason Vaughan, eds.
Women Making Shakespeare: Text, Reception and Performance.
London: Bloomsbury.
ISBN 9781408185339
[Book Section]
Moore, Rachel.
Neil Campbell and
Alfredo Cramerotti, eds.
Photocinema: The Creative Edges of Photography and Film.
University of Chicago Press: Intellect, pp. 88-100.
ISBN ISBN 978-1-84150-562-6
[Book Section]
Murthy, Dhiraj.
Ritzer George, ed.
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.
Oxford: Blackwell, p. 1.
ISBN 9781405124331
[Book Section]
Newman, Michael;
Lee, Pamela;
Elkins, James;
Hudson, Suzanne and
Getsy, David.
In: , ed.
New Games: Postmodernism After Contemporary Art.
London: Routledge, pp. 217-244.
ISBN 978-0415988803
[Book Section]
Norouzi, Minou.
The Value of Disorientation.
Polly Morris, ed.
The Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Mary L. Nohl Fund Fellowships for Individual Artists.
Milwaukee, USA: The Greater Milwaukee Foundation.
ISBN 9780984014569
[Book Section]
O'Sullivan, Simon D..
Felix Guattari.
Michael Kelley and
Simon D. O'Sullivan, eds.
Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics.
New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 246-250.
ISBN 9780199370306
[Book Section]
Ogg, Kirsty.
Karl Blossfeldt.
In: "Karl Blossfeldt", Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 16 April – 14 June 2013.
 Preview |
Osman, Nardine;
d'Inverno, Mark;
Sierra, Carles;
Amgoud, Leila;
Prade, Henri;
Yee-King, Matthew;
Confalonieri, Roberto;
de Jonge, Dave and
Hazelden, Katina.
An Experience-Based BDI Logic: Motivating Shared Experiences and Intentionality.
Working Paper.
IIIA, Vienna, Austria.
Ost, James;
Wright, Daniel;
Easton, Simon;
Hope, Lorraine and
French, Christopher C..
Recovered memories, satanic abuse, Dissociative Identity Disorder and false memories in the UK: a survey of Clinical Psychologists and Hypnotherapists.
Psychology, Crime and Law, 19(1),
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 1068-316X
Pachet, François;
Roy, Pierre;
Moreira, Julien and
d'Inverno, Mark.
Reflexive Loopers for Solo Music Improvisation.
Wendy E. Mackay;
Stephen Brewster and
Susanne Bødker, eds.
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
New York: ACM, 2205 -2208.
ISBN 9781450318990
[Book Section]
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Coen, Sharon;
Curran, James P.;
Aalberg, Toril;
Rowe, David;
Jones, Paul K.;
Rojas, Hernando and
Tiffen, Rod.
Online Threat, But Television is Still Dominant
A comparative study of 11 nations’ news consumption.
Journalism Practice, 7(6),
pp. 690-704.
ISSN 1751-2786
 Preview |
Parkinson, Adam and
Tanaka, Atau.
Composing for Cars.
In: , ed.
Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013.
Berlin, Stockholm, Sweden: Logos Verlag, pp. 136-141.
ISBN 978-3-8325-3472-1
[Book Section]
Parnell, Tim.
'Laurence Sterne, Author of the Tale?'.
Kirsten Juhas;
Hermann J. Real and
Sandra Simon, eds.
Reading Swift: Papers from the Sixth Munster Symposium on Jonathan Swift.
Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, pp. 581-593.
ISBN 9783770554300
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Phillips, Andrea.
Art Work.
Jason Bowman, ed.
Esther Shalev-Gerz: The Contemporary Art of Trusting Uncertainties and Unfolding Dialogues.
Stockholm: Art & Theory, pp. 239-253.
ISBN 9789198087475
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Phillips, Andrea.
Public Space [Crossed Out].
Michael Elmgreen;
Dragset Ingar;
Eva Kraus and
Nan Mellinger, eds.
A Space Called Public.
Munich: Walter Koenig, pp. 248-259.
ISBN 9783863354398
[Book Section]
Pisac, Andrea.
Andrea Pisac;
Rebecca Cassidy and
Claire Loussouarn, eds.
Qualitative Research in Gambling: Exploring the Production and Consumption of Risk.
London & NY: Routledge, pp. 1-11.
ISBN 978-0415659383
[Book Section]
Plamper, Jan.
Interbabuschka: Eine Hommage.
Katharina Kucher;
Gregor Thum and
Sören Urbansky, eds.
Stille Revolutionen: Die Neuformierung der Welt seit 1989.
Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 83-85.
ISBN 9783593398518
[Book Section]
Plamper, Jan.
L’histoire des émotions.
Christophe Granger, ed.
À quoi pensent les historiens? Faire de l’histoire au XXIe siècle.
Paris: Autrement, pp. 225-240.
ISBN 978-2-7467-3298-8
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Popova, Gergana and
Spencer, Andrew.
Relatedness in periphrasis.
Marina Chumakina and
Greville G. Corbett, eds.
Periphrasis: The Role of Syntax and Morphology in Paradigms.
Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, pp. 191-225.
ISBN 9780197265253
[Book Section]
Potter, Keith.
Le Minimalisme.
Nicolas Donin and
Laurent Feneyrou, eds.
Théories de la composition musicale au xxe siècle.
Lyon, France: Symétrie, pp. 775-800.
ISBN 978-2-914373-60-9
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Potter, Keith.
Mapping Early Minimalism.
Keith S. Potter;
Kyle Gann and
Pwyll ap Siôn, eds.
The Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music.
Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 19-37.
ISBN 9781409435495
[Book Section]
Power, Robert A.;
Lecky-Thompson, Lucy;
Fisher, Helen L.;
Cohen-Woods, Sarah;
Hosang, Georgina M.;
Uher, Rudolf;
Powell-Smith, Georgia;
Keers, Robert;
Tropeano, Maria;
Korszun, Ania;
Jones, Lisa;
Jones, Ian;
Owen, Michael J.;
Craddock, Nick and
Craig, Ian.
The interaction between child maltreatment, adult stressful life events and the 5-HTTLPR in major depression.
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(8),
pp. 1032-1035.
ISSN 0022-3956
Punchdrunk and
Barrett, Felix.
The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable.
In: "The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable", 31 London Street, London, United Kingdom, 20 June 2013 - 6 July 2014.
Ramos Martinez, Manuel.
Ranciere's Politics of the Image.
James Elkins;
Kristi McGuire;
Maureen Burns;
Alicia Chester and
Joel Kuennen, eds.
Theorizing Visual Studies: Writing through the Discipline.
New York: Taylor & Francis.
ISBN 978-0-415-87794-7
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Reckitt, Helena.
Gerard Byrne: Like a Man.
Kirsty Ogg, ed.
Gerard Byrne: A State of Neutral Pleasure.
London and Stockholm: The Whitechapel Gallery, pp. 36-51.
ISBN 978-0-85488-212-0
[Book Section]
Reckitt, Helena.
'Getting Rid of Yourself'.
Socially Engaged Practice: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics or Economics?. Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, United Kingdom 2 March 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena and
LGBT, Network.
'My Queer Museum'.
My Queer Museum. Victoria & Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom 15 March 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rogoff, Irit.
The Expanding Field.
Jean-Paul Martinon, ed.
The Curatorial: A philosophy of curating.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 41-48.
ISBN 9781472525604
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Rudenko, M.;
Rodic, M.;
Cooper, E.;
Kolienko, T.V.;
Sharafieva, K.R.;
Gynku, E.I.;
Akimova, K.K.;
Bogdanova, O.E.;
Zhou, X. and
Kovas, Yulia.
Mathematical anxiety, spatial ability and mathematical achievement: cross-cultural study of primary school children in Russia and UK.
Teoreticheskaya i Eksperimentalnaya Psihologiya (Theortetical & Experimental Psychology),
 Preview |
Salam, Abdul;
Stewart, Frances;
Singh, Kavita;
Thom, Simon;
Jame Williams, Hilarie;
Patel, Anushka;
Jan, Stephen;
Laba, Tracey;
Prabhakaran, Dorairaj;
Maulik, Pallab;
Day, Sophie E. and
Ward, Helen.
Interpreting the Processes of the UMPIRE Trial (INPUT): the design of a process evaluation of a fixed dose combination (FDC) strategy to improve adherence to cardiovascular medications – a qualitative study.
INterpreting the Processes of the UMPIRE Trial (INPUT): protocol for a qualitative process evaluation study of a fixed-dose combination (FDC) strategy to improve adherence to cardiovascular medications, 3,
Searle, Nicola and
White, Gregor.
Chapter 5: Business models.
Ruth Towse and
Christian Handke, eds.
Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy.
Gloucestershire: Edward Elgar, pp. 45-56.
ISBN 978 1 78100 487 6
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Seymour, Benedict.
David Riff;
Ekaterina Degott and
Jill Winder, eds.
Monday Begins on Saturday.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 123-163.
ISBN 978-3-943365-74-0
[Book Section]
Shinn, Abigail.
Spenser's Popular Intertexts.
Emma Smith and
Andy Kesson, eds.
The Elizabethan Top Ten: Defining Print Popularity in Early Modern England.
Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 157-168.
ISBN 978-1-4094-4029-1
[Book Section]
Skaife, Sally.
'a collected unconscious'.
Art Exhibition of tutors on the MA in Art Psychotherapy at International Conference of Art Therapy. Finding a Voice, Making your Mark. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 8-11 April 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Stenner, Paul and
Greco, Monica.
Informática na Educação: Teoria e prática, 16(1),
pp. 49-70.
ISSN 1516-084X
Sumathipala, A.;
Siribaddana, S.;
Hotopf, M.;
McGuffin, P.;
Glozier, N.;
Ball, H.;
Kovas, Yulia;
Rijsdijk, F.;
Yatawara, L.;
Pariante, C.;
Zavos, H.;
Siriwardhana, C.;
Pannala, G.;
Jayaweera, K.;
Adikari, A. and
Gunewardane, D..
The Sri Lankan Twin Registry: 2012 Update.
Twin Research & Human Genetics,
pp. 307-312.
ISSN 1832-4274
Thomas, Michael S C;
Baughman, Frank D;
Karaminis, Themis and
Addyman, Caspar.
Modelling developmental disorders.
C Marshall, ed.
Current issues in developmental disorders.
Hove, East Sussex; New York, NY: Psychology Press, pp. 93-124.
[Book Section]
Thornton, Mary;
Bricheno, Patricia;
Iyer, Ponni;
Reid, Ivan;
Wankhede, Govardhan and
Green, Roger.
Experience, Policy and Practice in Diversity in Higher Education.
Kath Bridger;
Ivan Reid and
Jenny Shaw, eds.
Inclusive Higher Education: An International Perspective on Access and the Challenge of Student Diversity.
Oxfordshire: Libri Publishing, pp. 19-40.
ISBN 978-1907471728
[Book Section]
Tubridy, Derval.
Visual Culture.
David Tucker, ed.
The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 291-307.
[Book Section]
Turner, Lynn.
Insect Asides.
In: , ed.
The Animal Question in Deconstuction.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 54-69.
ISBN 0748683135
[Book Section]
Tye, Charlotte;
Mercure, Evelyne;
Ashwood, Karen L.;
Azadi, Bahare;
Asherson, Philip;
Johnson, Mark H.;
Bolton, Patrick and
McLoughlin, Gráinne.
Neurophysiological responses to faces and gaze direction differentiate children with ASD, ADHD and ASD + ADHD.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 5,
pp. 71-85.
ISSN 1878-9293
Velmans, Max.
Preconscious free will.
Harold Pashler, ed.
The Encyclopedia of the Mind.
Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, pp. 611-613.
ISBN 9781412950572
[Book Section]
Velmans, Max.
Sentient matter.
Graham Harvey, ed.
Handbook of Contemporary Animism.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 363-372.
ISBN 9781844657117
[Book Section]
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Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin;
Sambrook, Richard Jeremy;
Berry, Mike;
Moore, Kerry;
Bennett, Lucy;
Cable, Jonathan;
Garcia-Blanco, Inaki;
Kidd, Jenny;
Dencik, Lina and
Hintz, Arne.
Breadth of opinion in BBC output.
Technical Report.
BBC Trust, London.
Weizman, Eyal.
The Matter of Memory.
Adrián Villa Roja and
Sophie O'Brien, eds.
Today We Reboot the Planet: Adrián Villar Rojas catalogue.
London: Serpentine Galleries.
ISBN 9781908617156
[Book Section]
von Hellermann, Pauline and
Coleman, Simon.
Pauline von Hellermann and
Simon Coleman, eds.
Multi-sited Ethnography. Problems and Possibilities in the Translocation of Research Methods.
London: Routledge, pp. 1-15.
ISBN 978-0415849012
[Book Section]
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