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Number of items: 1531.


Abse, Toby. 2015. Rifondazione Comunista: a party of protest or a party of government? Socialist History(47), pp. 64-89. ISSN 0969-4331 [Article]

Aceti, Lanfranco; Park, Tae Hong and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. Sounds, Images and Data 2015. [Project]

Aceti, Lanfranco and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. 'Crossing the Line: Rituals and Realities of Life and Death in the Contemporary Mediterranean'. In: Spaces, Scales and Routes: Region Formation in History and Anthropology. Harvard University, United States May 1-2, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Aceti, Lanfranco; Travis, Sven and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. Digital Queers. [Project]

Adams, S.V.; Wennekers, T.; Cangelosi, A.; Garagnani, M. and Pulvermüller, F.. 2015. 'Learning Visual-Motor Cell Assemblies for the iCub Robot using a Neuroanatomically Grounded Neural Network'. In: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind and Brain (SSCI-CCMB 2014). Orlando, United States 9-12 December 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ahmed, Nabil. 2015. Earth Poison. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Aksu, Kenan. 2015. Turkey-EU Relations: Beyond membership; army, religion, and energy. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Al-Rifaie, Asmaa Majid and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid. 2015. Generative Music with Stochastic Diffusion Search. In: , ed. Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design. 9027 Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-14. [Book Section]

Alexander, Tamsin. 2015. Decentralising via Russia: Glinka’s A Life for the Tsar in Nice, 1890. Cambridge Opera Journal, 27(1), pp. 35-62. ISSN 0954-5867 [Article]

Alexander, Tamsin. 2015. Review: 'A Musician Divided: Andre Tchaikowsky in his own words'. Music & Letters, 96(3), pp. 491-494. [Article]

Alexander, Tamsin. 2015. Tales of Cultural Transfer: Russian Opera Abroad, 1866-1906. Doctoral thesis, University of Cambridge [Thesis]

Allgood, Rebecca and Heaton, Pam F.. 2015. Developmental change and cross-domain links in vocal and musical emotion recognition performance in childhood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33(3), pp. 398-403. ISSN 0261-510X [Article]

Allsopp, Ric and Kreider, Kristen. 2015. To Step, Leap, Fly. Performance Research, 20(1), pp. 1-3. ISSN 1352-8165 [Article]

Aloi, Giovanni. 2015. Botched Taxidermy: New Animal Bodies in Contemporary Art. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Alonso Soriano, C; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Crane, Laura. 2015. Surveying parental experiences of receiving a diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 43-44, pp. 11-20. ISSN 0891-4222 [Article]

Alrubaishi, D; Haugh, H; Robson, P and Doern, Rachel. 2015. 'Family firms, socioemotional wealth and entrepreneurial orientation: Evidence from Saudi Arabia'. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference. Natick, United States 10-13 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Alsanea, Majed. 2015. Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Computing in Saudi Arabia’s Government Sector. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

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Alston, Adam. 2015. Performing labour in Look Left Look Right's Above and Beyond. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 20(1), pp. 50-61. ISSN 1356-9783 [Article]

Altweck, Laura; Marshall, Tara C.; Ferenczi, Nelli and Lefringhausen, Katharina. 2015. Mental health literacy: a cross-cultural approach to knowledge and beliefs about depression, schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, [Article]

Ameeriar, Lalaie. 2015. Pedagogies of Affect: Docility and Deference in the Making of Immigrant Women Subjects. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 40(2), pp. 467-486. ISSN 0097-9740 [Article]

Amsler, Mark and Shore, Cris. 2015. Responsibilisation and leadership in the neoliberal university: a New Zealand perspective. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38(1), pp. 123-137. ISSN 0159-6306 [Article]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2015. This is Cézanne. London: Laurence King Publishing. ISBN 978-1780674780 [Book]

Anelli, Filomena; Candini, Michela; Cappelletti, Marinella; Oliveri, Massimiliano and Frassinetti, Francesca. 2015. The Remapping of Time by Active Tool-Use. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0146175. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 2015. Translational Space and Creolising Aesthetics in Three Women’s Novels: the Radical Diasporic (Re)turn. Synthesis: an Anglophone Journal of Comparative Literary Studies(7), pp. 7-22. ISSN 1791-5155 [Article]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 2015. Travelling with Imoinda: Art, Authorship, and Critique. Callaloo, 38(3), pp. 570-581. ISSN 0161-2492 [Article]

Antunes, Rui Filipe; Leymarie, Frederic Fol and Latham, William. 2015. On Writing and Reading Artistic Computational Ecosystems. Artificial Life, 21(3), pp. 320-331. ISSN 1064-5462 [Article]

Aparajeya, Prashant; Petresin, Vesna; Leymarie, Frederic Fol and Rueger, Stefan. 2015. 'Movement Description and Gesture Recognition for Live Media Arts'. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP). London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Aquino, Gerardo; Wingreen, Ned S and Endres, Robert G. 2015. Know the Single-Receptor Sensing Limit? Think Again. Journal of Statistical Physics, 162, pp. 1353-1364. ISSN 0022-4715 [Article]

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Aquino, Gerardo and Zapotocky, Martin. 2015. Information transfer through a signaling module with feedback: A perturbative approach. BioSystems, 136, pp. 66-72. ISSN 0303-2647 [Article]

Archer, Michael. 2015. Imi Knoebel: Paint Project. In: , ed. Imi Knoebel. London: White Cube, pp. 29-55. ISBN 9781910844021 [Book Section]

Armstrong, R and Redhead, L. 2015. /’(h)weTH: VOICE - BREATH - BODY - FORM/S. New Sound International Journal of Music, 46, pp. 155-167. ISSN 0354-818X [Article]

Artamonova, Elena. 2015. Vadim Borisovsky and His Viola Arrangements: Recent Discoveries in Russian Archives and Libraries, Part II. Journal of the American Viola Society, 31(1), pp. 19-30. ISSN 0898-5987 [Article]

Ashcroft, Louise. 2015. Shopping and subversion | Louise Ashcroft | TEDxHackneyWomen. In: "Shopping and Subversion", TEDx Hackney Women, United Kingdom, 30 May 2015. [Performance]

Assiter, Ben. 2015. Basic Channel and Timelessness: Negotiating Canonisation, Resemblance and Repetition in House and Techno. International Association for the Study of Popular Music, [Article]

Aston, Katie; Cornish, Helen and Joyce, Aimée Edith. 2015. Plotting Belonging: Interrogating insider and outsider status in faith research. DISKUS, 17(1), pp. 1-13. [Article]

Awan, Nishat and Hoskyns, Teresa. 2015. Mapping Occupy. Architecture and Culture, 2(1), pp. 130-140. ISSN 2050-7828 [Article]

al-Rifaie, Fatimah Majid and al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid. 2015. 'Investigating stochastic diffusion search in DNA sequence assembly problem'. In: SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2015. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid; Aber, Ahmed and Hemanth, Duraiswamy Jude. 2015. Deploying swarm intelligence in medical imaging identifying metastasis, micro-calcifications and brain image segmentation. Systems Biology, IET, 9(6), pp. 234-244. [Article]

al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid and Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. Weak and Strong Computational Creativity. In: Tarek Richard Besold; Marco Schorlemmer and Alan Smaill, eds. Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines. 7 Atlantic Press. ISBN 978-94-6239-084-3 [Book Section]

al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid and Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. Weak and Strong Computational Creativity. In: , ed. Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines. Springer. [Book Section]

al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid; Joyce, Daniel; Shergill, Sukhi and Bishop, Mark. 2015. 'Investigating stochastic diffusion search in data clustering'. In: SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2015. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid; Joyce, Daniel; Shergill, Sukhi and Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. 'Investigating Stochastic Diffusion Search in Data Clustering'. In: SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2015. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Back, Les. 2015. How Blue Can You Get? B.B. King, Planetary Humanism and the Blues behind Bars. Theory, Culture and Society, 32(7-8), pp. 274-285. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

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Back, Les. 2015. Why Everyday Life Matters: Class, Community and Making Life Livable. Sociology, 49(5), pp. 820-836. ISSN 0038-0385 [Article]

Back, Les and Tate, Maggie. 2015. For a Sociological Reconstruction: W.E.B. Du Bois, Stuart Hall and Segregated Sociology. Sociological Research Online, 20(3), pp. 155-166. ISSN 1360-7804 [Article]

Bacque, Marie-Helene; Bridge, Gary; Benson, Michaela; Butler, Tim; Charmes, Eric; Fijalkow, Yankel; Jackson, Emma; Launay, Lydie and Vermeesch, Stephanie. 2015. The middle classes and the city: a study of Paris and London. Houdsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN 9781137332592 [Book]

Badkobeh, Golnaz and Crochemore, Maxime. 2015. Infinite binary words containing repetitions of odd period. Information Processing Letters, 115(5), pp. 543-547. ISSN 0020-0190 [Article]

Badkobeh, Golnaz; Fici, Gabriele and Lipták, Zsuzsanna. 2015. On the Number of Closed Factors in a Word. pp. 381-390. [Article]

Badkobeh, Golnaz; Lehre, Per Kristian and Sudholt, Dirk. 2015. 'Black-box Complexity of Parallel Search with Distributed Populations'. In: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms XIII, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, January 17 - 20, 2015. Aberystwyth, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Badkobeh, Golnaz and Ochem, Pascal. 2015. Characterization of some binary words with few squares. Theoretical Computer Science, 588, pp. 73-80. ISSN 0304-3975 [Article]

Bain, Jennifer. August 2015 - August 2020 Design Ventura. [Project]

Baker, Christopher; Reader, John and James, Thomas A.. 2015. Entangled Fidelities: Towards a Relational Christian Realism for the Public Sphere. Political Theology, 16(3), pp. 247-263. ISSN 1462-317X [Article]

Baker, Christopher; Reader, John and Whistler, Daniel. 2015. Introduction to the Special Issue: Speculative Philosophies and Religious Practices. Political Theology, 13(2), pp. 141-155. ISSN 1462-317X [Article]

Bakir, Vian; Cable, Jonathan; Dencik, Lina; Hintz, Arne and McStay, Andrew. 2015. Public feeling on privacy, security and surveillance: a report by DATA-PSST and DCSS. Project Report. Cardiff University and Bangor University. [Report]

Balaskas, Bill; Jones, Haydn; Lattanzi Antinori, Fabio; Munro, Jonathan and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. 'Board Meeting'. In: Executive Chair Panel Discussion. Guest Projects, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Baldick, Chris. 2015. The Novel in Theory, 1900–1965. In: Stephen Arata; Madigan Haley; J. Paul Hunter and Jennifer Wicke, eds. A Companion to the English Novel. London: Wiley, pp. 256-270. ISBN 9781405194457 [Book Section]

Bannocks, Stuart. 2015. Monster City. [Printed Ephemera]

Bannocks, Stuart. 2015. Tall Tales in High Environs. Multiplexer, Zero, pp. 239-255. ISSN 2059-1543 [Article]

Bannocks, Stuart and Lychagina, Sasha. 2015. CITY STRIPS, POP-UP SHO(W)P. In: "CITY STRIPS, POP-UP SHO(W)P", 310 NX Rd, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Bannocks, Stuart and Lychagina, Sasha. 2015. Pixels & Elephants. In: "The Big Noise Festival 2015", The Coronet Theatre London, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Barakat, Basel and Arshad, Kamran. 2015. 'Energy efficient carrier aggregation for LTE-Advanced'. In: 2015 IEEE 8th GCC Conference & Exhibition. Muscat, Oman 1 - 4 February 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Barakat, Basel and Arshad, Kamran. 2015. 'Energy efficient scheduling in LTE-advanced for Machine Type Communication'. In: 2015 International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication (IEMCON). Vancouver, BC, Canada 15 - 17 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Barakat, Basel and Arshad, Kamran. 2015. 'An adaptive hybrid scheduling algorithm for LTE-Advanced'. In: 2015 22nd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT). Sydney, Australia 27 - 29 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Baran, Michael; Heurich, Guilherme; Sauma, Julia F. and Siqueira, Paula. 2015. “O Clima Está Quente, Né?”: Justaposições E Distanciamentos Entre Público e Especialistas Brasileiros Sobre As Mudanças Climáticas. Technical Report. Frameworks Institute, Washington, DC. [Report]

Barassi, Veronica. 2015. Activism on the Web: Everyday Struggles Against Digital Capitalism. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415717915 [Book]

Barassi, Veronica. 2015. Social Media, Immediacy and the Time for Democracy: Critical Reflections on Social Media as ‘Temporalising Practices. In: Lina Dencik and Oliver Leistert, eds. Critical Approaches to Social Media Protest: Contentions and Debates. Lanham, Maryland: Rowan and Littlefield. ISBN 9781783483365 [Book Section]

Barassi, Veronica and Treré, Emiliano. 2015. Net-Authoritarianism? How Web Ideologies reinforce Political Hierarchies in the Italian ‘5 Star Movement. Italian Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 3(3), pp. 287-304. ISSN 2047-7368 [Article]

Barber, Ros. 2015. Bardolph and Poins. Notes and Queries, 62(1), pp. 104-107. ISSN 0029-3970 [Article]

Barber, Ros. 2015. Devotion. London: Oneworld. ISBN 9781780747286 [Book]

Barber, Ros. 2015. Shakespeare's 'Honey-Stalks'. Notes and Queries, 62(1), pp. 92-93. ISSN 1471-6941 [Article]

Barber, Rosalind. 2015. Sir John Davies as Guilpin’s Fuscus. Notes and Queries, 62(4), pp. 553-554. ISSN 0029-3970 [Article]

Barclay, Nicola L.; Gehrman, P.R.; Gregory, Alice M.; Eaves, L.J and Silberg, J.L.. 2015. The heritability of insomnia from childhood to adolescence: results from a longitudinal twin study. Sleep, 38(1), pp. 109-118. ISSN 0161-8105 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2015. The Fire Station. Lewes: Telltale Press. ISBN 9780992855536 [Book]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2015. ‘The Outsider’ [POEM]. Envoi(170), p. 38. ISSN 0013-9394 [Article]

Barnsley, Sarah. 2015. A Zoology of London [POEM]. The Stinging Fly, 31(2), [Article]

Barral, Virginie. 2015. Retour sur la fonction du développement durable en droit international: de l’outil herméneutique à l’obligation de s’efforcer de parvenir au développement durable. In: Société Française pour le Droit International, ed. Droit international et développement. Paris: Editions A. Pedone, pp. 411-426. ISBN 9782233007469 [Book Section]

Barral, Virginie and Dupuy, Pierre-Marie. 2015. Principle 4: Sustainable Development through Integration. In: Jorge E. Viñuales, ed. The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 157-180. ISBN 9780199686773 [Book Section]

Bates, Charlotte. 2015. Intimate Encounters: Making Video Diaries about Embodied Everyday Life. In: Charlotte Bates, ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415734011 [Book Section]

Bates, Charlotte. 2015. Introduction: Putting Things in Motion. In: Charlotte Bates, ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415734011 [Book Section]

Beard, Alice. 2015. Nova magazine 1965-1975 : a history. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Beasley, Becky. 2015. Sleep is When you Grow. In: "Sleep is When You Grow", SKUC Gallery, Slovenia, 28.8. – 27.9. 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Begum Ali, J.; Spence, C. and Bremner, Andrew J.. 2015. Human infants’ ability to perceive touch in external space develops postnatally. Current Biology, 25(20), R978-R979. ISSN 0960-9822 [Article]

Bengry, Justin. 2015. Who is the Queer Consumer? Historical Perspectives on Capitalism and Homosexuality. In: Erika Rappaport; Sandra Trudgen Dawson and Mark J. Crowley, eds. Consuming Behaviours: Identity, Politics and Pleasure in Twentieth-Century Britain. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 21-36. ISBN 9780857857392 [Book Section]

Bennett, Alexis. 2015. Music Directors And Composers In British Cinema Of The 1930s: The Creative Process And Working Musical Relationships. FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series Visual Arts and Music, 1(1), pp. 13-19. ISSN 2466-2887 [Article]

Benson, Michaela. 2015. Class, Race, Privilege: Structuring the Lifestyle Migrant Experience in Boquete, Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 14(1), pp. 19-37. ISSN 1548-5811 [Article]

Benson, Michaela. 2015. Lifestyle migration: from the state of the art to the future of the field. Two Homelands, 42, pp. 9-23. ISSN 0353-6777 [Article]

Benson, Michaela; Bridge, Gary and Wilson, Deborah. 2015. School Choice in London and Paris - A Comparison of Middle-class Strategies. Social Policy & Administration, 49(1), pp. 24-43. ISSN 01445596 [Article]

Benson, Michaela and Charsley, Katharine. 2015. From genuine to sham marriage: moral panic and the ‘authenticity’ of relationships. In: Michaela Benson, ed. Revisiting Moral Panic. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 9781447321859 [Book Section]

Bergstrom, Ilias and Lotto, Beau. 2015. Code Bending: A New Creative Coding Practice. Leonardo, 48(1), pp. 25-31. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]

Berio, Daniel and Leymarie, Frederic Fol. 2015. 'Computational Models for the Analysis and Synthesis of Graffiti Tag Strokes'. In: Proceedings of the workshop on Computational Aesthetics (CAe). Istanbul, Turkey. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Berry Slater, Josephine. 2015. Dis-Embodying Regeneration. In: , ed. Alex Frost: Property Guardian. London: Flat Time House, pp. 45-50. [Book Section]

Berry, Josephine. 2015. Everyone is Not an Artist: Autonomous Art Meets the Neoliberal City. New Formations, 84/85, pp. 20-40. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Berthaut, Florent; Coyle, David; Moore, James W. and Limerick, Hannah. 2015. 'Liveness Through the Lens of Agency and Causality'. In: The 15th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 31 May-3 June, 2015, Louisiana State University, USA. Louisiana, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Besson, Jean. 2015. 'Jamaican hidden histories in Caribbean context: maroons, free villages and ‘squatter’ settlements'. In: Keynote Address. 39th Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies. The Drum Intercultural Arts Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom 1-3 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bhopal, Kalwant and Shain, Farzana, eds. 2015. Neoliberalism and Education Rearticulating Social Justice and Inclusion, 1st Edition. New York, NY: USA: Routledge. ISBN 9781138182530 [Edited Book]

Binet, L; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Morrison, G. 2015. Marketing to the senses: Music gets under your skin. Admap, April, pp. 37-39. [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. History and Philosophy of Neural Networks. In: Hisao Ishibuchi, ed. EOLSS: Computational Intelligence. UNESCO. ISBN 9781780215204 [Book Section]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. The Singularity, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI. In: Vincent Muller, ed. Risks of Artificial Intelligence. Chapman and Hall, pp. 267-280. ISBN 978-1-4987-3482-0 [Book Section]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. Trouble with computation: a refutation of digital ontology. In: M. Soskova and B. Cooper, eds. The Incomputable. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-43667-8 [Book Section]

Black, Hannah; Daniels, Chris Paul; Dean, Michael; Harrison, Sarah; Kholeif, Omar; Kingstone, Peter; Carter, Claire Makhlouf; Morrison, Laura; O'Hare, Louise; Penney, Bridget; Perks, Sarah; Unsworth, Emma Jane; Walter, John; Wills, Camilla and Wood, Jason. 2015. Transactions of Desire Vol 2: Are you allergic to the 21st century? In: Louise O'Hare and Sarah Perks, eds. Transactions of Desire Vol 2: Are you allergic to the 21st century? 2 Manchester UK: Cornerhouse Publications, pp. 54-68. ISBN 9780992952457 [Book Section]

Blackman, Lisa. 2015. The Haunted Life of Data. In: Ganaele Langloise; Joanna Redden and Greg Elmer, eds. Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data. London: The Bloomsbury Press, pp. 185-209. ISBN 9781501306525 [Book Section]

Blackman, Lisa. 2015. 'Lisa Blackman follow-up interview to her keynote lecture at the MeCCSA-PGN 2015 Conference in Coventry.'. In: MeCCSA-PGN 2015 Conference Transformative Practice. Coventry University, United Kingdom 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Blackman, Lisa. 2015. Researching Affect and Embodied Hauntologies: Exploring an Analytics of Experimentation. In: Britta Timm Knudsen and Carsten Stage, eds. Affective Methodologies: Developing Cultural Research Strategies for the Study of Affect. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-137-48318-8 [Book Section]

Blackman, Lisa; McCarthy-Jones, Simon; Castro Romero, Maria; McCarthy-Jones, Rosaline; Dillon, Jaqui; Cooper-Rompato, Christine; Kieron, Kathyrn and Kaufman, Milissa. 2015. Hearing the Unheard: An Interdisciplinary, Mixed Methodology Study of Women’s Experiences of Hearing Voices (Auditory Verbal Hallucinations). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6, 181. ISSN 1664-0640 [Article]

Blackwell, Tim. 2015. Information gain measure for structural discrimination of cellular automata configurations. Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC), 2015 7th, pp. 47-52. [Article]

Blas, Zach. 12 May 2015 - 2018 Contra-Internet. [Project]

Blas, Zach and Cassils, Heather. 2015. “Queer Darkness”. Little Joe, No. 5. [Other]

Blas, Zach; Kholeif, Omar; Bridle, James and Dullaart, Constant. 2015. “Has the Internet Become a Human or a Thing, or Have We Become the Internet?”. Mousse Magazine, Number 47. [Other]

Blasi, Anna; Lloyd-Fox, Sarah; Sethna, Vaheshta; Brammer, Michael J.; Mercure, Evelyne; Murray, Lynne; Williams, Steven C.R.; Simmons, Andrew; Murphy, Declan G.M. and Johnson, Mark H.. 2015. Atypical processing of voice sounds in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder. Cortex, 71, pp. 122-133. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Blayney, J.; Haberland, Valeriia; Lightbody, G. and Browne, F.. 2015. 'Biomarker Discovery, High Performance and Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Review'. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Washington D.C., United States November 9-12, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Blechinger, Philipp; Richter, Katharina and Renn, Ortwin. 2015. Barriers and Solutions to the Development of Renewable Energy Technologies in the Caribbean. In: Sebastian Groh; Jonas van der Straeten; Brian Edlefsen Lasch; Dimitry Gershenson; Walter Leal Filho and Daniel M. Kammen, eds. Decentralized Solutions for Developing Economies: Addressing Energy Poverty Through Innovation. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 267-284. ISBN 9783319159638 [Book Section]

Bogdan, Jolan. 2015. Performative Contradiction and Revolution: Reconsidering Romania. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Bond, Frank W.; Lloyd, Joda; Flaxman, Paul E. and Archer, Rob. 2015. Psychological Flexibility and ACT at Work. In: , ed. The Wiley Handbook of Contextual Behavioral Science. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 459-482. ISBN 9781118489567 [Book Section]

Born, Georgina and Wilkie, Alex. 2015. Temporalities, aesthetics and the studio: an interview with Georgina Born. In: Ignacio Farías and Alex Wilkie, eds. Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements. London; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 135-151. ISBN ISBN 978-1-138-79871-7 [Book Section]

Bosnic, Maja. 2015. Re-question, Reset : Portfolio of compositions accompanied by a written commentary.. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Boucher, Andy; Cameron, David; Gaver, William; Hauenstein, Mark; Jarvis, Nadine; Kerridge, Tobie; Michael, Mike; Ovalle, Liliana; Pennington, Sarah and Wilkie, Alex. 2015. Web Science 2015. In: "Web Science 2015 Conference Exhibition", Web Sci '15, United Kingdom, 28 June – 1 July 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Boucher, Andy; Cameron, David; Gaver, William; Hauenstein, Mark; Jarvis, Nadine; Ovalle, Liliana and Pennington, Sarah. 2015. Datacatcher: Digital Design Weekend, V&A Museum. In: "Digital Design Weekend", V&A Museum, London, United Kingdom, 26 - 27 Sept 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Boucher, Andy; Cameron, David; Gaver, William; Hauenstein, Mark; Jarvis, Nadine; Ovalle, Liliana and Pennington, Sarah. 2015. The Prayer Companion. In: "Big Bang Data", Somerset House, London, United Kingdom, 3 Dec 2015 - 20 Mar 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Bourne, Clea D.. 2015. Extending PR’s critical conversations with advertising and marketing. In: Jacquie L'Etang; David McKie; Nancy Snow and Jordi Xifra, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. Routledge, pp. 119-129. ISBN 9780415727334 [Book Section]

Bowman, Jason; Malik, Suhail and Phillips, Andrea. 2015. Parse Journal #2: Introduction. Parse #2: The Value of Contemporary Art, 2, pp. 8-6. ISSN 2002-0511 [Article]

Boyce, P; Engebretsen, E; Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ; Hendricks, T; Hossain, A; Posocco, S; Riley, T; Tucker, H and Graham, M. 2015. Anthropologists Are Talking about Queer Anthropology. Ethnos, 81(2), ISSN 0014-1844 [Article]

Brar, Dhanveer Singh. 2015. Black Outbreak. In: Sophie Fuggle and Tom Henri, eds. Return to the Street. London: Pavement Books, pp. 117-132. ISBN 9780957147058 [Book Section]

Brar, Dhanveer Singh. 2015. Ghetto Thermodynamics. Cesura // Acceso: Journal for Music, Politics and Poetics, 1, [Article]

Brar, Dhanveer Singh. 2015. 'James Brown', 'Jamesbrown', James Brown: Black (music) from the getup. Popular Music, 34(3), pp. 471-484. ISSN 0261-1430 [Article]

Brenner, David. 2015. Ashes of co-optation: from armed group fragmentation to the rebuilding of popular insurgency in Myanmar. Conflict, Security & Development, 15(4), pp. 337-358. ISSN 1467-8802 [Article]

Brewer, Mary F.; Goddard, Lynette and Osborne, Deirdre. 2015. Framing Black British Drama: Past to Present. In: Mary F. Brewer; Lynette Goddard and Deirdre Osborne, eds. Modern and Contemporary Black British Drama. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9780230303195 [Book Section]

Bright, Brittain. 2015. Beyond the Scene of the Crime: Investigating Place in Golden Age Detective Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Bright, Brittain. 2015. ‘The Maturity of Lord Peter Wimsey and Authorial Innovation within a Series’. In: Carolina Miranda; Jean Anderson and Barbara Pezzotti, eds. Serial Crime Fiction: Dying for More. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 87-98. ISBN 978-1-137-48368-3 [Book Section]

Brody, D C and Hughston, L P. 2015. Universal Quantum Measurements. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 624, 012002. ISSN 1742-6588 [Article]

Brody, D C; Hughston, L P and Meier, D M. 2015. Fragile Entanglement Statistics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48(42), 425301. ISSN 1751-8113 [Article]

Bromberg, Svenja. 2015. Vacillations of Affect: How to Reclaim ‘Affect’ for a Feminist-Materialist Critique of Capitalist Social Relations? Graduate Journal of Social Science, 11(1), pp. 93-119. ISSN 1572-3763 [Article]

Brown, Christopher; Catchpole, Kristen; Cavaliero, Annamaria; Kagiafa, Diana; Martyn, Jonathan; Morris, Lesley; Rimmer, Lisa; Rudnik, Susan; Skaife, Sally; Tipple, Robin A.; Velada, Diana and Westwood, Jill. 2015. someunconsciousthings Goldsmiths Art Psychotherapy Exhibition. In: "Freud Museum: Festival of the Unconscious. The Unconscious Revisited", Freud Museum, United Kingdom, 24 June -13 Sept 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Brown, Gary; Hawkes, Nick; Cooper, Andrew; Solveig, Jonsdottir and Tata, Philip. 2015. The Anxiety Attitude and Belief Scale-2: Development, measurement model, and initial validity. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 22(6), pp. 687-697. ISSN 1063-3995 [Article]

Buchczyk, Magdalena. 2015. Heterogenous Craft Communities: Reflections on Folk Pottery in Romania. Journal of Museum Ethnography, 28, pp. 28-49. ISSN 0954–7169 [Article]

Bulley, James. 2015. Tactus No.1. In: "Sonic Pattern, Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery, Kaunas Biennial", Kaunas, Lithuania, 18 September – 1 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Bunch, C; Campbell, Kirsten; Mlinarevic, G; Otto, D; Perovic, L; Rakic Vodinelic, V and Terselic, V. 2015. Preliminary Decision, Judicial Council of the Women’s Court for the Former Yugoslavia. [Professional Activity]

Burrows, David; Jackson, Mark; O'Sullivan, Simon D. and Tait, Stuart. 2015. Monarch Drone Communiqué. Culture Machine, 16, [Article]

Burt, Philippa. 2015. The Ideal of Ensemble Practice in Twentieth-century British Theatre, 1900-1968.. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Burton, James. 2015. From Exegesis to Ecology. In: Alexander Dunst and Stefan Schlensag, eds. The World According to Philip K. Dick. Palgrave, pp. 209-227. ISBN 978-1-137-41458-8 [Book Section]

Burton, S V A. 2015. The Monstrous 'White Theory Boy': Symbolic Capital, Pedagogy and the Politics of Knowledge. Sociological Research Online, 20(3), pp. 167-177. ISSN 1360-7804 [Article]

Busby, Lisa. 2015. 3 Scores, 3 Rooms. [Composition]

Busby, Lisa. 2015. Editions of You: A DIY Archive of DIY Practice. In: Sarah Baker, ed. Preserving Popular Music Heritage: Do-it-Yourself, Do-it-Together. 11 New York: Routledge, pp. 227-240. ISBN 9781138781436 [Book Section]

Busby, Lisa. 2015. Fingers in the Gloss. [Composition]


Caines, Suzanne. 2015. The Interlocutor and the End Men. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

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Callan, Brian. 2015. Something's wrong here: transnational dissent and the unimagined community. In: Giovanni Travaglino, ed. Protest, Movements, and Dissent in the Social Sciences: A multidisciplinary perspective. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 106-120. ISBN 9781138924543 [Book Section]

Campbell, Kirsten. 2015. Feminism and Lacanian Psychoanalysis. In: Samo Tomšič and Andreja Zevnik, eds. Jacques Lacan: Between Psychoanalysis and Politics. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 234-253. ISBN 978-0-415-72433-3 [Book Section]

Camplin, Bonnie. 2015. Bonnie Camplin detail of "Patterns" Installation. In: "Turner Prize 2015", Tramway, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1 October 2015 – 17 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Camplin, Bonnie. 2015. Patterns/The Military Industrial Complex. In: "Turner Prize 2015", Tramway, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1 October 2015 – 17 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

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Canova-Green, Marie-Claude. 2015. D'une interpretation l'autre. Les entrees provencales de Louis XIII a l'automne 1622 et leurs relations. In: Pierre Zoberman, ed. Interpretation in/of the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 15-28. ISBN 978-1-4438-7180-8 [Book Section]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude. 2015. 'Faire le roi, ou les habits de Louis XIII'. In: alain montandon and carine barbafieri, eds. Sociopoetique du textile a l'age classique. Paris: Hermann, pp. 48-65. ISBN 978 2 7056 91448 [Book Section]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude; Chaouche, Sabine; Courtes, Noemie and Requemora, Sylvie, eds. 2015. Jean-Francois Regnard, Theatre francais, vol. 1. Paris: Garnier. ISBN 978-2-8124-3303-0 [Edited Book]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude. 2015. 'Warrior King or King of War? Louis XIII's Entries into his bonnes villes (1620-1629)'. In: J.R. Mulryne; Maria Ines Aliverti and Anna Maria Testaverde, eds. Ceremonial entries in early modern europe. The iconography of power. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 77-98. ISBN 9781472432032 [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 2015. ‘The Transcendent Subject? Biography as a medium for writing ‘life and times’’. In: N. Rapport; James Staples; Isak Niehaus and Katie Smith, eds. Anthropology and Biography. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Publications. [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 2015. ‘Two weddings in northern Mafia – changes in women’s lives since the 1960s’. In: Erin Stiles and Katherine Daly Thompson, eds. Gendered Lives in the Western Indian Ocean: Islam, Marriage, and Sexuality on the Swahili Coast. Ohio University Press. ISBN 978-0821421871 [Book Section]

Cappelletti, Marinella; Pikkat, Helen; Upstill, Emily; Speekenbrink, Maarten and Walsh, Vincent. 2015. Learning to integrate vs inhibiting information is modulated by age. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(5), pp. 2213-2225. ISSN 0270-6474 [Article]

Caramiaux, Baptiste. 2015. 'Optimising the Unexpected: Computational Design Approach in Expressive Gestural Interaction'. In: Proceedings of the CHI Workshop on Principles, Techniques and Perspectives on Optimization and HCI. Seoul, Korea, Republic of. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Caramiaux, Baptiste; Altavilla, Alessandro; Pobiner, Scott G. and Tanaka, Atau. 2015. 'Form Follows Sound'. In: UNSPECIFIED. UNDEFINED. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Caramiaux, Baptiste; Altavilla, Alessandro; Pobiner, Scott and Tanaka, Atau. 2015. 'Form Follows Sound: Designing Interactions from Sonic Memories'. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Seoul, Korea, Republic of. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Caramiaux, Baptiste; Donnarumma, Marco and Tanaka, Atau. 2015. Understanding Gesture Expressivity through Muscle Sensing. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 21(6), 31. ISSN 1073-0516 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano. 2015. Towards a structural political economy of resources. In: Mauro Baranzini; Claudia Rotondi and Roberto Scazzieri, eds. Resources, Production and Structural Dynamics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 198-210. ISBN 978-1107079090 [Book Section]

Cardullo, Paolo and Russo, Margherita. 2015. Earthquake in the city: the people yet to come. DEMB Working Paper Series(63), ISSN 2281-440X [Article]

Carmi, Elinor. 2015. Taming Noisy Women: Bell Telephone’s female switchboard operators as a noise source. Media History, 21(4), pp. 313-327. ISSN 1368-8804 [Article]

Carter, Claire Makhlouf. 2015. Are You Allergic to the 21st Century? HOME, Manchester. In: Sarah Perks and Louise O'Hare, eds. Transactions of Desire, Volume ii: Are You Allergic to the 21st Century? ii Manchester: HOME, pp. 55-68. ISBN 9780992952457 [Book Section]

Carter, Claire Makhlouf. 2015. DEMO KHAT. [Artist's Book]

Carter, Claire Makhlouf. 2015. DEMO SKOYLES and DEMO RUSSIANLEATHERBUBBLEGUMGIN&TONICPAPERBACKBOOKSBANANAFLAMBÉEARTHWORMSSWIMMINGPOOLS. In: "Birmingham Show", Eastside Projects, United Kingdom, 31/01/2015 to 11/04/2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Cecil, C; Viding, Essi; McCrory, Eamon and Gregory, Alice M.. 2015. Distinct mechanisms underlie associations between forms of childhood maltreatment and sitruptive nocturnal behaviours. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40(3), pp. 181-199. ISSN 8756-5641 [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2015. The Critical Feelings of Audre Lorde, from the Standpoint of an Academic Minor. In: Stella Bolaki and Sabine Broeck, eds. Audre Lorde's Transnational Legacies. Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press, pp. 193-206. ISBN 9781625341396 [Book Section]

Cefai, Sarah. 2015. Love’s lesbian refrain of feeling: “Bette and Tina” and the subversion of heterosexual affect. Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge(28), [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2015. Policing Aboriginality in Aboriginal policing: cultural labour and policing policy. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2015(1), pp. 12-29. ISSN 0729-4352 [Article]

Chalklin, Victoria. 2015. All Hail the Fierce Fat Femmes. In: Caroline Walters and Helen Hester, eds. Fat Sex: New Directions in Theory and Activism. London: Ashgate. ISBN 9781472432544 [Book Section]

Chamberlain, Alan; McGrath, Sean and Benford, Steve. 2015. 'Understanding social media and sound: music, meaning and membership, the case of SoundCloud'. In: DMRN+10: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2015. Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom 22 December 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Chamberlain, Rebecca; McManus, I. C.; Brunswick, Nicola; Rankin, Qona and Riley, Howard. 2015. Scratching the surface: Practice, personality, approaches to learning and the acquisition of high level representational drawing skill. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(4), pp. 451-462. ISSN 1931-3896 [Article]

Chamberlain, Rebecca and Wagemans, Johan. 2015. Visual arts training is linked to flexible attention to local and global levels of visual stimuli. Acta Psychologica, 161, pp. 185-197. ISSN 0001-6918 [Article]

Chambers, Louise; Halberstam, Jack; Kennedy, Natacha; Rage, Raju and Raha, Nat. 2015. 'Transfeminisms Panel'. In: Transfeminisms Panel. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Chambon, Valérian; Moore, James W. and Haggard, Patrick. 2015. TMS stimulation over the inferior parietal cortex disrupts prospective sense of agency. Brain Structure and Function, 220(6), pp. 3627-3639. ISSN 1863-2653 [Article]

Charalambides, Sarah. 2015. 'Just me and the market: Self-Precarisation as activism'. In: London Conference in Critical Thought 2015. University College London, United Kingdom 26-27 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Charalambides, Sarah. 2015. 'Precarious self-employment'. In: Forschungsseminar Kulturwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Charlton, Rebecca A; Leow, Alex; GadElkarim, Johnson; Zhang, Aifeng; Ajilore, Olusola; Yang, Shaolin; Lamar, Melissa and Kumar, Anand. 2015. Brain Connectivity in Late-Life Depression and Aging Revealed by Network Analysis. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23(6), pp. 642-650. ISSN 1064-7481 [Article]

Chen, Joyce L.; Kumar, Sukhbinder; Williamson, Victoria J.; Scholz, Jan; Griffiths, Timothy D. and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. Detection of the arcuate fasciculus in congenital amusia depends on the tractography algorithm. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(9), pp. 1-11. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Cheng, F.P.-H.; Eddy, M.-L.; Herrojo Ruiz, Maria; Großbach, M. and Altenmüller, E.O.. 2015. Sensory feedback – Dependent neural de-orchestration: The effect of altered sensory feedback on Musician’s Dystonia. Cerebral Cortex, 34(1), pp. 55-65. ISSN 1047-3211 [Article]

Chilver, John. 2015. Glenn Brown October 2013. In: Wendy Chang, ed. Glenn Brown, Rebecca Warren. Vancouver, Canada: Rennie Collection, pp. 9-21. ISBN 978-0-9865961-7-9 [Book Section]

Chilver, John. 2015. WLSX7834. [Art Object]

Cichocka, Aleksandra; Marchlewska, Marta; Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka and Olechowski, Mateusz. 2015. “They will not control us”: In-group positivity and belief in intergroup conspiracies. British Journal of Psychology, 107, pp. 566-576. ISSN 0007-1250 [Article]

Clark, Sheryl. 2015. '"I don't want to be skinny, I just want to be fit' Healthism discourse and girls' participation in physical activity'. In: Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy: 10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association. University of Roehampton, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Clark, Sheryl. 2015. Running into trouble: constructions of danger and risk in girls' access to outdoor space and physical activity. Sport, Education and Society, 20(8), pp. 1012-1028. ISSN 1357-3322 [Article]

Clark, Sheryl; Mountford-Zimdars, Anna and Francis, Becky. 2015. Risk, Choice and Social Disadvantage: Young People’s Decision-Making in a Marketised Higher Education System. Sociological Research Online, 20(3), pp. 110-123. ISSN 1360-7804 [Article]

Clayton, Sue. 2015. The Therapeutic use of Film and Theatre to liberate Young Refugees from Disempowering Identities. In: Taiwo Afuape and Gillian Hughes, eds. Liberation Practices: Towards Emotional Wellbeing Through Dialogue. Routledge. ISBN 978-1138791121 [Book Section]

Clout, Lucy. 2015. From Our Own Correspondent. [Film/Video]

Clout, Lucy. 2015. What Will They See of Me. In: "What Will They See Of Me", Jerwood Space, United Kingdom, 11 March - 26 April 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Cogo, Alessia. 2015. Complexity, negotiability and ideologies: A response to Zhu, Pitzl and Kankaanranta et al. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 4(1), pp. 149-155. ISSN 2191-9216 [Article]

Cogo, Alessia. 2015. Complexity, negotiability and ideologies: a response to Zhu, Pitzl, and Kankaanranta et al. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 4(1), pp. 149-155. ISSN 2191-933X [Article]

Cogo, Alessia. 2015. English as a Lingua Franca: descriptions, domains and applications. In: Hugo Bowles and Alessia Cogo, eds. International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca: Pedagogical Insights. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-1-137-39809-3 [Book Section]

Cohen, Josh. 2015. 'Psychoanalytic Bodies'. In: David Hillman and Ulrika Maude, eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 214-229. ISBN 9781107048096 [Book Section]

Cohen, Josh. 2015. Psychoanalytic Bodies: Psychic and “Actual” Bodies in Modern Literature. In: David Hillman and Ulrika Maude, eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 214-229. ISBN 978-1107644397 [Book Section]

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska and Perach, Rotem. 2015. Interventions for alleviating loneliness among older persons: a critical review. American Journal of Health Promotion: AJHP, 29(3), e109-125. ISSN 0890-1171 [Article]

Cole, Tom. 2015. 'The Tragedy of Betraya: How the design of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus elicits emotion'. In: Proceedings of DiGRA 2015: Diversity of play: Games – Cultures - Identities.. Luneberg, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cole, Tom; Cairns, Paul and Gillies, Marco. 2015. 'Emotional and Functional Challenge in Core and Avant-garde Games'. In: CHI Play 2015. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Coleman, Rebecca; Szerszynski, Bronislaw; Tutton, Richard; Urry, John; Anderson, Ben; Macnaghten, Phil; Brown, Nik; Wilkie, Alex and Michael, Mike. 2012 - 2015 Austerity Futures: Imagining and materialising the future in an age of austerity. [Project]

Condé, Alice. 2015. Incorporeal Punishment : Writing Masochism and the Cruel Woman in English Decadence, 1860-1900. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Confalonieri, Roberto; Yee-King, Matthew; Hazelden, Katina; d'Inverno, Mark; De Jonge, Dave; Osman, Nardine; Sierra, Carles; Agmoud, Leila and Prade, Henri. 2015. Engineering multiuser museum interactives for shared cultural experiences. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 46(Part A), pp. 180-195. ISSN 0952-1976 [Article]

Conor, Bridget; Gill, Rosalind and Taylor, Stephanie. 2015. Gender and creative labour. The Sociological Review, 63(1_supp), pp. 1-22. ISSN 0038-0261 [Article]

Correia, Nuno N. and Tanaka, Atau. 2015. Prototyping Audiovisual Performance Tools: A Hackathon Approach. Proc. of NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) 2015, [Article]

Corser, Sophie and Russell, Lucy. 2015. 'Introduction'. Critiquing Criticism: From the Ancient to the Digital - MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities, 10, pp. 1-9. [Article]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. AGNES MARTIN AND THE GREAT INDOORS. 1843 magazine - The Economist online, [Article]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. 'The Brighton and Sussex Medical School Debate Facing Cancer A Brighton Festival Exclusive'. In: The Brighton and Sussex Medical School Debate - Facing Cancer. Brighton Festival, United Kingdom 24 may 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. The Feeling of Finishing. 1843 Magazine, [Article]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. 'Happy Days Beckett Festival'. In: Happy Days: Beckett Festival. Enniskillen, Ireland 23 july - 3 august 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. The Iceberg: A Memoir. London: Atlantic Books. ISBN 9781782393528 [Book]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. 'Marion Coutts and Ali Smith: LSE Festival talk'. In: An Eye for Life: Marion Coutts and Ali Smith: LSE Literature Festival. LSE, United Kingdom 24 Feb 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. 'Marion Coutts and Rosie Boycott, Hay Festival'. In: Marion Coutts in conversation with Rosie Boycott. Hay Festival, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Coutts, Marion. 2015. 'Medicine Unboxed 2015 MORTALITY - ICEBERG - Marion Coutts'. In: Medicine Unboxed: Mortality. Parabola Arts Centre, Cheltenham, United Kingdom 21-22 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. 'Modernism’s Chronic Conditions Temporality, Medicine, and Disorders of the Self'. In: Modernism’s Chronic Conditions Temporality, Medicine, and Disorders of the Self. University of Exeter, United Kingdom 17 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Coutts, Marion. 2015. My Summer with Proust. The Guardian online, [Article]

Cox, Christoph; Jaskey, Jenny and Malik, Suhail. 2015. 'Introduction'. In: C Cox; J Jaskey and Suhail Malik, eds. Realism Materialism Art. Berlin / Annandale on Hudson, New York: Sternberg Press / Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College, pp. 15-31. ISBN 978-3-95679-126-0 [Book Section]

Craighead, Alison and Thomson, Jon. 2015. Art in the age of asymmetrical warfare. In: "Art in the age of asymmetrical warfare", Witte de With, United Kingdom, 11/09/2015- 03/01/2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Craighead, Alison and Thomson, Jon. 2015. 'Artist Use of Open Data'. In: Open Data Institute Summit. BFI, Southbank, London, United Kingdom 03 Nov 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Craighead, Alison and Thomson, Jon. 2015. Big Bang Data. In: "Big Bang Data", Somerset House, United Kingdom, 03/12/2015 - 20/03/2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Craighead, Alison and Thomson, Jon. 2015. Data as Culture 3: Data Anthropologies. In: "Data as Culture 3: Data Anthropologies", Open Data Institute, United Kingdom, 25/03/2015-20/06/2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Craighead, Alison and Thomson, Jon. 2015. Right Here Right Now. In: "Right Here Right Now", The Lowry, United Kingdom, 14/11/2015 -28/02/2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Crespy, Amandine and Menz, Georg. 2015. Commission Entrepreneurship and the Debasing of Social Europe Before and After the Eurocrisis. Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4), pp. 753-768. ISSN 0021-9886 [Article]

Crone, Bridget. 2015. Liquid States and the Image. In: Charlotte Day, ed. Technologism. Melbourne, Australia: Monash University Museum of Art, pp. 79-87. ISBN 978-0-9923754-7-8 [Book Section]

Crone, Bridget. 2015. 'The Sensible Stage, Diagrams Symposium, GRADcam'. In: Diagrams symposium, GRADCam Dublin. Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Crone, Bridget. 2015. 'Swamps and stages: affective immersion and strategic discontinuity in the films of Manuel de Landa and Ryan Trecartin'. In: Material Environments: Sensing Time And Matter In Digital And Visual Culture, University of Greenwich. University of Greenwich, United Kingdom 24-25 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Crook, Tim. 2015. Orwell and the Radio Imagination. In: Richard Keeble, ed. George Orwell Now! New York, USA: Peter Lang. ISBN 9781454191155 [Book Section]

Crook, Tim. 2015. The sealed and emptying chambers of Britain’s intelligence history: Why the absolute exception for security sensitive matters is a present and continuing injustice. In: Tom Felle and John Mair, eds. FOI Ten Years On: Freedom Fighting or Lazy Journalilsm? Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England: Abramis Academic, pp. 142-150. ISBN 9781845496463 [Book Section]

Crowcroft, J and d'Inverno, Mark. 2015. Languages and Formal Methods. In: J Crowcroft, ed. Open Distributed Systems. UCL Press.. [Book Section]

Crowe, Nick. 2015. Digital Art (World of Art). In: Christiane Paul, ed. Digital Art (World of Art). London: Thames & Hudson Ltd. ISBN 978-0500203675 [Book Section]

Crowe, Nick and Rawlinson, Ian. 2015. Song for Coal. [Film/Video]

Cruz, Carla. 2015. Democracy: a (Non) Artistic Intervention?: Attempts to Perform Democracy through Art. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Cinema/ Ideology/ Criticism. In: Edward Branigan and Warren Buckland, eds. The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 242-246. ISBN 978-1138849150 [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Coherent Light from Projection to Fibre Optics. In: Sean Cubitt; Daniel Palmer; Nathaniel Tkacz and Les Walkling, eds. Digital Light. Open Humanities Press, pp. 43-60. ISBN 978-1-78542-008-5 [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Data Visualisation and the Subject of Political Aesthetics. In: David M. Berry and Michael Dieter, eds. Postdigital Aesthetics: Art, Computation and Design. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-190. ISBN 9781137437198 [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Hope in Children of Men and Firefly/Serenity: Nihilism, Waste and the Dialectics of the Sublime. In: Sean Redmond and Leon Marvell, eds. Endangering Science Fiction Film. New York: AFI/Routledge, pp. 51-65. ISBN 9781138792630 [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Integral Waste. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(4), pp. 133-145. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Large Screens, Third Screens, Virtuality and Innovation. In: Amy Herzog; John Richardson and Carol Vernallis, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media. USA: OUP, pp. 77-90. ISBN 978-0190258177 [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. ‘Lví podíl’ (‘The Lion’s Share’). In: Václav Janošcík, ed. Objekt. Prague: Kvalitár, pp. 137-164. [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Media Studies and New Media Studies. In: John Hartley; Jean Burgess and Axel Bruns, eds. A Companion to New Media Dynamics. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 15-32. ISBN 978-1119000860 [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Source Code: Eco-criticism and subjectivity. In: Amy Herzog; John Richardson and Carol Vernallis, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 483-500. ISBN 978-0190258177 [Book Section]

Cubitt, Sean; Palmer, Daniel and Walkling, Les. 2015. Enumerating Photography from Spot Meter to CCD. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(7-8), pp. 245-265. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Curran, James P.. 2015. Jay Blumler: A Founding Father of British Media Studies. In: Stephen Coleman; Giles Moss and Katy Parry, eds. Can the Media Serve Democracy?: Essays in Honour of Jay G. Blumler. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 197-209. ISBN 9781137467911 [Book Section]

Curran, James P.. 2015. Mediageschiedenis en ideologie. In: Jo Bardoel; Huub Wijfjes; Chris Vos and Frank van Vree, eds. Journalistieke Cultuur in Nederland. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 464-488. ISBN 978-9089645586 [Book Section]

Curtis, Sue. 2015. Woman of Earth. [Art Object]


Dafermos, Yannis; Nikolaidi, Maria and Galanis, Giorgos. 2015. A new ecological macroeconomic model: Analysing the interactions between the ecosystem, the financial system and the macroeconomy. Project Report. New Economics Foundation, London. [Report]

Danino, Nina. 2015. Jennifer (2015). [Film/Video]

Danino, Nina. 2015. Roundtable discussion: The Women of the London Filmmaker’s Co-op. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 4(1-2), pp. 164-179. ISSN 2045-6298 [Article]

Danino, Nina. 2015. Sorelle Povere di Santa Chiara, multi-media installation 2015 in The Voices of the Sirens , GEMA, Montagu Bastion, Gibraltar. In: "Listen to the Sirens", Gibraltar, Gibraltar, 23 June - 23 August 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Danino, Nina. 2015. Temenos (1997), Cinema Off, Off, Ghent. In: "Nina Danino Temenos GB/FR, 1998, 75', colour & b&w, digital", Cinema Off Off, Belgium, 25 November 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Dattatreyan, E. Gabriel. 2015. Hard Kaur: Broadcasting the new Desi woman. Communication, Culture, and Critique, 18(1), pp. 20-36. ISSN 1753-9129 [Article]

Dattatreyan, E. Gabriel. 2015. Waiting Subjects: Social Media–Inspired Self-Portraits as Gallery Exhibition in Delhi, India. Visual Anthropology Review, 31(2), pp. 134-146. ISSN 1058-7187 [Article]

David, Nicole; Obhi, Sukhvinder and Moore, James W.. 2015. Editorial: Sense of agency: examining awareness of the acting self. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 310. ISSN 1662-5161 [Article]

Davies, Bernard; Taylor, Tony and Thompson, Naomi. 2015. Informal Education, Youth Work and Youth Development: Responding to the Brathay Trust Case Study. Youth and Policy, 115, ISSN 0262-9798 [Article]

Davies, Will. 2015. The Chronic Social: Relations of Control Within and Without Neoliberalism. New Formations(84/85), pp. 40-57. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Davies, Will. 2015. Spirits of Neoliberalism: 'Competitiveness' and 'Wellbeing' as rival orders of worth. In: Richard Rottenburg; Sally Merry; Sung-Joon Park and Joanna Mugler, eds. World of Indicators: the making of governmental knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 283-306. ISBN 9781316091265 [Book Section]

Davies, Will. 2015. The return of social government: From ‘socialist calculation’ to ‘social analytics’. European Journal of Social Theory, 18(4), pp. 431-450. ISSN 1368-4310 [Article]

Davies, Will; Montgomerie, Johnna and Wallin, Sara. 2015. Financial Melancholia: Mental Health and Indebtedness. London: Political Economy Research Centre. [Book]

Davis, Aeron. 2015. Embedding and Disembedding of Political Elites: A Filter System Model. Sociological Review, 63(1), pp. 144-161. ISSN 0038-0261 [Article]

Davis, Aeron. 2015. Financial Insider Talk in the City of London. In: Graham Murdock and Jostein Gripsrud, eds. Money Talks: Media, Markets, Crisis. Intellect, pp. 29-44. ISBN 978-1783204052 [Book Section]

Davis, Aeron. 2015. Response to Stefan Schwarzkopf’s Review Article on Promotional Cultures. Journal of Cultural Economy, 8(6), pp. 730-733. ISSN 1753-0350 [Article]

Davis, Josh P.; Valentine, Tim; Memon, Amina and Roberts, Andrew J.. 2015. Identification on the street: a field comparison of police street identifications and video line-ups in England. Psychology, Crime and Law, 21(1), pp. 1-19. ISSN 1068-316X [Article]

Davis, Paul. 2015. Calypso Fugitive. [Audio]

Day, Abby and Coleman, Simon. 2015. Textbooks for teaching the Anthropology of Religion: A Review’. Religion, 46(2), pp. 209-220. ISSN 0048-721X [Article]

Day, Sophie E.. 2015. Waiting and the architecture of care. In: Veena Das and Clara Han, eds. Living and Dying in the Contemporary world: A Compendium. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 167-184. ISBN 9780520278417 [Book Section]

De Nicola, Bruno. 2015. The Fusṭāṭ al-ʿadāla: a unique Manuscript on the Religious Landscape of Medieval Anatolia. In: A.C.S. Peacock and Sara Nur Yildiz, eds. Literature and Intellectual Life in Islamic Anatolia in the 14th-15th Centuries: Historical, Social and Political Perspectives. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, pp. 49-72. ISBN 9783956501579 [Book Section]

Deitrick, Elise; Shapiro, R. Benjamin; Ahrens, Matthew P.; Fiebrink, Rebecca; Lehrman, Paul D. and Farooq, Saad. 2015. 'Using Distributed Cognition Theory to Analyze Collaborative Computer Science Learning'. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER '15). Omaha, Nebraska, United States 9-13 August 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Demurger, Sylvie and Pelletier, Adeline. 2015. Volunteer and satisfied? Rural households' participation in a payments for environmental services programme in Inner Mongolia. Ecological Economics, 116, pp. 25-33. ISSN 0921-8009 [Article]

Dencik, Lina. 2015. Social media and the 'new authenticity' of protest. In: Lina Dencik and Oliver Leistert, eds. Critical Perspectives on Social Media and Protest: Between Control and Emancipation. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, pp. 203-218. ISBN 9781783483365 [Book Section]

Dencik, Lina and Hintz, Arne. 2015. The post-Snowden surveillance policy turmoil. [Digital]

Dencik, Lina; Hintz, Arne; Carey, Zoe and Pandya, Hina. 2015. Managing 'threats': uses of social media for policing domestic extremism and disorder in the UK. Project Report. Media Democracy Fund, Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Cardiff. [Report]

Dencik, Lina and Leistert, Oliver. 2015. Critical perspectives on social media and protest: between control and emancipation. London: Rowman & Littlefield International. ISBN 9781783483358 [Book]

Dencik, Lina and Wilkin, Peter. 2015. Worker resistance and media: challenging global corporate power in the 21st century. New York: Peter Lang. ISBN 9781433124983 [Book]

Denis, Dan; French, Christopher C.; Rowe, Richard; Zavos, Helena M. S.; Nolan, Patrick M.; Parsons, Michael J. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2015. A twin and molecular genetics study of sleep paralysis and associated factors. Journal of Sleep Research, 24(4), pp. 438-446. ISSN 0962-1105 [Article]

Desmarais, Jane H.. 2015. Ernest Christopher Dowson. Literary Encyclopaedia, [Article]

Desmarais, Jane H.. 2015. 'The Musical Aesthetics (‘such as it is’) of Arthur Symons (1865-1945)'. In: Arthur Symons: Writing Across Arts and Cultures. IUAV, Venice, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Desmarais, Jane H.. 2015. Perfume Clouds: Olfaction, Memory, and Desire in Arthur Symons’s London Nights (1895). In: Jane Ford; Kim Edward Keates and Patricia Pulham, eds. Economies of Desire at the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Libidinal Lives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 62-79. ISBN 9781138826342 [Book Section]

Desmarais, Jane H.. 2015. Review: Kostas Boyiopoulos. The Decadent Image: The Poetry of Wilde, Symons and Dowson. Review of English Studies, 67(279), pp. 393-394. ISSN 0034-6551 [Article]

Desmarais-Tremblay, Maxime. 2015. Wilfred Dolfsma: Government Failure: Society, Markets and Rules [Review]. Journal of Economic Issues, 49(4), pp. 1140-1142. ISSN 0021-3624 [Article]

Dinardi, Cecilia. 2015. Unsettling the role of culture as panacea: The politics of culture-led urban regeneration in Buenos Aires. City, Culture and Society, 6(2), pp. 9-18. ISSN 1877-9166 [Article]

Dinham, Adam. 2015. Grace Davie and Religious Literacy: undoing a lamentable quality of conversation. In: Abby Day and Mia Lovheim, eds. Modernities, Memory and Mutations: Grace Davie and the Study of Religion. Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9781472436177 [Book Section]

Dinham, Adam. 2015. Public Religion in an Age of Ambivalence: Recovering Religious Literacy after a Century of Secularism. In: Lori Beaman and Leo van Arragon, eds. Issues in Religion and Education: Whose Religion? Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9789004289802 [Book Section]

Dinham, Adam and Shaw, Martha. 2015. RE for REal: the future of teaching and learning about religion and belief. Project Report. FCSU, London. [Report]

Djokic, Dejan. 2015. Bosnian Daydreamers. History Workshop Journal, 80(1), pp. 301-310. ISSN 1363-3554 [Article]

Donald, Nicky and Gillies, Marco. 2015. 'Novel Dramatic and Ludic Tensions Arising from Mixed Reality Performance as Exemplified in Better Than Life'. In: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Copenhagen, Denmark. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Donner, Henrike. 2015. 'Daughters are Just Like Sons Now': Negotiating Kin-work and Property Regimes in Kolkata Middle-class Families. Journal of South Asian Development, 10(3), pp. 318-344. ISSN 0973-1741 [Article]

Donner, Henrike. 2015. Liberalisation. In: Gita Dharampal-Frick; Rachel Dwyer; Monica Kirloskar-Steinbach and Jahnavi Phalkey, eds. Key Concepts in Modern Indian Studies. Delhi: Oxford University Press and New York University Press, pp. 160-161. ISBN 978-0199452750 [Book Section]

Donner, Henrike. 2015. Making middle-class families in Calcutta. In: James Carrier and Don Kalb, eds. Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice, Inequality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 131-148. ISBN 9781107087415 [Book Section]

Donner, Henrike and De Neve, Geert. 2015. Introduction: Revisiting Urban Property in India. Journal of South Asian Development, 10(3), pp. 255-266. ISSN 0973-1741 [Article]

Dooley, Maura. 2015. A Quire of Paper. Sheffield: Smith Doorstop Press. ISBN 9781910367414 [Book]

Douglas, Lee. 2015. The Arts of Recognition. Anthropology Now, 7(3), pp. 76-93. ISSN 1942-8200 [Article]

Douglas, Omega. 2015. 'Postcolonial Perspectives on Development Achievements, Future Relevance and Possible Directions'. In: Third Joint Nordic Conference on Development Research. University of Gothenburg, Sweden 5-6 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dowell, John; Malacria, Sylvain; Kim, Hana and Anstead, Edward. 2015. Companion apps for information-rich television programmes: representation and interaction. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 19(7), pp. 1215-1228. ISSN 1617-4909 [Article]

Dowmunt, Tony. 2015. Will it harm the sheep? Developments and disputes in central Australian indigenous media. In: Chris Atton, ed. The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media. June 1st 2015: Taylor & Francis, pp. 469-480. ISBN 978-0-415-64404-4 [Book Section]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 2015. Authorial Contexts: Connections between Fielding's Novels and His Legal and Journalistic Writing. In: Jennifer Preston Wilson and Elizabeth Kraft, eds. Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Henry Fielding. 139 New York: The Modern Language Association of America, pp. 48-53. ISBN 978-1-60329-223-8 [Book Section]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 2015. Jonathan Swift: Political Writer (Routledge Revivals). London: Taylor and Francis. ISBN 978-1-13-881309-0 [Book]

Dragićević Šešić, Milena; Brkić, Aleksandar and Matejić, Julija. 2015. Mobilizing urban neighbourhoods: artivism, identity, and cultural sustainability. In: , ed. Culture and surtainability in European cities: imagining Europolis. Routledge, pp. 193-205. ISBN 978-1-138-77841-2 [Book Section]

Dragovic-Soso, Jasna. 2015. ‘Tačka razlaza: javno razmatranje nedavne prošlosti u post-Miloševićkoj Srbiji’, in ‘Srđa Popović (1937-2013). Reč: časopis za književnost i kulturu, i društvena pitanja, ISSN 0354-5288 [Article]

Drake, P; Franklin, Michael; Sathe, D and Tierney, S. 2015. We Are Colony: Digital VOD Distribution for Independent Film. Project Report. Nesta, London. [Report]

Drever, John L.. 2015. 'Sanitary Soundscapes: The Noise Effects From Ultra-Rapid “Ecological” Hand Dryers On Vulnerable Subgroups In Publicly Accessible Toilets'. In: 2nd International Conference on Hyperacusis (ICH2). Birkbeck College, University of London. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2015. 'Sensitive Hearing in an Auraltypical World'. In: Sound Studies: Art, Experience, Politics, CRASSH. University of Cambridge. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2015. Sublime-sound-of-the-one-hand [Ryōan-ji]. FocaalBlog, associated with Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2015. 'Topophonophobia – the space and place of acute hearing'. In: Hearing Landscape Critically: Music, Place, and the Spaces of Sound. Harvard University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L. and Cook, Christopher. 2015. Acoustic ecology of great places. [Composition]

Ducey, Adam; Guenole, Nigel; Weiner, Sara; Herleman, Hailey; Gibby, Robert and Delaney, Tanya. 2015. I-Os in the vanguard of big data analytics and privacy. Industrial Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice,, [Article]

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Duschinsky, Robbie; Greco, Monica and Solomon, Judith. 2015. The Politics of Attachment: Lines of Flight with Bowlby, Deleuze and Guattari. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(7-8), pp. 173-195. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Dyangani Ose, Elvira. 2015. A Story Within A Story. 8th edition of Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, GIBCA 2015. In: "GIBCA. Göthenburg Biennial 2015", Gothenburg, Sweden, September 12 - November 22 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Dyangani Ose, Elvira. 12 September - 22 November 2015 A Story within A Story: GIBCA 2015. [Project]

Dyangani Ose, Elvira. 2015. 'A Tendency to Forget, An Urgency to Remember' Introduction and Interview to Angela Ferreira. In: Ferreira de Carvalho Nuno, ed. NOVO BANCO Photo 2015: Ângela Ferreira, Ayrson Heráclito, Edson Chagas. Lisboa Portugal: Museu Coleção Berardo. ISBN 978-989-8239-46-4 [Book Section]

Dyangani Ose, Elvira; Bashar, Shumon; Liber, Cédric and Roelstraete, Dieter. 2015. RECTO VERSO. In: "RECTO VERSO", Fondazione Prada Milan, Italy, 3 December 2015 – 14 February 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Dyer, Sonya. 2015. 'At the Intersections'. In: At the Intersections. Nottingham Contemporary, United Kingdom 10 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

d'Inverno, Mark and McCormack, Jon. 2015. 'Heroic versus Collaborative AI for the Arts'. In: 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). Buenos Aires, Argentina 25–31 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

d'Inverno, Mark and Still, Arthur. 2015. Social Feedback as a Creative Process. In: Luc Steels, ed. Music Learning with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). 6 Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 41-57. ISBN 9781614995937 [Book Section]

de la Torre, Gonzalo; Hoban, Matty J.; Dhara, Chirag; Prettico, Giuseppe and Acín, Antonio. 2015. Maximally nonlocal theories cannot be maximally random. Physical Review Letters, 114(16), 160502. ISSN 0031-9007 [Article]


Edwards, Claire and Imrie, Rob. 2015. The Short Guide to Urban Policy. Bristol and Chicago: Policy Press and University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9781447307990 [Book]

Edwards, Rosalind; Gillies, Val and Horsley, Nicola. 2015. Brain science and early years policy: Hopeful ethos or ‘cruel optimism’? Critical Social Policy, ISSN 0261-0183 [Article]

Ehrenstein, Vera and Laurent, B. 2015. ‘State experiments with public participation: Polycentric and eccentric states in France and the Republic Democratic of the Congo. In: Jason Chilvers and Matthew Kearnes, eds. Remaking Participation: Science, Environment and Emergent Publics. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415857406 [Book Section]

El-Rayess, Miranda. 2015. '"[T]heir backward space": Placing the Past in James's Turn-of-the-Century Fiction'. In: Henry James and Memory. The British Library, United Kingdom 14-16 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Elvers, Paul; Omigie, Diana; Fuhrmann, Wolfgang and Fischinger, Timo. 2015. Exploring the musical taste of expert listeners: musicology students reveal tendency toward omnivorous taste. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1252), pp. 1-11. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Anathema, People to Be Resembling and In the Year of the Quiet Sun, Screening and Discussion'. In: Essay Film Festival. ICA, London, United Kingdom 27 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Artists Moving Image Practice in Britain: From 1990 to today'. In: Artists Moving Image Practice in Britain. Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom 7 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Bad New Days: Discussion with Hal Foster and Alex Potts, The Old is dying and the new cannot be born: States, Strategies, Socialisms.'. In: . 12th Annual Historical Materialism Conference. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, United Kingdom 6 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Conversation with Diedrich Diederichsen and Nina Montman'. In: Brave New Work: A Reader on Harun Farocki’s A New Product. The Showroom, United Kingdom 25 February 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Eadward Muybridge Zoopraxographer: Screening and Discussion with Thom Andersen'. In: Essay Film Festival. ICA, United Kingdom 28 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. The Energetic Impulse [Catalogue Essay]. In: , ed. L.A. Rebellion: Creating a New Black Cinema. Tate Modern. [Book Section]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Forms of Discontent in Handsworth Songs The Eros Effect'. In: Art, Solidarity Movements and the Struggle for Social Justice. Tensta Konsthall, Sweden 17 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'In Conversation with Bonaventure Ndikung'. In: African Futures Festival. African Futures Festival, United Kingdom 28 - 31 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'In conversation with Ursula Biemann'. In: CCC, HEAD,. Geneve, Switzerland 28 - 30 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. In the Year of the Quiet Sun. In: "In the Year of the Quiet Sun", Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway, 17 January - 9 March 2014. [Show/Exhibition]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Introduction to screening of The Three Disappearances of Souad Hosni, Rania Stephan'. In: Essay Film Festival. ICA, London, United Kingdom 27 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Keynote Lecture'. In: Public Assets: Small Scale Arts Organisations and the Production of Value. Platform Theatre, Central Saint Martins, United Kingdom 15 February 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. Kodwo Eshun in conversation with Lucas van der Velden [Exhibition Catalogue]. In: Lucas van der Velden; Mirna Belina and Arie Altena, eds. The Geological Imagination. Sonic Acts. [Book Section]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Leben BRD, Harun Farocki: Cinema and Speculation'. In: Padiglione Centrale Arena. Giardini, La Biennale di Venezia, United Kingdom 5 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Listening to Dambudzo Marachera'. In: Pan-African Space Station. The Showroom 11 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Listening to FESTAC ’77: In Conversation with Ntone Edjagbe'. In: Pan-African Space Station. The Showroom 8 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. Novaya Zemlya. In: "Novaya Zemlya", Museu de Serralves , Porto, Portugal, 1 November-11 January 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'On the Use and Abuse of Youtube for Life'. In: Global Art Forum. Dubai, United Arab Emirates 19 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'The Radiant'. In: The Radiant, Screening and Lecture. Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse University, New York, United States 12 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Rereading the African Writers Series: In Conversation with James Currey'. In: Pan-African Space Station. The Showroom, United Kingdom 8 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Rereading the African Writers Series: In Conversation with James Currey'. In: Pan-African Space Station. The, United Kingdom 8 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Respondent to Tavia Nyong’o'. In: Tavia Nyong’o. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 12 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Sci-fi futures and the production of subjectivities'. In: UNSPECIFIED. The Showroom, London, United Kingdom 7 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. Statecraft: An Incomplete Timeline of Independence Determined by Digital Auction [Catalogue Essay]. In: Annett Busch and Anselm Franke, eds. After Year Zero: Geographies of Collaboration. Warsaw: Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Muzeum of Modern Art. [Book Section]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'Voyages: When Cinema tracks Photojournalism, The Old is dying and the new cannot be born: States, Strategies, Socialisms.'. In: 12th Annual Historical Materialism Conference. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, United Kingdom 6 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. World 3. [Exhibition Catalogue]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2015. 'with Billy Woodberry, Barbara McCullough and June'. In: LA Rebellion Seminar. Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom 12 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eshun, Kodwo and Sagar, Anjalika. 2015. From Left to Night. [Art Object]

Exarchos, Dimitris. 2015. Listening Outside of Time. In: M. Solomos, ed. Xenakis. La musique électroacoustique. L'harmattan. [Book Section]


Fairey, Tiffany. 2015. Whose Pictures Are These? Re-framing the promise of participatory photography. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Faramelli, Anthony. 2015. Amour Fou and the Ecstasy of Destruction or Love in Neoliberal Times. In: Edia Connole and Gary J. Shipley, eds. Serial Killing: A Philosophic Anthology. New York: Schism Press, pp. 199-214. ISBN 9781515154853 [Book Section]

Farrahi, Katayoun; Emonet, Rémi and Cebrian, Manuel. 2015. 'Predicting a Community's Flu Dynamics with Mobile Phone Data'. In: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. Vancouver, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Farris, Sara R.. 2015. Femonationalismus und Staatsfeminismus. In: , ed. Geschlecht in Gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen. Berlin & Toronti: Barbara Budrich, pp. 75-89. ISBN 3847406191 [Book Section]

Farris, Sara R.. 2015. Féministes de tous les pays, qui lave vos chaussettes? Comment s'en sortir?, 01(01), pp. 203-235. [Article]

Farrugia, N; Jakubowski, Kelly; Cusack, Rhodri and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. Tunes stuck in your brain: the frequency and affective evaluation of involuntary musical imagery correlate with cortical structure. Consciousness and Cognition, 35, pp. 66-77. ISSN 1053-8100 [Article]

Farías, Ignacio and Wilkie, Alex. 2015. Studio Studies: Notes for a research program. In: Farías Farías and Alex Wilkie, eds. Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements. London; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 1-21. ISBN ISBN 978-1-138-79871-7 [Book Section]

Fasce, Federico. 2015. Beyond Serious Games: The Next Generation of Cultural Artefacts. In: Alessandro De Gloria, ed. Games and Learning Alliance: Third International Conference, GALA 2014, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-4. ISBN 9783319229607 [Book Section]

Fautrelle, Lilian; Mareschal, Denis; French, Robert; Addyman, Caspar and Thomas, Elizabeth. 2015. Motor Activity Improves Temporal Expectancy. PLoS ONE, 10(3), e0119187. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Favory, Xavier; Garcia, Jérémie and Bresson, Jean. 2015. 'Trajectoires : une application mobile pour le contrôle et l’écriture de la spatialisation sonore'. In: 27`eme conf´erence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine. Toulouse, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fennell, Jacqueline E.. 2015. Chance memories : supporting involuntary reminiscence by design. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Fenton, Natalie. 2015. Left Out? Digital Media, Radical Politics and Social Change. Information, Communication & Society, 19(3), pp. 346-361. ISSN 1369-118X [Article]

Fenton, Natalie and Titley, Gavan. 2015. Mourning and Longing: Media Studies learning to let go of liberal democracy. European Journal of Communication, 30(5), pp. 554-570. ISSN 0267-3231 [Article]

Feo, Roberto. 2015-2018 The User Trilogy. [Project]

Ferenczi, Nelli and Marshall, Tara C.. 2015. Exploring Attachment to the “Homeland” and Its Association with Heritage Culture Identification. PLoS ONE, 8(1), e53872. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Ferenczi, Nelli; Marshall, Tara C. and Bejanyan, Kathrine. 2015. The protective and detrimental effects of self-construal on perceived rejection from heritage culture members. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 100. [Article]

Ferguson, Nicholas. 2015. Indifference. Art, Liberalism and the Politics of Place. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Feuz, Martin. 2015. Exploratory Interaction and Extended Cognition: Redesigning Decision-making Support in Healthcare. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Fiedler, D and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2015. Validation of the Gold-MSI questionnaire to measure musical sophistication of German students at secondary education schools. Musikpädagogische Forschung / Research in Music Education, 36, pp. 199-219. [Article]

Figueira, Carla. 2015. Cultural Diplomacy and the 2005 UNESCO Convention. In: Christiaan De Beukelaer; Miikka Pyykkönen and J P Singh, eds. Globalization, culture and development: the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137397621 [Book Section]

Figueira, Carla. 2015. Persuasion and power in the modern world (Review). Cultural Trends, 24(2), pp. 178-182. ISSN 0954-8963 [Article]

Figueira, Carla. 2015. 'A cultura nas relações externas: reflexões sobre política e prática'. In: Seminário sobre Ação Cultural Externa. Portugal. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Finburgh, Clare. 2015. Mises en scène de l’événement historique: la Terreur dans le théâtre anglais contemporain. In: Catherine Courtet; Mireille Besson; Françoise Lavocat and Alain Viala, eds. Corps en scènes. CNRS, pp. 189-200. ISBN 9782271086747 [Book Section]

Fisher, Jennifer and Reckitt, Helena. 2015. Introduction: Museums and Affect. Journal of Curatorial Studies, 4(3), pp. 361-362. ISSN 2045-5836 [Article]

Fleetwood, J. 2015. In search of respectability: narrative practice in a women’s prison in Quito, Ecuador. In: L Presser and S Sandberg, eds. Narrative Criminology: Understanding Stories of Crime. New York: New York University Press, pp. 42-68. ISBN 9781479823413 [Book Section]

Fleetwood, J. 2015. A narrative approach to women’s lawbreaking. Feminist Criminology, 10(4), pp. 368-388. ISSN 1557-0851 [Article]

Fleetwood, J; Radcliffe, P and Stevens, A. 2015. Shorter sentences for drug mules: The early impact of the sentencing guidelines in England and Wales. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 22(5), pp. 428-436. ISSN 0968-7637 [Article]

Fleming, Cass; Mitchell, Roanna and Cornford, Tom. 2015. 'Michael Chekhov in the Twenty First Century: New Pathways – The Little Prince in process'. In: Performance Research Forum Dis-Play. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Flintham, Martin D; Velt, Raphael; Wilson, Max L; Anstead, Edward; Benford, Steve; Brown, Anthony; Pearce, Timothy; Price, Dominic and Sprinks, James. 2015. 'Run spot run: capturing and tagging footage of a race by crowds of spectators'. In: CHI '15: 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Seoul, Korea, Republic of 18-23 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Floridou, Georgia A.; Williamson, Victoria J.; Stewart, Lauren and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2015. The Involuntary Musical Imagery Scale (IMIS). Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 25(1), pp. 28-36. ISSN 0275-3987 [Article]

Foley, Jennifer A.; Cocchini, Gianna; Logie, Robert H. and Della Sala, Sergio. 2015. No dual-task practice effect in Alzheimer's disease. Memory, 23(4), pp. 518-528. ISSN 0965-8211 [Article]

Foresti, Tiziana. 2015. Thorstein Veblen on the Intellectual Pre-eminence of Jews: Beyond the Myth of Veblen’s ‘Social Marginality’. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 32, pp. 63-81. ISSN 0743-4154 [Article]

Forlano, Laura and Jungnickel, Katrina. 2015. Hacking Binaries/Hacking Hybrids: Understanding the Black/White Binary as a Socio-technical Practice. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology(6), ISSN 2325-0496 [Article]

Fox, Claire Louise; Hunter, Simon C. and Jones, Sian. 2015. The Relationship Between Peer Victimization and Children's Humor Styles: It's No Laughing Matter! Social Development, 24(3), pp. 443-461. ISSN 0961-205X [Article]

Francis, Becky and Paechter, Carrie F.. 2015. The problem of gender categorisation: addressing dilemmas past and present in gender and education research. Gender and Education, 27(7), pp. 776-790. ISSN 0954-0253 [Article]

Franklin, M. I.. 2015. (Global) Internet Governance and its Civil Discontents. In: Joanna Kulesza and Roy Balleste, eds. Cybersecurity and Human Rights in the Age of Cyberveillance. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 9781442260412 [Book Section]

Franklin, M. I.. 2015. “(Global) Internet Governance and its Civil Discontents”. In: J Kulesza and R Balleste, eds. Cybersecurity: Human Rights in the Age of Cyberveillance. Maryland USA: Rowman and Littlefield/Scarecrow Press, pp. 105-128. ISBN 978-1442260412 [Book Section]

Franklin, M. I.. 2015. “(Un)Dressing in Public: Defiant Embodiments and the Geopolitics of Seeing”. In: Zeena Feldman, ed. Art and the Politics of Visibility: Contesting the Global, Local and the In-Between. I.B.Tauris. ISBN 978-1780769066 [Book Section]

Franklin, M. I. and Davies, Matt. 2015. “What does (the Study of) World Politics Sound Like?”. In: Federica Caso and Caitlin Hamilton, eds. Popular Culture and World Politics: Theories, Methods, Pedagogies. E-International Relations, 120--?. ISBN 978-1910814024 [Book Section]

Franklin, Michael; Stoyanova Russell, D and Townley, B. 2015. From Marketing to Performing the Market: The Emerging Role of Digital Data in the Independent Film Business. In: Nolwenn Mignant; Cecilia Tirtaine and Joël Augros, eds. Film Marketing Into the Twenty-First Century. London: Palgrave on behalf of the British Film Institute, pp. 147-162. ISBN 9781844578382 [Book Section]

Frearson, Annabel. 2015. Cash, not Rocks! The transformation of cultural value. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. How to Study Ownership and Regulation. In: Manuel Alvarado; Milly Buonanno; Herman Gray and Toby Miller, eds. The Sage Handbook of Television Studies. SAGE, pp. 3-21. ISBN 978-0761947417 [Book Section]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. How to Study Ownership and Regulation’. In: Manuel Alvarado; Toby Miller and Milly Buonanno, eds. The Sage Handbook of Television Studies. London: Sage, pp. 3-21. ISBN 9780761947417 [Book Section]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. Media Policy Fetishism. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 32(2), pp. 96-111. ISSN 1529-5036 [Article]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. 'PERC Paper 2: Media Moguls and Elite Power'. In: Goldsmiths Political Economy Research Centre. London, United Kingdom 28th February 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. Paradigms of Media Power. Communication, Culture & Critique, 8(2), pp. 273-289. ISSN 1753-1929 [Article]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. The Resilience of TV and its Implications for Media Policy. In: Kate Oakley and Justin O'Connor, eds. The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. London & NY: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415706209 [Book Section]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. ‘The Resilience of TV and its Implications for Media Policy’. In: Kate Okaley and Justin O'Connor, eds. The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. London: Routledge, pp. 120-129. ISBN 9780415706209 [Book Section]

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2015. Some Contradictions of the Assault on the BBC. Discover Society, 24, [Article]

French, Christopher C.. 2015. Anomalistic psychology. In: M Cardin, ed. Ghosts, spirits, and psychics: The paranormal from alchemy to zombies. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, pp. 17-20. ISBN 978-1-61069-683-8 [Book Section]

French, Christopher C.. 2015. The psychology of belief and disbelief in the paranormal. In: E C May and S B Marwaha, eds. Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science. Volume 1: History, Controversy, and Research. Santa Barbara: Praeger, pp. 129-151. ISBN 978-1-4408-3287-1 [Book Section]

Frieler, K; Jakubowski, Kelly and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2015. Is it the song and not the singer? Hit song prediction using structural features of melodies. In: , ed. Yearbook of the German Society for Music Psychology. 24 , pp. 41-54 [Book Section]

Fuller, Matthew. 2015. The Forbidden Pleasures of Media Determinism. In: Eleni Ikoniadou and Scott Wilson, eds. Media After Kittler. London: Rowman and Littlefield International, pp. 95-111. ISBN 9781783481224 [Book Section]

Furnham, Adrian; Von Stumm, Sophie and Fenton-O’Creevy, Mark. 2015. Sex Differences in Money Pathology in the General Population. Social Indicators Research, 123(3), pp. 701-711. ISSN 0303-8300 [Article]


G. Djokic, Vesna and Molnar-Szakacs, Istvan. 2015. Embodied Simulation: Building Meaning through Shared Neural Circuitry. In: Martin H. Fischer and Yann Coello, eds. Conceptual and Interactive Embodiment Foundations of Embodied Cognition. 2 Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781315751962 [Book Section]

Gabrys, Jennifer and Pritchard, Helen. 2015. 'Next-Generation Environmental Sensing: Moving Beyond Regulatory Benchmarks for Citizen-Gathered Data'. In: Environmental Infrastructures and Platforms 2015 - Infrastructures and Platforms for Environmental Crowd Sensing and Big Data. Barcelona, Spain 28 - 30 Oct. 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gale, Michael and Lewis, David. 2015. Musical texts and information retrieval: the case of the early modern battaglia. Early Music, 43(4), pp. 587-595. ISSN 0306-1078 [Article]

Gammerl, Benno. 2015. Can you feel your research results? How to deal with and gain insights from emotions generated during oral history interviews. In: Helena Flam and Jochen Kleres, eds. Methods of exploring emotions. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 153-162. ISBN 9781138798694 [Book Section]

Garcia, Jérémie; Bresson, Jean and Carpentier, Thibaut. 2015. 'Towards Interactive Authoring Tools for Composing Spatialization'. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Symposium on 3D User Interfaces. Arles, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garcia, Jérémie; Bresson, Jean; Schumacher, Marlon; Carpentier, Thibaut and Favory, Xavier. 2015. 'Tools and Applications for Interactive-Algorithmic Control of Sound Spatialization in OpenMusic'. In: inSONIC2015, Aesthetics of Spatial Audio in Sound, Music and Sound Art. Karlsruhe, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gardiner, Becky. 2015. 'Digital Threats Targeting Female Journalists'. In: Digital Threats Targeting Female Journalists (OSCE Expert Meeting, Vienna). OSCE, Vienna, Austria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gardiner, Becky. 2015. The Kindness of Strangers. The Guardian, [Article]

Garon-Carrier, G.; Boivin, M.; Guay, F.; Kovas, Yulia; Dionne, G.; Lemelin, JP.; Séguin, J.R.; Vitaro, F. and Tremblay, R.E.. 2015. Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Mathematics in Elementary School: A Longitudinal Investigation of Their Association. Child Development, 87(1), pp. 165-175. ISSN 0009-3920 [Article]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2015. Breathing Through Wires. [Project]

Gaver, William; Boucher, Andy; Cameron, David; Pennington, Sarah and Ovalle, Liliana. 2015. 'Data Tour'. In: Research Through Design 2015. Cambridge, United Kingdom 25-27 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gaver, William; Boucher, Andy; Jarvis, Nadine and Bowers, John. 2015. The Prayer Companion. In: "Big Bang Data", Fundación Telefónica Madrid, Spain, 12 Mar - 24 May 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Gaver, William; Boucher, Andy; Jarvis, Nadine; Cameron, David; Hauenstein, Mark; Pennington, Sarah; Bowers, John; Pike, James; Beitra, Robin and Ovalle, Liliana. 2015. 'Datacatcher: Radical New Cross Walking Tour'. In: Radical New Cross. New Cross, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gaver, William; Michael, Mike; Kerridge, Tobie; Ovalle, Liliana; Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew; Wilkie, Alex and Gabrys, Jennifer. 2015. The Energy Babble in Experimental Practice: Provocations In and Out of Design. In: "Experimental Practice: Provocations In and Out of Design", Melbourne International Design Festival, Australia, 11 – 30 May 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Gaver, William; Michael, Mike; Kerridge, Tobie; Ovalle, Liliana; Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew; Wilkie, Alex; Gabrys, Jennifer and Boucher, Andy. 2015. Experimental Thinking / Design Practices. In: "Experimental Thinking / Design Practices", Griffith University Art Gallery, Australia. [Show/Exhibition]

Gentili, Dario and Mura, Andrea. 2015. Ein Theater-Commons kommt zur Welt. Die Stiftung Teatro Valle Bene Comune. In: Silke Helfrich and David Bollier, eds. Die Welt der Commons: Muster gemeinsamen Handelns. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 132-135. ISBN 9783839432457 [Book Section]

Georgiou, Despo; MacFarlane, Andrew and Russell-Rose, Tony. 2015. 'Extracting sentiment from healthcare survey data: An evaluation of sentiment analysis tools'. In: 2015 Science and Information Conference (SAI). London, United Kingdom 28-30 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gerow, Aaron; Lou, Bowen; Duede, Eamon and Evans, James. 2015. 'Proposing Ties in a Dense Hypergraph of Academics'. In: 7th Internation Conference on Social Informatics (SOCINFO 2015). Beijing, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gilbert, David; Cuch, Laura; Dwyer, Claire and Ahmed, Nazneen. 2015. The Sacred and the Suburban: Atmospherics, numinosity and 1930s interiors in Ealing, London. Interiors, 6(3), pp. 211-234. ISSN 2041-9112 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2015. Corbyn? Blimey, yes! Politico EU, [Article]

Gill, Rosalind and Orgad, Shani. 2015. The confidence cult(ure). Australian Feminist Studies, 30(86), pp. 324-344. ISSN 0816-4649 [Article]

Gillborn, David; Rollock, Nicola; Vincent, Carol and Ball, Stephen. 2015. The black middle classes, education, racism, and dis/Ability: an intersectional analysis. In: David J. Connor; Beth A. Ferri and Subini A. Annamma, eds. Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education. Teachers College Press, pp. 35-54. ISBN 9780807756683 [Book Section]

Gillies, Marco; Brenton, Harry and Kleinsmith, Andrea. 2015. 'Embodied Design of Full Bodied Interaction with virtual humans'. In: 2nd International Conference on Movement and Computing. Vancouver, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gillies, Marco; Brenton, Harry; Yee-King, Matthew; Grimalt-Reynes, Andreu and d'Inverno, Mark. 2015. 'Sketches vs Skeletons: Video Annotation Can Capture What Motion Capture Cannot'. In: Proceedings of the 2Nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing. Vancouver, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gillies, Marco; Kleinsmith, Andrea and Brenton, Harry. 2015. 'Applying the CASSM Framework to Improving End User Debugging of Interactive Machine Learning'. In: ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI). Atlanta, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Goblot, Vana. 2015. The Television Archive on BBC Four: From Preservation to Production. VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, 4(8), pp. 80-90. [Article]

Goddard, M N. 2015. Opening up the black boxes: Media archaeology, 'anarchaeology' and media materiality. New Media & Society, 17(11), pp. 1761-1776. ISSN 1461-4448 [Article]

Goddard, Victoria and Narotzky, Susana. 2015. Industry and work in contemporary capitalism. Models, markets and crisis in the global system. In: Victoria Goddard and Susana Narotzky, eds. Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism. Global models, local lives? Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781138014640 [Book Section]

Gokay, Bulent and Shain, Farzana. 2015. Making sense of the protests in Turkey (and Brazil): contesting neo-liberal urbanism in ‘Rebel Cities’. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 41(2), pp. 242-260. ISSN 0101-4064 [Article]

Goldman-Mellor, S.J.; Caspi, Avshalom; Gregory, Alice M.; Harrington, HonaLee; Poulton, Richie and Moffitt, Terrie E.. 2015. Is insomnia associated with deficits in neuropsychological functioning? Evidence from a population-based study. Sleep, 38(4), pp. 623-631. ISSN 0161-8105 [Article]

Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ. 2015. Politics for industrial machines. Techno-political transitions in a Spanish steel plant. In: Victoria Goddard and S Narotzky, eds. Industry and work in contemporary capitalism: Models, markets and crisis in the global system. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-01464-0 [Book Section]

Gordon, Melissa and Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. 'We (Not I)'. In: WE (NOT I). Artists Space, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gossling, Jessica. 2015. The Thinking Space: The Café as a Cultural Institution in Paris, Italy and Vienna. Urban History, 42(01), pp. 172-173. ISSN 0963-9268 [Article]

Gould, Sandy J.J.; Cox, Anna L.; Brumby, Duncan P. and Wiseman, Sarah. 2015. Home is Where the Lab is: A Comparison of Online and Lab Data From a Time-sensitive Study of Interruption. Human Computation, [Article]

Gow, Jeremy and Corneli, Joseph. 2015. 'Towards generating novel games using conceptual blending'. In: 2nd International Workshop on Experimental AI in Games. Santa Cruz, United States 14-15 November. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Graham, Ellard and Johnstone, Stephen. 2015. Anthony McCall: Notebooks and Conversations. Farnham: Lund Humphries. ISBN 9781848221697 [Book]

Graham, Fiona. 2015. Dramaturge for THE MOONCAKE AND THE KUMARA. In: "Auckland Festival", Auckland, New Zealand. [Performance]

Graham, Stephen. 2015. Frank Zappa and the And. Edited by Paul Carr (Book Review). Popular Music, 34(1), pp. 147-150. ISSN 0261-1430 [Article]

Graham, Stephen. 2015. Historical Documents of the Irish Avant-Garde. In: Jennifer Walshe, ed. Historical Documents of the Irish Avant-Garde. Aisteach Foundation. [Book Section]

Grant, Catherine. 2015. Feminism Lives! (Again). Photoworks Annual(22), pp. 196-206. [Article]

Gray, Andrew and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. 2014/15 RCUK Compliance Report. Documentation. Goldsmiths, University of London. [Report] (Submitted)

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Gray, Andrew and Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Muriel Elsbeth. 2015. 'OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION FOR PHD STUDENTS AND EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS'. In: Graduate Festival 2015. Goldsmiths, London. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gray, Ros. 2015. Linhas Claras num Mapa Internacionalista: Cineastas Estrangeiros em Angola durante a Independência. In: Maria do Carmo Piçarra and Jorge Antonio, eds. Angola - O Nascimento de Uma Nação: O Cinema da Independência. 3 Lisbon: Guerra & Paz. [Book Section]

Greco, Monica and Stenner, P.. 2015. Happiness and the Art of Life: Diagnosing the Psychopolitics of Wellbeing. In: C. Behnke; C. Kastalan; V. Knoll and U. Wuggenig, eds. Art in the Periphery of the Centre. Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 330-351. ISBN 978-3-95679-077-5 [Book Section]

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Greenberg, David M.; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Lamb, Michael E. and Rentfrow, Peter J.. 2015. Personality predicts musical sophistication. Journal of Research in Personality, 58, pp. 154-158. ISSN 0092-6566 [Article]

Greene, G; Gregory, Alice M.; White, J and Fone, D. 2015. Childhood sleeping difficulties and depression in adulthood: The 1970 British Cohort Study. Journal of Sleep Research, 24(1), pp. 19-23. ISSN 0962-1105 [Article]

Gregory, Eve E.; Lytra, Vally and Ilankuberan, Arani. 2015. “Divine games and rituals: How Tamil Saiva/Hindu siblings learn faith practices through play”. International Journal of Play, 4(1), pp. 69-83. ISSN 2159-4937 [Article]

Grewal, Kiran and Celermajer, D.. 2015. Issues Paper 3: Human Rights in the Sri Lankan Law Enforcement and Security Sector. Project Report. Enhancing Human Rights Protections in the Security Sector in the Asia Pacific. [Report]

Grewal, Kiran and Celermajer, D.. 2015. Issues Paper 4: Human Rights in the Nepali Law Enforcement and Security Sector. Project Report. Enhancing Human Rights Protections in the Security Sector in the Asia Pacific. [Report]

Griffiths, Simon. 2015. Education Policy: consumerism and competition. In: Simon Lee and Matt Beech, eds. The Conservative-Liberal Coalition Evaluated: Examining the Legacy of the Cameron-Clegg Government. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-137-46137-7 [Book Section]

Griffiths, Simon and Hickson, Kevin. 2015. Party politics and ideology in hard times: preface to the 2015 paperback edition. In: Simon Griffiths and Kevin Hickson, eds. British Political Parties and Ideology after New Labour. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-22076-8 [Book Section]

Grohmann, Steph. 2015. The Ethics of Space: Homelessness, Squatting and the Spatial Self. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Grommé, Francisca. 2015. Turning aggression into an object of intervention: Tinkering in a crime control pilot study. Science as Culture, 24(2), pp. 227-247. ISSN 1470-1189 [Article]

Gronemeyer, Wiebke. 2015. The Curatorial Complex: Social Dimensions of Knowledge Production. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Gruen, Adele and Darpy, Denis. 2015. The Role of Design in the Appropriation of Shared Objects: Autolib in Paris. Advances in Consumer Research, 43, pp. 388-392. ISSN 0098-9258 [Article]

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Guenole, Nigel. 2015. The Hierarchical Structure of Work-Related Maladaptive Personality Traits. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 31(2), pp. 1-8. ISSN 1015-5759 [Article]

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Guenole, Nigel; Chernyshenko, Oleksander; Stark, Stephen and Drasgow, Fritz. 2015. Are predictions based on situational judgement tests precise enough for feedback in leadership development? European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24(3), pp. 433-443. ISSN 1359-432X [Article]

Guenole, Nigel; Feinzig, Sheri and Ferrar, Jonathan. 2015. Employee Privacy Preferences in the World's Major Economies. Discussion Paper. IBM Corporation, Somers, NY. [Report]

Guggenheim, Michael. 2015. The Media of Sociology: Tight or Loose Translations? British Journal of Sociology, 66(2), pp. 345-372. ISSN 0007-1315 [Article]

Gunaratnam, Yasmin. 2015. The Time of our Lives. The Lancet, 386(10007), pp. 1937-1938. ISSN 0140-6736 [Article]

Gunkel, Henriette. 2015. “‘We’ve been to the moon and back’ - das afrofuturistische Partikulare im universalisierten Imaginären” [‘We’ve been to the moon and back’ – afrofuturist particularism within the universal imaginary]. In: Ulrike Bergermann and Nanna Heidenreich, eds. total. - Universalism and particularism in post_kolonialer media theory. Berlin: Transcript, 149 -162. ISBN 9783837627664 [Book Section]

Gunkel, Henriette; Matebeni, Zethu and Raissiguier, Catherine. 2015. Introduction: In Movement. Women in Africa and the African Diaspora. JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies, 26, [Article]

Gunn, Paul. 2015. Getting Democratic Priorities Straight: Pragmatism, Diversity, and the Role of Beliefs. Critical Review, 27(2), pp. 146-173. ISSN 0891-3811 [Article]

Gunn, Paul. 2015. Looking But Not Seeing: The (Ir)relevance of Incentives to Political Ignorance. Critical Review, 27(3-4), pp. 270-298. ISSN 0891-3811 [Article]


Hale, Joanna; Pan, Xueni and Hamilton, Antonia F. de C.. 2015. 'Using interactive virtual characters in social neuroscience'. In: IEEE VR. Arles, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hameed, Ayesha. 2015. A Rough History (of the destruction of fingerprints). In: "Social Glitch: Radical aesthetics and the consequences of extreme events", Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna, Austria, 25 September - 5 December 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hameed, Ayesha; Eshun, Kodwo and Diederichsen, Diedrich. 2015. 'Circle/ Rhythm/ Ritual'. In: Labour in a Single Shot. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany 26 - 28 February 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hameed, Ayesha and Gunkel, Henriette. 2015. 'A Lexicon of Afterlives: Visions of Future/s: Towards radical collective imaginations'. In: 6th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS-6). Paris, France 8-10 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hammond, Chris. 2015. Bail Bond [Curatorial Project]. In: "Bail Bond", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 7 July – 26 September 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris. 2015. The Funnies [Curatorial Project]. In: "The Funnies", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 20 November 2015 – 30 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris; Barry, Hannah; Hooks, Hannah; Morgan, Elinor and Woolcott, Tyler. 2015. 'Talk: Doing it for yourself – Independent and Artist-led spaces - Media Channel - Zabludowicz Collection'. In: Doing it for yourself – Independent and Artist-led spaces. Zabludowicz Collection, United Kingdom 29 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hammond, Chris and Beveridge, Gabriele. 2015. Gabriele Beveridge: Mainland [Curatorial Project]. In: "Gabriele Beveridge: Mainland", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, September 11th - October 31st 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Bodart, Pauline. 2015. I want to be. Inside Out.. In: "I want to be. Inside Out.", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 14 March – 11 April 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Ding, Liu. 2015. Liu Ding New Man. In: "Liu Ding New Man", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 10 April – 27 June 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Lainé, Emmanuelle. 2015. Emmanuelle Lainé [Curatorial Project]. In: "Emmanuelle Lainé", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 21 November 2015 – 30 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris; Lydiate, Henry and Gluzberg, Margarita. 2015. 'The Commercial Dimensions of a Fine Art Practice'. In: The Commercial Dimensions of a Fine Art Practice. RCA, United Kingdom 20th May 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hammond, Chris; Obrist, Hans Ulrich; Wood, Catherine; Chetwynd, Marvin Gaye and Lydiate, Henry. 2015. 'Contemporary Art Society’s Annual Conference: On Collecting Performance Art'. In: Contemporary Art Society’s Annual Conference: On Collecting Performance Art. Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, United Kingdom 13 February 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hammond, Chris; Pearlman, Nina; Rouleau, Martine; Pistella, Jenny; Large, Kelly; Charlesworth, JJ; Buck, Louisa; Maheshwari, Maitreyi and Ogg, Kirsty. 2015. 'Collecting the Emerging Symposium'. In: Collecting the Emerging Symposium -Definitions: What does ‘emerging’ mean in relation to artists’ careers and practices?. University College London, United Kingdom 22 - 23 May 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hammond, Chris and Price, Elizabeth. 2015. Art Basel Unlimited Elizabeth Price K, 2015 [Curatorial Project]. In: "Art Basel Unlimited Elizabeth Price K, 2015", Art Basel, Switzerland, 18-21 June 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Rees, Dan. 2015. Dan Rees: Think Local, Act Global [Curatorial Project]. In: "Dan Rees Think Local, Act Global", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, September 10th - November 7th 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Reid, Clunie. 2015. Clunie Reid: Bodies Turn To Ash [Curatorial Project]. In: "Clunie Reid Bodies Turn To Ash", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 24 Apr 2015 – 30 May 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Roithmayr, Florian. 2015. Florian Roithmayr SERVICE. In: "Florian Roithmayr SERVICE", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 17 January 2015 – 7 March 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Safavi, Vanessa. 2015. Vanessa Safavi: Airbags (Curatorial Project]. In: "Vanessa Safavi Airbags", Mot International Brussels, Belgium, 4 June – 31 July 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris; ULAY, Ulay and Jones, Amelia. 2015. Ulay Retouching Bruises. [Artist's Book]

Hammond, Chris and Ulay, Ulay. 2015. Ulay: Retouching Bruises (1975) [Curatorial Project]. In: "Ulay: Retouching Bruises (1975)", Art Basel, Switzerland, Jun 18th – 21st 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hammond, Chris and Yalter, Nil. 2015. Nil Yalter. In: "Nil Yalter", Mot International London, United Kingdom, 6 February – 28 March 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Hanke, Michael; Dinga, Richard; Christian, Häusler; Guntupalli, J. Swaroop; Casey, Michael A.; Kaule, Falko R. and Stadler, Jörg. 2015. High-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI data on the perception of musical genres – an extension to the studyforrest dataset. F1000Research, 4, 174. ISSN 2046-1402 [Article]

Harbison, Isobel. 2015. The Prosumer Complex. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Harma, Tanguy. 2015. '‘‘All Wet Black Sunken Earth Danger’: Cosmic Alienation and Disintegration in Jack Kerouac’s Big Sur''. In: ‘Environments: Landscapes and the Mind’. Goldsmiths, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Harma, Tanguy. 2015. 'From Sartre to Mailer: Civilisational Nothingness, Commitment, and the Immanence of the here-and-now in Allen Ginsberg’s 'Howl''. In: 4th Annual Meeting of the European Beat Studies Network. Univversité Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 28-31 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Harper, Andy. 2015. The First Humans. In: "The First Humans", Pump House Gallery, London, United Kingdom, January 2015 - April 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Harris, Judy. 2015. Can the Subaltern Teach? Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 17(1), pp. 135-153. ISSN 1369-801X [Article]

Harris, Mark. 2015. The Materiality of Water. Aesthetic Investigations, 1(1), pp. 120-128. [Article]

Harris, Mark. 2015. 'Orpheus in the Artworld'. In: American Society for Aesthetics. Philadelphia, United States 20-21 March, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Harris, Mark. 2015. untitled (after Robert Mapplethorpe catalogue). In: "After the Moment", Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, United States, 6 November 2015–13 March 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Harwood, Graham and Yokokoji, Matsuko. 2015. Database Addiction. [Art Object]

Hatzisavvidou, Sophia. 2015. Disturbing Binaries in Political Thought: Silence as Political Activism. Social Movement Studies, 14(5), pp. 509-522. ISSN 1474-2837 [Article]

Hauke, Christopher. 2015. Horror Films and the Attack on Rationality. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 6(5), pp. 736-740. ISSN 0021-8774 [Article]

Hayashi, Kaori; Curran, James P.; Kwak, Sunyoung; Esser, Frank; Daniel C., Hallin and Chin-Chuan, Lee. 2015. Pride and Prejudice: A Five-Nation Comparative Study of Television News Coverage of the Olympics. Journalism Studies, 17(8), pp. 935-951. ISSN 1461-670X [Article]

Hayball, Harry Jack. 2015. Serbia and the Serbian Rebellion in Croatia (1990-1991). Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Heller, Charles. 2015. Liquid Trajectories : Documenting Illegalised Migration and the Violence of Borders. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Henri, Tom. 2015. Imbibing neoliberalism. In: Tom Henri and Sophie Fuggle, eds. Return to the Street. London: Pavement Books, pp. 219-230. ISBN 978-0957147058 [Book Section]

Henriques, Julian F.. 2015. 'Afrofuturism, Technology & Fiction'. In: Goldsmiths Visual Cultures Fictions and Futures public programme. Goldsmiths, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Henriques, Julian F.. 2015. 'Every spoil is a style: voicing, absence and echo in reggae dub music'. In: False Alarm: Aurality, Errancy and Voice. Kings College London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Henriques, Julian F.. 2015. 'The Sensorial Apparatus of the Reggae Sound System'. In: Beyond Biopolitcs SLSA 2015 Houston. Houston, Texus, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Herman, Ana Maria. 2015. Review of Collaborative media: production, consumption and design interventions. Media, Culture & Society, 37(1), pp. 154-155. ISSN 0163-4437 [Article]

Hessayon, Ariel. 2015. The Apocrypha in early modern England. In: Kevin Killeen; Helen Smith and Rachel Willie, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, c. 1530–1700. Oxford: Oxford UP, pp. 131-148. ISBN 9780199686971 [Book Section]

Hewitt, Roger L.. 2015. Multilingualism in the Workplace. In: Marilyn Martin-Jones and Adrian Blackledge, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1138932517 [Book Section]

Hickel, Jason. 2015. Beyond Aid. In: , ed. 2015 Political Manifesto Poverty Audit: The Flourishing Life Narrative. London: Academics Stand Against Poverty, pp. 50-52. [Book Section]

Hickel, Jason. 2015. Democracy as Death: The Moral Order of Anti-Liberal Politics in South Africa. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520284234 [Book]

Hickey Moody, Anna. 2015. “Cultural Territories of Inclusive Education”. In: Karen Hatton, ed. Towards an Inclusive Arts Education. London: Trentham Books. ISBN 978-1858566542 [Book Section]

Hickey Moody, Anna. 2015. “Little Public Spheres: Youth Arts as Citizenship”. In: Greg Noble; Megan Watkins and Catherine Driscoll, eds. Cultural Pedagogies and Human Conduct. Routledge, pp. 78-91. ISBN 978-1138014411 [Book Section]

Hickey Moody, Anna. 2015. “Manifesto: The Rhizomatics of Practice as Research”. In: Anna Hickey Moody and Tara Page, eds. Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance. London: Rowman and Littlefield.. ISBN 978-1-78348-486-7 [Book Section]

Hickey Moody, Anna. 2015. “The Political Imagination and Contemporary Theatre for Youth”. In: Gareth White, ed. Applied Theatre: Aesthetics. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 210-239. ISBN 978-1472513557 [Book Section]

Hickey Moody, Anna and Laurie, Tim. 2015. Geophilosophies of Masculinity. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 20(1), pp. 1-10. ISSN 0969-725X [Article]

Hickey Moody, Anna and Page, Tara, eds. 2015. Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. Rowman & Littlefield International. ISBN 978-1783484874 [Edited Book]

Hickey Moody, Anna and Page, Tara. 2015. Making Matter Matter. In: Anna Hickey Moody and Tara Page, eds. Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. London: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781783484867 [Book Section]

Hickey-Moody, Anna Catherine. 2015. Carbon fiber masculinity: Disability and surfaces of homosociality. Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 20(1), pp. 139-153. ISSN 0969-725X [Article]

Hickey-Moody, Anna Catherine and Page, Tara. 2015. Introduction: Making, Matter and Pedagogy. In: Anna Hickey Moody and Tara Page, eds. Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. London: Rowman and Littlefield International, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781783484867 [Book Section]

Hilevaara, Katja and Orley, E. 2015. Making Making Matter: Paper as Paradox in Practice-as-Research. Ruukku: Studies in Artistic Research, 4, [Article]

Hill, Elisabeth L.; Jones, Alice P.; Lang, Jane; Yarker, Joanna and Patterson, Allyson. 2015. Employment experiences of parents of children with ASD or ADHD: An exploratory study. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 61(3), pp. 166-176. ISSN 2047-3869 [Article]

Hirsh, David. 2015. Anti‐Zionism and Antisemitism: Cosmopolitan Reflections. In: Charles Asher Small, ed. The Yale Papers: Antisemitism in comparative perspetive. New York: ISGAP, pp. 57-174. ISBN 9781515057796 [Book Section]

Hirsh, David. 2015. If Corbyn wins. Jerusalem Post, [Article]

Hirsh, David. 2015. Mr Corbyn, time to say you were wrong. Jewish Chronicle, [Article]

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Hitchcock, Michael and Darma Putra, I Nyoman. 2015. Prambanan and Borobudur: Managing Tourism and Conservation in Indonesia. In: Victor T. King, ed. UNESCO in Southeast Asia: World Heritage Sites in Comprative Perspective. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 258-273. ISBN 9788776941741 [Book Section]

Ho, Paul; Cooper, Andrew; Hall, Phillip and Smillie, Luke. 2015. Factor structure and construct validity of the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 97(2), pp. 200-208. ISSN 0022-3891 [Article]

Hoette, Ruby. 2015. 'Workshop – Unpicking the Fashion System'. In: Nordes 2015: Design Ecologies. Konstfack – University College of Arts, Crafts and Design. Stockholm, Sweden 7 – 10 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hoette, Ruby. 2015. 'col·lec·tion'. In: Research Through Design (RTD) Conference - 21ST CENTURY MAKERS AND MATERIALITIES. Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom 25 -27 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hogeveen, Jeremy; Obhi, Sukhvinder S; Banissy, Michael J.; Santiesteban, Idalmis; Press, Clare; Catmur, Caroline and Bird, Geoffrey. 2015. Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(7), pp. 1003-1009. ISSN 1749-5016 [Article]

Hoque, Aminul. 2015. Background Factors. The Teacher, p. 50. [Article]

Hoque, Aminul. 2015. British-Islamic Identity: Third-generation Bangladeshis from East London. London: Institute of Education Press, Trentham Books. ISBN 9781858566030 [Book]

Hoyle, E; Hughston, L P and Macrina, A. 2015. Stable-1/2 bridges and Insurance. In: A Palczewski and L Stettner, eds. Advances in Mathematics of Finance. Warsaw, Poland: Banach Center Publications, Volume 104, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 95-120. [Book Section]

Hsieh, Chi-Ming; Park, Sung Hee and Hitchcock, Michael. 2015. Examining the Relationships among Motivation, Service Quality and Loyalty: The case of the National Museum of Natural Science. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(sup1), pp. 1505-1526. ISSN 1094-1665 [Article]

Humble, Catherine. 2015. Everyday otherness : the edited and unedited Raymond Carver. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Hunt, Ian. 2015. Interior Structures. In: Petra Lange-Berndt, ed. Materiality. London and Cambridge, Massachusetts: Whitechapel Gallery/MIT, pp. 134-136. ISBN 978 085488 237 3 [Book Section]

Hunt, Ian. 2015. 'Reticence and Resistance in New British Sculpture'. In: Now That's What I Call Sculpture: The 1980s in Retrospect. Warwick Arts Centre, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hunt, Ian; Archer, Michael and White, Laura. 2015. Goldsmiths BA Fine Art 2015. [Exhibition Catalogue]

Hurst, Isobel. 2015. Arthur Hugh Clough. In: Norman Vance and Jennifer Wallace, eds. Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, Vol. 4: 1780-1880. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 495-508. ISBN 978-0199594603 [Book Section]

Hurst, Isobel. 2015. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. In: Norman Vance and Jennifer Wallace, eds. Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, Vol. 4: 1790-1880. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 449-470. ISBN 9780198859222 [Book Section]

Hurst, Isobel. 2015. Freedom to Invent: Graves’s Iconoclastic Approach to Antiquity. In: Alisdair Gibson, ed. Robert Graves and the Classical Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 201-220. ISBN 9780198738053 [Book Section]


Ibreck, Rachel. 2015. A Right to Land? Activism against land grabbing in Africa. In: Alex de Waal, ed. Advocacy in Conflict: Critical Perspectives on Transnational Activism. London: Zed Books. ISBN 9781783602728 [Book Section]

Ioannaou, Christos I; Pereda, Ernesto; Lindsen, Job P. and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2015. Electrical Brain Responses to an Auditory Illusion and the Impact of Musical Expertise. PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0129486. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Ismail, Feyzi. 2015. Literature Review for Nepal in 'Urbanisation-construction-migration nexus | 5 cities | South Asia'. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London. [Other]

Ismail, Feyzi. 2015. Nepal, imperialism and anti-imperialism. In: Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope, eds. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 375-386. ISBN 9780230392779 [Book Section]

Ismail, Feyzi and Shah, Alpa. 2015. Class struggle, the Maoists and the Indigenous Question in Nepal and India. Economic and Political Weekly, 50(35), pp. 112-123. ISSN 0012-9976 [Article]


Jackson, Emma. 2015. Young Homeless People and Urban Space: Fixed in Mobility. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415722162 [Book]

Jackson, Emma and Butler, Tim. 2015. Revisiting ‘social tectonics’: The middle classes and social mix in gentrifying neighbourhoods. Urban Studies, 52(13), pp. 2349-2365. ISSN 0042-0980 [Article]

Jakubowski, Kelly Joan. 2015. Investigating Temporal and Melodic Aspects of Musical Imagery. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Jakubowski, Kelly; Farrugia, Nicolas; Halpern, Andrea R.; Sankarpandi, Sathish K. and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. The speed of our mental soundtracks: Tracking the tempo of involuntary musical imagery in everyday life. Memory & Cognition, 43(8), pp. 1229-1242. ISSN 0090-502X [Article]

Jakubowski, Kelly; Halpern, Andrea; Grierson, Mick and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. The effect of exercise-induced arousal on chosen tempi for familiar melodies. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 22(2), pp. 559-565. ISSN 1069-9384 [Article]

Janik, Agnieszka B; Rezlescu, Constantin and Banissy, Michael J.. 2015. Enhancing Anger Perception With Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Induced Gamma Oscillations. Brain Stimulation, 8(6), pp. 1138-1143. ISSN 1935-861X [Article]

Jansari, Ashok S.; Cocchini, Gianna; Jenkinson, Paul; Bajo, Ana and Ietswaart, Magdalena. 2015. NHS Ethics: Shoe-bombers and why ‘less needs to be more’. Cortex, 71, pp. 409-411. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Jansari, Ashok S.; Miller, Scott; Pearce, Laura; Cobb, Stephanie; Sagiv, Noam; Williams, Adrian; Tree, Jeremy and Hanley, Rick. 2015. The Man Who Mistook His Neuropsychologist For a Popstar: When Configural Processing Fails in Acquired Prosopagnosia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 390. ISSN 1662-5161 [Article]

Jarvis, Pam and Liebovich, Betty. 2015. British Nurseries, Head and Heart: McMillan, Owen and the genesis of the education/care dichotomy. Women's History Review, 24(6), pp. 917-937. ISSN 0961-2025 [Article]

Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali; Blackwell, Tim; Zimmer, Robert and al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid. 2015. 'Information gain measure for structural discrimination of cellular automata configurations'. In: Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC), 2015 7th. Essex, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali; Blackwell, Tim; Zimmer, Robert and al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid. 2015. Spatial Complexity Measure for Characterising Cellular Automata Generated 2D Patterns. Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-11, 2015. Proceedings, pp. 210-212. [Article]

Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali; Zimmer, Robert; Ursyn, Anna and al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid. 2015. A Quantitative Approach for Detecting Symmetries and Complexity in 2D Plane. In: , ed. Theory and Practice of Natural Computing. 9477 Springer International Publishing, pp. 150-160. [Book Section]

Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali; al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid and Zimmer, Robert. 2015. 'An Informational Model for Cellular Automata Aesthetic Measure'. In: The AISB15's 2nd International Symposium on Computational Creativity (CC2015). University of Kent, Canterbury,, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali; al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid and Zimmer, Robert. 2015. 'Swarm intelligence approach in detecting spatially-independent symmetries in cellular automata'. In: SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2015. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jefferies, Janis K.. 2015. 'Program or be Programmed: How Code Literacy can bring our Machines to Heal’'. In: FutureFest. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jefferies, Janis K.. 2015. Research and Interdisciplinary Encounters: Sounding Textiles. Catalogue of the 10th Kaunas Biennial: "Networked", pp. 58-68. [Article]

Jefferies, Janis K.. 2015. 'Threads and Codes'. In: Threads and Codes Symposium. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 06.03.2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jefferies, Janis K. and Gaskill, Karen. 2015. Networked: Sonic Pattern. In: "10th Kaunas Biennial", ,Žilinskas Art Gallery of National Museum of M. K. Čiurlionis (Nepriklausomybės a. 12, Kaunas), Kaunas, Lithuania, 18th September-31st December.. [Show/Exhibition]

Jefferies, Janis K. and Maragiannis, Anastasios. 2015. Twitter: Practice in Writing: A recipe for Creativity and Creative Interpretation. In: , ed. Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Electronic Art - ISEA2015: Disruption. Vancouver: Simon Fraser University. ISBN 978-1-910172-00-1 [Book Section]

Jelenkovic, Aline; Gregory, Alice M. and et al.. 2015. Zygosity differences in height and body mass index of twins from infancy to old age: A study of the CODATwins project. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18(5), pp. 557-570. ISSN 1832-4274 [Article]

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Jessel, John. 2015. Intergenerational learning in and around the home setting: Who are the learners and how do they learn? British Psychological Society Monograph Series II, 11, pp. 63-79. ISSN 1476-9808 [Article]

Jilka, Sagar Ramesh. 2015. Salience Network and Default Mode Network dysfunction after traumatic brain injury. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Jin, Zeyu; Oda, Reid; Finkelstein, Adam and Fiebrink, Rebecca. 2015. 'MalLo: A Distributed, Synchronized Instrument for Internet Music Performance'. In: 15th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME '15). Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States 31 May - 3 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Johnson, Mark and Wilcke, Christoph. 2015. Caged in and breaking loose: intimate labour, the state and migrant domestic workers in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. In: Sara Friedman and Pardis Mahdavi, eds. Migrant Encounters: Intimate Labor, the State, and Mobility Across Asia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 135-159. ISBN 9780812247541 [Book Section]

Johnson, Vicky. 2015. Valuing children's knowledge: the politics of listening. In: R Eyben; I Guijt; C Roche and C Shutt, eds. The Politics of Evidence in International Development: Playing the Game to Change the Rules? Warwickshire: Practical Action. [Book Section]

Johnstone, Stephen and Ellard, Graham. 2015. For An Open Campus. [Film/Video]

Jones, Alice P. and Wendt, Guilherme Welter. 2015. Neuropsychology of callous-unemotional traits. In: M De Lisi and MG Vaughn, eds. Routledge International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology. Routledge, pp. 218-235. ISBN 9780415722131 [Book Section]

Jones, Daniel. 2015. Evolution and Learning in Heterogeneous Environments. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Jones, Hannah and Lundebye, Anette. 2015. 'Designing Learning Scenarios for Sustainable Futures'. In: NORDES 2015 Design Ecologies: Challenging anthropocentrism in the design of sustainable futures. Konstfack – University College of Arts, Crafts and Design. Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jones, Haydn; Lattanzi Antinori, Fabio; Munro, Jonathan and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. Executive Chair. In: "Executive Chair", Guest Projects, Shonibare Studio, London, United Kingdom, 8-30 January 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Jones, Haydn; Lattanzi Antinori, Fabio; Munro, Jonathan and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. 'Executive Chair: The Thursday Club Talk'. In: Sites of Production. Chisenhale Studios, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jones, Kevin. 2015. The Large Group: Negative Pleasure and Social Transformation. In: Tessa Adams and A Gaitanidis, eds. Authoring the Sublime: Femininity, Aesthetics and Jung. London: Karnac Books. ISBN 978-1855754430 [Book Section]

Joy, Charlotte. 2015. Community and Ethics in Heritage Debates. In: Lynn Meskell, ed. Global Heritage: A Reader. New Jersey: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 112-130. ISBN 9781118768860 [Book Section]

Jugo, Admir and Skulj, Senem. 2015. Ghosts of the Past: The Competing Agendas of Forensic Work in Identifying the Missing across Bosnia and Herzegovina. Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(1), pp. 39-56. ISSN 2054-2240 [Article]

Jungnickel, Kat. 2015. Sewing as a design method. ACM Interactions, 22(6), p. 72. [Article]

Jungnickel, Kat; Fairfax, Duncan; Ballie, Jen and Wilkie, Alex. 2015. The Dewey Organ Project. In: "Imagination Festival", Govanhill Baths, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4-6 September 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Jungnickel, Katrina. 2015. Jumps, stutters and other failed images: using time-lapse video in cycling research. In: Charlotte Bates, ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. London: Routledge, Advances in Research Methods series., pp. 121-141. ISBN 0415734010 [Book Section]

Jungnickel, Katrina; Fairfax, Duncan; Ballie, Jen and Wilkie, Alex. 2015. 'AHRC ProtoPublics Project Presentation - "The Dewey Organ"'. In: AHRC ProtoPublics Research Projects Presentation. AHRC Design Symposium, United Kingdom 25/09/2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Kanz, Christine and Krause, Frank. 2015. Zwischen Demontage und Sakralisierung. Revisionen des europäischen Familienmodells in der europäischen Moderne (1880-1945). Einführende Überlegungen. In: Christine Kanz and Frank Krause, eds. Zwischen Demontage und Sakralisierung. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 7-20. ISBN 978-3-8260-5674-1 [Book Section]

Karantonis, Pamela. 2015. "Transcribing Vocality: Voice at the Border of Music After Modernism". In: Ben MacPherson; Amanda Smallbone and Konstantinos Thomaidis, eds. Voice Studies: Critical Approaches to Process, Performance and Experience. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 162-176. ISBN 978-1-13880-9352 [Book Section]

Katan, Simon; Grierson, Mick and Fiebrink, Rebecca. 2015. 'Using Interactive Machine Learning to Support Interface Development Through Workshops with Disabled People'. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '15). Seoul, Korea, Republic of 18-23 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Keirl, Steve. 2015. Against Neoliberalism; For Sustainable-Democratic curriculum; Through Design and Technology Education. In: Kay Stables and S Keirl, eds. Environment, Ethics and Cultures: Design and Technology Education’s Contribution to Sustainable Global Futures. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 153-174. ISBN 9789462099364 [Book Section]

Keirl, Steve. 2015. Global ethics, sustainability, and Design and Technology Education. In: K Stables and S Keirl, eds. Environment, Ethics and Cultures: Design and Technology Education’s Contribution to Sustainable Global Futures. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 33-52. ISBN 9789462099364 [Book Section]

Keirl, Steve. 2015. ‘Seeing’ and ‘interpreting’ the Human-Technology phenomenon. In: P.J. Williams; A Jones and C Buntting, eds. The Future of Technology Education. Dortrecht: Springer, pp. 13-34. ISBN 978-981-287-169-5 [Book Section]

Kennedy, Rosie. 2015. ‘”How Merrily the Battle Rages”: Props for Make-Believe in the Edwardian Nursery’. In: Lissa Paul; Rosemary R. Johnston and Emma Short, eds. Children's Literature and Culture of the First World War. New York: Routledge, pp. 226-238. ISBN 9781138947832 [Book Section]

Keown, Damien V.; Husted, Wayne R and Prebish, Charles. 2015. Buddhism and Human Rights. Routledge. ISBN 978-1138862296 [Book]

Kerbel, Janice. 2015. Turner Prize 2015. In: "Turner Prize 2015", Tramway Glasgow, United Kingdom, 25 Sept 2015 – 18 January 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Kerr, Vicki. 2015. Airspace – Zones of Fidelity and Failure. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Kerridge, Tobie. 2015. Designing Debate: The Entanglement of Speculative Design and Upstream Engagement. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Khantong, Ranchida; Pan, Xueni and Slater, Mel. 2015. 'An experimental study on the virtual representation of children'. In: IEEE VR. Arles, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Khiabany, Gholam. 2015. The Importance of ‘Social’ in Social Media: The Lessons from Iran. In: Axel Bruns; Gunn Enli; Eli Skogerbø; Anders Olof Larsson and Christian Christensen, eds. The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics. New York: Routledge, pp. 223-234. ISBN 9781138860766 [Book Section]

Khiabany, Gholam. 2015. Technologies of Liberation and/or Otherwise. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 47(2), 348 -353. ISSN 0020-7438 [Article]

Khiabany, Gholam and Williamson, Milly. 2015. Free speech and the market state: Race, media and democracy in new liberal times. European Journal of Communication, 30(5), pp. 571-586. ISSN 0267-3231 [Article]

Kibble, Rodger. 2015. 'Reasoning, representation and social practice'. In: AISB 2015 Convention: Symposium "Social Aspects of Computing and Cognition". University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Killingray, David and Fogarty, Richard. 2015. Demobilization in British and French Africa at the End of the First World War. Journal of Contemporary History, 50(1), pp. 100-123. ISSN 0022-0094 [Article]

Kindynis, T and Garrett, BL. 2015. Entering the Maze: Space, Time and Exclusion in an Abandoned Northern Ireland Prison. Crime, Media, Culture, 11(1), pp. 5-20. ISSN 1741-6590 [Article]

King, Vanessa. 2015. The Rampolye Family and the Black Death’. Genealogists’ Magazine, 31(9), pp. 329-335. [Article]

Kipling, Amanda and Hickey-Moody, Anna Catherine. 2015. The Practice of Dorothy Heathcote as a Pedagogy of Resistance. In: Anna Hickey Moody and Tara Page, eds. Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. London: Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 978-1783484874 [Book Section]

Kirby, Jenn. 2015. Composing Perceivable Time. Leonardo, 48(1), pp. 6-12. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]

Kirwan, Padraig. 2015. ‘Mind the Gap’: Journeys in Indigenous Sovereignty and Nationhood. Comparative American Studies, 13(1-2), pp. 42-57. ISSN 1477-5700 [Article]

Klontzas, Michael. 2015. Editorial: Public service objectives: Contestability and renegotiation. International Journal of Digital Television, 6(2), pp. 97-101. ISSN 2040-4182 [Article]

Knight, Stephen E.. 2015. A Portable Joye [poem]. Poetry London(81), ISSN 1479-2591 [Article]

Knight, Stephen E.. 2015. Sh [poem]. Poetry Review, 105(2), ISSN 0032-2156 [Article]

Knight, Stephen E.. 2015. Swimming for Beginners [poem]. Times Literary Supplement, ISSN 0307661 [Article]

Knowles, Caroline. 2015. The Flip-Flop Trail and Fragile Globalisation. Theory Culture and Society, 32(7-8), pp. 231-244. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Knowles, Caroline. 2015. Young Chinese Migrants in London. Discussion Paper. Runnymede Trust, London. [Report]

Knowles, Caroline. 2015. Young Londoners in Beijing. Discussion Paper. Goldsmiths University of London [Report] (Submitted)

Koffman, Ofra; Orgad, Shani and Gill, Rosalind. 2015. Girl power and 'selfie humanitarianism'. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 29(2), pp. 157-168. ISSN 1030-4312 [Article]

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Kovas, Yulia; Garon-Carrier, G.; Boivin, M.; Petrill, Stephen A.; Plomin, Robert; Malykh, S.; Spinath, F.; Murayama, K.; Ando, J.; Bogdanova, O.Y.; Brendgen, M.; Dionne, G.; Forget-Dubois, N.; Galajinsky, E.V.; Gottschling, J.; Guay, F.; Lemelin, J.P.; Logan, J.A.R; Yamagata, S.; Shikishima, C.; Spinath, B.; Thompson, L.A.; Tikhomirova, T.N.; Tremblay, R.; Vitaro, F. and Tosto, M.G.. 2015. Why children differ in motivation to learn: Insights from over 13,000 twins from 6 countries. Personality and Individual Differences, 80, pp. 51-63. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Kramer, Andreas. 2015. Topographien der Familie: Ueberlegungen zu Romanen von Schickele, Fleißer und Graf. In: Christine Kanz and Frank Krause, eds. Zwischen Demontage und Sakralisierung: Revisionen des Familienmodells in der europaeischen Moderne. Würzburg: Koenighausen & Neumann, pp. 239-254. ISBN 9783826056741 [Book Section]

Kramer, Andreas. 2015. Worte in Freiheit oder gebremste Sprache? Beschleunigung und Verlangsamung in avantgardistischen Fluggedichten. In: Jan Röhnert, ed. Technische Beschleunigung - aesthetische Verlangsamung. Mobile Inszenierung in Literatur, Film, Musik, Alltag und Politik. Cologne, Weimar and Vienna: Boehlau, pp. 173-190. ISBN 9783412501501 [Book Section]

Krause, Frank. 2015. Aufbaumodul 3. In: , ed. Literarischer Expressionismus. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, pp. 223-281. ISBN 9783847103639 [Book Section]

Krause, Frank. 2015. "Herrlich Mensch, der in Sackgassen irrt": Zusammenhänge von Familie und expressionistischer Moderne im Werk von Georg Kaiser. In: Christine Kanz and Frank Krause, eds. Zwischen Demontage und Sakralisierung. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 107-117. ISBN 978-3-8260-5674-1 [Book Section]

Krause, Frank. 2015. Literarischer Expressionismus. V&r Unipress. ISBN 978-3847103639 [Book]

Kreider, Kristen. 2015. Material Poetics and the Communication Event. Performance Research, 20(1), pp. 80-89. ISSN 1352-8165 [Article]

Kreider, Kristen and O'Leary, James. 2015. Falling. Isle of Wight: Copy Press. ISBN 978-1909570016 [Book]

Kreider, Kristen and O’Leary, James. 2015. Cifra (Performance). In: "Cifra", The Open City, Ritoque, Chile. [Performance]

Kreider, Kristen and O’Leary, James. 2015. Open City’ [artists’ pages]. Performance Research, 20(1), pp. 90-95. ISSN 1352-8165 [Article]

Krishnan, Saloni; Leech, Robert; Mercure, Evelyne; Lloyd-Fox, Sarah and Dick, Frederic. 2015. Convergent and Divergent fMRI Responses in Children and Adults to Increasing Language Production Demands. Cerebral Cortex, 25(10), pp. 3261-3277. ISSN 1047-3211 [Article]

Kristensen, J C. 2015. 'Orality and Literacy in the Digital Age: Some Initial Notes'. In: Radio Now!. London College of Communications, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom 21 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kristensen, J C. 2015. ‘Peter Behrens’, ‘Karl and Bertha Benz’, ‘Jane Dillon', ‘James Dyson’, ‘Jonathan Ive’, ‘Ferdinand Porsche’, and ‘Clive Sinclair’. In: Clive Edwards; Harriet Atkinson; Dipti Bhagat; Sorcha O'Brien; David Raizman; Sarah Kettley and Anne-Marie Willis, eds. The Bloomsbury Dictionary of Design. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781472521576 [Book Section]

Kristensen, J C. 2015. 'Speaking for The Technical Body'. In: Oral Histories of Science, Technology and Medicine: The Oral History Society Annual Conference. Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom 10-11 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kristensen, J C and Pui San Lok, Susan. 2015. Art Vapours. [Project]

Kristensen, J C and Pui San Lok, Susan. 2015. Six Women / Art Vapours. [Art Object]

Krix, Alana; Sauerland, Melanie; Mercklebach, Harald; Gabbert, Fiona and Hope, Lorraine. 2015. How effective is retrieval support for witnesses with different levels of working and source memory? Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27, pp. 335-348. ISSN 2044-5911 [Article]

Kubitschko, Sebastian. 2015. Hackers’ Media Practices: Demonstrating and Articulating Expertise as Interlocking Arrangements. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(3), ISSN 1354-8565 [Article]

Kubitschko, Sebastian. 2015. Media practices 
of civil society organisations: Emerging paths to legitimation and long-term engagement. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Kubitschko, Sebastian. 2015. The Role of Hackers in Countering Surveillance and Promoting Democracy. Media and Communication, 3(2), pp. 77-87. [Article]

Kuhn, Gustav; Pagano, Amber; Maani, Sumaya and Bunce, David. 2015. Age-related decline in the reflexive component of overt gaze following. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(6), pp. 1073-1081. ISSN 1747-0218 [Article]

Kumashiro, Madoka. 2015. The Magic Mirror. In: Leo Bormans, ed. The world book of hope. Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo Publishers, pp. 195-197. ISBN 9789401457804 [Book Section]

Kupolokun, Oluwakemi. 2015. For-Profit Social Entrepreneurship: A Study of Resources, Challenges, and Competencies in UK. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Kyriakou, Marios; Pan, Xueni and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos. 2015. 'Interaction with virtual agents Comparison of the participants' experience between an IVR and a semi-IVR system'. In: IEEE VR. Arles, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Laamanen, Mikko; Wahlen, Stefan and Campana, Mario. 2015. Mobilising collaborative consumption lifestyles: a comparative frame analysis of time banking. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(5), pp. 459-467. ISSN 1470-6423 [Article]

Lai, Ivan Ka Wai and Hitchcock, Michael. 2015. Importance–performance analysis in tourism: A framework for researchers. Tourism Management, 48, pp. 242-267. ISSN 0261-5177 [Article]

Lai, Ivan Ka Wai and Hitchcock, Michael. 2015. A consideration of normality in importance–performance analysis. Current Issues in Tourism, 18(10), pp. 979-1000. ISSN 1368-3500 [Article]

Lai, Phillip. 2015. Phillip Lai: group exhibition (Southampton, 2015). In: ""An Intervention" - John Hansard Gallery", Southampton, United Kingdom, 12th May – 27th June 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

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Lamar, Melissa; Rubin, Leah; Ajilore, Olusola; Charlton, Rebecca A; Zhang, Aifeng; Yang, Shaolin; Cohen, Jamie and Kumar, Anand. 2015. What metabolic syndrome contributes to brain outcomes in African Americans and Caucasian cohorts. Current Alzheimer Research, 12(7), pp. 640-647. ISSN 1567-2050 [Article]

Lamont, Mark and Lee, Rebekah. 2015. Arrive Alive: Road Safety in Kenya and South Africa. Technology and Culture, 56(2), pp. 464-488. ISSN 0040-165X [Article]

Larsson, Emma and Von Stumm, Sophie. 2015. Seeing red? The Effect of Colour on Intelligence Test Performance. Intelligence, 48, pp. 133-136. ISSN 0160-2896 [Article]

Lash, Scott. 2015. Informationkritik. Revista Critique des Ciencias Sociales, 22(3), [Article]

Lavis, Grahame J.. 2015. Pastoral Modes in the Poetry and Prose Fiction of WG Sebald. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Lazzarini, Andres. 2015. Some Unsettled Issues in a Second Phase of the Cambridge-Cambridge Controversy. Review of Radical Political Economics, 47(2), pp. 256-273. ISSN 0486-6134 [Article]

Leadley, Marcus. 2015. In Situ Listening:Soundscape, Site and Transphonia. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Lecce, Francesca; Walsh, Vincent; Didino, Daniele and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2015. ‘How many’ and ‘how much’ dissociate in the parietal lobe. Cortex, 73, pp. 73-79. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Lee, Imogen Claire. 2015. Creating childhoods : ideas of child and school in London 1870-1914. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Lee, Rebekah. 2015. Entrepreneurship in South Africa's emergent township funeral industry. In: Ute Röschenthaler and Dorothea Schultz, eds. Cultural Entrepreneurship in Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 121-138. ISBN 9781138851665 [Book Section]

Lee, Tom. 2015. Big Cat. Vanguard, London. [Other]

Lee, Tom. 2015. The invader and the antidote. The Dublin Review(57), pp. 26-45. ISSN 1393-998X [Article]

Lee, Tom. 2015. A porta enferrujada. In: Isabel Fernandes; Maria de Jesus Cabral; Teresa Casal; Alda Correia and Diana V. Almeida, eds. Contar (com) a Medicina. Portugal: Edicoes Pedago, pp. 267-285. ISBN 9789899655516 [Book Section]

Lefebvre, Marie. 2015. 'Graduate Festival Academic Poster Competition Winner 2015: DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOUR IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY'. In: 2015 Postgraduate Festival. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Leonard, Hayley C.; Bedford, R.; Pickles, A.; Hill, Elisabeth L. and The BASIS, Team. 2015. Predicting the rate of language development from early motor skills in at-risk infants who develop autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 13-14, pp. 2015-24. ISSN 1750-9467 [Article]

Leonard, Hayley C.; Bernardi, M.; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Henry, L.A.. 2015. Executive Functioning, Motor Difficulties, and Developmental Coordination Disorder. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40(4), pp. 201-215. ISSN 8756-5641 [Article]

Leonard, Hayley C. and Hill, Elisabeth L.. 2015. Early motor skills may affect language development. The Conversation, [Article]

Levy, Carl. 2015. Da Bresci a Wormwood Scrubs: Il "capo" dell'anarchismo mondiale a Londra". In: Davide Turcato, ed. Errico Malatesta, "Lo Sciopero Armato". Il lungo esilio londinese 1900-1913. Opere Complete, Vol. 5. Milan: Zero in Condotta, XV-XXX. ISBN 978-88-95950-38-9 [Book Section]

Levy, Carl. 2015. 'Forward'. In: Vernon Richards, ed. Malatesta. Life and Ideas. The Anarchist Writings of Errico Malatesta. Oakland, CA: PM Press, v-xvi. ISBN 978-1-62963-932-8 [Book Section]

Levy, Carl. 2015. 'Racism, Immigration and New Identities in Italy'. In: A. Mammone; E. G. Parini and G. A. Veltri, eds. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Italy. London: Routledge, pp. 49-63. ISBN 978-0415-60417-8 [Book Section]

Lewis, David; Lewis, Richard and Crawford, Tim. 2015. 'MEI for lute music'. In: Proceedings of the Music Encoding Conference (MEC 2015). Florence, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lewis, David; Lewis, Richard and Crawford, Tim. 2015. 'MEI for lute music'. In: Proceedings of the Music Encoding Conference (MEC 2015). Florence, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lewis, Kirstin and Demie, Feyisa. 2015. Raising the achievement of white working class pupils: good practice in schools. Review of Education, 3(1), pp. 1-21. [Article]

Lewis, Lis. 2015. English Flute School Performance Aesthetics (1706–1972): A National Style?. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Lewis, Matt. 2015. Ventriloquial Acts: Critical reflections on the art of Foley and the role of sound in social space. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Lewis, Tony E; Sillitoe, Ian; Andreeva, Antonina; Blundell, Tom L; Buchan, Daniel W.A; Chothia, Cyrus; Cozzetto, Domenico; Dana, Jos ́e M; Filippis, Ioannis; Gough, Julian; Jones, David T; Kelley, Lawrence A.; Kleywegt, Gerard J; Minneci, Federico; Mistry, Jaina; Murzin, AlexeyG.; Ochoa-Monta ̃no, Bernardo; Oates, Matt E.; Punta, Marco; Rackham, Owen J.L.; Stahlhacke, Jonathan; Sternberg, Michael J.E.; Velankar, Sameer and Orengo, Christine. 2015. Genome3D: exploiting structure to help users understand their sequences. Nucleic Acids Research, 43(D1), D382-D386. ISSN 0305-1048 [Article]

Licha, Jacques Emanuel. 2015. War Hotels. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Liebovich, Betty; Hinitz, B and Anderson, C. 2015. History of Early Childhood Teacher Education. In: Leslie Couse and Susan Recchia, eds. The Handbook of Early Childhood Teacher Education. New York: Routledge, pp. 20-37. ISBN 9780415736763 [Book Section]

Limerick, Hannah; Moore, James W. and Coyle, David. 2015. 'Empirical evidence for a diminished sense of agency in speech interfaces'. In: ACM CHI. Seoul, Korea, Republic of. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Linden, Sara. 2015. Film and gastro tourism: An overview of recent trends. Proceedings of the international conference on tourism (ICOT 2015) From Tourism Policy into Practice: Issues and Challenges in Engaging Policy Makers and End Users, pp. 221-232. ISSN 2241-9314 [Article]

Littler, Jo. 2015. The New Victorians? Celebrity charity and the demise of the welfare state. Celebrity Studies, 6(4), pp. 471-485. ISSN 1939-2397 [Article]

Lloyd, Joda and Bond, Frank W.. 2015. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In: Stephen Palmer, ed. The Beginner's Guide to Counselling and Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition. Sage, pp. 87-97. ISBN 0857022350 [Book Section]

Lockheart, Julia; Edwards, Harriet; Raein, Maziar and Raatz, Christoph. 2015. The Writing PAD Primer Report. Self-published: Circulation 970. [Book]

Loizeau, Jimmy; Auger, James and Murray, Alan. 2015. Real Prediction Machines. [Design]

Lytra, Vally. 2015. Language practices and language ideologies among Turkish-speaking young people in Athens and London. In: Jacomine Nortier and Bente A Svendsen, eds. Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 183-204. ISBN 978-1107016989 [Book Section]

Lytra, Vally and Muldering, Jane. 2015. Introduction: Analysis of language and significations. In: Paul Smeyers; David Bridges; Nicholas Burbules and Morwenna Griffiths, eds. International Handbook on Interpretation in Educational Research Methods. Springer, pp. 283-285. ISBN 978-9401792813 [Book Section]


Mabb, David. 2015. Announcer. In: "Announcer", William Morris Gallery, United Kingdom, 27-June - 27 Sept 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Mabb, David. 2015. Rhythmus. In: "‘Graphics Interchange Format: 25 Years of Focal Point Gallery", FocalPoint Gallery, United Kingdom, 21 July - 19 September 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Mabb, David. 2015. 'When class-robbery is abolished every man will reap the fruits of his labour'. In: "2nd International Bodrum Biennial “Tolerance - Forbearance”", Bodrum, Turkey, 12 September - 12 November 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

MacDonald, Fiona; Whiles, Annie; Pilkington, Cathie and Ashton, Sean. 2015. Thirteen Blackbirds Look at a Man. [Exhibition Catalogue]

MacDonald, Richard; Couldry, Nick and Dickens, Luke. 2015. Digitisation and Materiality: Researching Community Memory Practice Today. The Sociological Review, 63(1), pp. 102-120. ISSN 1467-954X [Article]

MacDonald, Richard; Couldry, Nick; Stephansen, Hilde and Clark, Wilma. 2015. Digital platforms and narrative exchange: hidden constraints, emerging agency. New Media and Society, 17(6), pp. 919-938. ISSN 1461-4448 [Article]

Macdonald, Dash. 2015. #Bedford Voices. In: "#Bedford Voices", Bedford, United Kingdom, 16 March - 12 April 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Macdonald, Dash. 2015. By The People, For The People. In: "Show of Hands", South London Gallery, United Kingdom, March - May 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Macleroy, Vicky. 2015. Effective Practices with English as an Additional Language (EAL) Learners. In: Sue Dymoke; Myra Barrs; Andrew Lambirth and Anthony Wilson, eds. Making Poetry Happen. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 181-190. ISBN 978-1-4725-1238-3 [Book Section]

Macleroy, Vicky. 2015. Making Space for Learners' Languages. NALDIC Quarterly, 15(3), pp. 18-20. ISSN 1751-2182 [Article]

Macleroy, Vicky; Young, Andrea; Tsokalidou, Roula; Garcia Carrasco, Ruth and Kostiuk, Melody. 2015. Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education. [Digital]

Madianou, Mirca. 2015. Digital Inequality and Second-Order Disasters: Social Media in the Typhoon Haiyan Recovery. Social Media + Society, 1(2), pp. 1-11. ISSN 2056-3051 [Article]

Madianou, Mirca. 2015. Polymedia and Ethnography: Understanding the Social in Social Media. Social Media + Society, 1(1), pp. 1-3. ISSN 2056-3051 [Article]

Madianou, Mirca; Longboan, Liezel and Ong, Jonathan. 2015. Finding a Voice Through Humanitarian Technologies? Communication Technologies and Participation in Disaster Recovery. International Journal of Communication, 9, pp. 3020-3038. ISSN 1932–8036 [Article]

Magee, Wendy L. and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. The challenges and benefits of a genuine partnership between Music Therapy and Neuroscience: a dialog between scientist and therapist. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 223. ISSN 1662-5161 [Article]

Magic, Me and Mayo, Sue. 2015. Speak as You Find flyer. [Printed Ephemera]

Maitland, Sarah. 2015. Culture in Translation: The Case of British Pathé News. Perspectives, 23(4), pp. 570-585. ISSN 0907-676X [Article]

Maitland, Sarah. 2015. Nina, by José Ramón Fernández, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of translation, directed by Andy Dickinson, Spanish Theatre Company. In: "Nina, by José Ramón Fernández, translated by Sarah Maitland. Performance of translation, directed by Andy Dickinson, Spanish Theatre Company.", Spanish Theatre Company, Canada Water Cultural Space, London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Maitland, Sarah. 2015. Performing recognition: El castigo sin venganza and the politics of the 'literal' translation. Bulletin of the Comediantes, 67(1), pp. 37-56. ISSN 0007-5108 [Article]

Malik, Suhail. 2015. Reason to Destroy Contemporary Art. In: Christoph Cox; Jenny Jaskey and Suhail Malik, eds. Realism Materialism Art. Berlin/Annandale-on-Hudson: Sternberg Press / Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College, pp. 185-190. ISBN 9783956791260 [Book Section]

March, Neil. 2015. Developing an Urban Art Music. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Marin, M. M.; Thompson, W. F.; Gingras, B. and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. Affective evaluation of simultaneous tone combinations in congenital amusia. Neuropsychologia, [Article]

Mark, Storor and Anna, Ledgard. 2015. The Barometer of My Heart. In: "The Barometer of My Heart", Sir Ludwig Guttmann Health & Wellbeing Centre, United Kingdom, 15 September - 4 October 2015. [Performance]

Marrero-Guillamón, Isaac. 2015. Monadology and ethnography: Towards a Tardian monadic. Ethnography, 16(2), pp. 240-261. ISSN 1466-1381 [Article]

Marres, Noortje. 2015. Material Participation: Technology, Environment and Everyday Publics. Palgrave Schol, Print UK; 2nd edition. ISBN 978-1137480736 [Book]

Marres, Noortje. 2015. Why Map Issues? On Controversy Analysis as a Digital Method. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 40(5), pp. 655-686. ISSN 0162-2439 [Article]

Marshall, Tara C.; Lefringhausen, Katharina and Ferenczi, Nelli. 2015. The Big Five, self-esteem, and narcissism as predictors of the topics people write about in Facebook status updates. Personality and Individual Differences, 85, pp. 35-40. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Martin, David. 2015. Performing pedagogy: memory and the aesthetic turn. In: Phillip Darby, ed. From International Relations to Relations International: Postcolonial Essays. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 115-127. ISBN 9781138958494 [Book Section]

Martin, James. 2015. Morbid Symptoms: Gramsci and the Crisis of Liberalism. In: Mark McNally, ed. Antonio Gramsci. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 34-51. ISBN 9781137334176 [Book Section]

Martin, James. 2015. The Rhetoric of the Manifesto. In: Terrell Carver and James Farr, eds. The Cambridge Companion to The Communist Manifesto. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University press, pp. 50-66. ISBN 9781107037007 [Book Section]

Martin, James. 2015. Situating Speech: A Rhetorical Approach to Political Strategy. Political Studies, 63(1), pp. 25-42. ISSN 0032-3217 [Article]

Martin, Simon. 2015. The Parliament of Things 2015. In: "The Parliament of Things", Firstsite Colchester, United Kingdom, 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Martin, Simon. 2015. Simon Martin 2015. [Artist's Book]

Martin, Simon. 2015. UR Feeling 2015. In: "UR Feeling", Camden Arts Centre, London, United Kingdom, 10 April - 21 June 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2015. The Equivocal Concept: The Work of Bourahima Ouattara. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 18(2-3), pp. 339-358. ISSN 1936-6280 [Article]

Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2015. Im-mundus or Nancy’s Globalising-World-Formation. In: Sanja Dejanovic, ed. Nancy and the Political. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 219-244. ISBN 9780748683185 [Book Section]

Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2015. Shame: Intentionality in Reverse. In: Suzana Milevska, ed. On Productive Shame, Reconciliation and Agency. 16 Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 66-78. [Book Section]

Mason, Luke. 2015. An ERP investigation of the consequences of motor preparation on visual processing.. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Matsumoto, Naomi. 2015. Charles Marshall’s “Dioramic” Scenery: Staging Verdi in Victorian London. In: , ed. Staging Verdi and Wagner. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 53-80. ISBN 9782503564821 [Book Section]

May, Katherine. 2015 - ongoing Blue Collection. [Project]

Mayo, Marjorie C.; Koessl, Gerald; Scott, Matthew and Slater, Imogen. 2015. Access to Justice for Disadvantaged Communities. Policy Press. ISBN 978-1447311058 [Book]

Mayo, Sue. 2015. ''A Marvelous Experiment': Exploring ideas of temporary Community in intergenerational Performance Projects in East London'. In: New Tides Platform, Unoiversity of Malta. Unioiversity of Malta, Malta 14-16 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mayo, Sue. 2015. 'A Marvelous Experiment: Intergenerational practice'. In: New Tides Platform, Unoiversity of Malta. University of Malta, Malta 14-16 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mayo, Sue. 2015. Speak as you find table host feedback. Project Report. [Report]

Mayo, Sue and Magic, Me. 2015. Rooms with a View/Love East London Flyer. [Printed Ephemera]

Mazurov, Nikita. 2015. Strategies for Unbridled Data Dissemination: An Emergency Operations Manual. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Mazzilli, Mary. 2015. Desiring the Bodies of Ruan Lingyu and Linda Lin Dai. In: Mary Mazzilli; Brian Bergen-Aurand and Hee Wai-Siam, eds. Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Embodiment, Corporeality, Desire and the ethics of failure. Los Angeles: Bridge21 Publications. ISBN 978-1626430105 [Book Section]

Mazzilli, Mary. 2015. Gao Xingjian’s Post-Exile Plays: Transnationalism and Postdramatic Theatre. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. ISBN 978-1472591609 [Book]

Mazzilli, Mary. 2015. Gender in Gao Xingjian’s Between Life and Death: The Notion of Originary Self and the Use of Tripartition. Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 9(3), pp. 369-394. ISSN 1673-7318 [Article]

McAuliffe, Sam. 2015. 'A Margin of Error: Bildersprache and its Critique in Otto Neurath, Adorno, K.P. Brehmer'. In: London Conference in Critical Thought. UCL, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

McAuliffe, Sam. 2015. 'Utopia and Critique'. In: Critical Transactions: Engaging the Humanities East and West. School of Humanities, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong. [Conference or Workshop Item]

McCartney, Ella. 2015. Soviet Space Archive: Configuration II. In: "Soviet Space Archive: Configuration II", Calvert 22 Foundation, London, United Kingdom, 10 – 31 October 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

McDonald, Russ. 2015. Poetry and Plot in The Winter's Tale. In: Maurice Hunt, ed. The Winter's Tale: Critical Essays. Routledge. ISBN 978-1138864221 [Book Section]

McGrath-Lone, Louise; Day, Sophie E.; Schoenborn, Claudia and Ward, Helen. 2015. Exploring research participation among cancer patients: Analysis of a national survey and an in-depth interview study. BMC Cancer, 15(1), 618. ISSN 1471-2407 [Article]

McGrath-Lone, Louise; Ward, Helen; Schoenborn, Claudia and Day, Sophie E.. 2015. The effects of cancer research participation on patient experience: a mixed-methods analysis. European Journal of Cancer Care., 15, ISSN 0961-5423 [Article]

McGuire, Luke; Rutland, Adam and Nesdale, Drew. 2015. Peer Group Norms and Accountability Moderate the Effect of School Norms on Children's Intergroup Attitudes. Child Development, 86(4), pp. 1290-1297. ISSN 0009-3920 [Article]

McGuirk, Siobhán and Leap, William. 2015. Queer Language Matters. Anthropology News, 56(2), pp. 27-32. ISSN 1541-6151 [Article]

McQuillan, Daniel. 2015. Algorithmic States of Exception. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 18(4/5), pp. 564-576. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 2015. Notes on the Perfect: Competitive Femininity in Neoliberal Times. Australian Feminist Studies, 30(83), pp. 3-20. ISSN 0816-4649 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 2015. 'Pathologies of the Perfect: Femininity as Competition in Neo-Liberal Times'. In: Opening Lecture for Centre for Feminist Research. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mees, Annettte; Wright, Tim; Donald, Nicky; Gillies, Marco; Milne, Austin and Prime, Sian. 2015. Coney: Better Than Life. Project Report. NESTA, LONDON. [Report]

Mehta, Akanksha. 2015. The aesthetics of “everyday” violence: narratives of violence and Hindu right-wing women. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 8(3), pp. 416-438. ISSN 1753-9153 [Article]

Mellor, Bod. 2015. International Laundry 2. In: "International Laundry 2", Parisa Kind, Frankfurt, Germany. [Show/Exhibition]

Mellor, Bod. 2015. Toys Redux – On Play and Critique. In: "Toys Redux - On Play and Critique", Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Switzerland. [Show/Exhibition]

Menouti, Konstantina; Akiva-Kabiri, Lilach; Banissy, Michael J. and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. Timbre-colour synaesthesia: exploring the consistency of associations based on timbre. Cortex, 63, pp. 1-3. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Menz, Georg. 2015. Framing Competitiveness: The Advocacy of Migration as an Essential Human Resources Strategy in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(4), pp. 625-642. ISSN 1369-183X [Article]

Menz, Georg. 2015. Framing the Matter Differently: The Political Dynamics of European Union Labour Migration Policymaking. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 28(4), pp. 554-570. ISSN 0955-7571 [Article]

Merrill, Gary James. 2015. Convergence and Divergence : a study of British economic and business journalism. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Micali, Gabriele; Aquino, Gerardo; Richards, David M and Endres, Robert G. 2015. Accurate Encoding and Decoding by Single Cells: Amplitude Versus Frequency Modulation. PLOS Computational Biology, 11(6), e1004222. ISSN 1553-734X [Article]

Michelini, G; Eley, Thalia C.; Gregory, Alice M. and McAdams, T.A.. 2015. Aetiological overlap between anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity symptom dimensions in adolescence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(4), pp. 423-431. ISSN 0021-9630 [Article]

Michelini, G; Kitsune, G; Hosang, Georgina M.; Asherson, Philip; McLoughlin, G and Kuntsi, J. 2015. Disorder-specific and shared neurophysiological impairments of attention and inhibition in women with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and women with bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine, 46(3), pp. 493-504. ISSN 0033-2917 [Article]

Milne, Antony; Jennings, David and Rudolph, Terry. 2015. Geometric representation of two-qubit entanglement witnesses. Physical Review A, 92(012311), ISSN 2469-9926 [Article]

Mohr, Christine; Koutrakis, Nikolaos and Kuhn, Gustav. 2015. Priming psychic and conjuring abilities of a magic demonstration influences event interpretation and random number generation biases. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1542. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Mollona, Massimiliano. 2015. Anthropology and class. A view from a Brazilian barrio (9. Working-class politics in a Brazilian steel town). In: James Carrier and Don Kalb, eds. Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice, and Inequality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107087415 [Book Section]

Mollona, Massimiliano and Dyvi, Anne Marthe. 2015. oilers. [Film/Video]

Moore, James W. and Bravin, James. 2015. Schizotypy and awareness of intention: Variability of W judgments predicts schizotypy scores. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2(3), pp. 283-290. ISSN 2326-5523 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2015. Audience Studies: Class, Technology and Politics (Les Ancrages Sociaux de la Reception). Politiques de Communication, 4(1), pp. 19-35. ISSN 2271-068X [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2015. 'Cultural Studies in the Arab World'. In: Talk. Beirut Art Centre, Lebanon. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morosanova, V. I.; Fomina, T.G.; Kovas, Yulia and Bogdanova, O.Y.. 2015. Cognitive and regulatory characteristics and mathematical performance in high school students. Personality and Individual Differences, 90, pp. 117-186. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Morosetti, Tiziana. 2015. From Byron to Byron: Mazeppa and the Tartars in Nineteenth-Century British Theatre. Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film, 42(2), pp. 228-245. ISSN 1748-3727 [Article]

Morosetti, Tiziana. 2015. Review: The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma. The Conversation, [Article]

Morrison, Blake. 2015. Shingle Street. London: Chatto & Windus. ISBN 9780701188771 [Book]

Mortimer, Nicholas. 2015. Cybersyn Fictions: Collected Performative Works. In: "Community in Progress", Critical Media Lab Basel, Switzerland, 2015. [Performance]

Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam. 2015. 'Locating the Archive: the search for "Nurafkan"'. In: Anthony Downey, ed. Dissonant Archives: Contemporary Visual Culture and Contested Narratives in the Middle East. London and New York: I.B .Tauris. ISBN 978-1-784-53-4110 [Book Section]

Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam. 2015. Word: Beyond Language, Beyond Image. London: Rowman & Littlefield International. ISBN 9781783481422 [Book]

Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam and Zaker, Farniyaz. 2015. Words and Walls, Texts and Textiles: A Conversation. Theory, Culture and Society, 32(3), pp. 115-134. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Mukherjee, Roopali. 2015. 'Bio-Work in the Blacking Factory: Media Labor and the Technologies of the Racial Self'. In: Centre for Feminist Research Guest Lecture. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mulholland, Lauren and Sahin, Ozden. 2015. 'Working with Journal and Book Publishers: What do editors expect from you?'. In: Goldsmiths Graduate Festival. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 5-15 May. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Munasinghe, Vidura; Ariyarathne, Kaushalya; Chandrasekera, Thilini; Celermajer, D. and Grewal, Kiran. 2015. Issues Paper 9: Human Rights in the Sri Lankan Law Enforcement Sector – Puttalam District. Project Report. Enhancing Human Rights Protections in the Security Sector in the Asia Pacific. [Report]

Mura, Andrea. 2015. Debito e Comune: Per un’etica del non-tutto. Aut Aut, 365, pp. 84-98. [Article]

Mura, Andrea. 2015. Disorienting Austerity: The Indebted Citizen as the New Soul of Europe. In: Engin Isin, ed. Citizenship After Orientalism: Transforming Political Theory. Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire; New York, NY: Palgrave. ISBN 978-1-137-47950-1 [Book Section]

Mura, Andrea. 2015. Lacan and Debt: The Discourse of the Capitalist in Times of Austerity. Philosophy Today, 59(2), pp. 155-174. ISSN 0031-8256 [Article]

Mura, Andrea and Gentili, Dario. 2015. The Birth of a Theater Commons. In: David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, eds. Patterns of Commoning. Amherst, Massachusetts: The Commons Strategies Group. ISBN 978-1937146832 [Book Section]

Murdoch, Sadie. 2015. Too Much of a Good Thing. In: Mo Throp and Maria Walsh, eds. The MAKE Anthology: Reviewing the Past and Looking to the Future of Women’s Art Practice. London: I.B Tauris. ISBN The MAKE Anthology: Reviewing the Past and Looking to the Future of Women’s Art Practice [Book Section]

Murtagh, Fionn and Contreras, P. 2015. Random projection towards the Baire metric for high dimensional clustering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9047, pp. 424-431. ISSN 0302-9743 [Article]

Murtagh, Fionn and Farid, M. 2015. The structure of argument: Semantic mapping of US Supreme Court cases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9047, pp. 397-405. ISSN 0302-9743 [Article]

Murtagh, Fionn; Olaniyan, Rapheal and Stamate, Daniel. 2015. 'A novel statistical and machine learning hybrid approach to predicting S&P500 using sentiment analysis'. In: 8th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics. Senate House, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Murthy, Dhiraj. 2015. Introduction to the Special Issue on Social Media, Collaboration, and Organizations. American Behavioral Scientist, 59(1), pp. 3-9. ISSN 0002-7642 [Article]

Murthy, Dhiraj. 2015. Twitter and elections: are tweets, predictive, reactive, or a form of buzz? Information, Communication & Society, 18(7), pp. 816-831. ISSN 1369-118X [Article]

Murthy, Dhiraj; Bowman, Sawyer; Gross, Alexander J. and McGarry, Marisa. 2015. Do We Tweet Differently From Our Mobile Devices? A Study of Language Differences on Mobile and Web-Based Twitter Platforms. Journal of Communication, 65(5), pp. 816-837. ISSN 0021-9916 [Article]

Murthy, Dhiraj; Gross, Alexander and Pensavalle, Alexander. 2015. Urban Social Media Demographics: An Exploration of Twitter Use in Major American Cities. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 21(1), pp. 33-49. ISSN 1083-6101 [Article]

Murthy, Dhiraj and Petto, Laura R.. 2015. Comparing Print Coverage and Tweets in Elections: a Case Study of the 2011-2012 US Republican Primaries. Social Science Computer Review, 33(3), pp. 298-314. ISSN 0894-4393 [Article]

Mörtenböck, Peter. 2015. Global Informality: Bottom-Up Trade and Transnational Realignments. In: Peter Mörtenböck; Helge Mooshammer; Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman, eds. Informal Market Worlds: The Architecture of Economic Pressure (Reader). Rotterdam: nai010 Publishers, pp. 105-118. ISBN 9789462081956 [Book Section]

Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge. 2015. Blendende Werte: Die globale Zirkulation von Architektur- Kapital. In: , ed. Das Geschäft mit der Stadt. 28 Birkhäuser, pp. 28-43. [Book Section]

Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge. 2015. Informal Market Worlds: The Architecture of Economic Pressure - ATLAS. Rotterdam: nai010 publishers. ISBN 978-94-6208-194-9 [Book]

Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge. 2015. Materials of Commemoration: The Changing Landscape of Mauthausen. In: Suzana Milevska, ed. On Productive Shame, Reconciliation and Agency. 16 Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 218-234. ISBN 978-3956791499 [Book Section]

Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge. 2015. Sammlungen des Protests: Von der Occupy-Bewegung zum Verwahren des Protests. In: Andreas Hudelist; Florian Kerschbaumer and Matthias Wieser, eds. Protestgebiete: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Raum und Widerstand. Novo mesto: arte4, pp. 23-45. ISBN 9789619363331 [Book Section]

Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge. 2015. A World of Matter. In: "World of Matter – Exposing Resource Ecologies", Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 20 February - 18 April 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge. 2015. A World of Matter. In: Inke Arns, ed. World of Matter. Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 160-172. ISBN 978-3-95679-083-6 [Book Section]

Mörtenböck, Peter; Mooshammer, Helge; Cruz, Teddy and Forman, Fonna. 2015. Informal Market Worlds: The Architecture of Economic Pressure - READER. Rotterdam: nai010 publishers. ISBN 978-94-6208-195-6 [Book]

Mörtenböck, Peter; Mooshammer, Helge and Pieterse, Edgar. 2015. Informal Worlds Reader. Cityscapes - Re-thinking Urban Things(7), ISSN 2227-4006 [Article]

Mörtenböck, Peter; Mooshammer, Helge; Tavares, Paulo; Huber, Frauke; Martin, Uwe H. and Biemann, Ursula. 2015. World of Matter. Architectural Theory Review, 20(1), pp. 122-134. ISSN 1326-4826 [Article]

Müllensiefen, Daniel and Baker, D. 2015. Music, Brands, and Advertising: Testing what works. In: K Bronner; R Hirt and C Ringe, eds. Audio Branding Yearbook 2014/2015. Nomos. ISBN 978-3-8487-1073-7 [Book Section]

Müllensiefen, Daniel; Egermann, H and Burrows, S. 2015. Radio Station Jingles: How statistical learning applies to a special genre of audio logos. In: K Bronner; R Hirt and C Ringe, eds. Audio Branding Yearbook 2014/2015. Nomos, pp. 53-72. ISBN 978-3-8452-6081-5 [Book Section]

Müllensiefen, Daniel; Floridou, Georgia A. and Jakubowski, Kelly. 2015. 'Can correlations imply causation? Causal modeling and music psychology research.'. In: Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. Manchester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Müllensiefen, Daniel; Harrison, Peter; Caprini, Francesco and Fancourt, Amy. 2015. Investigating the importance of self-theories of intelligence and musicality for students' academic and musical achievement. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1702. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]


Nash, Kate. 2015. Is it social movements that construct human rights? In: , ed. The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 743-752. ISBN 978-0-19-967840-2 [Book Section]

Nash, Kate. 2015. The Political Sociology of Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521148474 [Book]

Nashashibi, Rosalind. 2015. Electrical Gaza. [Film/Video]

Nasuto, S.J. and Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. Steady State Resource Allocation Analysis of the Stochastic Diffusion Search. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 12, pp. 65-76. ISSN 2212-683X [Article]

Nasuto, S.J.; Bishop, Mark (J. M.); Roesch, E.B. and Spencer, M.C.. 2015. Zombie Mouse in a Chinese Room. Philosophy & Technology, 28(2), pp. 209-223. ISSN 2210-5433 [Article]

Natarajan, Uttara. 2015. The Connell Guide to Charles Dickens's Hard Times. London: Connell Guides Publishing. ISBN 9781907776281 [Book]

Navascués, Miguel; Guryanova, Yelena; Hoban, Matty J. and Acín, Antonio. 2015. Almost quantum correlations. Nature Communications, 6, 6288. ISSN 2041-1723 [Article]

Negus, Keith. 2015. Philip Tagg and the semiotic dialogues of the popular song. In: Audrone Daubariene and Dario Martinelli, eds. The Role of Humanities in Contemporary Society: Semiotics, Culture, Technologies. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, pp. 125-132. ISBN 978-609-02-1139-7 [Book Section]

Negus, Keith. 2015. The South Korean Music Industry: A Literature Review. CREATe Working Paper Series, [Article]

Negus, Keith and Astor, Pete. 2015. Songwriters and song lyrics: architecture, ambiguity and repetition. Popular Music, 34(2), pp. 226-244. ISSN 0261-1430 [Article]

Newman, Michael. 2015. Difference, Rhythm, and the Gaze in Painting (2015). In: Pawel Polit and Jaroslaw Suchan, eds. Władysław Strzemiński: Readability of Images. Lódź: Muzeum Sztuki, pp. 189-200. ISBN 978-83-63820-39-8 [Book Section]

Newman, Saul. 2015. 'Critique will be the art of voluntary inservitude': Foucault, La Boetie and the Problem of Power. In: S. Fuggle; Y. Lanci and M. Tazzioli, eds. Foucault and the History of Our Present. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 58-73. ISBN 978-1137385918 [Book Section]

Newman, Saul. 2015. Postanarchism. Cambridge: Polity Press. ISBN 9780745688732 [Book]

Newman, Saul. 2015. Postanarchism. Cambridge: Polity. ISBN 9780745688732 [Book]

Neyland, D.. 2015. On Organizing Algorithms. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(1), pp. 119-132. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Neyland, D. and Simakova, E.. 2015. The Mosquito Multiple: Malaria and market-based initiatives. In: I. Dussauge; C. F. Helgesson and F. Lee, eds. Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 136-150. ISBN 978-0-19-968958-3 [Book Section]

Ng, Julia. 2015. 'The Action of Non-Action: Benjamin, Daoism, and the Image'. In: Daoism and Capitalism: A Workshop.. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 10 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ng, Julia. 2015. 'Acts of Time: Cohen and Benjamin on Mathematics and History'. In: Hermann-Cohen-Gesellschaft Conference on “Critical Idealism and Messianism: From Hermann Cohen to Walter Benjamin and beyond,” University of Rome Tre and University of Turin. Rome, Italy 19-20 Oct 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ng, Julia. 2015. 'Die höchste Kontinuität: Philologie und der Begriff der Zeit'. In: Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik. Shanghai, China 23-31 Aug 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ng, Julia. 2015. 'The Most Precise Tangency: Benjamin and the Lumières'. In: GSA. Washington, DC, United States 1-4 Oct 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ng, Julia. 2015. 'The Poverty in Art'. In: Distinguished Friends of Yonsei University Lecture Series, Underwood International College, Yonsei University. Seoul, Korea, Republic of 3 Sep 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ng, Julia. 2015. 'Scholem and the ‘Zionistic Point of Mathematics'. In: Society for Contemporary Jewish Philosophy Annual Meeting, Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy. Atlanta, GA, United States 8-10 Oct 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Nicolescu, Gabriela. 2015. Art, Politics and the Museum: Tales of continuity and rupture in modern Romania. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa. 2015. Children's Participation, Childhood Publics and Social Change: A Review. Children & Society, 29(2), pp. 157-167. ISSN 0951-0605 [Article]

Norman, Caroline. 2015. Time and Affect in Talk about ‘Student Experience’ of Higher Education. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Norouzi, Minou. 2015. Kiss me, gentlemen - In Pursuit of Realness. In: "Kiss me, gentlemen - In Pursuit of Realness", UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 4 September 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Norton, Barley. 2015. Review of the CD 'Radio Vietnam', compiled by Mark Gergis. Sublime Frequencies. Songlines: The World Music Magazine, 109, p. 71. [Article]

Nowotny, Stefan. 2015. Ent/Grenzen, Übersetzen / Un/Bordering, Translating. In: Andrea Van der Straeten, ed. Der Käfig ist auf und der Zoo zu. Vienna: Sonderzahl. ISBN 978-3854494461 [Book Section]


O'Brien, David. 2015. Business as usual, The UK and Cultural Industries as industrial policy. In: Kate Oakley and Justin O'Connor, eds. Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415706209 [Book Section]

O'Brien, David. 2015. ‘Evaluation, Photography and Intermediation: Connecting Birmingham’s communities.’. In: Saskia Warren and Phil Jones, eds. Creative economies, creative communities: Rethinking place, policy and practice. London: Ashgate Pub Co. ISBN 978-1472451378 [Book Section]

O'Brien, David and Lockley, P. 2015. ‘The social life of cultural value’. In: Lachlan MacDowall; Marnie Badham; Emma Blomkamp and Kim Dunphy, eds. Making Culture Count: The Politics of Cultural Measurement. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 87-103. ISBN 978-1137464576 [Book Section]

O'Brien, David and Matthews, Peter. 2015. 'Connecting community to the post-regeneration era'. In: David O'Brien and Peter Matthews, eds. After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 978-1447324164 [Book Section]

O'Brien, David and Oakley, Kate. 2015. Cultural value and inequality: a literature review. Technical Report. Arts and Humanities Research Council, Swindon. [Report]

O'Reilly, Karen and Benson, Michaela. 2015. Lifestyle Migration. In: Wendy Martin and Julia Twigg, eds. Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. London: Routledge, pp. 420-427. ISBN 9781136221033 [Book Section]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. 'Fictioning as Myth-Science (after Deleuze, against Control): Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted'. In: Daughters of Chaos: Deleuze Studies International Conference 2015. University of Stockholm, Sweden June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. 'Memories of a Deleuzian: To Think is Always to Follow the Witches Flight'. In: ‘A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy’ workshop. Institut Francais, London, United Kingdom July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. Myth-Science. Rattle: a Journal at the convergence of Art and Writing(5), pp. 106-120. ISSN 20473885 [Article]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. 'Myth-Science'. In: Curbitt festival. Mount Saleve, Geneva., Switzerland July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. ‘Myth-Science Communique: Evolution of Neuropatheme 2.0 (Time Stretcher Tool)’, film, exhibition and ‘Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction’ performance, with David Burrows and others (part of ‘Alternative 23, 2.0’. In: "‘Myth-Science Communique: Evolution of Neuropatheme 2.0 (Time Stretcher Tool)’, film, exhibition and ‘Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction’ performance, with David Burrows and others (part of ‘Alternative 23, 2.0’)", Gallery North, Newcastle, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. 'Myth-Science and Art Practice'. In: 'Shoulders of Giants’ symposium. Senate House, London, United Kingdom July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. 'Myth-Science and the Fictioning of Reality'. In: F(r)ictions of Art conference. Berlin, Germany June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. 'Myth-Science: Art Practice as Fictioning'. In: Multiverse launch event. Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge., United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2015. 'Myth-Science: Art Practice as Fictioning'. In: invited speaker, Royal Academy of Arts Schools. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D. and Burrows, David. 2015. Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction. In: "Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction, part of 'Multiverese'", Wysing Art Centre, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, April 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

O'Sullivan, Simon D. and Burrows, David. 2015. Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction. In: "Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction,. part of ‘Curbitt’ festival", Mount Saleve, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

O'Sullivan, Simon D. and Burrows, David. 2015. Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction’. In: "Diagram of (Urb-Fux Glitter) Addiction. part of ‘Transmetic’", Lewisham Art House, London, United Kingdom, May 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Ogg, Kirsty. 2015. 'Archive: In the Making'. In: Archive: In the Making. Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, United Kingdom 3 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ogg, Kirsty. 2015. Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2015. In: "Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2015", One Thorseby Street, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 17 September – 31 October 2015 and 25 November to 24 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Ogg, Kirsty. 2015. 'New Contemporaries 1949 to Now'. In: New Contemporaries 1949 to Now. ICA, London, United Kingdom 26 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Oktay, Enis. 2015. Nocturnal Transgressions: Nighttime Stories from Berlin, the New European Nightlife Capital. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Olaniyan, Rapheal; Stamate, Daniel and Logofatu, Doina. 2015. 'Social Web-based Anxiety Index's Predictive Information on S&P 500 Revisited'. In: SLDS 2015: 3rd International Syposium on Statistical Learning and Data Sciences. Royal Holloway UoL, Egham, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Olaniyan, Rapheal; Stamate, Daniel; Ouarbya, Lahcen and Logofatu, Doina. 2015. 'Sentiment and stock market volatility predictive modelling - A hybrid approach'. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA). Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Omigie, Diana. 2015. Basic, specific, mechanistic? Conceptualizing musical emotions in the brain. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 524(8), pp. 1676-1686. ISSN 0021-9967 [Article]

Omigie, Diana; Dellacherie, Delphine; Hasboun, Dominique; George, Nathalie; Clement, Sylvain; Baulac, Michel; Adam, Claude and Samson, Severine. 2015. An intracranial EEG study of the neural dynamics of musical valence processing. Cerebral Cortex, 25(11), pp. 4038-4047. ISSN 1047-3211 [Article]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - April 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - August 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - February 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - January 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - July 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - June 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - March 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - May 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Online, Goldsmiths Research. 2015. GRO Report - September 2015. Documentation. [Report]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2015. '‘Being alone together’ (Pinney 2006): Ego-histoire and Black British Writers’ Adoption Aesthetics'. In: Northeast Modern Languages Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2015. 'Male Authors and their Female Spies in Novels of Occupied France'. In: Spying on Spies: Popular Representations of Spies and Espionage. University of Warwick Business School at The Shard, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2015. Resisting the Standard and Displaying her Colours: debbie tucker green at British Drama’s Vanguard. In: Mary F. Brewer; Lynette Goddard and Deirdre Osborne, eds. Modern and Contemporary Black British Drama. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-177. ISBN 9780230303195 [Book Section]

Ostojic, Mladen. 2015. The Politics of Civil Society Assistance in the Western Balkans. N.E.C Yearbook 2013-2014, pp. 389-416. ISSN 1584‑0298 [Article]


Paganellli, Mattia and Worrallo, Dane. 2015. Eleven Theses for An Initial degree of Roughness: Transubstantiation, Materiality and Art. Zetesis: The International Journal for Fine Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences, 2(1), pp. 121-127. ISSN 2059-2582 [Article]

Page, Jocelyn. 2015. Anniversary Poem [Poem]. Poetry Salzburg, No. 28. [Other]

Page, Jocelyn. 2015. Every So Often, a Letter [Poem]. Poetry Ireland Review. [Other]

Page, Jocelyn. 2015. Ice Cream [Poem]. Ambit. [Other]

Page, Jocelyn. 2015. You've Got to Wait Till the Man you Trust Says Go. London: The Argent Press. ISBN 9780993466205 [Book]

Page, Kevin; Nurmikko-Fuller, Terhi; Rindfleisch, Carolin; Lewis, Richard; Dreyfus, Laurence and Roure, David De. 2015. 'A toolkit for live annotation of opera performance: Experiences capturing Wagner's Ring Cycle'. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2015). Malaga, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Paixão, Tiago; Badkobeh, Golnaz; Barton, Nick; Çörüş, Doğan; Dang, Duc-Cuong; Friedrich, Tobias; Lehre, Per Kristian; Sudholt, Dirk; Sutton, Andrew M. and Trubenová, Barbora. 2015. Toward a unifying framework for evolutionary processes. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 383, pp. 28-43. ISSN 0022-5193 [Article]

Palmer, Sally B.; Rutland, Adam and Cameron, Lindsey. 2015. The development of bystander intentions and social-moral reasoning about intergroup verbal aggression. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33(4), pp. 419-433. ISSN 0261510X [Article]

Pan, Xueni and Hamilton, Antonia F. de C.. 2015. Automatic imitation in a rich social context with virtual characters. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 790. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

[img] [img]
Papatheodorou, Theodoros and Goni, Kyriaki. 2015. Radio Nippon. [Art Object]

Park, Soomi. 2015. Republic of Privacy. In: "Hypervital: Biennale International Design Saint-Étienne 2015", Saint-Étienne, France, 12 March - 20 September 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Parkinson, Adam and Bell, Renick. 2015. Deadmau5, Derek Bailey, and the Laptop Instrument – Improvisation, Composition, and Liveness in Live Coding. In: , ed. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Live Coding. Leeds: ICSRiM, School of Music, University of Leeds. ISBN ISBN 9780853163404 [Book Section]

Parkinson, Adam; Cameron, David and Tanaka, Atau. 2015. 'HapticWave: Presenting the Multiple Voices, Artefacts and Materials of a Design Research Project'. In: Research Through Design. Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Parkinson, Adam; Cameron, David and Tanaka, Atau. 2015. HapticWave: presenting the multiple voices, artefacts and materials of a design research project. In: , ed. Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Research Through Design Conference. [Book Section]

Parsons, Michael J.; Moffitt, Terrie E.; Gregory, Alice M.; Goldman-Mellor, S.J.; Nolan, Patrick M.; Poulton, Richie and Caspi, Avshalom. 2015. Social jetlag, obesity and metabolic disorder: Investigation in a cohort study. International Journal of Obesity, 39(5), pp. 842-848. ISSN 0307-0565 [Article]

Peacock, A.C.S; De Nicola, Bruno and Yildiz, Sara Nur. 2015. Introduction. In: A.c.S Peacock; Bruno De Nicola and Sara Nur Yildiz, eds. Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781472448637 [Book Section]

Pennell, Jacqueline D.. 2015. Floating House. In: "Sydenham Arts Artist Trail", Sydenham, United Kingdom, 4-12 July 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Pentaris, Panagiotis. 2015. Culture and the Social Reality of Death: The Afghan Experience. In: Katarzyna Malecka and Rossanna Gibbs, eds. And Death shall have Dominion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Dying, Caregivers, Death, Mourning and the Bereaved. Freeland, Oxfordshire: Inter-Diciplinary Press, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9781848884182 [Book Section]

Perchard, Thomas. 2015. 'Roundtable contributor'. In: ‘New Directions in Jazz Studies’ symposium.. Senate House, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Perchard, Tom. 2015. After Django: Making Jazz in Postwar France. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 9780472072422 [Book]

Perchard, Tom. 2015. New Riffs on the Old Mind-Body Blues: “Black Rhythm,” “White Logic,” and Music Theory in the Twenty-First Century. Journal of the Society for American Music, 9(3), pp. 321-348. ISSN 1752-1963 [Article]

Perchard, Tom. 2015. 'Popular Music teaching at Goldsmiths'. In: Reconcile Your Body and Soul (But How?)’. Symposium on academic and creative practice in popular music education. Seika University, Kyoto, Japan. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pereira, Fillipa; Matos, Marlene; Sheridan, Lorraine and Scott, Adrian J.. 2015. Perceptions and personal experiences of unwanted attention among Portuguese male students. Psychology, Crime and Law, 21(4), pp. 398-411. ISSN 1068-316X [Article]

Pereira, Godofredo Nobre Enes. 2015. The Underground Frontier : technoscience and resource extraction. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Pester, Holly. 2015. Enemigos. In: Rocio Ceron, ed. UNSPECIFIED Mexico City: EBL-Cielo Abierto. [Book Section]

Pester, Holly. 2015. Go to Reception and Ask for Sara in Red Felt Tip. London: Book Works. ISBN 978-1906012663 [Book]

Petrill, S.A. and Kovas, Yulia. 2015. Individual differences in mathematical ability: A behavioral genetic approach. In: D.B. Berch; D.C. Gary and K. Mann Koepke, eds. Development of mathematical cognition: Neural substrates and genetic influences. San Diego, CA, US.: Elsevier Academic Press. ISBN 9780128019092 [Book Section]

Pettican, anneke; Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Lewis, Chara. 2015. Folds in Time: Artists' Responses to the Temporal and the Uncanny.. In: "Folds in Time: Artists' Responses to the Temporal and the Uncanny.", Freud Museum London, United Kingdom, 4th july 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Peyton Jones, Jeremy. 2015. 'Hierarchies of creative interaction – the political aspects of collaboration between composer and improvising musicians in Against Oblivion, Part 3'. In: COMPOSITIONAL AESTHETICS AND THE POLITICAL. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 20-22 Feb 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Peyton Jones, Jeremy. 2015. The Train. [Composition]

Peyton Jones, Jeremy. 2015. The Train. In: "The Train", Marche Teatro, Ancona, Italy, 30.9.15-25.10.15. [Performance]

Phillips, Andrea. 2015. Art as Property. In: Angela Dimitrakaki and Kirsten Lloyd, eds. Economy: Art, Production and the Subject in the 21st Century. 11 Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781781381380 [Book Section]

Phillips, Angela. 2015. Futures of journalists: low paid piece workers or global brands? In: Timothy Vos and Francois Heinderyckx, eds. Gatekeeping in Transition. Routledge, pp. 65-82. ISBN 978-0415731614 [Book Section]

Pichler, Pia. 2015. 'Hipsters in the hood: authenticating indexicalities in young men’s hip hop talk'. In: DiscourseNet Congress. Bremen University, Germany 23-26 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pichler, Pia. 2015. Language, gender and identity. In: Nancy Bonvillain, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 191-205. ISBN 9780415834100 [Book Section]

Pickering, Gail. 2015. The Jarman Award 2015. In: "Film London Jarman Award 2015", Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 29 September to 22 November 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Pickering, Gail. 2015. She was a Visitor [performance]. In: "She was a Visitor", BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, United Kingdom, 11 January 2015. [Performance]

Pierce, Sarah. 2015. It's time man. It feels Imminent. Politics at the moment of exposition. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Pike, Alison and Oliver, Bonamy R. 2015. Parenting in childhood. In: , ed. Gene-environment Interplay in Interpersonal Relationships Across the Lifespan. New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 57-81. ISBN 978-1-4939-2922-1 [Book Section]

Pine, Frances T.. 2015. Living in the Grey Zones: When Ambiguity and Uncertainty are the Ordinary. In: Ida Harboe Knudsen and Martin Demand Frederiksen, eds. Ethnographies of Grey Zones in Eastern Europe: Relations, Borders and Invisibilities. London and New York: Anthem Press, pp. 25-40. ISBN 9781783084135 [Book Section]

Pitfield, Maggie. 2015. A Pedagogy of Possibilities: Drama as Reading Practice. In: Anna Hickey Moody and Tara Page, eds. Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. London: Rowman and Littlefield International, pp. 95-111. ISBN 9781783484867 [Book Section]

Plamper, Jan. 2015. The History of Emotions: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-966833-5 [Book]

Platt, Len. 2015. 'How Scottish I Am': Alistair Gray, Race and Neo-nationalism. In: Len Platt and Sara Upstone, eds. Postmodern Literature and Race. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 129-144. ISBN 9781107337022 [Book Section]

Platt, Len and Upstone, Sara. 2015. Introduction to Postmodern Literature and Race. In: Len Platt and Sara Upstone, eds. Postmodern Literarue and Race. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781107337022 [Book Section]

Pontis, Sheila; Kefalidou, Genovefa; Blandford, Ann; Forth, Jamie; Makri, Stephann; Sharples, Sarah; Wiggins, Geraint and Woods, Mel. 2015. Academics' responses to encountered information: Context matters. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(8), pp. 1883-1903. ISSN 2330-1643 [Article]

Potter, Laura. 2015. Early Recollections. [Art Object]

Potter, Laura. 2015. Fictional Final Goal. [Project]

Potter, Laura. 2015. Fictional Final Goal [book]. [Artist's Book]

Potter, Laura. 2015. Mascara Rorschachs. [Art Object]

Potter, Laura. 2015. Ornaments and Armaments. [Art Object]

Povey, Tara. 2015. Social Movements in Egypt and Iran. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137378996 [Book]

Prendeville, Brendan. 2015. Realism in 20th Century Painting (Mandarin edition). Thames & Hudson. ISBN 978-7-5322-9195-3 [Book]

Prendeville, Brendan. 2015. Sam Cornish, Stockwell Depot, 1967-79. Sculpture Journal, 24(3), pp. 425-436. ISSN 1366-2724 [Article]

Prendeville, Brendan. 2015. Sculpting with air. Ambit, 220, pp. 46-53. ISSN 0002-6972 [Article]

Price, John. 2015. Heroes of Postman's Park: Heroic Self-Sacrifice in Victorian London. Stroud: The History Press. ISBN 9780750956437 [Book]

Pritchard, Helen and Soon, Winnie. 2015. The Likes of Brother Cream Cat. [Project]

Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen. 2015. Performative Apparatus and Diffractive Practices: An Account of Artificial Life Art. Artificial Life, 21(3), pp. 332-343. ISSN 1064-5462 [Article]

Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen. 2015. 'SE Asian Ubicomp and ALife: Roaming and Homing with TechnoSphere 2.0 Computational Companions'. In: Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) CHI conference. Seoul, Korea, Republic of. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pusca, Anca. 2015. Postcommunist Aesthetics: Revolutions, Capitalism, Violence. London and NY: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415523004 [Book]


Quinn, Jacqueline Y; Cox, Robert Sidney; Adler, Aaron; Beal, Jacob; Bhatia, Swapnil; Cai, Yizhi; Chen, Joanna; Clancy, Kevin; Galdzicki, Michal; Hillson, Nathan J; Le Novère, Nicolas; Maheshwari, Akshay J; McLaughlin, James Alastair; Myers, Chris J; P, Umesh; Pocock, Matthew; Rodriguez, Cesar; Soldatova, Larisa; Stan, Guy-Bart V; Swainston, Neil; Wipat, Anil and Sauro, Herbert M. 2015. SBOL Visual: A Graphical Language for Genetic Designs. PLoS Biology, 13(12), e1002310. ISSN 1544-9173 [Article]


Raisin, Ross. 2015. Holy Island. In: Belinda McKeon, ed. A Kind of Compass: Stories on Distance. Dublin: Tramp Press. ISBN 9780992817053 [Book Section]

Rajakaruna, Nikki; Henry, Pamela J. and Scott, Adrian J.. 2015. A necessary safety net: Use of a confidential internal telephone line to report unethical behaviour. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 16(5), pp. 431-443. ISSN 1561-4263 [Article]

Ramirez, Carolina. 2015. The Chilean Diaspora of London: Diasporic Social Scenes and the Spatial Politics of Home. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Ramos Martinez, Manuel. 2015. Book Review: TJ Demos, The Migrant Image: The Art and Politics of Documentary during Global Crisis. Journal of Visual Culture, 14(1), pp. 116-118. ISSN 1470-4129 [Article]

Ramos Martinez, Manuel. 2015. Marx Immemorial, Workers and Peasants in the Cinema of Straub and Huillet. In: Ewa Mazierska and Lars Kristensen, eds. Marx and the Moving Images of Activism: Screening Alternative Worlds. Berghahn. ISBN 78-1-78238-642-1 [Book Section]

Raskob, Evan. 2015. 'Sound Spirals'. In: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2015). London, United Kingdom 7-9 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Raskob, Evan. 2015. 'Wound Sounds ? turning recorded sound into plastic sculpture using computational design and 3D printing'. In: Provocative Plastics: Design in plastics from the practical to the philosophical. Bournemouth, United Kingdom 17th to 18th September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena. 2015. Feminist Duration Reading Group. [Professional Activity]

Reckitt, Helena. 2015. Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology. C Magazine(126), pp. 27-29. [Article]

Reckitt, Helena. 2015. 'Now Can We Go? Refusal and labour in the art world'. In: Labours of Love, Works of Passion: The social (re)production of art workers from industrialisation to globalisation. AAH2016: Annual Art Historians Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom 7-9 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena; Bollettenari, Angelica; Casalini, Giulia; Georgiou, Diana; Guy, Laura; Revell, Irene and Tobin, Amy. 1-13 December 2015 Now You Can Go. [Project]

Reckitt, Helena; Logue, Deidre and Mitchell, Allyson. 2015. Not at the beginning and not at the end: A Conversation among Deidre Logue, Allyson Mitchell and Helena Reckitt. In: Amelia Jones and Erin Silver, eds. Otherwise: Imagining Queer Feminist Art Histories. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 356-370. ISBN 978-0-7190-9641-9 [Book Section]

Reckitt, Helena; Malik, Suhail; Yuile, Laura; Kulendran Thomas, Christopher; Kulesh, Leslie; Cameron, Angus; Pil & Galia, Kollectiv; DKUK, DKUK; Pollard, Alexander James and Luke, Kristin. 2015. 'Capitalist Artist Scum #1 and #2'. In: FORUM: Capitalist Artist Scum. Open School East, London, United Kingdom 24 September 2015-11 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena and Phillips, Andrea. 2015. 'Feminist Duration in Art and Curating'. In: Feminist Duration in Art and Curating. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 16-17 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena and Pucill, Sarah. 2015. 'Helena Reckitt in Conversation with Sarah Pucill'. In: Helena Reckitt in conversation with Sarah Pucill. Nunnery Gallery, United Kingdom 29 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Redgate, Roger. 2015. 'Towards an Aesthetic of Resistance'. In: For Cryin' Outloud: Music and Politics. University of Utrecht, Netherlands 6-8 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Redhead, L. 2015. The Beautiful and the Political. Contemporary Music Review, 34(2-3), pp. 247-255. ISSN 0749-4467 [Article]

Redhead, L. 2015. 'New Music' as Patriarchal Category. In: C Haworth and L Colton, eds. Gender, Age and Musical Creativity. London: Routledge, pp. 171-184. [Book Section]

Redhead, L. 2015. boxmusic. [Composition]

Redhead, L. 2015. parergons. [Composition]

Redhead, L and Zaldua, Alistair. 2015. Diapason: Music for Organ and Electronics. [Audio]

Reeves-Evison, Theodore. 2015. After Transgression: Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigms of Contemporary Art. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Reid, Gavin C; Searle, Nicola and Vishnubhakat, Saurabh. 2015. What's It Worth to Keep a Secret. Duke Law & Technology Review, 13(1), pp. 116-161. ISSN 2328-9600 [Article]

Reininghaus, U; Bohnke, J.R; Hosang, Georgina M.; Farmer, Anne E.; Burns, T; McGuffin, Peter and Bentall, R.P. 2015. Evaluation of the validity and utility of a transdiagnostic psychosis dimension encompassing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 209, pp. 107-113. ISSN 0007-1250 [Article]

Rensink, Ronald A. and Kuhn, Gustav. 2015. A framework for using magic to study the mind. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1508. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Rensink, Ronald A. and Kuhn, Gustav. 2015. The possibility of a science of magic. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1576. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Renton, Andrew. 2015. “Architecture’s Ideology: Antony Gormley’s Ethics of Spacing”. In: Peter Fischer; Simone King and Rosalind Horne, eds. Antony Gormley: Expansion Field. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, pp. 189-205. ISBN 978-3-7757-3931-3 [Book Section]

Renton, Andrew. 2015. "I Never Thought I'd See You Again: Painting History". In: ""I Never Thought I'd See You Again: Painting History"", Marlborough Contemporary, United Kingdom, 20 January - 27 February 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Renton, Andrew. 2015. “Unconditional Welcome: An Ethics of Passage in Le Jardin hospitalier of Jyll Bradley” (“Un accueil inconditionnel : L’éthique du passage dans Le Jardin hospitalier de Jyll Bradley”). In: Amanda Crabtree, ed. Le Jardin hospitalier: une oeuvre de Jyll Bradley. Dijon: Les presses du réel, pp. 12-24. ISBN 978-2-84066-786-5 [Book Section]

Renton, Andrew and Brooks, Jason. 2015. Jason Brooks: 'Origins'. In: "Origins", Marlborough Contemporary, United Kingdom, 10 June 18 July 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Renton, Andrew and Brzezanska, Agnieszka. 2015. Agnieszka Brzeżańska: 'This all occurs quickly, with ease, grace and joy'. In: "This all occurs quickly, with ease, grace and joy", Marlborough Contemporary, United Kingdom, 18 September – 31 October 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Renton, Andrew and Büttner, Werner. 2015. Werner Büttner: 'The Marking of the Abyss'. In: "The Marking of ther Abyss", Marlborough Contemporary, United Kingdom, 4 March – 18 April 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Renton, Andrew and Ferreira, Ángela. 2015. Ângela Ferreira: 'Talk Tower for Ingrid Jonker'. In: "Talk Tower for Ingrid Jonker", Marlborough Contemporary, United Kingdom, 5 August - 5 September 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Renton, Andrew and Golden, Pamela. 2015. Pamela Golden: 'Charlie Don’t Surf'. In: "Charlie Don’t Surf", Marlborough Contemporary, United Kingdom, 11 November - 30 December. [Show/Exhibition]

Renton, Andrew and Hernández, Diango. 2015. Diango Hernández: 'The Book of Waves'. In: "The Book of Waves", Marlborough Contemporary, United Kingdom, 29 April – 5 June 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

[img] [img]
Renton, Andrew and Wright, Philip, eds. 2015. Werner Büttner. My Looting Eye: Collages. London: Back Dog Publishing. ISBN 9781910433836 [Edited Book]

Repapis, Constantinos. 2015. Comment on "Axel in Wonderland:DSGE". ISRF Bulletin, 8, pp. 17-21. [Article]

Reuter, Martin; Cooper, Andrew; Smillie, Luke D.; Markett, Sebastian and Montag, Christian. 2015. A new measure for the revised reinforcement sensitivity theory: Psychometric criteria and genetic validation. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 9, pp. 1-12. ISSN 1662-5137 [Article]

Richmond, Vivienne. 2015. Stitching Women: Unpicking Histories of Victorian Clothes. In: Hannah Greig; Jane Hamlett and Leonie Hannan, eds. Gender and Material Culture in Britain Since 1600. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 90-103. ISBN 9781137340641 [Book Section]

Righetti, F.; Luchies, L. B.; van Gils, S.; Slotter, E. B.; Witcher, B. and Kumashiro, Madoka. 2015. The Prosocial Versus Proself Power Holder: How Power Influences Sacrifice in Romantic Relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(6), pp. 779-790. ISSN 0146-1672 [Article]

Riley-Jones, Gary. 2015. 'Language is not the Issue'. Times Higher Education, [Article]

Rimfeld, Kaili; Kovas, Yulia; Dale, Philip S. and Plomin, Robert. 2015. Pleiotropy across academic subjects at the end of compulsory education. Scientific Reports, 5(11713), ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]

Roberdeau, Wood. 2015. 'Nature vs. Culture: Xenotext and the Poetic Limit'. In: After Biopolitics: 29th Annual Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA) Conference. Rice University, Houston TX, United States 12 - 15 November 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Roberdeau, Wood. 2015. 'Readymade Rurality and Ecological Non-knowledge: Imagining the Art Farm'. In: Re-imagining Rurality, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. University of Westminster, United Kingdom 27 - 28 February 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Roberdeau, Wood. 2015. 'Untitled'. In: What Does Climate Change? 80 Years of Politics - Left and Right. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 23 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Roberdeau, Wood and Turner, Lynn. 2015. 'Critical Environments: Visual Cultures Public Programme Spring Term 2015'. In: Critical Environments: Visual Cultures Public Programme Spring Term 2015. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom January-March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rodic, M.; Tikhomirova, T.N.; Kolienko, T.; Malykh, S.; Bogdanova, O.Y.; Zueva, D.Y,; Gynku, E.I.; Wan, S.; Zhou, X. and Kovas, Yulia. 2015. Spatial complexity of character based writing systems and arithmetic in primary school: a longitudinal study. In: Ann Dowker and Hans-Christoph Nuerk, eds. "Linguistic Influences on Mathematics" (eBook). Frontiers in Psychology. ISBN 978-2-88945-200-2 [Book Section]

Rodic, Maja; Tikhomirova, T.N.; Kolienko, T.; Malykh, S.; Bogdanova, O.Y.; Zueva, D.; Gynku, E.I.; Wan, S.; Zhou, X. and Kovas, Yulia. 2015. Spatial complexity of character-based writing systems and arithmetic in primary school: a longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 333. ISSN 1664-1078 [Article]

Rodic, Maja; Zhou, Xinlin; Tikhomirova, Tatiana; Wei, Wei; Malykh, Sergei; Ismatulina4, Victoria; Sabirova, Elena; Davidova, Yulia; Grazia Tosto, Maria; Lemelin, Jean-Pascal and Kovas, Yulia. 2015. Cross-cultural investigation into cognitive underpinnings of individual differences in early arithmetic. Developmental Science, 18(1), pp. 165-174. ISSN 1363-755X [Article]

Rogers, CL; Goddard, Lorna; Hill, Elisabeth L.; Henry, Lucy and Crane, Laura. 2015. Experiences of diagnosing autism spectrum disorder: a survey of professionals in the United Kingdom. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice, 20(7), pp. 820-831. ISSN 1362-3613 [Article]

Rogers, Holly. 2015. ‘Beethoven’s Myth Sympathy: Hollywood’s Reconstruction’. In: Michael Spitzer, ed. Beethoven. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 509-521. ISBN 978-1-4724-4030-3 [Book Section]

Rogoff, Irit. 2015. Oblique Points of Entry. In: Hamid Keshmirshekan, ed. Contemporary Art from the Middle East: Regional Interactions with Global Art Discourses: Volume 18. I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd. ISBN 9781784530020 [Book Section]

Romanska, Aleksandra; Rezlescu, Constantin; Susilo, Tirta; Duchaine, Bradley and Banissy, Michael J.. 2015. High-Frequency Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation Enhances Perception of Facial Identity. Cerebral Cortex, 25(11), pp. 4334-4340. ISSN 1047-3211 [Article]

Rooke, Alison; Slater, Imogen and Levy, Claire. 2015. Silver Stories Evaluation Report. Technical Report. [Report]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. 'Character in the Age of Big Data'. In: Commonwealth Scholars Regional Network Conference. University of Nottingham, United Kingdom 20 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. 'Economies of (Mis)Trust: Reputation as Capital in the Digital Age'. In: Seventh Critical Finance Studies Conference. Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 19-21 August 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. The Fog Generator. [Printed Ephemera]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. 'Phantom Limbs and the Image-Object: Toward a Feminist Materialist Account of the Points of Contact Between Tangible and Digital Space'. In: Material Environments: Sensing Time And Matter In Digital And Visual Culture, University of Greenwich. University of Greenwich, United Kingdom 24-25 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. 'Politics of the Shared Interior: on Digital Intimacy and Tangible Space'. In: Intimacies. Goldsmiths, United Kingdom 1-2 June, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Obra Sonora. Esse, 83, pp. 72-75. ISSN 0831-859X [Article]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. Speculative Labour: On the Work of Charlotte Warne Thomas. In: Margarida Bröco Amorim; Alejandro J. Ball; Miriam La Rosa and Stefania Sorrentino, eds. In Transition: The Artistic and Curatorial Residency. London: CTC Press, pp. 24-33. ISBN 9780993358708 [Book Section]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. 'Surveillance, Preemption and the Production of Character in the Age of Big Data'. In: London Conference in Critical Thought 2015. University College London, United Kingdom 26-27 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. Technologies of Attribution: Characterizing the Citizen-Consumer in Surveillance Performance. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 11(2), pp. 148-164. ISSN 1479-4713 [Article]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. Transfusing Abstraction: Darren Harvey-Regan's Metalepsis. Esse, 83, pp. 14-21. ISSN 0831-859x [Article]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. 'The Umwelt and the Operational Image'. In: Nematode. Wysing Arts Centre, United Kingdom 9 May, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosamond, Emily. 2015. 'Weathervane'. In: Questioning Practice: Art/CRA Research Seminar. Goldsmiths, University of London 2 March 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosen, Michael. 2015. Don't Mention the Children. Ripon: Smokestack Books. ISBN 9780993149023 [Book]

Rosen, Michael. 2015. A Great Big Cuddle, poems for the very young, illustrated by Chris Riddell. London: Candlewick. ISBN 9780763681166 [Book]

Rosen, Michael. 2015. Monster illustrated by Neal Layton. London: Bloomsbury Children's Books. ISBN 9781408846964 [Book]

Rosen, Michael. 2015. Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed, illustrated by Neal Layton. London: Bloomsbury Children's Books. ISBN 9781408851319 [Book]

Rosen, Michael and Young, Annemarie. 2015. What is Humanism? How do you live without a god? And Other Big Questions for Kids. London: Wayland. ISBN 9780750288422 [Book]

Rotie, Marie-Gabrielle. 2015. Forest for little man: Homage to Tarkovsky 2015 /Marie-Gabrielle Rotie. In: "Forest for Little Man: Homage to Tarkovksy", Trinity Laban, United Kingdom, 2015. [Performance]

Rotta, Tomas. 2015. Productive Stagnation and Unproductive Accumulation: An Econometric Analysis of the United States. Working Paper. Greenwich Papers in Political Economy, London. [Report]

Rourke, Daniel and Allahyari, Morehshin. 2015. The 3D Additivist Manifesto. [Project]

Rowe, Cami. 2015. 'Seems He A Dove?' The Scripted and Unscripted Masquerades of Conscientious Objection. In: Christine Sylvester, ed. Masquerades of War. New York: Routledge, pp. 21-42. ISBN 9781138810693 [Book Section]

Rowe, Cami. 2015. 'Seems he a dove?': Masquerades of Conscientious Objection. In: , ed. Masquerades of War. London: Routledge, pp. 21-42. ISBN 978-1138810693 [Book Section]

Rowlinson, Michael; Harvey, Charles; Kelly, Aidan and Morris, Huw. 2015. Accounting for Research Quality: Research Audits and the Journal Rankings Debate. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 26, pp. 2-22. ISSN 1045-2354 [Article]

Ruffino, Paolo. 2015. Gamers’ Games: Narratives of conflict, independence and engagement in video game culture. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Ruppert, Evelyn. 2015. Big Data Economies and Ecologies. In: Linda McKie and Louise Ryan, eds. An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology? Trends and Challenges in Social Science Research. London: Routledge, pp. 12-26. ISBN 9781138828674 [Book Section]

Ruppert, Evelyn. 2015. Doing the Transparent State: open government data as performance indicators. In: R. Rottenburg; S. E. Merry; S-J Park and J Mugler, eds. A World of Indicators: The making of governmental knowledge through quantification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 127-150. ISBN 9781107450837 [Book Section]

Ruppert, Evelyn. 2015. Methods as Devices. JCE Online, [Article]

Ruppert, Evelyn. 2015. Who Owns Big Data. Discover Society(23), [Article]

Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla. 2015. Background: A Social Framework for Big Data. Project Report. CRESC, University of Manchester and The Open University. [Report]

Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla. 2015. A Social Framework for Big Data. Project Report. CRESC, The University of Manchester and The Open University. [Report]

Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla. 2015. Socialising Big Data: From concept to practice. CRESC, The University of Manchester and The Open University. [Other]

Ruppert, Evelyn and Isin, Engin. 2015. Being Digital Citizens. London: Rowman & Littlefield International. ISBN 9781783480555 [Book]

Ruppert, Evelyn and Ustek, Funda. 2015. Body Counts: Counting Aylan Kurdi. Project Report. Visual Social Media Lab, University of Sheffield. [Report]

Russell-Rose, Tony and Clough, Pauk. 2015. Mining search logs for usage patterns. In: Markus Hofmann and Andrew Chisholm, eds. Text Mining and Visualization: Case Studies using Open-Source Tools. 40 Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, pp. 153-172. ISBN 9781482237573 [Book Section]

Russo, Joseph C.. 2015. Particularities of Queer Utility: Gay Expertise and the Aesthetic Disposition. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Rust, Stephen; Monani, Salma and Cubitt, Sean. 2015. Introduction: Ecologies of Media. In: Stephen Rust; Salma Monani and Sean Cubitt, eds. Ecomedia: Key Issues. London: Earthscan/Routledge, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781138781559 [Book Section]

Rutland, Adam; Hitti, Aline; Mulvey, Kelly Lynn; Abrams, Dominic and Killen, Melanie. 2015. When Does the In-Group Like the Out-Group? Bias Among Children as a Function of Group Norms. Psychological Science, 26(6), pp. 834-842. ISSN 0956-7976 [Article]


Saadawi, Ghalya. 2015. "It makes her blind she said”: Love, Exhaustion and the Roadblock. In: Denise Robinson, ed. Through the Roadblocks: Realities in Raw Motion. Limassol, Cyprus: NeMe, pp. 145-152. ISBN 9789963969531 [Book Section]

Saha, Anamik. 2015. The marketing of race and ethnicity in the cultural industries. In: Justin Connor and Kate Oakley, eds. The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415706209 [Book Section]

Sahin, Ozden. 2015. 'Biopolitics of Gendered Violence'. In: Digital Queers. The New School, New York, United States 25-27 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sahin, Ozden. 2015. Comics Unmasked: Art and Anarchy in the UK (Review). Reviews & Critical Commentary: A Forum for Research and Commentary on Europe, [Article]

Sahin, Ozden. 2015. 'Rethinking violence through biopolitical spaces'. In: Protest, Refuge, Conflict Now: Spatial, material, and visual implications across the MENA region. UCL, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Said, Fatma Faisal Saad. 2015. A sociolinguistic study of multilingual talk at mealtimes. Doctoral thesis, Birkbeck, University of London [Thesis]

Salazar, Spencer; Fiebrink, Rebecca A.; Wang, Ge; Ljungstrom, Mattias; Smith, Jeffrey C.; Cook, Perry R. 2015. Continuous pitch-corrected vocal capture device cooperative with content server for backing track mix. US 9058797 B2.

Salazar, Spencer; Fiebrink, Rebecca A.; Wang, Ge; Ljungstrom, Mattias; Smith, Jeffrey C.; Cook, Perry R. 2015. Continuous score-coded pitch correction. US 9147385 B2.

Samson, Audrey. 2015. Erasure, an attempt to surpass datafication. APRJA (A Peer-Reviewed Journal About), 4(1), pp. 44-55. [Article]

Samson, Audrey and Soon, Winnie. 2015. Network Affordances: Unpredictable parameters of a Hong Kong SPEED SHOW. The Fibreculture Journal(24), [Article]

Samuel, Flora; Awan, Nishat; Butterworth, Carolyn; Handler, Sophie and Lintonbon, Jo. 2015. Cultural Value of Architecture in Homes and Neighbourhoods. Project Report. Arts and Humanities Research Council. [Report]

Saner, Göze. 2015. Drifting as a Migrant Woman. Walk21 Conference Magazine, [Article]

Saner, Göze; Kokkali, Alexia; Walker, Liz and Roberts, Brian. 2015. Training Grounds: Answer the Questions 'What are your/the tools of training?'. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 6(3), [Article]

Santiesteban, Idalmis; Banissy, Michael J.; Catmur, Caroline and Bird, Geoffrey. 2015. Functional lateralization of temporoparietal junction - imitation inhibition, visual perspective-taking and theory of mind. European Journal of Neuroscience, 42(8), pp. 2527-2533. ISSN 0953-816X [Article]

Santiesteban, Idalmis; Bird, Geoffrey; Tew, Oliver; Cioffi, Maria Cristina and Banissy, Michael J.. 2015. Mirror-touch synaesthesia: Difficulties inhibiting the other. Cortex, 71, pp. 116-121. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Sassatelli, Monica. 2015. Europe, cosmopolitanism and the postcolonial biennale. In: S. Ponzanesi and G. Colpani, eds. Postcolonial Transitions in Europe. Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 9781783484454 [Book Section]

Sassatelli, Monica. 2015. Festivals, urbanity and the public sphere: reflections on European festivals. In: C. Newbold; C. Maughan; J. Jordan and F. Bianchini, eds. Festivals in Focus. Contemporary European case studies and perspectives. Oxford: Goodfellow. ISBN 978-1-910158-15-9 [Book Section]

Sassatelli, Monica. 2015. Narratives of European Identity. In: I. Bondebjerg; E.N. Redvall and A. Higson, eds. European Cinema and Television: Cultural policy and everyday life. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave. ISBN 978-1-137-35688-8 [Book Section]

Sassatelli, Monica. 2015. Visual art festivals and globalisation: the rise of biennials. In: C. Newbold and J. Jordan, eds. Focus on World Festivals. Contemporary case studies and perspectives. Oxford: Goodfellow. ISBN 978-1-910158-15-9 [Book Section]

Sassatelli, Monica. 2015. The biennalization of art worlds: the culture of cultural events. In: L. Hanquinet and M. Savage, eds. Handbook of The Sociology of Art and Culture. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415855112 [Book Section]

Sauma, Julia F.. 2015. Consenso Unanime: Movimentos pela Tranquilidade e a Sobreposicao de Pensamentos entre os Coletivos Quilombolas de Oriximina. In: , ed. Entre Aguas Bravas e Mansas: Indios e Quilombolas em Oriximina. Sao Paulo, Brazil: CPI-SP & Iepe, pp. 235-251. ISBN 9788598046181 [Book Section]

Savostyanov, A.N.; Dolgorukova, T.A.; Esipenko, E.A.; Zaleshin, M.S.; Malanchini, Margherita; Budakova, A.V.; Saprygin, A.E.; Golovko, T.A. and Kovas, Yulia. 2015. EEG Correlates of Trait and Mathematical Anxiety during Lexical and Numerical Error-Recognition Tasks. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic and Management Engineering, pp. 554-558. ISSN 0950-4125 [Article]

Savransky, Martin. 2015. On The Problem of Attachment: Living Economies and The Ecology of Late Capitalism. Science as Culture, 24(4), pp. 526-531. ISSN 0950-5431 [Article]

Sayers, Esther. 2015. From Art Appreciation to Pedagogies of Dissent: Gallery Education Rethinks the Inclusion Agenda. In: Anna Hickey Moody and Tara Page, eds. Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. London: Rowman and Littlefield. [Book Section]

Schaal, N K; Krause, V; Lange, K; Banissy, Michael J.; Williamson, V J and Pollok, B. 2015. Pitch Memory in Nonmusicians and Musicians: Revealing Functional Differences Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. Cerebral Cortex, 25(9), pp. 2774-2782. ISSN 1047-3211 [Article]

Schaal, Nora K; Javadi, Amir-Homayoun; Halpern, Andrea R; Pollok, Bettina and Banissy, Michael J.. 2015. Right parietal cortex mediates recognition memory for melodies. The European journal of neuroscience, 42(1), pp. 1660-6. ISSN 1460-9568 [Article]

Schaal, Nora K; Williamson, Victoria J; Kelly, Maria; Muggleton, Neil G.; Pollok, Bettina; Krause, Vanessa and Banissy, Michael J.. 2015. A causal involvement of the left supramarginal gyrus during the retention of musical pitches. Cortex, 64, pp. 310-7. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Schedl, Markus; Hauger, David; Farrahi, Katayoun and Tkal\vi\v, Marko. 2015. 'On the Influence of User Characteristics on Music Recommendation Algorithms'. In: European Conference on Information Retrieval. Austria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Schmetterling, Astrid. 2015. ‘Biographien jüdischer Frauen: Zur Aktualität Charlotte Salomons’. Medaon – Magazin für jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung, 9(17), pp. 1-5. [Article]

Schmitz, Edgar. 2015. Surplus Cameo Decor: sindanao 2. In: "Surplus Cameo Decor: sindanao 2", Shanghai Himalayas Museum, China, 28.6.-9.8.2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Schomers, M.R.; Garagnani, M. and Pulvermüller, F.. 2015. 'Highway to (verbal) memory: Neurocomputational consequences of specifically human connectivity in perisylvian cortex.'. In: 23rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2016). New York, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Schultz, Corey Haley Kai Nelson. 2015. Moving Figures: Class Feelings in the Films of Jia Zhangke. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. 10th Shanghai Biennale. In: "The Social Factory", Shanghai, China, November 23 2014 – March 31 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. Allegory of the Cave Painting. In: "Allegory of the Cave Painting", Extra City, Belgium, Sept 20 - Dec 7 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. Law and Disorder. In: Christoph Cox; Jenny Jaskey and Suhail Malik, eds. Realism Materialism Art. Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 137-143. ISBN 9783956791260 [Book Section]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. Material Witness. [Film/Video]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. “Radical Contact Prints”. In: , ed. Camera Atomica. London: Black Dog Publishing London UK, pp. 277-291. ISBN 978-1908966483 [Book Section]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. “Slick Images: The Photogenic Surface of Disaster.”. In: , ed. Extra City. Antwerp: Extra City. [Book Section]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. Uneasy Listening. [Art Object]

Schuppli, Susan. 2015. “War Dialling: Image Transmissions from Saigon.”. In: , ed. Mythologizing the Vietnam War: Visual Culture and Mediated Memory. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 144-158. ISBN 978-1443854429 [Book Section]

Schwindt, Grace. 2015. Solo Exhibition: Run a Home, Build a Town, Lead a Revolution. An Exhibition in Three Acts. In: "Solo Exhibition: Run a Home, Build a Town, Lead a Revolution. An Exhibition in Three Acts", MARCO - Museum of Contemporary Arts, Vigo, Spain. [Show/Exhibition]

Scott, Adrian J.; Rajakaruna, Nikki; Sheridan, Lorraine and Gavin, Jeff. 2015. International perceptions of relational stalking: The influence of prior relationship, perpetrator sex, target sex and participant sex. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(18), pp. 3308-3323. ISSN 0886-2605 [Article]

Scott, Adrian J.; Tudor-Owen, Jane; Pedretti, Paul and Bull, Ray. 2015. How intuitive is PEACE? Newly recruited police officers’ plans, interviews and self-evaluations. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 22(3), pp. 355-367. ISSN 1321-8719 [Article]

Scott, Charlotte. 2015. Polyolbion. In: , ed. The Faerie Land and Poly Olbion. Oxford: Flash of Splendour. [Book Section]

Scott, Richard. 2015. Sandcastles [Poem]. In: Sophie Hannah, ed. The Poetry of Sex. London: Penguin, pp. 69-70. ISBN 9780241962633 [Book Section]

Seers, Lindsay. 2015. Circassian Beauty. In: "Doug Fishbone’s Leisure Land Golf", Venice Biennale, Italy, 6th May – 26th July 2015| 2nd April - 19th June 2016 l 2nd July - Sunday 4th September 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Seers, Lindsay. 2015. It has to be this way. In: "Reads Like A Book", Poland. [Show/Exhibition]

Seers, Lindsay. 2015. Nowhere Less Now 5. In: "Seeing Round Corners", Turner Contemporary, Margate, United Kingdom, 20 May - 25 September 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Seipp, Karsten. 2015. Improving one-handed interaction with touchscreen smartphones. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Seipp, Karsten and Devlin, Kate. 2015. A Client-Side Approach to Improving One-Handed Web Surfing on a Smartphone. In: Valérie Monfort and Karl-Heinz Krempels, eds. Web Information Systems and Technologies: 10th International Conference, WEBIST 2014, Barcelona, Spain, April 3-5, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. 226 Springer International Publishing, pp. 163-178. ISBN 978-3-319-27029-6 [Book Section]

Seipp, Karsten and Devlin, Kate. 2015. 'One-Touch Pose Detection on Touchscreen Smartphones'. In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces. Portugal. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sellers, R.; Barsky, P.I.; Voronina, I.D.; Kovas, Yulia and Harold, G.. 2015. A New Genetically Informative Approach to the Study of Child Psychopathology. Theoretical and Experimental Psychology, 8(4), ISSN 2073-0861 [Article]

Seth, Sanjay. 2015. Higher Education in the Indian Social Imaginary. The American Historical Review, 120(4), pp. 1354-1367. ISSN 0002-8762 [Article]

Seth, Sanjay. 2015. "A Question of Moral Crisis: Western Discourse and its Indian Object". In: A. Beer and G. Mackenthun, eds. Fugitive Knowledge. Munster and New York: Waxman, pp. 105-122. ISBN 978-3-8309-3281-9 [Book Section]

Sham, Desmond Hok-Man. 2015. Heritage as Resistance : Preservation and Decolonization in Southeast Asian Cities. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Sheikh, Shela. 2015. '“Fanon, Prevent, and That which we Cannot Not Want”'. In: Fanon and Philosophy workshop. Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sheikh, Shela. 2015. 'Introduction, "Photography, Colonialism and the Politics of Planting"'. In: "Photography, Colonialism and the Politics of Planting". The Mosaic Rooms, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sheikh, Shela. 2015. '“Performing the Politics of Memory: Grupa Spomenik, the Bosnian Genocide and the Articulation of Justice”'. In: Possibility Matters. Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICI), Berlin, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sheikh, Shela. 2015. '“‘Take This Instant’: Sacrifice, Testimony, and the Gift of my Death”'. In: Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture Forum. Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture, Westminster University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sheikh, Simon. 2015. A Long Walk to the Land of the People: Contemporary Art in the Spectre of Spectatorship. In: Maria Hlalvajova and Ranjit Hoskote, eds. Future Publics. Amsterdam: Valiz, pp. 230-261. ISBN 978-90-78088-94-3 [Book Section]

Sheridan, Lorraine and Scott, Adrian J.. 2015. Discriminating approachers and non-approachers: Can knowledge from research within a public figure context be extrapolated to a community context? Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 2(2), pp. 88-97. ISSN 2169-4842 [Article]

Shevtsova, Maria. 2015. Alive, Kicking – and Kicking Back: Russia's Golden Mask Festival 2015. New Theatre Quarterly, 31(3), pp. 232-240. ISSN 0266-464X [Article]

Shevtsova, Maria. 2015. 'Interdisciplinary Approaches and the Sociology of Theatre Practices'. In: Thinking the Theatre – New Theatrology and Performance Studies. Turin, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Shevtsova, Maria. 2015. 'Living Archives and Politics: The Case of Recent Russian Theatre'. In: Memory and Theatre: Performance the Archive. International Centre for Performance Studies, Tangier, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Shevtsova, Maria. 2015. Living Archives and Politics: The Case of Recent Russian Theatre. In: Khalid Amine and Jaouad Radouani, eds. Memory and Theatre: Performing the Archive. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Performing Tangier International Conference. Tangier: Faculties of Letters and Humanities, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, pp. 31-45. ISBN 978-9954-36-338-6 [Book Section]

Shoben, Andrew. 2015. Night Rainbow. [Art Object]

Shoemark, H; Hanson-Abromeit, D and Stewart, Lauren. 2015. Constructing optimal experience for the hospitalized newborn through neuro-based music therapy. Frontiers in human neuroscience, [Article]

Shore, Cris. 2015. Troublesome Temporalities: Europe between Nostalgia and Promise. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 24(1), pp. 120-122. ISSN 1755-2923 [Article]

Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2015. Audit Culture Revisited: Rankings, Ratings and the Reassembling of Society. Current Anthropology, 56(3), pp. 421-444. ISSN 0011-3204 [Article]

Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2015. Governing by numbers: audit culture, rankings and the new world order. Social Anthropology, 23(1), pp. 22-28. ISSN 0964-0282 [Article]

Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2015. The Quiet Revolution: Reply to comments. Current Anthropology, 56(3), pp. 439-441. ISSN 0011-3204 [Article]

Silventoinen, Karri; Jelenkovic, Aline; Sund, Reijo; Honda, Chika; Aaltonen, Sari; Yokoyama, Yoshie; Tarnoki, Adam D.; Tarnoki, David L.; Ning, Feng; Ji, Fuling; Pang, Zengchang; Ordoñana, Juan R.; Sánchez-Romera, Juan F.; Colodro-Conde, Lucía; Burt, Alexandra; Klump, Kelly L.; Medland, Sarah E.; Montgomery, Grant W.; Kandler, Christian; McAdams, Tom A.; Eley, Thalia C.; Gregory, Alice M.; Saudino, Kimberly J.; Dubois, Lise; Haworth, Claire MA; Wardle, Jane; Plomin, Robert; Öncel, Sevgi Y.; Aliev, Fazil; Stazi, Maria A.; Fagnani, Corrado; D'Ippolito, Cristina; Craig, Jeffrey M.; Saffery, Richard; Siribaddana, Sisira H.; Hotopf, Matthew; Sumathipala, Athula; Spector, Timothy; Mangino, Massimo; Lachance, Genevieve; Gatz, Margaret; Butler, David A.; Bayasgalan, Gombojav; Narandalai, Danshiitsoodol; Freitas, Duarte L; Maia, José Antonio; Harden, K Paige; Tucker-Drob, Elliot M.; Christensen, Kaare; Skytthe, Axel; Kyvik, Kirsten O; Kim, Bia; Hong, Changhee; Chong, Yong-Sook; Derom, Catherine A.; Vlietinck, Robert F; Cozen, Wendy; Hwang, Amie E; Mack, Thomas M; He, Mingguang; Ding, Xiaohu; Chang, Billy; Silberg, Judy L; Eaves, Lindon J; Maes, Hermine H; Cutler, Tessa L; Hopper, John L; Aujard, Kelly; Magnusson, Patrik KE; Pedersen, Nancy L; Dahl, Anna K; Song, Yun-Mi; Yang, Sarah; Tuvblad, Catherine; Baker, Laura A; Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Sodemann, Morten; Heikkilä, Kauko; Tan, Qihua; Zhang, Dongfeng; Swan, Gary E; Krasnow, Ruth; Jang, Kerry L; Knafo-Noam, Ariel; Mankuta, David; Abramson, Lior; Lichtenstein, Paul; Krueger, Robert F; McGue, Matt; Pahlen, Shandell; Tynelius, Per; Duncan, Glen; Buchwald, Dedra; Corley, Robin P; Huibregtse, Brooke M; Nelson, Tracy L; Whitfield, Keith E.; Franz, Carol E; Kremen, William S; Lyons, Michael J; Ooki, Syuichi; Brandt, Ingunn; Nilsen, Thomas Sevenius; Inui, Fujio; Bartels, Meike; van Beijsterveldt, Toos CEM; Wardle, Jane; Llewellyn, Clare H; Fisher, Abigail; Rebato, Esther; Martin, Nicholas G; Hayakawa, Kazuo; Rasmussen, Finn; Song, Joohon; Harris, Jennifer R; Willemsen, Gonneke; Busjahn, Andreas; Goldberg, Jack H; Boomsma, Dorret I; Hur, Yoon-Mi; Sørensen, Thorkild IA and Kaprio, Jaakko. 2015. The cohort description of collaborative project of development of anthropometrical measures in twins (CODATwins) to study macro-environmental variation in genetic and environmental effects on anthropometric traits. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18(4), pp. 348-360. ISSN 1832-4274 [Article]

Simpson, Michael. 2015. Yesterday's Men: Labour's Modernising Elite from the 1960s to Classical Times. In: Henry Stead and Edith Hall, eds. Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 269-291. ISBN 9781472584267 [Book Section]

Simpson, Michael and Goff, Barbara. 2015. 'New Worlds, Old Dreams? Postcolonial Theory and Reception of Greek Drama'. In: Kathryn Bosher; Fiona Macintosh; Justine McConnell and Patrice Rankine, eds. Oxford Handbook of Greek Drama in the Americas. Oxford: OUP Oxford. ISBN 978-0199661305 [Book Section]

Singer, Manuel. 2015. Indefinite Workings : What Dwellings Elicit and On What Architecture Depends. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Skaife, Sally; Tipple, Robin A. and Morris, Lesley. 2015. '‘Researching Processes in the Art Therapy Large Group’'. In: 13th European Arts Therapies Conference: Cultural Landscapes in Arts Therapies: participation, diversity and dialogue.. Italy 16th -19th September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Skeggs, Bev. 2015. Passion, Curiosity, Integrity, for Sociologists’ Tales: Contemporary Narratives on Sociological Thought and Practice. In: K Twamley; M Doige and A Scott, eds. Sociologists’ Tales: Contemporary Narratives on Sociological Thought and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 978-1447318675 [Book Section]

Skeggs, Bev and Yuill, Simon. 2015. The methodology of a multi-model project examining how Facebook infrastructures social relations. Information, Communication & Society, 19(10), pp. 1356-1372. ISSN 1369-118X [Article]

Smith, Peter K.; Cowie, Helen and Blades, Mark. 2015. Understanding Children's Development 6th edition. Chichester: Wiley. ISBN 978-1-118-77298-0 [Book]

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2015. 'The British West Indies and the First World War'. In: Heritage London Fund knowledge briefing. Heritage Lottery Fund, 7 Holbein Place, London SW1, United Kingdom 23 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2015. John Belcham, Before the Windrush: Race Relations in Twentieth-Century Liverpool (2014). American Historical Review, 120(2), pp. 721-722. ISSN 0002-8762 [Article]

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2015. 'Mediated memories and the West Indian dead of the First World War'. In: Foreign Fields: The Recovery and Commemoration of War Dead in Post-Colonial Contexts. Kingston University, United Kingdom 17 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2015. The Multicultural First World War: memories of the West Indian contribution in contemporary Britain. Journal of European Studies, 45(4), pp. 347-363. ISSN 0047-2441 [Article]

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2015. 'Pan-African perspectives among West Indian troops during and after the First World War'. In: Cultural Encounters during Global War, 1914-1918: Traces, Spaces, Legacies. King's College London, United Kingdom 21-22 January 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2015. 'Remembering the West Indian contribution to the First World War'. In: Saturday public talk. New Walk Museum and Art Gallery, Leicester, United Kingdom 24 October 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2015. 'West Indian military service and multicultural memories of the First World War'. In: Aftermath: The Cultural Legacies of WW1. King’s College London, United Kingdom 21-23 May 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sokol, B. J.. 2015. Shylock and Marsyas. Shakespeare, 11(4), pp. 337-361. ISSN 1745-0918 [Article]

Sowden, Sophie; Wright, Gordon R. T.; Banissy, Michael J.; Catmur, Caroline and Bird, Geoffrey. 2015. Transcranial Current Stimulation of the Temporoparietal Junction Improves Lie Detection. Current Biology, 25(18), 2447 - 2451. ISSN 0960-9822 [Article]

Spencer, Andrew and Popova, Gergana. 2015. Periphrasis and Inflection. In: Matthew Baerman, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Inflection. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 197-232. ISBN 9780199591428 [Book Section]

Spense, Ruth; Bunn, Amanda; Stephen, Nunn; Hosang, Georgina M.; Kagan, Lisa; Fisher, Helen.L; Taylor, Matthew and Bifulco, Antonia. 2015. Measuring Life Events and Their Association With Clinical Disorder: A Protocol for Development of an Online Approach. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(3), e83. ISSN 1929-0748 [Article]

Sperling, Matthias and Orgs, Guido. 2015. Group Study (2015) by Matthias Sperling. [Film/Video]

Spillane, Jeremiah. 2015. Hybridizing the intangible: unraveling Django Reinhardt's socio-cultural milieu. HANDAI ONGAKUGAKUHO, Journal of HANDAI Music Studies, [Article]

Spillane, Jeremiah. 2015. '"Les Yeux Noirs": Django Reinhardt’s encounters with visual art'. In: The Second Westminster - Goldsmiths Symposium for Student Research in Popular Music. Westminster University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Spillane, Jeremiah. 2015. '"Les Yeux Noirs": Django Reinhardt’s encounters with visual art'. In: New Directions in Jazz Studies. Senate House, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sprake, Juliet. 2015. Learning-through-Touring: A Methodology for Mobilising Learners. In: John Traxler and Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, eds. Mobile Learning: The Next Generation. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 67-80. ISBN 9780415658362 [Book Section]

St Louis, Brett. 2015. Can race be eradicated? The postracial problematic. In: Karim Murji and John Solomos, eds. Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 114-137. ISBN 9780521154260 [Book Section]

Stables, Kay. 2015. Agency and Understanding: The Learner as Sustainable Designer. In: Kay Stables and S Keirl, eds. Environment, Ethics and Cultures: Design and Technology Education’s Contribution to Sustainable Global Futures. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 119-132. ISBN 9789462099388 [Book Section]

Stables, Kay. 2015. Environment: Contributions of Design and Education to the Sustainment of Planet Earth. In: Kay Stables and S Keirl, eds. Environment, Ethics and Cultures: Design and Technology Education’s Contribution to Sustainable Global Futures. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 15-31. ISBN 9789462099388 [Book Section]

Stables, Kay; Dagan, Osnat and Davies, Dan. 2015. Blended Learning and Assessment Through Dynamic Digital Portfolios: The E-Scape Approach. In: Selma Koç; Xiongyi Liu and Patrick Wachira, eds. Assessment in Online and Blended Learning Environments. Charlotteville: Information Age Publishing, pp. 215-234. ISBN 9781681230443 [Book Section]

Stables, Kay and Keirl, Steve. 2015. Introducing the Book. In: K Stables and S Keirl, eds. Environment, Ethics and Cultures: Design and Technology Education’s Contribution to Sustainable Global Futures. Rotterdam: Sense, pp. 3-13. ISBN 9789462099364 [Book Section]

Stanton, Naomi. 2015. Challenging myths about young people and organised crime through collaborative research. Yresearch - Journal of Social Research and Evaluation, 1, pp. 34-46. [Article]

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Stehli, Jemima S.. 2015. Me, Myself and I Louis Zoeller Bickett, Julius Deutschbauer, Jemima Stehli 2015. In: "Me, Myself and I", Eugen Lendl, Galerie, Austria. [Show/Exhibition]

Stevenson, Caroline; Hoette, Ruby; Cronberg, Anja and Reponen, Johannes. 2015. 'What is Critical Fashion Practice'. In: What is Critical Fashion Practice. London College of Fashion, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Stevenson, Guy. 2015. 'Blackballed by the Radicals: The Exclusionary Criteria of the Post-1945 American Avant-Garde'. In: BAAS (British Association of American Studies)/IAAS (Irish Association of American Studies) Joint Conference. Queens University, Belfast, United Kingdom 7 - 9 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Stevenson, Guy. 2015. Blast and Bless : Radical Aesthetics in the Writings of Henry Miller and Ezra Pound. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Stevenson, Guy. 2015. Miller and Morality. In: Louis Renza; James Decker and Indrek Manniste, eds. Henry Miller: New Perspectives. Bloomsbury Academic USA; Reprint edition, pp. 63-74. ISBN 978-1628921236 [Book Section]

Stevenson, Guy. 2015. 'Sacrifice and Expenditure: The Mad Sexual Economics of Georges Bataille and Ezra Pound'. In: European Association of American Literature (EAAS) Biannual Conference. Constanta, Romania 22 - 25 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Stevenson, Guy. 2015. Tombs, Review of Walking New York by Stephen Miller. The Times Literary Supplement(5855), p. 25. ISSN 0307-661X [Article]

Stewart, Jay. 2015. Trans on Telly: Popular Documentary and the Production of Transgender Knowledge. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Sutcliffe, Richard; Crawford, Tim; Fox, Chris; Root, Deane L.; Hovy, Eduard and Lewis, Richard. 2015. 'Relating Natural Language Text to Musical Passages'. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. Malaga, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Muriel Elsbeth. 2015. 'Ethnomusicology, Anthropology and Ethics: A practical, applied and philosophical perspective'. In: Joint Forum of the SEM-ICTM in Limerick, 13th-16th of September 2015. Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick, Ireland 13-16th September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Szynkarczuk, Pawel. 2015. Intercorporeality - Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology of Flesh and Butoh Dance Practice. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]


Tanaka, Atau. 2015. Intention, Effort, and Restraint: The EMG in Musical Performance. Leonardo, 48(3), pp. 298-299. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]

Tanaka, Atau. 2015. Myogram (2015). In: "Performing Sound", ZKM, Germany. [Performance]

Taylor, J.D.. 2015. The Paper Bag Compromise: Hiding the Problem of Drug Dependency in Hamsterdam. In: Arin Keeble and Ivan Stacy, eds. The Wire and America's Dark Corners: Critical Essays, edited by Arin Keeble and Ivan Stacy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, pp. 95-113. ISBN 9780786479184 [Book Section]

Taylor, J.D.. 2015. The Party's Over? The Angry Brigade, the Counterculture, and the British New Left, 1967-1972. The Historical Journal, 58(3), pp. 877-900. ISSN 0018-246X [Article]

Taylor, J.D.. 2015. 'We Hate Humans': Some Problems in Reading the 2011 English Riots Within a Recent History of Working Class Violence. In: Sophie Fuggle and Tom Henri, eds. Return to the Street, ed. Sophie Fuggle and Tom Henri. London: Pavement Books, Chapter 6. ISBN 978-0957147058 [Book Section]

Taylor, Mark. 2015. Competence and Irish Social Care Practice: Divergent Policy Narratives. Social Protection of Child/Protectia sociala a copilului, 17(1), pp. 8-18. ISSN 1453-939X [Article]

Taylor, Mark. 2015. 'Social Professional Work: The ‘Vision Thing’'. In: Seeking Social Justice in the Era of Austerity & Beyond’ Conference. Dublin, Ireland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Taylor, Mark. 2015. Threshold Concepts in Irish Early Childhood Education and Care Practice Placements. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, 3(1), pp. 46-57. ISSN 2051-6223 [Article]

Taylor, Mark. 2015. What Early Childhood Students Find ‘Troublesome’ During Practice Placements. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 7(2), pp. 1841-1855. ISSN 2009-3160 [Article]

Taylor, Mark J; Gregory, Alice M.; Freeman, Daniel and Ronald, Angelica. 2015. Do Sleep Disturbances and Psychotic-Like Experiences in Adolescence Share Genetic and Environmental Influences? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(3), pp. 674-684. ISSN 0021-843X [Article]

Taylor, Mark; Costello, Caroline and Share, Perry. 2015. 'Creatively Addressing ‘Wicked problems’'. In: Social Care Ireland Annual Conference: Building Relationships and Breaking Barriers. Sligo, Ireland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2015. Discordant migrants' freedom and the bordering of migrants lives. Three snapshots on revolutionized spaces in the aftermath of the Arab Springs. In: Vernon W. Cisney and Nicolae Morar, eds. Biopower: Foucault and Beyond. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 123-140. ISBN 9780226226620 [Book Section]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2015. Which Europe?: Migrants’ uneven geographies and counter-mapping at the limits of representation. movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 1(2), ISSN 2364-8732 [Article]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2015. The desultory politics of mobility and the humanitarian-military border in the Mediterranean. Mare Nostrum beyond the sea. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, 23(44), pp. 61-82. ISSN 1980-8585 [Article]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2015. The politics of counting and the scene of rescue. Radical Philosophy, 192, pp. 2-6. ISSN 0300-211X [Article]

Teague, Laura. 2015. ‘Acceptance of the limits of knowability in oneself and others’: performative politics and relational ethics in the primary school classroom. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(3), pp. 398-408. ISSN 0159-6306 [Article]

Terhune, Devin Blair. 2015. Discrete response patterns in the upper range of hypnotic suggestibility: A latent profile analysis. Consciousness and Cognition, 33, pp. 334-341. ISSN 1053-8100 [Article]

Terhune, Devin Blair and Cardena, E.. 2015. Dissociative Subtypes in Posttraumatic Stress Disorders and Hypnosis: Neurocognitive Parallels and Clinical Implications. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(6), pp. 452-457. ISSN 0963-7214 [Article]

Terhune, Devin Blair and Cardeña, E.. 2015. Heterogeneity in high hypnotic suggestibility and the neurophysiology of hypnosis. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 45(2), pp. 177-178. ISSN 0987-7053 [Article]

Terhune, Devin Blair; Murray, Elizabeth; Near, Jamie; Stagg, Charlotte J.; Cowey, Alan and Cohen Kadosh, Roi. 2015. Phosphene Perception Relates to Visual Cortex Glutamate Levels and Covaries with Atypical Visuospatial Awareness. Cerebral Cortex, 25(11), pp. 4341-4350. ISSN 1047-3211 [Article]

Tham, Mathilda. 2015. Creative resilience thinking in fashion and textiles. In: Janis K. Jefferies; Diana Wood Conroy and Hazel Clark, eds. The Handbook of Textile Culture. London/New Delhi/New York/Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780857857750 [Book Section]

Tham, Mathilda. 2015. Futures of futures studies in fashion. In: Kate Fletcher and Mathilda Tham, eds. Routledge Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion. Abingdom, Oxon/New York: Routledge, pp. 283-292. ISBN 978-0-415-82859-8 [Book Section]

Thomas, M.S.C.; Kovas, Yulia; Meaburn, E.L. and Tolmie, A.. 2015. What can the study of genetics offer to educators? Mind, Brain, and Education. Mind, Brain, and Education, 9(2), pp. 72-80. ISSN 1751-2271 [Article]

Thompson, Naomi and Slovenko, Karolina. 2015. Social Pedagogy, Informal Education and Ethical Youth Work Practice. Ethics and Social Welfare, 10(1), pp. 19-34. ISSN 1749-6535 [Article]

Thompson, Rachel Grace. 2015. Narratives of Return : The Contemporary Caribbean Woman Writer and the Quest for Home.. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Thomson, Alison; Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew; Yurman, Paulina; Migliore, Enza; Gray, Nicola; Yang, Ya-huei; Hogan, Nicola and Kerridge, Tobie. 2015. 'Doctoral Research Presentations'. In: Doctoral Research Presentations: Goldsmiths Design Festival. LG01, Professor Stuart Hall Building, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Todd, Stephen; Todd, Peter; Leymarie, Frederic Fol; Latham, William; Kelley, Lawrence A.; Sternberg, Michael; Hugues, Jim and Taylor, Stephen. 2015. 'FoldSynth: Interactive 2D/3D Visualisation Platform for Molecular Strands'. In: Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM). Chester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. 'America's Belgium': W.E.B. Du Bois on Class, Race, and the Origins of World War 1. In: Alexander Anievas, ed. Cataclysm 1914: The First World War and the Making of Modern World Politics. 89 Leiden: Brill, pp. 236-257. ISBN 9789004262683 [Book Section]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. Burning Dwelling Thinking. Mute Magazine, [Article]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. The Detour of Abstraction. Diacritics, 43(2), pp. 68-90. ISSN 0300-7162 [Article]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. La Indigencia Europea. La Circular, 3, [Article]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. Photography Against the Flow: Abstraction and Logistics in Allan Sekula's Writings. In: Hilde van der Gelder and UNSPECIFIED, eds. Allan Sekula. Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum. Leuven: University of Leuven Press, pp. 45-54. ISBN 9789462700055 [Book Section]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. Plasticity, Capital and the Dialectic. In: Brenna Bhandar and Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, eds. Plastic materialities : politics, legality, and metamorphosis in the work of Catherine Malabou. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 91-109. ISBN 9780822358572 [Book Section]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. Seeing Socialism: On the Aesthetics of the Economy, Production and the Plan. In: Dimitrakaki Angela and Lloyd Kirsten, eds. Economy: Art, Production and the Subject in the 21st Century. 11 Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press. ISBN 9781781381380 [Book Section]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. Taming the Furies: Badiou and Hegel on The Eumenides. In: Jim Vernon and Antonio Calcagno, eds. Badiou and Hegel: Infinity, Dialectics, Subjectivity. Rowman & Littlefield / Lexington Books, pp. 193-205. ISBN 978-0-7391-9989-3 [Book Section]

Toscano, Alberto. 2015. What is Capitalist Power? Reflections on Truth and Juridical Forms. In: Martina Tazzioli; Sophie Fuggle and Yari Lanci, eds. Foucault and the History of Our Present. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 26-42. ISBN 978-1-349-48142-2 [Book Section]

Toscano, Alberto and Bhandar, Brenna. 2015. Race, Real Estate and Real Abstraction. Radical Philosophy(194), pp. 8-17. ISSN 0300-211X [Article]

Toscano, Alberto and Kinkle, Jeffrey. 2015. Cartographies of the Absolute. Alresford: Zero Books. ISBN 9781780992754 [Book]

Toscano, Alberto and Woodcock, Jamie. 2015. Spectres of Marxism: a comment on Mike Savage's market model of class difference. The Sociological Review, 63(2), pp. 512-523. ISSN 0038-0261 [Article]

Tosto, M.G.; Haworth, C.M. A. and Kovas, Yulia. 2015. Behavioural Genomics of Mathematics. In: Roi Cohen Kadosh; Ann Dowker and UNSPECIFIED, eds. Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition. Oxford Handbooks online.. [Book Section]

Tov, Eva; Kunz, Regula; Staempfli, Adi; Tschopp, Dominik and Eugster Stamm, Stefan. 2015. Creating a Common Language between Academics and Practitioners through Negotiation of Meaning in Communities of Practice (CoPs). In: Subhash Sharma and Michael Zirkler, eds. From the edge of Chaos: Dialogues amongst social theory and practice. Bengaluru: IBA Publications, pp. 92-102. ISBN 978-81-920996-9-9 [Book Section]

Traianou, Anna. 2015. The erosion of academic freedom in UK Higher Education. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 15(1), pp. 39-47. ISSN 1863-5415 [Article]

Trikalinou, Lilika (Eleftheria). 2015. Making Visible: the inhabitation of urban public space by irregular immigrants. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Tu, Huawei; Oladimeji, Patrick; Wiseman, Sarah; Thimbleby, Harold; Cairns, Paul and Niezen, Gerrit. 2015. Employing Number-Based Graphical Representations to Enhance the Effects of Visual Check on Entry Error Detection. Interacting with Computers, 28(2), pp. 194-207. ISSN 0953-5438 [Article]

Tudor-Owen, Jane and Scott, Adrian J.. 2015. Interviewing Witnesses in Australia. In: D. Walsh; G. Oxburgh; A. Redlich and T. Myklebust, eds. Contemporary developments and practices in investigative interviewing and interrogation: An International perspective (Volume I: Victims and witnesses). 1 London: Routledge, pp. 73-86. ISBN 9781138781740 [Book Section]

Tudor-Owen, Jane; Scott, Adrian J.; Henry, Pamela J. and Bull, Ray. 2015. Starting from scratch: Planning practices of police recruits in Western Australia. Australasian Policing, 7(2), pp. 3-9. ISSN 1837-7009 [Article]

Turner, Lynn. 2015. ‘Animal Melancholia: on the scent of Dean Spanley’. In: Michael Lawrence and Laura McMahon, eds. Animal Life and the Moving Image. London: British Film Institute/Bloomsbury, pp. 134-151. ISBN 9781844578993 [Book Section]

Turner, Lynn. 2015. Critical Companions: Derrida, Haraway & Other Animals. In: Julian Wolfreys, ed. Introducing Criticism in the 21st Century, 2nd Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748695294 [Book Section]

Turner, Lynn. 2015. 'Fort Spa: Biopoetics in Elizabeth A. Wilson, Sandor Ferenczi & Jacques Derrida'. In: 'After Biopolitics' Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, SLSA. Rice University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Turner, Lynn. 2015. Fort Spa: In at the Deep End with Derrida and Ferenczi. In: Simon Morgan Wortham and Chiara Alfano, eds. Desire in Ashes: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 103-119. ISBN 9781472533517 [Book Section]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2015. 'Animating Masks'. In: TaPRA Interim Conference on Foucault. Kings College, University of Lonodn, United Kingdom 4th July, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2015. 'Animating Phantasms: Pensive Phantoms'. In: Present's Disjunctive Unity conference. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany 26-28th November, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2015. '"Between the Rubbish Dump and Eternity"'. In: Today is Tadeusz Kantor. Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2015. 'On Shunt'. In: Conference on Troupes, Collectifs, Compagnies. La Comedie de Valence, France 1st-3rd April, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2015. 'Performing Presence: Interpreting Catastrophe'. In: ITI Greece Conference on the Twenty-First Century Performer. Hellenic Centre of the ITI , Athens, Greece. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2015. Re-Enchantment. FIMFA Festival 15th Anniversary Programme (Lisbon), p. 7. [Article]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2015. 'What is 'Living' in Archives?'. In: Kantorbury, Kantorbury. University of Kent, United Kingdom 18-19th September, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tye, Charlotte; Farroni, Teresa; Volein, Ágnes; Mercure, Evelyne; Tucker, Leslie; Johnson, Mark H. and Bolton, Patrick F.. 2015. Autism diagnosis differentiates neurophysiological responses to faces in adults with tuberous sclerosis complex. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 7(1), 33. ISSN 1866-1947 [Article]

Töpfner, Christian. 2015. Subjects of Creation. On Materialist Abstraction and the Enactment of Ideas. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]


Underwood, J W. 2015. Poets Reading: Jack Underwood on Jennifer L Knox. The Poetry Review, 105(2), ISSN 0032-2156 [Article]

Underwood, Jack. 2015. Happiness. London: Faber & Faber. ISBN 9780571313617 [Book]

Underwood, Jack. 2015. I Guess You Had To Be There. Five Dials, 37, [Article]

Underwood, Jack. 2015. Mirror-Witihin-Mirror. The Poetry Review, 105(1), [Article]

Urdea, Alexandra. 2015. A Stitch in Time: Searching for Authenticity through Shifting Regimes of Value in Romania. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Ustek, Funda. 2015. Sosyal Politika Açısından Türkiye’de Ev İşçiliği (Domestic Work in Turkey from a Social Policy Perspective). In: Saniye Dedeoglu and Adem Yavuz Elveren, eds. 2000ler Türkiyesi'nde Sosyal Politika ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Ankara: İmge Yayınevi, pp. 207-232. ISBN 9789755338224 [Book Section]

Ustek, Funda. 2015. What is work? On the invisibility of women's paid work in the informal sector. InterDisciplines, 6(1), pp. 29-58. ISSN 2191-6721 [Article]


Vakil, Ardashir (Ardu). 2015. Last Time. Raritan, XXXIV(4), pp. 133-153. ISSN 0275-1607 [Article]

Valiaho, Pasi. 2015. Biopolitics of Gesture: Cinema and the Neurological Body. In: Henrik Gustafsson and Asbjorn Gronstad, eds. Cinema and Agamben. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 103-120. ISBN 978-1501308598 [Book Section]

Van Balen, J; Burgoyne, J.A; Bountouridis, D; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Veltkamp, R. 2015. 'Corpus Analysis Tools for Computational Hook Discovery.'. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference 2014. Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Van den Bossche, Astrid. 2015. Bodily Regimes: Italian Advertising under Fascism by Karen Pinkus (review). Advertising & Society Review, 15(4), ISSN 2475-1790 [Article]

Van den Bossche, Astrid. 2015. The Handbook of International Advertising Research, 2014, Edited by Hong Cheng [Review]. Advertising & Society Review, 16(2), ISSN 2475-1790 [Article]

Velmans, Max and Bright, Richard. 2015. Understanding Consciousness: An Interview. Interalia Magazine: Special Issue on "With Consciousness in Mind (part 2)"(12), [Article]

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. The Aesthetic Subject and the Politics of Speculative Labor. In: Randy Martin, ed. The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics. Routledge. ISBN 9780415645102 [Book Section]

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. Artworld, Etherized: Review Essay. Radical Philosophy(190), ISSN 0300-211X [Article]

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. Indifferent Agent: Speculation as a Mode of Production in Art and Capital. In: Angela Dimitrakaki and Kirsten Lloyd, eds. ECONOMY: Art, Production and the Subject in the Twenty-First Century. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781781381380 [Book Section]

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. Plan for An Activity in Mind. In: John Cunningham; Anthony Iles; Mira Mattar and Marina Vishmidt, eds. Anguish Language: Writing and Crisis. Berlin: Archive Books. ISBN 978-3-943620-30-6 [Book Section]

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. Productive Bodies: A Review Essay. Australian Feminist Studies, 30(85), pp. 304-308. ISSN 0816-4649 [Article]

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. Struggle is Primary: Review Essay. Journal of Cultural Economy, 8(3), pp. 388-397. ISSN 1753-0350 [Article]

Vishmidt, Marina and Gilligan, Melanie. 2015. "The property-less sensorium": Following the Subject in Crisis Times. South Atlantic Quarterly, 114(3), pp. 611-630. ISSN 0038-2876 [Article]

Von Stumm, Sophie and Plomin, Robert. 2015. Breastfeeding and IQ Growth from Toddlerhood through Adolescence. PLoS ONE, 10(9), ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Von Stumm, Sophie and Plomin, Robert. 2015. Socioeconomic status and the growth of intelligence from infancy through adolescence. Intelligence, 48, pp. 30-36. ISSN 0160-2896 [Article]


Walker, Nicola. 2015. Group-CBT for People in Secondary Mental Health Care. The Psychotherapist, 59, pp. 28-30. ISSN 2049-4912 [Article]

Waller, Laurie. 2015. 'At home in the studio: a note on Daphne Oram's sound-house'. In: Ignacio Farias and Alex Wilkie, eds. Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements (CRESC). Routledge. ISBN 978-1138798717 [Book Section]

Waller, Laurie. 2015. Exhibition as experiment: a study of science and culture at the Science Museum. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Walsh, E.; Guilmette, D. N.; Longo, M. R.; Moore, James W.; Oakley, D. A.; Halligan, P. W.; Mehta, M. A. and Deeley, Q.. 2015. Are You Suggesting That's My Hand? The Relation Between Hypnotic Suggestibility and the Rubber Hand Illusion. Perception, 44(6), pp. 709-723. ISSN 0301-0066 [Article]

Walsh, Maurice. 2015. Bitter Freedom: Ireland in a Revolutionary World 1918-1923. London: Faber & Faber. ISBN 9780571243006 [Book]

Walsh, Maurice. 2015. Denis Johnston, War Correspondent. In: Dorothea Depner and Guy Woodward, eds. Irish culture and wartime Europe, 1938–48. Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 148-160. ISBN 9781846825620 [Book Section]

Walsh, Roxy and Underwood, Sally. 2015. Outwith. In: "Without", Art Exchange, University of Essex, United Kingdom, January - February 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

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Walsh, Roxy and Underwood, Sally. 2015. Without. In: "Without", Chandelier Projects, April - May 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Wang, Z.; Lukowski, S.L.; Hart, S.A.; Lyons, I.M.; Thompson, L.A.; Kovas, Yulia; Mazzocco, M.M.M.; Plomin, R. and Petrill, S.A.. 2015. Is Math Anxiety Always Bad for Math Learning? The Role of Math Motivation. Psychological Science, 26(12), pp. 1863-1876. ISSN 0956-7976 [Article]

Ward, Jamie and Banissy, Michael J.. 2015. Explaining mirror-touch synesthesia. Cognitive Neuroscience, 6(2-3), pp. 118-133. ISSN 1758-8928 [Article]

Ward, Matt. 2015. Rapid Prototyping Politics: Design and the De-material Turn. In: Wolfgang Jonas; Sarah Zerwas and Kristof von Anshelm, eds. Transformation Design: Perspectives on a New Design Attitude. Basel: Birkhäuser, pp. 227-245. ISBN 9783035606362 [Book Section]

Wark, Scott and Sutherland, Thomas. 2015. Editorial: Platforms for the New. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, 6, pp. 4-10. ISSN 1836-5132 [Article]

Webber, Jeffery R.. 2015. Dual Powers, Class Compositions, and the Venezuelan People. Historical Materialism, 23(2), pp. 189-227. ISSN 1465-4466 [Article]

Weekley, Jeff; Hawkes, Ben; Guenole, Nigel and Ployhart, Robert. 2015. Low Fidelity Simulations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, [Article]

Weigl, David M.; Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim and Page, Kevin R.. 2015. 'Expert-guided semantic linking of music-library metadata for study and reuse'. In: International Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. Knoxville, TN, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Weinberg, Lee. 2015. Curating Immateriality: In Search for Spaces of The Curatorial. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Weinstein, Netta; Legate, Nicole; Kumashiro, Madoka and Ryan, Richard M.. 2015. Autonomy support and diastolic blood pressure: Long term effects and navigation in romantic relationships. Motivation and Emotion, 40(2), pp. 212-225. ISSN 0146-7239 [Article]

Weir, G; Williamson, V.J and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2015. Increased Involuntary Musical Mental Activity Is Not Associated With More Accurate Voluntary Musical Imagery. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 25(1), pp. 48-57. ISSN 0275-3987 [Article]

Weizman, Eyal. 2015. Forensic Architecture in All of This Belongs to You, Victoria and Albert Museum. In: "All of This Belongs to You", Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom, 1 April – 19 July 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Weizman, Eyal. 2015. Forensis. In: "Forensis", Fundación Proa (PROA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25 September 2015 - 31 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Weizman, Eyal. 2015. Images à charge, La construction de la preuve par l'image. In: "Images à charge, La construction de la preuve par l'image", LE BAL, Paris, France, 4 June - 30 August 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Weizman, Eyal. 2015. The Roundabout Revolutions. Berlin: Sternberg. ISBN 978-3-95679-098-0 [Book]

Weizman, Eyal. 2015. The Urban-Data Complex. In: "Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture 2015", Shenzhen Public Art Center, Shenzhen, China, 4 December 2015 - 4 March 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Weizman, Eyal and Sheikh, Fazal. 2015. The Conflict Shoreline: Colonialism as Climate Change. Göttingen: Steidl. ISBN 9783958290358 [Book]

Weizman, Eyal and Varvia, Christina. 2015. Burden of Proof: The Construction of Visual Evidence. In: "Burden of Proof: The Construction of Visual Evidence", The Photographers' Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 2 October 2015 - 10 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Wesemann, Arnd and Park, Soomi. 2015. Wearables - Die tragbaren Ideen der Künstlerin Soomi Park. Tanz: Zeitschrift für ballett, tanz und performance, Berlin. [Other]

West, Keon; Husnu, Shenel and Lipps, Garth. 2015. Imagined contact works in high-prejudice contexts: Investigating imagined contact’s effects on anti-gay prejudice in Cyprus and Jamaica. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 12(1), pp. 60-69. ISSN 1868-9884 [Article]

West, Keon; Turner, Rhiannon and Levita, Liat. 2015. Applying imagined contact to improve physiological responses in anticipation of intergroup interactions and the perceived quality of these interactions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(8), 425 - 436. ISSN 0021-9029 [Article]

Weston, Gavin; Lawson, Jamie F; Blell, Mwenza and Hayton, John. 2015. Anthropologists in Films: “The Horror! The Horror!”. American Anthropologist, 117(2), pp. 316-328. ISSN 0002-7294 [Article]

Westwood, Jill. 2015. '2015 ECArTE, 13th European Arts Therapies Conference'. In: 2015 ECArTE, 13th European Arts Therapies Conference. Palermo, Sicily, Italy 16-19 Sept 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wheeldon, Christine. 2015. ‘Pioneers in the Corridors of Power’: Women Civil Servants at the Board of Trade and the Factory Inspectorate, 1893-1919. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Whiles, Annie. 2015. One of The Gapers. [Artist's Book]

Whitley, Leila Marie. 2015. More than a Line : Borders as Embodied States. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Wiggins, Geraint A. and Forth, Jamie. 2015. IDyOT: A Computational Theory of Creativity as Everyday Reasoning from Learned Information. In: Tarek R. Besold; Marco Schorlemmer and Alan Smaill, eds. Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines. 7 Paris: Atlantis Press, pp. 127-148. ISBN 9789462390843 [Book Section]

Wilkie, Alex and Michael, Mike. 2015. The Design Studio as a Centre of Synthesis. In: Ignacio Farías and Alex Wilkie, eds. Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements. London; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 25-39. ISBN ISBN 978-1-138-79871-7 [Book Section]

Wilkie, Alex; Michael, Mike and Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew. 2015. Speculative Method and Twitter: Bots, Energy and Three Conceptual Characters. The Sociological Review, 63(1), pp. 79-101. ISSN 0038-0261 [Article]

Wilkin, Peter; Dencik, Lina and Bognár, Éva. 2015. Digital activism and Hungarian media reform: The case of Milla. European Journal of Communication, 30(6), pp. 682-697. ISSN 0267-3231 [Article]

Wilkins, Andrew. 2015. Book review of STEM strategies: student ambassadors and equality in higher education by Clare Gartland. Journal of Education Policy, 30(5), pp. 747-748. ISSN 0268-0939 [Article]

Wilkins, Andrew and Burke, Penny Jane. 2015. Widening participation in higher education: the role of professional and social class identities and commitments. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(3), pp. 434-452. ISSN 0142-5692 [Article]

Williams Gamaker, Michelle. 2015. The Making. In: "The Making", The Agency, London, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Williams Gamaker, Michelle and Bal, Mieke. 2015. Precarity (with Mieke Bal) in The Importance of Being a (Moving) Image, The National Gallery, Prague (curated by Adam Budak). In: "Precarity (with Mieke Bal) in The Importance of Being a (Moving) Image, (curated by Adam Budak)", The National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic, 20th February - 24th May. [Show/Exhibition]

Williams, E.M.. 2015. The CILIP/ESU Travelling Librarian Returns from South Africa. Focus on International Library and Information Work, 46(2), pp. 50-53. [Article]

Williams, E.M.. 2015. '“New Kid on the Block”: the Black Cultural Archives (BCA) reflections on what it means for British History from here...'. In: 2nd Annual History Festival Day. Senate House Library, London, United Kingdom 20 January 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Williams, Gilda. 2015. 'Christian Marclay: A Mouthful of Imagery'. [Exhibition Catalogue]

Williams, Gilda. 2015. 'Hannah Collins: Emotional Cartography'. [Exhibition Catalogue]

Williams, Kevin; Bilsland, Elizabeth; Sparkes, Andrew; Aubrey, Wayne; Young, Michael; Soldatova, Larisa N; De Grave, Kurt; Ramon, Jan; de Clare, Michaela; Sirawaraporn, Worachart; Oliver, Stephen G and King, Ross D. 2015. Cheaper faster drug development validated by the repositioning of drugs against neglected tropical diseases. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 12(104), 20141289. ISSN 1742-5662 [Article]

Williamson, Milly. 2015. 'Race and the Politics of the Veil'. In: Understanding Conflict Public Conference. University of Bath, United Kingdom June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Willis, Thomas A. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2015. Anxiety disorders and sleep in children and adolescents. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 10(2), pp. 125-131. ISSN 1556-407X [Article]

Wilson, Frances. 2015. Wordsworth's Sweating Pages: The Love Letters of William and Mary Wordsworth. In: Jonathan Ellis, ed. Letter Writing Among Poets: From William Wordsworth to Elizabeth Bishop. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 81-94. ISBN 9780748681327 [Book Section]

Winch, Alison. 2015. Brand Intimacy, Female Friendship and Digital Surveillance Networks. New Formations(84/85), pp. 228-245. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Winch, Alison. 2015. Feminism, generation and intersectionality: Generational differences within feminism are also opportunities for dialogue. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture(58), pp. 8-20. ISSN 1362-6620 [Article]

Winch, Alison. 2015. 'Feminist Burn Out and Social Media'. In: Consuming/Culture: Women and Girls in Print and Pixels. Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom 5 - 6 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Winch, Alison. 2015. 'Girlfriend Culture and Intergenerational Feminisms'. In: Research Seminar Series. King's College London, United Kingdom 2 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Winch, Alison. 2015. 'Intergenerational Feminism, Blogging and Branded Cultures'. In: Console-ing Passions Conference. Dublin, Ireland 18 - 20 June 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wing-Fai, Leung; Gill, Rosalind and Randle, Keith. 2015. Getting in, getting on, getting out? Women as career scramblers in the UK film and television industries. The Sociological Review, 63(1_supp), pp. 50-65. ISSN 0038-0261 [Article]

Wiseman, Sarah; Borghouts, Judith; Grgic, Dora; Brumby, Duncan P. and Cox, Anna L.. 2015. The Effect Of Interface Type On Visual Error Checking Behavior. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 59th Annual Meeting - 2015, [Article]

Wolf, KatieAnna E; Gliner, Genna and Fiebrink, Rebecca. 2015. 'A Model for Data-Driven Sonification Using Soundscapes'. In: 20th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '15). Atlanta, Georgia, United States 29 March - 1 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wolf, KatieAnna; Gliner, Genna and Fiebrink, Rebecca. 2015. 'End-user Development of Sonifications using Soundscapes'. In: International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) 2015. Graz, Austria 8-10 July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wong, C.C.Y.; Parsons, M.J.; Lester, Kathryn J.; Burrage, J.; Eley, Thalia C.; Mill, Jonathan; Dempster, E.L. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2015. Epigenome-wide DNA methylation analysis of monozygotic twins discordant for diurnal preference. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18(6), pp. 662-669. ISSN 1832-4274 [Article]

Wood, Frances; Salam, Abdul; Singh, Kavita; Day, Sophie E.; Jan, Stephen; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Rodgers, Anthony; Patel, Anushka; Thom, Simon and Ward, Helen. 2015. Process evaluation of the impact and acceptability of a polypill for prevention of cardiovascular disease. BMJ Open, 5, e008018. [Article]

Woodcock, Jamie. 2015. A Worker's Inquiry in a UK Call Centre : the Labour Process, Management, and Resistance. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Woodman, Justin. 2015. Alien Selves: Modernity and the Social Diagnostics of the Demonic in "Lovecraftian Magick"’, Journal for the Academic Study of Magic, 2004, 1, 2, 13–47. In: Carole M. Cusack and Helen Farley, eds. Religion, the Occult, and the Paranormal. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138015098 [Book Section]

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Woolley, Benjamin. 2015. The Angel of Ferrara. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Wright, Gordon R. T.; Berry, Christopher J.; Catmur, Caroline and Bird, Geoffrey. 2015. Good Liars Are Neither ‘Dark’ Nor Self-Deceptive. PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0127315. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]


Yee-King, Matthew; Krivenski, Maria; Brenton, Harry and d'Inverno, Mark. 2015. Music circle: designing educational social machines for effective feedback. In: Luc Steels, ed. Music learning with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). 6 Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 87-100. ISBN 9781614995920 [Book Section]

Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak. 2015. Nowhere to Turn: The Situation of Dom Refugees From Syria in Turkey. Project Report. European Roma Rights Centre, Budapest. [Report]

Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit. 2015. Between medicine and ritual: Tibetan 'medical rituals' from Dunhuang. In: Charles Ramble and Ulrike Roesler, eds. Tibetan and Himalayan Healing: An Anthology for Anthony Aris. Kathmandu, Nepal: Vajra Books, pp. 749-755. ISBN 978-9937-623-35-3 [Book Section]


Zai, C.C; Gonclaves, V.F; Tiwari, A.K; Gagliano, S.A; Hosang, Georgina M.; De Luca, Vincenzo; Shaikh, S.A; King, N; Chen, Q; Xu, Wei; Strauss, John; Breen, G; Lewis, C.M; Farmer, Anne E.; McGuffin, Peter; Knight, Jo; Vincent, J.B and Kennedy, J.L. 2015. A genome-wide association study of suicide severity scores in bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 65, pp. 23-29. ISSN 0022-3956 [Article]

Zaldua, Alistair. 2015. The Concept of the Meta-Instrument and its Implementation in Pre-Composition. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Zamborlin, Bruno. 2015. Studies on customisation-driven digital music instruments. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Zayaruznaya, Anna and Fiebrink, Rebecca. 2015. 'The Roman de Fauvel as Synthetic Digital Object'. In: IAML/IMS (International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres / International Musicological Society) Congress. New York City, New York, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zecevic, Nada. 2015. Sloboda uprave ili upravna prepotenca?: Tri primera zloupotrebe vlasti od strane činovnika u Mletačkoj Albaniji (rani 15. vek). In: , ed. Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa “Nauka i sloboda”: (Pale 06.-08. jun 2014). 9/2-2 , pp. 95-108 [Book Section]

Zetterstrom-Sharp, Johanna T. 2015. Heritage as future-making: aspiration and common destiny in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21(6), pp. 609-627. ISSN 1352-7258 [Article]

Zhang, Jingwei; Gerow, Aaron; Altosaar, Jaan; Evans, James and Jean So, Richard. 2015. 'Fast, Flexible Models for Discovering Topic Correlation across Weakly-Related Collections'. In: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2015). Lisbon, Portugal 17-21 September 2015.. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zhou, Yun; Howroyd, John; Danicic, Sebastian and Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2015. 'Extending Naive Bayes Classifier with Hierarchy Feature Level Information for Record Linkage'. In: AMBN 2015: the second workshop on Advanced Methodologies for Bayesian Network. Yokohama, Japan. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zupic, Ivan and Cater, Tomaz. 2015. Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), pp. 429-472. ISSN 1094-4281 [Article]

Zylinska, Joanna. 2015. The Creative Power of Nonhuman Photography. In: , ed. Photographic Powers. Helsinki: Aalto University, pp. 132-154. ISBN 978-952-60-6392-8 [Book Section]

Zylinska, Joanna. 2015. On Life, Movement and Stoppage: Agency and Ethics in the Anthropocene. Leonardo, 48(2), pp. 180-181. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]

Zylinska, Joanna. 2015. The Vanishing Object of Technology. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 1(1), ISSN 2380-3312 [Article]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 01:16:09 2025 GMT.