Number of items: 1613.
Beck, Jay;
Gardiner, Ian R. and
Hanson, Helen, eds.
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, Volume 8, Issue 1, Spring 2014,
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, 8(1). 1753-0776
[Edited Journal]
Golding, Johnny;
Hewett, Lee;
Rogers, Henry;
Paganellli, Mattia;
Worrallo, Dane;
Ceglarz, Jakub;
Williams, Grace and
Henderson, Joanne, eds.
Twice Upon A Time: Magic, Alchemy and the Transubstantiation of the Senses,
Zetesis: The International Journal for Fine Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences, 2(3). 2059-2582
[Edited Journal]
Aceti, Lanfranco;
Jefferies, Janis K.;
Sondergaard, Morten;
Stallabrass, Julian;
Bulley, James;
Drever, John L.;
Munro, Jonathan;
Noy, Irene and
Sahin, Ozden.
15 - 17 May 2014
Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art.
Baldick, Chris.
Modernist Criticism.
David. E. Chinitz and
Gail McDonald, eds.
A Companion to Modernist Poetry.
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 185-196.
ISBN 9780470659816
[Book Section]
Bates, Laura;
Lewis, Gail;
McRobbie, Angela;
Cameron, Deborah;
Eddo-Lodge, Reni;
Williamson, Judith;
Dahl, Ulrika;
Franklin, Sarah and
Power, Nina.
'Workshop on Sexism'.
Workshop on Sexism. Goldsmiths, Universirty of London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Benjamin, Elizabeth and
Corser, Sophie.
Literature and Art: Conversations and Collaborations - MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities, 9,
pp. 1-8.
Blackman, Lisa.
The Dissociation of Anxiety.
Benjamin Cook and
Barbara Rodriguez-Munoz, eds.
The Five Year Diary Anne Charlotte Robertson.
London: Lux and the Anxiety Arts Festival, pp. 4-9.
[Book Section]
Bosco, Filipe;
Murtagh, Fionn;
Emneus, Jenny;
Agrell, Cecilia;
Diamond, Dermot;
Guiseppi-Elie, Anthony;
Katusabe, Atkins;
Lynch, Jim;
Morse, Stephen;
Moussy, Francis G;
Nair, P.K.R;
Weathers, Pamela J and
Bell, Simon.
Transdisciplinary Sustainability: The Council for Frontiers of Knowledge.
International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research, 7(1),
pp. 1-26.
 Preview |
Callaghan, M.F.;
Freund, P.;
Draganski, B.;
Anderson, E.;
Cappelletti, Marinella;
Chowdhury, R.;
Diedrichsen, J.;
FitzGerald, T.H.B.;
Smittenaar, P.;
Helms, G.;
Lutti, A. and
Weiskopf, N..
Widespread age-related differences in the human brain microstructure revealed by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging.
Neurobiology of Aging, 35(8),
pp. 1862-1872.
ISSN 0197-4580
 Preview |
Casas-Cortes, Maribel;
Cobarrubias, Sebastian;
De Genova, Nicholas;
Garelli, Glenda;
Grappi, Giorgio;
Heller, Charles;
Hess, Sabine;
Kasparek, Bernd;
Mezzadra, Sandro;
Neilson, Brett;
Peano, Irene;
Pezzani, Lorenzo;
Pickles, John;
Rahola, Federico;
Riedner, Lisa;
Scheel, Stephan and
Tazzioli, Martina.
New Keywords: Migration and Borders.
Cultural Studies, 29(1),
pp. 55-87.
ISSN 0950-2386
Centre for Feminist Research, (CFR).
'Conference on Feminist Writing'.
Conference on Feminist Writing. Goldsmiths, Universirty of London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Centre for Feminist Research, (CFR).
'Conference on Radical Negativity'.
Conference on Radical Negativity. Goldsmiths, Universirty of London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Chilver, John.
Entkoerperte Malerei.
Gunter Reski and
Hans-Juergen Hafner, eds.
The Happy Fainting of Painting.
Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter Koenig, pp. 62-67.
ISBN 9783863356705
[Book Section]
Chilver, John;
Lowe, Brighid and
Mok, Honggyun.
Parts and Labour (Osan).
In: "Parts and Labour (Osan)", Osan Museum of Art, Korea, Republic of, November - December 2014.
Cook, Nicholas and
Gagen, Justin.
'Second Liveness'.
Creativity, Circulation and Copyright: Sonic and Visual Media in the Digital Age. CRASSH, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Cubitt, Sean.
Ideology, cinema and.
Warren Buckland and
Edward Branigan, eds.
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory.
London: Routledge, pp. 242-246.
ISBN 9780415781800
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
Warren Buckland and
Edward Branigan, eds.
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory.
London: Routledge, pp. 453-457.
ISBN 9780415781800
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
Michael Kelly, ed.
The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics second edition.
New York: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 978-0199747108
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
Visible Time.
Tomislav Medak and
Goran Sergej Pristaš, eds.
Time and (In)Completion – Images And Performances Of Time In Late Capitalism.
Zagreb: BADco., pp. 130-141.
ISBN 978-953-56603-2-3
[Book Section]
Curran, James P.;
Coen, Sharon;
Soroka, Stuart;
Aalberg, Toril;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Hichy, Zira;
Iyengar, Shanto;
Jones, Paul;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Woong Rhee, June;
Rojas, Hernando;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
Reconsidering ‘Virtuous Circle’ and ‘Media Malaise’ Theories of the Media: An 11-Nation Study.
Journalism, 15(7),
pp. 815-833.
ISSN 1464-8849
Curtis, Sue.
Hope is a clean fishtank.
Heidrun Panhofer and
Assumpta Ratés, eds.
Encontrar, compartir, aprender jornadas del 10º aniversario del máster en Danza Movimiento Terapia.
Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, pp. 101-111.
ISBN 9788449044212
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Davis, Paul.
Art in Here.
In: "The International Teletext Art Festival 2014", Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany, 14 August - 14 September 2014.
 Preview |
Dempster, E.L.;
Wong, C.C.Y.;
Lester, Kathryn J.;
Roberts, S;
Burrage, J.;
Gregory, Alice M.;
Mill, Jonathan and
Eley, Thalia C..
Genome-wide Methylomic Analysis of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Adolescent Depression.
Biological Psychiatry, 76(12),
pp. 977-983.
ISSN 0006-3223
Doussan, Jenny.
'Cultural Threads'.
Clothes, Cloth & Culture Group. Institute of International Visual Arts, London 27 November 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Doussan, Jenny.
'Para‐ontology and the Governmental Machine'.
Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA 2014). Seminar: 'Agamben, Capital, and the Homo Sacer Series: Economy, Poverty, People, Work'. New York University, United States 20 - 23 March 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Eshun, Kodwo.
In the Year of the Quiet Sun.
In: "The Otolith Group: In the Year of the Quiet Sun", Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Utrecht, Netherlands, 14 November 2014 - 25 January 2015.
Eshun, Kodwo.
Medium Earth.
In: "Medium Earth", RedCat, Los Angeles, United States, 21 April-16 June.
Featherstone, Mike.
Mass Culture.
M. Sasaki;
J. Goldstone;
E. Zimmermann and
S. Sanderson, eds.
Concise Encyclopedia of Comparative Sociology.
Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers, pp. 252-261.
ISBN 9789004206243
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Forty, Liz;
Ulanova, Anna;
Jones, Lisa;
Jones, Ian;
Gordon-Smith, Katherine;
Fraser, Christine;
Farmer, Anne;
McGuffin, Peter;
Lewis, Cathryn;
Hosang, Georgina M.;
Rivera, Margarita and
Craddock, Nick.
Comorbid medical illness in bipolar disorder.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 205,
pp. 465-472.
ISSN 0007-1250
Franklin, M. I..
Sex, Gender, and Cyberspace.
Laura J Shepherd, ed.
Gender Matters in Global Politics: A Feminist Introduction to International Relations, 2nd Edition.
London and NY: Routledge, pp. 375-388.
ISBN 978-0415715218
[Book Section]
Freedman, Des (D. J.).
Power in the Digital Economy.
Granville Williams, ed.
Big Media and Internet Titans: Media Ownership: the Democratic Challenge.
Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, pp. 94-105.
ISBN 978-1898240075
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Frevert, Ute;
Eitler, Pascal;
Olsen, Stephanie;
Jensen, Uffa;
Pernau, Margrit;
Brückenhaus, Daniel;
Beljan, Magdalena;
Gammerl, Benno;
Laukötter, Anja;
Hitzer, Bettina;
Plamper, Jan;
Brauer, Juliane and
Häberlen, Joachim.
Learning How to Feel: Children's Literature and the History of Emotional Socialization, 1870-1970.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 978-0-19-968499-1
Furse, Anna F. D..
'Artist Talk on collaboration'.
Success and failure in collaborative project and how they are measured from an artist, critics and participants perspective. Dublin, Ireland 1 December 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gaver, William;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Wilkie, Alex;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew and
Boucher, Andy.
Multimodal Encounters With Energy Communities.
In: "A Sense of Energy", The White Building, London, United Kingdom, 26-28 June 2014.
Gaver, William;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Wilkie, Alex;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew and
Boucher, Andy.
A Sense Of Energy: Multimodal Encounters With Energy Communities.
In: "A Sense of Energy", The Welsh Assembly, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2014.
 Preview |
Gaver, William;
Michael, Mike;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew;
Wilkie, Alex and
Gabrys, Jennifer.
Energy Babble.
In: "A Sense of Energy", The White Building, London, United Kingdom, 26 Jun - 28 Jun 2014.
Gaver, William;
Michael, Mike;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew;
Wilkie, Alex and
Gabrys, Jennifer.
Energy Babble.
In: "A Sense of Energy", The Senedd, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2014.
Gaver, William;
Michael, Mike;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew;
Wilkie, Alex;
Gabrys, Jennifer and
Boucher, Andy.
Feral Experimental.
In: "Feral Experimental", UNSW Galleries, Sydney, Australia.
 Preview |
Gillanders, David T.;
Bolderston, Helen;
Bond, Frank W.;
Dempster, Maria;
Flaxman, Paul E.;
Campbell, Lindsey;
Kerr, Sian;
Tansey, Louise;
Noel, Penelope;
Ferenbach, Clive;
Masley, Samantha;
Roach, Louise;
Lloyd, Joda;
May, Lauraine;
Clarke, Susan and
Remington, Bob.
The Development and Initial Validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire.
Behavior Therapy, 45(1),
pp. 83-101.
ISSN 0005-7894
 Preview |
Gillies, Marco and
Kleinsmith, Andrea.
Non-representational Interaction Design.
Mark (J. M.) Bishop and
Andrew Martin, eds.
Contemporary Sensorimotor Theory.
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 201-208.
ISBN 978-3-319-05106-2
[Book Section]
Goddard, M N.
Media ecology.
Marie-Laure Ryan;
Lori Emerson and
Benjamin J. Robertson, eds.
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media.
Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 331-333.
ISBN 9781421412245
[Book Section]
Hameed, Ayesha.
Black Atlantis.
Eyal Weizman, ed.
Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 712-719.
ISBN 9783956790119
[Book Section]
Hammond, Chris and
Bodart, Pauline.
In: "ATLAS", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 13 November – 20 December 2014.
 Preview |
Hammond, Chris;
Lee, Jiyoon and
Lee, Seung-Taek.
Seung-Taek Lee.
In: "Seung-Taek Lee", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 12 July – 23 August 2014.
Hammond, Chris;
Oppenheim, Dennis and
Oppenheim, Amy.
Dennis Oppenheim.
In: "Dennis Oppenheim", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 2 April – 17 May 2014.
 Preview |
Hammond, Chris and
Price, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Price
In: "Elizabeth Price Sleep", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 13 September – 31 October 2014.
Hammond, Chris and
Sighicelli, Elisa.
Elisa Sighicelli.
In: "Elisa Sighicelli", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 23 May – 28 June 2014.
 Preview |
Harris, Mark.
Bad Music Seminar 2.
In: "Can You Relate? A Case of Alienation and Closeness", The Showroom, London, United Kingdom, 8 February, 2014.
 Preview |
Haywood, Gordon;
Nilsson, Johan;
Franklin, Michael;
Gilbert, Paul;
Johansson Krafve, Linus;
Lindén, Lisa;
MacGillivray, Mark and
Meckin, Robert.
Valuation Studies: A Collaborative Valuation in Practice.
Valuation Studies, 2(1),
pp. 71-85.
ISSN 2001-5992
Herrojo Ruiz, Maria;
Huebl, J.;
Schonecker, T.;
Kupsch, A.;
Yarrow, K.;
Krauss, J. K.;
Schneider, G.-H. and
Kuhn, A. A..
Involvement of Human Internal Globus Pallidus in the Early Modulation of Cortical Error-Related Activity.
Cerebral Cortex, 24(6),
pp. 1502-1517.
ISSN 1047-3211
Hickel, Jason and
Healy, Meghan.
On the Politics of Home.
Meghan Healy and
Jason Hickel, eds.
Ekhaya: The Politics of Home in KwaZulu-Natal.
Pietermaritzburg: KwaZulu-Natal Press.
ISBN 9781869142544
[Book Section]
Hughston, L P.
A Lipton, ed.
Risk Magazine Quant of the Year: Award-Winning Papers, 2000-14.
London: Risk Books, xvii-xviii.
ISBN 9781782720980
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Jilka, Sagar R;
Scott, Gregory;
Ham, Timothy;
Pickering, Alan;
Bonnelle, Valerie;
Braga, Rodrigo M;
Leech, Robert and
Sharp, David J.
Damage to the salience network and interactions with the default mode network.
Journal of Neuroscience, 34(33),
pp. 10798-10807.
ISSN 0270-6474
Kerbel, Janice.
In: "Doug", Jeffrey Room, Mitchell Library Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2014 – 2017.
Kirwan, Richard.
Neue Diptychen.
In: "Richard Kirwan – Neue Diptychen", Galerie Hollenbach, Stuttgart, Germany, 27 November 2014 - 6 January 2015.
 Preview |
Krapohl, E;
Rimfeld, K;
Shakeshaft, N.G.;
Trzaskowski, M.;
Mcmillan, A.;
Pingault, J-B;
Asbury, K.;
Harlaar, N.;
Kovas, Yulia;
Dale, P.S. and
Plomin, R..
The high heritability of educational achievement reflects many genetically influenced traits, not just intelligence.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(42),
pp. 15273-15278.
ISSN 1091-6490
Latham, William;
Todd, Stephen;
Todd, Peter and
Ciciani, Lorenzo.
Mutation Space.
In: "Creative Machine", St James Hatcham Church Gallery, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom, 7 - 14 November 2014.
Linnell, Sheridan;
Perry, Suzanne;
Pretorius, Josephine;
Westwood, Jill;
Nebot, Olga;
Rumbold, Jean;
Horsfall, Debbie and
Latham, Robyne.
The Uninvited.
 Preview |
Llano, Maria Teresa;
Hepworth, Rose;
Colton, Simon;
Gow, Jeremy;
Lavrac, Nada;
Znidarsic, Martin;
Perovsek, Matic;
Granoth-Wilding, Mark and
Clark, Stephen.
'Baseline Methods for Automated Fictional Ideation'.
5th International Conference on Computational Creativity. Ljubljana, Slovenia 10-13 June 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lytra, Vally.
Vally Lytra, ed.
When Greeks and Turks Meet: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Relationship since 1923.
Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 978-1409446019
[Book Section]
Mabb, David.
Focal Point Gallery, Southend on Sea, United Kingdom 12th April 2014 -12th July 2014.
Mabb, David;
Bilton, Joshua;
Harvey-Regan, Darren;
Moore, Jenny;
Ounanian, Steven;
Pickering, Kate and
Warne Thomas, Charlotte.
Who Thinks the Future?.
Lewisham Art House, United Kingdom 26th September - 5th October 2014.
Maitland, Sarah.
Punishment Without Revenge, by Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of adaptation of translation by Meredith Oakes, directed by Laurence Boswell, Arcola Theatre.
In: "Punishment Without Revenge, by Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of adaptation of translation by Meredith Oakes, directed by Laurence Boswell, Arcola Theatre", Arcola Theatre, London, United Kingdom, 11 January-15 March 2014.
Maitland, Sarah.
Punishment Without Revenge, by Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of adaptation of translation by Meredith Oakes, directed by Laurence Boswell, Belgrade Theatre.
In: "Punishment Without Revenge, by Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of adaptation of translation by Meredith Oakes, directed by Laurence Boswell, Belgrade Theatre", Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, United Kingdom, 28 March-19 April 2014.
McDonald, Gail.
'The Fugitives'.
Gail McDonald and
David Chinitz, eds.
A Companion to Modernist Poetry.
Oxford: Wiley-blackwell, pp. 246-56.
ISBN 978-0-470-65981-6
[Book Section]
Mellor, Bod.
Collection on Display: Jean-Marc Bustamante, Liz Craft, Sylvie Fleury, Rachel Harrison, Kerstin Kartscher, Dawn Mellor, David Renggli.
In: "Collection on Display: Jean-Marc Bustamante, Liz Craft, Sylvie Fleury, Rachel Harrison, Kerstin Kartscher, Dawn Mellor, David Renggli", Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst., Switzerland.
Mennel, Birgit and
Nowotny, Stefan.
Die Sprachen der Banlieues.
Birgit Mennel and
Stefan Nowotny, eds.
Die Sprachen der Banlieues.
Vienna: transversal texts, pp. 9-25.
ISBN 978-3-9501762-7-8
[Book Section]
Moor, Liz.
Jennifer Smith Maquire and
Julian Matthews, eds.
The Cultural Intermediaries Reader.
London: SAGE, pp. 77-88.
ISBN 978-1446201336
[Book Section]
Murtagh, Fionn.
History of cluster analysis.
Jörg Blasius and
Michael Greenacre, eds.
The Visualization and Verbalization of Data.
CRC/Chapman and Hall, pp. 117-133.
ISBN 978-1466589803
[Book Section]
Mörtenböck, Peter.
Network Economies of Waste.
Juliet Steyn and
Nadja Stamselberg, eds.
Breaching Borders: Art, Migrants and the Metaphor of Waste.
London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 215-236.
ISBN 9781780762593
[Book Section]
Mörtenböck, Peter and UNSPECIFIED.
Marktplätze der Öffentlichkeit.
Caroline Schmidt and
Asta Vonderau, eds.
Öffentlichkeiten in Bewegung. Formationen von transnationalen Kommunikations- und Handlungsräumen.
Bielefeld: Transcript.
ISBN 978-3-8376-2154-9
[Book Section]
Ng, Julia.
Agamben, Giorgio.
Michael Kelly, ed.
The [Oxford] Encyclopedia of Aesthetics 2nd edition.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Ng, Julia.
'Drawing and Governance'.
Myers Symposium in Honor of David Van Zanten, Art Institute of Chicago and Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. Chicago, IL, United States 17-18 Oct 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ng, Julia.
'The Poverty in Art'.
MFA Lecture Series, Department of Art, Goldsmiths. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 1 Dec 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Noone, Deirdre M.;
Willis, Thomas A.;
Cox, Jennifer;
Harkness, Frances;
Ogilvie, Jayne;
Forbes, Erika E.;
Sterr, Annette and
Gregory, Alice M..
Catastrophizing and Poor Sleep Quality in Early Adolescent Females.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 12(1),
pp. 41-52.
ISSN 1540-2002
 Preview |
Nurse, Jason RC;
Legg, Philip A;
Buckley, Oliver;
Agrafiotis, Ioannis;
Wright, Gordon;
Whitty, Monica;
Upton, David;
Goldsmith, Michael and
Creese, Sadie.
'A critical reflection on the threat from human insiders--its nature, industry perceptions, and detection approaches'.
International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust. Heraklion, Greece 22 - 27 June 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
O'Brien, David and
Durrer, Victoria.
‘Arts Promotion’.
Jennifer McGuire and
Julian Matthews, eds.
The Cultural Intermediaries Reader.
London: SAGE, pp. 100-112.
ISBN 978-1446201336
[Book Section]
O'Sullivan, Simon D. and
Burrows, David.
In: "As above, So Below: A Colloquium on Drone Culture", University of Lincoln, London, United Kingdom.
Okagbue, Osita.
Progenies of Idemili: Ogonna Agu and I.
Charles Nwadigwe;
Molinta Enendu and
Canice Nwosu, eds.
Metaphors and Climax: Reminiscences in Honour of Ogonna Agu.
London: Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, viii-xiii.
ISBN 9781909112469
[Book Section]
Olde Wolbers, Saskia.
Interloper shown at The Surface of The World : Architecture and The Moving Image, MCAD , Manila, Philippines.
In: "The Surface of The World : Architecture and The Moving Image, MCAD , Manila, Philippines", The Museum of Contemporary Art and Design (MCAD) Manila,, Philippines, 06 June to 31 October 2014.
 Preview |
Olde Wolbers, Saskia.
Pareidolia, Art Unlimited, Basel, Switzerland.
In: "Pareidolia, Art Unlimited, Basel, Switzerland", Basel, Switzerland, june 2014.
 Preview |
Olde Wolbers, Saskia.
Unmade, Anne Lindberg & Saskia Olde Wolbers, Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, USA.
In: "Unmade, Anne Lindberg & Saskia Olde Wolbers", Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, USA, United States, October 10, 2014 through March 22, 2015.
Parisi, Luciana.
Affect and Automation.
Marie-luise Angerer;
Bernd Bosel and
Michaela Ott, eds.
Timing of Affect - Epistemologies of Affection.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
ISBN 978-3037346693
[Book Section]
Parkinson, Adam.
Encountering Musical Objects.
Franziska Schroeder and
Mícheál Ó hAodha, eds.
Soundweaving: Writings on Improvisation.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-4438-5344-6
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Penzenstadler, Birgit;
Tomlinson, Bill;
Baumer, Eric;
Pufal, Marcel;
Raturi, Ankita;
Richardson, Debra;
Cakici, Baki;
Chitchyan, Ruzanna;
Da Costa, Georges;
Dombrowski, Lynn;
Edwardsson, Malin Picha;
Eriksson, Elina;
Franch, Xavier;
Hayes, Gillian R.;
Herzog, Christina;
Lohmann, Wolfgang;
Mahaux, Martin;
Mavin, Alistair;
Mazmanian, Melissa;
Nayebaziz, Sahand;
Norton, Juliet;
Pargman, Daniel;
Patterson, Donald J.;
Pierson, Jean-Marc;
Roher, Kristin;
Silberman, M. Six;
Simonson, Kevin;
Torrance, Andrew W. and
van der Hoek, André.
ICT4S 2029: What Will Be The Systems Supporting Sustainability in 15 Years.
Proceedings of the 2014 conference ICT for Sustainability, 2,
pp. 30-39.
ISSN 2352-538x
Perchard, Tom.
Tom Perchard, ed.
From Soul to Hip Hop.
Farnham: Ashgate, xi-xxix.
ISBN 978-0-7546-2950-4
[Book Section]
Perry, Suzanne and
Westwood, Jill.
'Magical Thinking'.
In: "Art-Nature-Wellbeing", Verge Gallery, University of Sydney, Australia, 30 May-8 June 2014.
Phoenix, Anna;
Scafe, Suzanne;
Ahaiwe, Ego;
Balani, Sita;
Craig, Lauren;
Gupta, Camel;
Swaby, Nydia and
Smartt, Dorothea.
'Black British Feminisms'.
Black British Feminisms Panel Discussion (cohosted with Feminist Review). Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Plamper, Jan.
Ivan's Bravery.
Ute Frevert;
Pascal Eitler;
Stephanie Olsen;
Uffa Jensen;
Margrit Pernau;
Magdalena Beljan;
Benno Gammerl;
Anja Laukötter;
Bettina Hitzer;
Jan Plamper;
Juliane Brauer and
Joachim Häberlen, eds.
Learning How to Feel: Children's Literature and the History of Emotional Socialization, 1870-1970.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 191-208.
ISBN 9780199684991
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Platt, Len.
Popular Theater.
Celia Marshik, ed.
The Cambridge History of Modernist Culture.
New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 221-236.
ISBN 978 1 107 04926
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Platt, Len;
Becker, T and
Linton, D.
Len Platt;
Tobias Becker and
David Paul Linton, eds.
Populae Musical Theatre in London ad berlin 1890-1914.
Cambridge: University of Cambridge, pp. 1-22.
ISBN 9781107051003
[Book Section]
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Powell, Timothy R.;
McGuffin, Peter;
D'Souza, Ursula M.;
Cohen-Woods, Sarah;
Hosang, Georgina M.;
Martin, Charlotte;
Matthews, Keith;
Day, Richard K.;
Farmer, Anne E.;
Tansey, Katherine E. and
Schalkwyk, Leonard.
Putative Transcriptomic Biomarkers in the Inflammatory Cytokine Pathway Differentiate Major Depressive Disorder Patients from Control Subjects and Bipolar Disorder Patients.
PLoS ONE, 9(3),
ISSN 1932-6203
Richards, Anne;
Hellgren, M G and
French, Christopher C..
Inattentional blindness, absorption, working memory capacity, and paranormal belief.
Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(1),
pp. 60-69.
ISSN 2326-5523
 Preview |
Richter, Katharina and
Blechinger, Philipp.
Barriers to the development of renewable energy technologies in the Caribbean.
Martina Schäfer;
Daniel Kammen;
Noara Kebir and
Daniel Philipp, eds.
Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources. Proceedings of the International Conference April, 10th to 12th, 2014, University of Berkeley, California.
Berlin, Germany: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, pp. 93-96.
ISBN 9783798326934
[Book Section]
Rosen, Michael.
Poetry for Children.
Catherine Butler and
Kimberley Reynolds, eds.
Modern Children's Literature: An Introduction (Second Edition).
London: Red Globe Press, pp. 70-86.
ISBN 9781137357458
[Book Section]
SALT Magazine;
X Marks the Spot and
Women Under the Influence.
'Feminist Art Panel'.
Centre for Feminist Research, Feminist Art Panel. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Saner, Göze;
Hodge, Alison and
Dineen, Molly.
You Looking at Me.
In: "You Looking at Me", Shoreditch Town Hall, United Kingdom.
Scheel, Stephan and
Squire, Vicki.
Forced Migrants as Illegal Migrants.
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh;
Gil Loescher;
Kathy Long and
Nando Sigona, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 188-199.
ISBN 978-0-19-965243-3
[Book Section]
Schuppli, Susan.
In: "Animism", Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 6 Dec 2013 - 16 Mar 2014.
Schuppli, Susan.
Can the Sun Lie?
In: , ed.
Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 56-64.
ISBN 9783956790119
[Book Section]
Schuppli, Susan.
Forensics / Tape 342.
Malzacher Florian, ed.
Truth is Concrete: A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics Ed. Florian Malzacher.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 221-223.
ISBN 978-3943365849
[Book Section]
Schuppli, Susan.
Uneasy Listening.
In: , ed.
Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 381-392.
ISBN 9783956790119
[Book Section]
Schuppli, Susan;
Sfard, Michael and
Hameed, Ayesha.
'Anarchists against the Law'.
Forensis: the Architecture of Public Truth. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany 15-16 March 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Seers, Lindsay.
In: "Top of the World", Karasjok, Norway, 14th June 2014 - 20th July 2014.
Sheridan, Lorraine;
Scott, Adrian J. and
North, Adrian C..
Stalking and age.
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1(4),
pp. 262-273.
ISSN 2169-4842
Shevtsova, Maria.
Social Practice.
Bryan Reynolds, ed.
Performance Studies: Key Words, Concepts and Theories.
London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 297-303.
ISBN 9780230247307
[Book Section]
Shinn, Abigail.
Cultures of Mending.
Abigail Shinn;
Andrew Hadfield and
Matthew Dimmock, eds.
The Ashgate Research Companion to Popular Culture in Early Modern England.
Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 235-252.
ISBN 978-1-4094-3684-3
[Book Section]
Smith, Richard W. P..
'Panel member'.
Whose Remembrance (Imperial War Museum/Gateways to the First World War). University of Leeds, United Kingdom 9 December 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Soldatova, Larisa N;
Nadis, Daniel;
King, Ross D;
Basu, Piyali S;
Haddi, Emma;
Baumlé, Véronique;
Saunders, Nigel J;
Marwan, Wolfgang and
Rudkin, Brian B.
EXACT2: the semantics of biomedical protocols.
BMC bioinformatics, 15 Sup,
ISSN 1471-2105
St-Yves, M;
Griffiths, A;
Cyr, M;
Gabbert, Fiona;
Carmans, M;
Sellie, C;
Bruneau, G and
Powell, M.
Training in Investigative Interviewing: observations and challenges.
M St-Yves and
A Griffiths, eds.
Investigative Interviewing: The Essential Handbook of best practices.
Canada: Carswell, pp. 245-269.
ISBN 978-0-7798-6273-3
[Book Section]
Tiffen, Rodney;
Jones, Paul K.;
Rowe, David;
Aalberg, Toril;
Coen, Sharon;
Curran, James P.;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Iyengar, Shanto;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Rojas, Hernando and
Soroka, Stuart.
Sources in the News: A Comparative Study.
Journalism Studies, 15(4),
pp. 374-391.
ISSN 1461-670X
Toscano, Alberto.
Aleatory Rationalism.
Alain Badiou;
Ray Brassier and
Alberto Toscano, eds.
Badiou: Theoretical Writings.
London: Continuum, pp. 253-278.
ISBN 9780826461452
[Book Section]
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Tosto, M.G.;
Hanscombe, K.B.;
Haworth, C.M.A.;
Davis, O.S.P.;
Petrill, S.A.;
Dale, P.S.;
Malykh, S.;
Plomin, R. and
Kovas, Yulia.
Why do spatial abilities predict mathematical performance?
Developmental Science, 17(3),
pp. 462-470.
ISSN 1363-755X
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Tosto, M.G.;
Petrill, S.A.;
Halberda, J.;
Trzaskowski, M.;
Tikhomirova, T.N.;
Bogdanova, O.Y.;
Ly, R.;
Wilmer, J.B.;
Naiman, D.Q.;
Germine, L.;
Plomin, R. and
Kovas, Yulia.
Why do we differ in number sense? Evidence from a genetically sensitive investigation.
Intelligence, 43,
pp. 35-46.
ISSN 0160-2896
Tubridy, Derval.
Visual Culture.
David Tucker, ed.
The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 290-303.
[Book Section]
Turner, Lynn.
4th Derrida Today conference. Fordham University, United States 28 May - 31 May 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Wakeford, Nina.
484 14th Street.
In: "484 14th Street", Almanac Projects, London, United Kingdom, 10 July – 10 August 2014.
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Wang, Z;
Hart, S.A.;
Kovas, Yulia;
Lukowski, S.;
Soden, B.;
Thompson, L.S.;
Plomin, R.;
McLoughlin, G.;
Bartlett, C.W.;
Lyons, I.M. and
Petrill, S.A..
Who is afraid of math? Two sources of genetic variance for mathematical anxiety.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(9),
pp. 1056-1064.
ISSN 0021-9630
Watson, Alexander.
Jay Winter, ed.
The Cambridge History of the First World War. Vol. II. The State.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 174-195.
ISBN 978-0521766531
[Book Section]
Weizman, Eyal.
In: "Forensis", Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, Germany, 15 March - 5 May 2014.
Weizman, Eyal.
Holey Land.
Stephen Shore, ed.
Stephen Shore: From Galilee to the Negev.
London; New York: Phaidon.
ISBN 9780714867069
[Book Section]
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White, Laura.
A Colorful World..
In: "A Colorful World.", Nanjing International Art Exhibition, Nanjing, China., China.
Wilkie, Alex and
Mattozzi, Alvise.
Learning Design Through Social Science.
Giorgio Camuffo;
Maddalena Dalla Mura and
Alvise Mattozzi, eds.
About learning and design.
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy: Bozen-Bolzano University Press, pp. 196-203.
ISBN 978-88-6046-067-7
[Book Section]
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Williams Gamaker, Michelle and
Bal, Mieke.
Cause and Effect, VIVA Festival, Malta.
In: "Cause and Effect, VIVA Festival, Malta", Valetta ,St James Cavelier, Malta, 1st September - 5th November.
Williams Gamaker, Michelle and
Bal, Mieke.
"Madame B: When Love Fails Us", Museum Bärengasse, Zürich, Switzerland.
In: ""Madame B: When Love Fails Us", Museum Bärengasse, Zürich, Switzerland", Museum Bärengasse,, Switzerland.
Wilson, Frances.
Romantic Autobiography.
Maria DiBattista and
Emily O. Wittman, eds.
The Cambridge Companion to Autobiography.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-86.
ISBN 9781139235686
[Book Section]
Winch, Alison.
Research Seminar Series. University of Oxford, United Kingdom 26 February 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Xu, Wei;
Cohen-Woods, Sarah;
Chen, Qian;
Noor, Abdul;
Knight, Jo;
Hosang, Georgina M.;
Parikh, Sagar;
De Luca, Vincenzo;
Tozzi, Federica;
Muglia, Pierandrea;
Forte, Julia;
McQuillin, Andrew;
Hu, Pingzhao;
Gurling, Hugh MD;
Kennedy, James L.;
McGuffin, Peter;
Farmer, Anne E.;
Strauss, John and
John, Vincent B..
Genome-wide association study of bipolar disorder in Canadian and UK populations corroborates disease loci including SYNE1 and CSMD1.
BMC Medical Genetics, 15(2),
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1471-2350
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