Number of items: 1584.
Beck, Jay;
Gardiner, Ian R. and
Hanson, Helen, eds.
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, Volume 9, Issue 1, Spring 2015,
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, 9(1). 1753-0776
[Edited Journal]
Cox, Christoph;
Jaskey, Jenny and
Malik, Suhail, eds.
Realism Materialism Art.
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York/Berlin: Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College/Sternberg Press.
ISBN 9783956791260
[Edited Book]
 Preview |
Bacque, Marie-Helene;
Bridge, Gary;
Benson, Michaela;
Butler, Tim;
Charmes, Eric;
Fijalkow, Yankel;
Jackson, Emma;
Launay, Lydie and
Vermeesch, Stephanie.
The middle classes and the city: a study of Paris and London.
Houdsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
ISBN 9781137332592
Balaskas, Bill;
Jones, Haydn;
Lattanzi Antinori, Fabio;
Munro, Jonathan and
Sahin, Ozden.
'Board Meeting'.
Executive Chair Panel Discussion. Guest Projects, London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Black, Hannah;
Daniels, Chris Paul;
Dean, Michael;
Harrison, Sarah;
Kholeif, Omar;
Kingstone, Peter;
Carter, Claire Makhlouf;
Morrison, Laura;
O'Hare, Louise;
Penney, Bridget;
Perks, Sarah;
Unsworth, Emma Jane;
Walter, John;
Wills, Camilla and
Wood, Jason.
Transactions of Desire Vol 2: Are you allergic to the 21st century?
Louise O'Hare and
Sarah Perks, eds.
Transactions of Desire Vol 2: Are you allergic to the 21st century?
Manchester UK: Cornerhouse Publications, pp. 54-68.
ISBN 9780992952457
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Blackman, Lisa.
The Haunted Life of Data.
Ganaele Langloise;
Joanna Redden and
Greg Elmer, eds.
Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data.
London: The Bloomsbury Press, pp. 185-209.
ISBN 9781501306525
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Blackman, Lisa;
McCarthy-Jones, Simon;
Castro Romero, Maria;
McCarthy-Jones, Rosaline;
Dillon, Jaqui;
Cooper-Rompato, Christine;
Kieron, Kathyrn and
Kaufman, Milissa.
Hearing the Unheard: An Interdisciplinary, Mixed Methodology Study of Women’s Experiences of Hearing Voices (Auditory Verbal Hallucinations).
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6,
ISSN 1664-0640
 Preview |
Blasi, Anna;
Lloyd-Fox, Sarah;
Sethna, Vaheshta;
Brammer, Michael J.;
Mercure, Evelyne;
Murray, Lynne;
Williams, Steven C.R.;
Simmons, Andrew;
Murphy, Declan G.M. and
Johnson, Mark H..
Atypical processing of voice sounds in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder.
Cortex, 71,
pp. 122-133.
ISSN 0010-9452
Boucher, Andy;
Cameron, David;
Gaver, William;
Hauenstein, Mark;
Jarvis, Nadine;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Michael, Mike;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Pennington, Sarah and
Wilkie, Alex.
Web Science 2015.
In: "Web Science 2015 Conference Exhibition", Web Sci '15, United Kingdom, 28 June – 1 July 2015.
 Preview |
Boucher, Andy;
Cameron, David;
Gaver, William;
Hauenstein, Mark;
Jarvis, Nadine;
Ovalle, Liliana and
Pennington, Sarah.
Datacatcher: Digital Design Weekend, V&A Museum.
In: "Digital Design Weekend", V&A Museum, London, United Kingdom, 26 - 27 Sept 2015.
 Preview |
Boucher, Andy;
Cameron, David;
Gaver, William;
Hauenstein, Mark;
Jarvis, Nadine;
Ovalle, Liliana and
Pennington, Sarah.
The Prayer Companion.
In: "Big Bang Data", Somerset House, London, United Kingdom, 3 Dec 2015 - 20 Mar 2016.
Boyce, P;
Engebretsen, E;
Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ;
Hendricks, T;
Hossain, A;
Posocco, S;
Riley, T;
Tucker, H and
Graham, M.
Anthropologists Are Talking about Queer
Ethnos, 81(2),
ISSN 0014-1844
Brown, Christopher;
Catchpole, Kristen;
Cavaliero, Annamaria;
Kagiafa, Diana;
Martyn, Jonathan;
Morris, Lesley;
Rimmer, Lisa;
Rudnik, Susan;
Skaife, Sally;
Tipple, Robin A.;
Velada, Diana and
Westwood, Jill.
Goldsmiths Art Psychotherapy Exhibition.
In: "Freud Museum: Festival of the Unconscious. The Unconscious Revisited", Freud Museum, United Kingdom, 24 June -13 Sept 2015.
 Preview |
Bulley, James.
Tactus No.1.
In: "Sonic Pattern, Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery, Kaunas Biennial", Kaunas, Lithuania, 18 September – 1 January 2016.
 Preview |
Burton, James.
From Exegesis to Ecology.
Alexander Dunst and
Stefan Schlensag, eds.
The World According to Philip K. Dick.
Palgrave, pp. 209-227.
ISBN 978-1-137-41458-8
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Caramiaux, Baptiste;
Altavilla, Alessandro;
Pobiner, Scott G. and
Tanaka, Atau.
'Form Follows Sound'.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Chamberlain, Rebecca;
McManus, I. C.;
Brunswick, Nicola;
Rankin, Qona and
Riley, Howard.
Scratching the surface: Practice, personality, approaches to learning and the acquisition of high level representational drawing skill.
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(4),
pp. 451-462.
ISSN 1931-3896
 Preview |
Charlton, Rebecca A;
Leow, Alex;
GadElkarim, Johnson;
Zhang, Aifeng;
Ajilore, Olusola;
Yang, Shaolin;
Lamar, Melissa and
Kumar, Anand.
Brain Connectivity in Late-Life Depression and Aging Revealed by Network Analysis.
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23(6),
pp. 642-650.
ISSN 1064-7481
Cohen, Josh.
'Psychoanalytic Bodies'.
David Hillman and
Ulrika Maude, eds.
The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 214-229.
ISBN 9781107048096
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Confalonieri, Roberto;
Yee-King, Matthew;
Hazelden, Katina;
d'Inverno, Mark;
De Jonge, Dave;
Osman, Nardine;
Sierra, Carles;
Agmoud, Leila and
Prade, Henri.
Engineering multiuser museum interactives for shared cultural experiences.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 46(Part A),
pp. 180-195.
ISSN 0952-1976
 Preview |
Corser, Sophie and
Russell, Lucy.
Critiquing Criticism: From the Ancient to the Digital - MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities, 10,
pp. 1-9.
 Preview |
Cox, Christoph;
Jaskey, Jenny and
Malik, Suhail.
C Cox;
J Jaskey and
Suhail Malik, eds.
Realism Materialism Art.
Berlin / Annandale on Hudson, New York: Sternberg Press / Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College, pp. 15-31.
ISBN 978-3-95679-126-0
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
Cinema/ Ideology/ Criticism.
Edward Branigan and
Warren Buckland, eds.
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory.
London and New York: Routledge, pp. 242-246.
ISBN 978-1138849150
[Book Section]
Curran, James P..
Mediageschiedenis en ideologie.
Jo Bardoel;
Huub Wijfjes;
Chris Vos and
Frank van Vree, eds.
Journalistieke Cultuur in Nederland.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 464-488.
ISBN 978-9089645586
[Book Section]
Danino, Nina.
Temenos (1997), Cinema Off, Off, Ghent.
In: "Nina Danino Temenos GB/FR, 1998, 75', colour & b&w, digital", Cinema Off Off, Belgium, 25 November 2015.
Donner, Henrike.
Gita Dharampal-Frick;
Rachel Dwyer;
Monica Kirloskar-Steinbach and
Jahnavi Phalkey, eds.
Key Concepts in Modern Indian Studies.
Delhi: Oxford University Press and New York University Press, pp. 160-161.
ISBN 978-0199452750
[Book Section]
Dyangani Ose, Elvira;
Bashar, Shumon;
Liber, Cédric and
Roelstraete, Dieter.
In: "RECTO VERSO", Fondazione Prada Milan, Italy, 3 December 2015 – 14 February 2016.
Eshun, Kodwo.
'Keynote Lecture'.
Public Assets: Small Scale Arts Organisations and the Production of Value. Platform Theatre, Central Saint Martins, United Kingdom 15 February 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Eshun, Kodwo.
Novaya Zemlya.
In: "Novaya Zemlya", Museu de Serralves , Porto, Portugal, 1 November-11 January 2015.
Eshun, Kodwo.
'The Radiant'.
The Radiant, Screening and Lecture. Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse University, New York, United States 12 November 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Fasce, Federico.
Beyond Serious Games: The Next Generation of
Cultural Artefacts.
Alessandro De Gloria, ed.
Games and Learning Alliance: Third International Conference, GALA 2014, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-4.
ISBN 9783319229607
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Flintham, Martin D;
Velt, Raphael;
Wilson, Max L;
Anstead, Edward;
Benford, Steve;
Brown, Anthony;
Pearce, Timothy;
Price, Dominic and
Sprinks, James.
'Run spot run: capturing and tagging footage of a race by crowds of spectators'.
CHI '15: 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Seoul, Korea, Republic of 18-23 April 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Garon-Carrier, G.;
Boivin, M.;
Guay, F.;
Kovas, Yulia;
Dionne, G.;
Lemelin, JP.;
Séguin, J.R.;
Vitaro, F. and
Tremblay, R.E..
Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Mathematics in Elementary School: A Longitudinal Investigation of Their Association.
Child Development, 87(1),
pp. 165-175.
ISSN 0009-3920
Gaver, William;
Boucher, Andy;
Jarvis, Nadine;
Cameron, David;
Hauenstein, Mark;
Pennington, Sarah;
Bowers, John;
Pike, James;
Beitra, Robin and
Ovalle, Liliana.
'Datacatcher: Radical New Cross Walking Tour'.
Radical New Cross. New Cross, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Gaver, William;
Michael, Mike;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew;
Wilkie, Alex and
Gabrys, Jennifer.
The Energy Babble in Experimental Practice: Provocations In and Out of Design.
In: "Experimental Practice: Provocations In and Out of Design", Melbourne International Design Festival, Australia, 11 – 30 May 2015.
 Preview |
Gaver, William;
Michael, Mike;
Kerridge, Tobie;
Ovalle, Liliana;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew;
Wilkie, Alex;
Gabrys, Jennifer and
Boucher, Andy.
Experimental Thinking / Design Practices.
In: "Experimental Thinking / Design Practices", Griffith University Art Gallery, Australia.
Hammond, Chris and
Ding, Liu.
Liu Ding
New Man.
In: "Liu Ding New Man", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 10 April – 27 June 2015.
 Preview |
Hammond, Chris;
Pearlman, Nina;
Rouleau, Martine;
Pistella, Jenny;
Large, Kelly;
Charlesworth, JJ;
Buck, Louisa;
Maheshwari, Maitreyi and
Ogg, Kirsty.
'Collecting the Emerging Symposium'.
Collecting the Emerging Symposium -Definitions: What does ‘emerging’ mean in relation to artists’ careers and practices?. University College London, United Kingdom 22 - 23 May 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Hammond, Chris and
Yalter, Nil.
Nil Yalter.
In: "Nil Yalter", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 6 February – 28 March 2015.
Harper, Andy.
The First Humans.
In: "The First Humans", Pump House Gallery, London, United Kingdom, January 2015 - April 2016.
Henri, Tom.
Imbibing neoliberalism.
Tom Henri and
Sophie Fuggle, eds.
Return to the Street.
London: Pavement Books, pp. 219-230.
ISBN 978-0957147058
[Book Section]
Hickel, Jason.
Beyond Aid.
In: , ed.
2015 Political Manifesto Poverty Audit: The Flourishing Life Narrative.
London: Academics Stand Against Poverty, pp. 50-52.
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Hoette, Ruby.
Research Through Design (RTD) Conference - 21ST CENTURY MAKERS AND MATERIALITIES. Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom 25 -27 March 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Hoyle, E;
Hughston, L P and
Macrina, A.
Stable-1/2 bridges and Insurance.
A Palczewski and
L Stettner, eds.
Advances in Mathematics of Finance.
Warsaw, Poland: Banach Center Publications, Volume 104, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 95-120.
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Hunt, Ian.
Interior Structures.
Petra Lange-Berndt, ed.
London and Cambridge, Massachusetts: Whitechapel Gallery/MIT, pp. 134-136.
ISBN 978 085488 237 3
[Book Section]
Hurst, Isobel.
Arthur Hugh Clough.
Norman Vance and
Jennifer Wallace, eds.
Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, Vol. 4: 1780-1880.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 495-508.
ISBN 978-0199594603
[Book Section]
Hurst, Isobel.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Norman Vance and
Jennifer Wallace, eds.
Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, Vol. 4: 1790-1880.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 449-470.
ISBN 9780198859222
[Book Section]
Jansari, Ashok S.;
Miller, Scott;
Pearce, Laura;
Cobb, Stephanie;
Sagiv, Noam;
Williams, Adrian;
Tree, Jeremy and
Hanley, Rick.
The Man Who Mistook His Neuropsychologist For a Popstar: When Configural Processing Fails in Acquired Prosopagnosia.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9,
ISSN 1662-5161
Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali;
Blackwell, Tim;
Zimmer, Robert and
al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid.
Spatial Complexity Measure for Characterising Cellular Automata Generated 2D Patterns.
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-11, 2015. Proceedings,
pp. 210-212.
Jefferies, Janis K. and
Gaskill, Karen.
Networked: Sonic Pattern.
In: "10th Kaunas Biennial", ,Žilinskas Art Gallery of National Museum of M. K. Čiurlionis (Nepriklausomybės a. 12, Kaunas), Kaunas, Lithuania, 18th September-31st December..
Jones, Haydn;
Lattanzi Antinori, Fabio;
Munro, Jonathan and
Sahin, Ozden.
Executive Chair.
In: "Executive Chair", Guest Projects, Shonibare Studio, London, United Kingdom, 8-30 January 2015.
Kovas, Yulia;
Garon-Carrier, G.;
Boivin, M.;
Petrill, Stephen A.;
Plomin, Robert;
Malykh, S.;
Spinath, F.;
Murayama, K.;
Ando, J.;
Bogdanova, O.Y.;
Brendgen, M.;
Dionne, G.;
Forget-Dubois, N.;
Galajinsky, E.V.;
Gottschling, J.;
Guay, F.;
Lemelin, J.P.;
Logan, J.A.R;
Yamagata, S.;
Shikishima, C.;
Spinath, B.;
Thompson, L.A.;
Tikhomirova, T.N.;
Tremblay, R.;
Vitaro, F. and
Tosto, M.G..
Why children differ in motivation to learn: Insights from over 13,000 twins from 6 countries.
Personality and Individual Differences, 80,
pp. 51-63.
ISSN 0191-8869
Krause, Frank.
Aufbaumodul 3.
In: , ed.
Literarischer Expressionismus.
Göttingen: V&R Unipress, pp. 223-281.
ISBN 9783847103639
[Book Section]
Kristensen, J C.
'Speaking for The Technical Body'.
Oral Histories of Science, Technology and Medicine: The Oral History Society Annual Conference. Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom 10-11 July 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lamar, Melissa;
Rubin, Leah;
Ajilore, Olusola;
Charlton, Rebecca A;
Zhang, Aifeng;
Yang, Shaolin;
Cohen, Jamie and
Kumar, Anand.
What metabolic syndrome contributes to brain outcomes in African Americans and Caucasian cohorts.
Current Alzheimer Research, 12(7),
pp. 640-647.
ISSN 1567-2050
Lee, Tom.
A porta enferrujada.
Isabel Fernandes;
Maria de Jesus Cabral;
Teresa Casal;
Alda Correia and
Diana V. Almeida, eds.
Contar (com) a Medicina.
Portugal: Edicoes Pedago, pp. 267-285.
ISBN 9789899655516
[Book Section]
Levy, Carl.
Vernon Richards, ed.
Malatesta. Life and Ideas. The Anarchist Writings of Errico Malatesta.
Oakland, CA: PM Press, v-xvi.
ISBN 978-1-62963-932-8
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Lewis, Tony E;
Sillitoe, Ian;
Andreeva, Antonina;
Blundell, Tom L;
Buchan, Daniel W.A;
Chothia, Cyrus;
Cozzetto, Domenico;
Dana, Jos ́e M;
Filippis, Ioannis;
Gough, Julian;
Jones, David T;
Kelley, Lawrence A.;
Kleywegt, Gerard J;
Minneci, Federico;
Mistry, Jaina;
Murzin, AlexeyG.;
Ochoa-Monta ̃no, Bernardo;
Oates, Matt E.;
Punta, Marco;
Rackham, Owen J.L.;
Stahlhacke, Jonathan;
Sternberg, Michael J.E.;
Velankar, Sameer and
Orengo, Christine.
Genome3D: exploiting structure to help users understand their sequences.
Nucleic Acids Research, 43(D1),
ISSN 0305-1048
 Preview |
Licha, Jacques Emanuel.
War Hotels.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Mabb, David.
In: "Announcer", William Morris Gallery, United Kingdom, 27-June - 27 Sept 2015.
Mabb, David.
In: "‘Graphics Interchange Format: 25 Years of Focal Point Gallery", FocalPoint Gallery, United Kingdom, 21 July - 19 September 2015.
Maitland, Sarah.
Nina, by José Ramón Fernández, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of translation, directed by Andy Dickinson, Spanish Theatre Company.
In: "Nina, by José Ramón Fernández, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of translation, directed by Andy Dickinson, Spanish Theatre Company.", Spanish Theatre Company, Canada Water Cultural Space, London, United Kingdom.
 Preview |
Malik, Suhail.
Reason to Destroy Contemporary Art.
Christoph Cox;
Jenny Jaskey and
Suhail Malik, eds.
Realism Materialism Art.
Berlin/Annandale-on-Hudson: Sternberg Press / Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College, pp. 185-190.
ISBN 9783956791260
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Mark, Storor and
Anna, Ledgard.
The Barometer of My Heart.
In: "The Barometer of My Heart", Sir Ludwig Guttmann Health & Wellbeing Centre, United Kingdom, 15 September - 4 October 2015.
Martin, James.
The Rhetoric of the Manifesto.
Terrell Carver and
James Farr, eds.
The Cambridge Companion to The Communist Manifesto.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University press, pp. 50-66.
ISBN 9781107037007
[Book Section]
McAuliffe, Sam.
'Utopia and Critique'.
Critical Transactions: Engaging the Humanities East and West. School of Humanities, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Mura, Andrea and
Gentili, Dario.
The Birth of a Theater Commons.
David Bollier and
Silke Helfrich, eds.
Patterns of Commoning.
Amherst, Massachusetts: The Commons Strategies Group.
ISBN 978-1937146832
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Murdoch, Sadie.
Too Much of a Good Thing.
Mo Throp and
Maria Walsh, eds.
The MAKE Anthology: Reviewing the Past and Looking to the Future of Women’s Art Practice.
London: I.B Tauris.
ISBN The MAKE Anthology: Reviewing the Past and Looking to the Future of Women’s Art Practice
[Book Section]
Ng, Julia.
'The Poverty in Art'.
Distinguished Friends of Yonsei University Lecture Series, Underwood International College, Yonsei University. Seoul, Korea, Republic of 3 Sep 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
O'Brien, David and
Lockley, P.
‘The social life of cultural value’.
Lachlan MacDowall;
Marnie Badham;
Emma Blomkamp and
Kim Dunphy, eds.
Making Culture Count: The Politics of Cultural Measurement.
London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 87-103.
ISBN 978-1137464576
[Book Section]
O'Reilly, Karen and
Benson, Michaela.
Lifestyle Migration.
Wendy Martin and
Julia Twigg, eds.
Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology.
London: Routledge, pp. 420-427.
ISBN 9781136221033
[Book Section]
O'Sullivan, Simon D..
‘Myth-Science Communique: Evolution of Neuropatheme 2.0 (Time Stretcher Tool)’, film, exhibition and ‘Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction’ performance, with David Burrows and others (part of ‘Alternative 23, 2.0’.
In: "‘Myth-Science Communique: Evolution of Neuropatheme 2.0 (Time Stretcher Tool)’, film, exhibition and ‘Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction’ performance, with David Burrows and others (part of ‘Alternative 23, 2.0’)", Gallery North, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Ogg, Kirsty.
Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2015.
In: "Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2015", One Thorseby Street, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 17 September – 31 October 2015 and 25 November to 24 January 2016.
 Preview |
Omigie, Diana;
Dellacherie, Delphine;
Hasboun, Dominique;
George, Nathalie;
Clement, Sylvain;
Baulac, Michel;
Adam, Claude and
Samson, Severine.
An intracranial EEG study of the neural dynamics of musical valence processing.
Cerebral Cortex, 25(11),
pp. 4038-4047.
ISSN 1047-3211
 Preview |
Paixão, Tiago;
Badkobeh, Golnaz;
Barton, Nick;
Çörüş, Doğan;
Dang, Duc-Cuong;
Friedrich, Tobias;
Lehre, Per Kristian;
Sudholt, Dirk;
Sutton, Andrew M. and
Trubenová, Barbora.
Toward a unifying framework for evolutionary processes.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 383,
pp. 28-43.
ISSN 0022-5193
 Preview |
Park, Soomi.
Republic of Privacy.
In: "Hypervital: Biennale International Design Saint-Étienne 2015", Saint-Étienne, France, 12 March - 20 September 2015.
 Preview |
Parsons, Michael J.;
Moffitt, Terrie E.;
Gregory, Alice M.;
Goldman-Mellor, S.J.;
Nolan, Patrick M.;
Poulton, Richie and
Caspi, Avshalom.
Social jetlag, obesity and metabolic disorder: Investigation in a cohort study.
International Journal of Obesity, 39(5),
pp. 842-848.
ISSN 0307-0565
Peacock, A.C.S;
De Nicola, Bruno and
Yildiz, Sara Nur.
A.c.S Peacock;
Bruno De Nicola and
Sara Nur Yildiz, eds.
Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia.
Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9781472448637
[Book Section]
Pester, Holly.
Rocio Ceron, ed.
Mexico City: EBL-Cielo Abierto.
[Book Section]
Phillips, Andrea.
Art as Property.
Angela Dimitrakaki and
Kirsten Lloyd, eds.
Economy: Art, Production and the Subject in the 21st Century.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
ISBN 9781781381380
[Book Section]
Pike, Alison and
Oliver, Bonamy R.
Parenting in childhood.
In: , ed.
Gene-environment Interplay in Interpersonal Relationships Across the Lifespan.
New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 57-81.
ISBN 978-1-4939-2922-1
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Pontis, Sheila;
Kefalidou, Genovefa;
Blandford, Ann;
Forth, Jamie;
Makri, Stephann;
Sharples, Sarah;
Wiggins, Geraint and
Woods, Mel.
Academics' responses to encountered information: Context matters.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(8),
pp. 1883-1903.
ISSN 2330-1643
 Preview |
Quinn, Jacqueline Y;
Cox, Robert Sidney;
Adler, Aaron;
Beal, Jacob;
Bhatia, Swapnil;
Cai, Yizhi;
Chen, Joanna;
Clancy, Kevin;
Galdzicki, Michal;
Hillson, Nathan J;
Le Novère, Nicolas;
Maheshwari, Akshay J;
McLaughlin, James Alastair;
Myers, Chris J;
P, Umesh;
Pocock, Matthew;
Rodriguez, Cesar;
Soldatova, Larisa;
Stan, Guy-Bart V;
Swainston, Neil;
Wipat, Anil and
Sauro, Herbert M.
SBOL Visual: A Graphical Language for Genetic Designs.
PLoS Biology, 13(12),
ISSN 1544-9173
Raisin, Ross.
Holy Island.
Belinda McKeon, ed.
A Kind of Compass: Stories on Distance.
Dublin: Tramp Press.
ISBN 9780992817053
[Book Section]
Raskob, Evan.
'Sound Spirals'.
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2015). London, United Kingdom 7-9 July 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena;
Malik, Suhail;
Yuile, Laura;
Kulendran Thomas, Christopher;
Kulesh, Leslie;
Cameron, Angus;
Pil & Galia, Kollectiv;
Pollard, Alexander James and
Luke, Kristin.
'Capitalist Artist Scum #1 and #2'.
FORUM: Capitalist Artist Scum. Open School East, London, United Kingdom 24 September 2015-11 November 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Roberdeau, Wood.
What Does Climate Change? 80 Years of Politics - Left and Right. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 23 October 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Rodic, M.;
Tikhomirova, T.N.;
Kolienko, T.;
Malykh, S.;
Bogdanova, O.Y.;
Zueva, D.Y,;
Gynku, E.I.;
Wan, S.;
Zhou, X. and
Kovas, Yulia.
Spatial complexity of character based writing systems and arithmetic in primary school: a longitudinal study.
Ann Dowker and
Hans-Christoph Nuerk, eds.
"Linguistic Influences on Mathematics" (eBook).
Frontiers in Psychology.
ISBN 978-2-88945-200-2
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Rodic, Maja;
Tikhomirova, T.N.;
Kolienko, T.;
Malykh, S.;
Bogdanova, O.Y.;
Zueva, D.;
Gynku, E.I.;
Wan, S.;
Zhou, X. and
Kovas, Yulia.
Spatial complexity of character-based writing systems and arithmetic in primary school: a longitudinal study.
Frontiers in Psychology, 6,
ISSN 1664-1078
Rodic, Maja;
Zhou, Xinlin;
Tikhomirova, Tatiana;
Wei, Wei;
Malykh, Sergei;
Ismatulina4, Victoria;
Sabirova, Elena;
Davidova, Yulia;
Grazia Tosto, Maria;
Lemelin, Jean-Pascal and
Kovas, Yulia.
Cross-cultural investigation into cognitive underpinnings of individual differences in early arithmetic.
Developmental Science, 18(1),
pp. 165-174.
ISSN 1363-755X
Rogoff, Irit.
Oblique Points of Entry.
Hamid Keshmirshekan, ed.
Contemporary Art from the Middle East: Regional Interactions with Global Art Discourses: Volume 18.
I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd.
ISBN 9781784530020
[Book Section]
Rosamond, Emily.
Questioning Practice: Art/CRA Research Seminar. Goldsmiths, University of London 2 March 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Big Data Economies and Ecologies.
Linda McKie and
Louise Ryan, eds.
An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology? Trends and Challenges in Social Science Research.
London: Routledge, pp. 12-26.
ISBN 9781138828674
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Russell-Rose, Tony and
Clough, Pauk.
Mining search logs for usage patterns.
Markus Hofmann and
Andrew Chisholm, eds.
Text Mining and Visualization: Case Studies using Open-Source Tools.
Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, pp. 153-172.
ISBN 9781482237573
[Book Section]
Rust, Stephen;
Monani, Salma and
Cubitt, Sean.
Introduction: Ecologies of Media.
Stephen Rust;
Salma Monani and
Sean Cubitt, eds.
Ecomedia: Key Issues.
London: Earthscan/Routledge, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 9781138781559
[Book Section]
Sassatelli, Monica.
Narratives of European Identity.
I. Bondebjerg;
E.N. Redvall and
A. Higson, eds.
European Cinema and Television: Cultural policy and everyday life.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave.
ISBN 978-1-137-35688-8
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Savostyanov, A.N.;
Dolgorukova, T.A.;
Esipenko, E.A.;
Zaleshin, M.S.;
Malanchini, Margherita;
Budakova, A.V.;
Saprygin, A.E.;
Golovko, T.A. and
Kovas, Yulia.
EEG Correlates of Trait and Mathematical Anxiety during Lexical and Numerical Error-Recognition Tasks.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic and Management Engineering,
pp. 554-558.
ISSN 0950-4125
Schuppli, Susan.
Law and Disorder.
Christoph Cox;
Jenny Jaskey and
Suhail Malik, eds.
Realism Materialism Art.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 137-143.
ISBN 9783956791260
[Book Section]
Seers, Lindsay.
Circassian Beauty.
In: "Doug Fishbone’s Leisure Land Golf", Venice Biennale, Italy, 6th May – 26th July 2015| 2nd April - 19th June 2016 l 2nd July - Sunday 4th September 2016.
 Preview |
Seipp, Karsten and
Devlin, Kate.
A Client-Side Approach to Improving One-Handed Web Surfing on a Smartphone.
Valérie Monfort and
Karl-Heinz Krempels, eds.
Web Information Systems and Technologies: 10th International Conference, WEBIST 2014, Barcelona, Spain, April 3-5, 2014, Revised Selected Papers.
Springer International Publishing, pp. 163-178.
ISBN 978-3-319-27029-6
[Book Section]
Silventoinen, Karri;
Jelenkovic, Aline;
Sund, Reijo;
Honda, Chika;
Aaltonen, Sari;
Yokoyama, Yoshie;
Tarnoki, Adam D.;
Tarnoki, David L.;
Ning, Feng;
Ji, Fuling;
Pang, Zengchang;
Ordoñana, Juan R.;
Sánchez-Romera, Juan F.;
Colodro-Conde, Lucía;
Burt, Alexandra;
Klump, Kelly L.;
Medland, Sarah E.;
Montgomery, Grant W.;
Kandler, Christian;
McAdams, Tom A.;
Eley, Thalia C.;
Gregory, Alice M.;
Saudino, Kimberly J.;
Dubois, Lise;
Haworth, Claire MA;
Wardle, Jane;
Plomin, Robert;
Öncel, Sevgi Y.;
Aliev, Fazil;
Stazi, Maria A.;
Fagnani, Corrado;
D'Ippolito, Cristina;
Craig, Jeffrey M.;
Saffery, Richard;
Siribaddana, Sisira H.;
Hotopf, Matthew;
Sumathipala, Athula;
Spector, Timothy;
Mangino, Massimo;
Lachance, Genevieve;
Gatz, Margaret;
Butler, David A.;
Bayasgalan, Gombojav;
Narandalai, Danshiitsoodol;
Freitas, Duarte L;
Maia, José Antonio;
Harden, K Paige;
Tucker-Drob, Elliot M.;
Christensen, Kaare;
Skytthe, Axel;
Kyvik, Kirsten O;
Kim, Bia;
Hong, Changhee;
Chong, Yong-Sook;
Derom, Catherine A.;
Vlietinck, Robert F;
Cozen, Wendy;
Hwang, Amie E;
Mack, Thomas M;
He, Mingguang;
Ding, Xiaohu;
Chang, Billy;
Silberg, Judy L;
Eaves, Lindon J;
Maes, Hermine H;
Cutler, Tessa L;
Hopper, John L;
Aujard, Kelly;
Magnusson, Patrik KE;
Pedersen, Nancy L;
Dahl, Anna K;
Song, Yun-Mi;
Yang, Sarah;
Tuvblad, Catherine;
Baker, Laura A;
Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten;
Beck-Nielsen, Henning;
Sodemann, Morten;
Heikkilä, Kauko;
Tan, Qihua;
Zhang, Dongfeng;
Swan, Gary E;
Krasnow, Ruth;
Jang, Kerry L;
Knafo-Noam, Ariel;
Mankuta, David;
Abramson, Lior;
Lichtenstein, Paul;
Krueger, Robert F;
McGue, Matt;
Pahlen, Shandell;
Tynelius, Per;
Duncan, Glen;
Buchwald, Dedra;
Corley, Robin P;
Huibregtse, Brooke M;
Nelson, Tracy L;
Whitfield, Keith E.;
Franz, Carol E;
Kremen, William S;
Lyons, Michael J;
Ooki, Syuichi;
Brandt, Ingunn;
Nilsen, Thomas Sevenius;
Inui, Fujio;
Bartels, Meike;
van Beijsterveldt, Toos CEM;
Wardle, Jane;
Llewellyn, Clare H;
Fisher, Abigail;
Rebato, Esther;
Martin, Nicholas G;
Hayakawa, Kazuo;
Rasmussen, Finn;
Song, Joohon;
Harris, Jennifer R;
Willemsen, Gonneke;
Busjahn, Andreas;
Goldberg, Jack H;
Boomsma, Dorret I;
Hur, Yoon-Mi;
Sørensen, Thorkild IA and
Kaprio, Jaakko.
The cohort description of collaborative project of development of anthropometrical measures in twins (CODATwins) to study macro-environmental variation in genetic and environmental effects on anthropometric traits.
Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18(4),
pp. 348-360.
ISSN 1832-4274
Spencer, Andrew and
Popova, Gergana.
Periphrasis and Inflection.
Matthew Baerman, ed.
The Oxford Handbook of Inflection.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 197-232.
ISBN 9780199591428
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Spense, Ruth;
Bunn, Amanda;
Stephen, Nunn;
Hosang, Georgina M.;
Kagan, Lisa;
Fisher, Helen.L;
Taylor, Matthew and
Bifulco, Antonia.
Measuring Life Events and Their Association With Clinical Disorder: A Protocol for Development of an Online Approach.
JMIR Research Protocols, 4(3),
ISSN 1929-0748
 Preview |
Stables, Kay and
Keirl, Steve.
Introducing the Book.
K Stables and
S Keirl, eds.
Environment, Ethics and Cultures: Design and Technology Education’s Contribution to Sustainable Global Futures.
Rotterdam: Sense, pp. 3-13.
ISBN 9789462099364
[Book Section]
Stevenson, Guy.
Miller and Morality.
Louis Renza;
James Decker and
Indrek Manniste, eds.
Henry Miller: New Perspectives.
Bloomsbury Academic USA; Reprint edition, pp. 63-74.
ISBN 978-1628921236
[Book Section]
Thomas, M.S.C.;
Kovas, Yulia;
Meaburn, E.L. and
Tolmie, A..
What can the study of genetics offer to educators? Mind, Brain, and Education.
Mind, Brain, and Education, 9(2),
pp. 72-80.
ISSN 1751-2271
 Preview |
Thomson, Alison;
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew;
Yurman, Paulina;
Migliore, Enza;
Gray, Nicola;
Yang, Ya-huei;
Hogan, Nicola and
Kerridge, Tobie.
'Doctoral Research Presentations'.
Doctoral Research Presentations: Goldsmiths Design Festival. LG01, Professor Stuart Hall Building, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Toscano, Alberto.
Plasticity, Capital and the Dialectic.
Brenna Bhandar and
Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, eds.
Plastic materialities : politics, legality, and metamorphosis in the work of Catherine Malabou.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 91-109.
ISBN 9780822358572
[Book Section]
Tudor-Owen, Jane and
Scott, Adrian J..
Interviewing Witnesses in Australia.
D. Walsh;
G. Oxburgh;
A. Redlich and
T. Myklebust, eds.
Contemporary developments and practices in investigative interviewing and interrogation: An International perspective (Volume I: Victims and witnesses).
London: Routledge, pp. 73-86.
ISBN 9781138781740
[Book Section]
Twitchin, Mischa.
'Animating Masks'.
TaPRA Interim Conference on Foucault. Kings College, University of Lonodn, United Kingdom 4th July, 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Twitchin, Mischa.
'On Shunt'.
Conference on Troupes, Collectifs, Compagnies. La Comedie de Valence, France 1st-3rd April, 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Vishmidt, Marina.
Plan for An Activity in Mind.
John Cunningham;
Anthony Iles;
Mira Mattar and
Marina Vishmidt, eds.
Anguish Language: Writing and Crisis.
Berlin: Archive Books.
ISBN 978-3-943620-30-6
[Book Section]
Walsh, E.;
Guilmette, D. N.;
Longo, M. R.;
Moore, James W.;
Oakley, D. A.;
Halligan, P. W.;
Mehta, M. A. and
Deeley, Q..
Are You Suggesting That's My Hand? The Relation Between Hypnotic Suggestibility and the Rubber Hand Illusion.
Perception, 44(6),
pp. 709-723.
ISSN 0301-0066
Walsh, Roxy and
Underwood, Sally.
In: "Without", Art Exchange, University of Essex, United Kingdom, January - February 2015.
Walsh, Roxy and
Underwood, Sally.
In: "Without", Chandelier Projects, April - May 2015.
Wang, Z.;
Lukowski, S.L.;
Hart, S.A.;
Lyons, I.M.;
Thompson, L.A.;
Kovas, Yulia;
Mazzocco, M.M.M.;
Plomin, R. and
Petrill, S.A..
Is Math Anxiety Always Bad for Math Learning? The Role of Math Motivation.
Psychological Science, 26(12),
pp. 1863-1876.
ISSN 0956-7976
Weizman, Eyal.
In: "Forensis", Fundación Proa (PROA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25 September 2015 - 31 January 2016.
Weizman, Eyal.
The Urban-Data Complex.
In: "Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture 2015", Shenzhen Public Art Center, Shenzhen, China, 4 December 2015 - 4 March 2016.
 Preview |
Williams, Kevin;
Bilsland, Elizabeth;
Sparkes, Andrew;
Aubrey, Wayne;
Young, Michael;
Soldatova, Larisa N;
De Grave, Kurt;
Ramon, Jan;
de Clare, Michaela;
Sirawaraporn, Worachart;
Oliver, Stephen G and
King, Ross D.
Cheaper faster drug development validated by the repositioning of drugs against neglected tropical diseases.
Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 12(104),
ISSN 1742-5662
Wong, C.C.Y.;
Parsons, M.J.;
Lester, Kathryn J.;
Burrage, J.;
Eley, Thalia C.;
Mill, Jonathan;
Dempster, E.L. and
Gregory, Alice M..
Epigenome-wide DNA methylation analysis of monozygotic twins discordant for diurnal preference.
Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18(6),
pp. 662-669.
ISSN 1832-4274
 Preview |
Wood, Frances;
Salam, Abdul;
Singh, Kavita;
Day, Sophie E.;
Jan, Stephen;
Prabhakaran, Dorairaj;
Rodgers, Anthony;
Patel, Anushka;
Thom, Simon and
Ward, Helen.
Process evaluation of the impact and acceptability of a polypill for prevention of cardiovascular disease.
BMJ Open, 5,
Zai, C.C;
Gonclaves, V.F;
Tiwari, A.K;
Gagliano, S.A;
Hosang, Georgina M.;
De Luca, Vincenzo;
Shaikh, S.A;
King, N;
Chen, Q;
Xu, Wei;
Strauss, John;
Breen, G;
Lewis, C.M;
Farmer, Anne E.;
McGuffin, Peter;
Knight, Jo;
Vincent, J.B and
Kennedy, J.L.
A genome-wide association study of suicide severity scores in bipolar disorder.
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 65,
pp. 23-29.
ISSN 0022-3956
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