Number of items: 1221.
Seita, Sophie and
Ort-Dinoor, Yael, eds.
The Minutes,
The Minutes of The Hildegard von Bingen Society for Gardening Companions, 1 + 2.
[Edited Journal]
Sen, Amartya;
Agarwal, Bina;
Quadrio Curzio, Alberto;
Cerniglia, Floriana;
Venkatachalam, Ragupathy and
Thomson, Jennifer, eds.
Women, Pandemics and the Global South,
Economia Politica, 39(1). 1120-2890
[Edited Journal]
 Preview |
Abrams, Benjamin;
Travaglino, Giovanni A.;
Gardner, Peter R. and
Callan, Brian.
The Meaning of Contention.
Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 10(2),
pp. 83-101.
ISSN 2572-7184
Agunsoye, Ariane;
Amber, Lucy;
Earle, Joe;
Groenewald, Michelle;
Guizzo, Danielle;
Ramburuth-Hurt, Kamal and
Scott, Nicola.
Reforming Academia.
Lucy Amber;
Joe Earle and
Nicola Scott, eds.
Reclaiming Economics for Future Generations.
Manchester: Manchester University Press.
ISBN 9781526159861
[Book Section]
Agunsoye, Ariane;
Amber, Lucy;
Earle, Joe;
Groenewald, Michelle;
Guizzo, Danielle;
Roberts-Dear, Bruno and
Scott, Nicola.
Undiverse and uninclusive.
Lucy Ambler;
Joe Earle and
Nicola Scott, eds.
Reclaiming Economics for Future Generations.
Manchester: Manchester University Press.
ISBN 9781526159861
[Book Section]
Agunsoye, Ariane;
Amber, Lucy;
Earle, Joe;
Groenewald, Michelle;
Guizzo, Danielle and
Scott, Nicola.
Harmful Hierarchies.
Lucy Amber;
Joe Earle and
Nicola Scott, eds.
Reclaiming Economics for Future Generations.
Manchester: Manchester University Press.
ISBN 9781526159861
[Book Section]
Allen, Kelly-Ann;
Boyle, Christopher;
Sharma, Umesh;
Patlamazoglou, Lefteris;
Pentaris, Panagiotis;
Grové, Christine;
Yared, Hannah;
Berger, Emily;
Gamble, Nicholas;
Morris, Zoe A.;
Finefter-Rosenbluh, Ilana;
Morgan, Michele and
May, Fiona.
Belonging as a Core Construct at the Heart of the Inclusion Debate, Discourse, and Practice.
Christopher Boyle and
Kelly-Ann Allen, eds.
Research for Inclusive Quality Education: Leveraging Belonging, Inclusion, and Equity.
Singapore: Springer, pp. 271-288.
ISBN 9789811659072
[Book Section]
Alston, Adam;
Parry, Owen and
Rich Mix, Arts Centre.
Staging Decadence (salon).
In: "Staging Decadence (London salon)", Rich Mix, London, United Kingdom, 21 January 2022.
 Preview |
Ascher, Ivan;
Hardin, Carolyn;
Klein, Steven;
Montgomerie, Johnna and
Rosamond, Emily.
Finance and the Financialization of Capitalism.
Albena Azmanova and
James Chamberlain, eds.
Capitalism, Democracy, Socialism: Critical Debates.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 71-97.
ISBN 9783031084065
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Bailey, Alexandra;
Allen, Lucy;
Stevens, Eleanor;
Dervley, Rebekah;
Findlater, Donald and
Wefers, Sarah.
Pathways and Prevention for Indecent Images of Children Offending: A Qualitative Study.
Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention, 17,
ISSN 2699-8440
Bashford, Christina;
Rosendahl, Lisa;
Shibata, Elisabete;
Lewis, David;
Hankinson, Andrew;
Pugin, Laurent;
Sänger, Richard;
Kepper, Johannes;
Saccomano, Mark and
Page, Kevin R..
'Beethoven’s Large-Scale Works outside the Concert Hall:
Toward a Digital Representation of Domestic Arrangements'.
IMS2022: 21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society. Athens, Greece 22-26 August 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Bell, Vikki.
'On Graciela Sacco'.
Graciela Sacco: A Life of Interferences. Ubicua Gallery, London, United Kingdom 2 September 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Bengry, Justin and
Molly, Merryman.
Queer Pandemic Exhibit.
In: "We Are Queer Britain!", Queer Britain, London, United Kingdom, 20 July 2022 - 1 March 2023.
 Preview |
Bennetts, Rachel J.;
Gregory, Nicola J.;
Tree, Jeremy;
Di Bernardi Luft, Caroline;
Banissy, Michael J.;
Murray, Ebony;
Penton, Tegan and
Bate, Sarah.
Face specific inversion effects provide evidence for two subtypes of developmental prosopagnosia.
Neuropsychologia, 174,
p. 108332.
ISSN 0028-3932
Boakye-Yiadom, Appau Jnr.
Before: Socialized, Circularized, Linearized, Artificialized, Corrupt Time.
In: "Before: Socialized, Circularized, Linearized, Artificialized, Corrupt Time", Southwark Park Galleries, Dilston Grove, United Kingdom, 10 July - 4 September 2022.
Boakye-Yiadom, Appau Jnr;
Merrick, Frazer;
Namy, Joe and
Simensky, Nastassja.
In: "Receiver", Focal Point Gallery, United Kingdom, 2 October - 23 December 2022.
 Preview |
Bonham, Jennifer and
Jungnickel, Kat.
Cycling and Gender: Past, Present and Paths Ahead.
Glen Norcliffe;
Una Brogan;
Peter Cox;
Boyang Gao;
Tony Hadland;
Sheila Hanlon;
Tim Jones;
Nicholas Oddy and
Luis Vivanco, eds.
Routledge Companion to Cycling.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 24-32.
ISBN 9780367683993
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Brody, D C;
Hughston, L P and
Yang, X.
On the Pricing of Storable Commodities.
Dorje C Brody;
L P Hughston and
A Macrina, eds.
Financial Informatics: An Information-Based Approach to Asset Pricing.
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789811246487
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Burton, James.
Manimism and the Primary Error.
Anselm Franke;
Elisa Giuliano;
Denise Ryner;
Claire Tancons and
Zairong Xiang, eds.
Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World).
Leipzig: Spector Books / Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), pp. 35-45.
ISBN 9783959056946
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Campbell, Kirsten.
On Violence as a Feminist Problem.
Zilka Spahić Šiljak;
Jasna Kovačević and
Jasmina Husanović, eds.
Uprkos strahu i tišini: univerziteti protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja.
Sarajevo: University of Sarajevo/TPO Foundation, pp. 31-40.
ISBN 9789958600845
[Book Section]
Clift, Stephen;
Daffern, Helena;
Davies, Christina;
Grebosz-Haring, Katarzyna;
Kaasgaard, Mette;
McCrary, J. Matt and
Musgrave, George.
Culture for Health?
Arts Professional,
 Preview |
Clout, Lucy.
Cubitt 30.
In: "Cubitt 30", Victoria Miro, London, United Kingdom, 16 - 17 September 2022.
Clout, Lucy.
In: "ZZZ", LUX Online, United Kingdom, 13 July - 31 August 2022.
Craighead, Alison and
Thomson, Jon.
No Escape.
In: "No Escape", IMT Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 17 March – 12 May 2022.
Dencik, Lina;
Hintz, Arne;
Redden, Joanna and
Trere, Emiliano.
Data justice.
London: Sage Publications.
ISBN 9781529720945
 Preview |
Dencik, Lina and
Sanchez-Monedero, Javier.
Data Justice.
Internet Policy Review, 11(1),
ISSN 2197-6775
 Preview |
Dencik, Lina and
Sanchez-Monedero, Javier.
Justicia de datos.
Revista Latinoamericana de Economía y Sociedad Digital, 2022(1),
 Preview |
Doussan, Jenny.
Pyotr Pavlensky, ed.
Pornopolitics and Other Precedents.
London: MOTHER, pp. 86-89.
ISBN 9791041502981
[Book Section]
Drever, John L..
'Creating A Buzz!'.
Creating A Buzz! Insect Sound Workshop. Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, United Kingdom 6 April 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Drever, John L..
'London Street Noises'.
Sonic Cartography: Soundscape, Simulation and Re-enactment 2022. University of Kent, United Kingdom 28-30 October 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Drever, John L. and
Murdin, Alex.
In: "Insect Breeding Institute", Trumpington Park Primary School, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Duncan, Ifor.
Drought in the Rivers of Forgetting.
Benek Cincik and
Tiago Torres-Campos, eds.
Postcards from the Anthropocene: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation.
Barcelona: dpr-barcelona, pp. 140-147.
ISBN 9788494938870
[Book Section]
Duncan, Ifor and
Levidis, Stefanos.
José Roca and
Juan Francisco Salazar, eds.
Rīvus: A Glossary of Water.
Sydney, Australia: Biennale of Sydney Ltd 2022, pp. 47-48.
ISBN 9780958040327
[Book Section]
Dyer, Sonya.
Whitstable Biennial.
In: "Whitstable Biennial", Horsebridge Arts Centre, Whitstable, United Kingdom, 11 - 19 June 2022.
 Preview |
Engel, Kathy;
Marie, Maia;
Nkomo, Refilwe;
Vráblíková, Lenka;
Moiloa Gapare, Molemo;
Flores Garrido, Natalia;
Masola, Athanbile;
Moeketsi, Itumeleng;
Moyo, Kundai;
Slabbert, Annika;
Sango, Anna;
Itumeleng, Faith and
Tshikalange, Lali.
Collaborative Poetics: Conversations with Lalela I.
[Artist's Book]
Eshun, Kodwo and
Sagar, Anjalika.
O Horizon.
In: "O Horizon", Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain, 23 June - 2 October 2022.
Eshun, Kodwo and
Sagar, Anjalika.
What the Owl Knows.
In: "What the Owl Knows", The Association of Visual Artists Secession Vienna, Austria, 18 November - 5 February 2023.
Eshun, Kodwo;
Sepaka, Angiama;
Eshun, Esi;
da Silva Ferreira, Denise;
Hassan, Salah and
Sagar, Anjalika.
Forms of Afterlife.
Adrian Lahoud and
Andrea Bagnato, eds.
Rights of Future Generations: Propositions.
Berlin: Hate Cantz Verlag, pp. 134-147.
ISBN 9783775748728
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Fleetwood, Jennifer and
Sandberg, Sveinung.
Narrative Criminology and Ethnography.
Sandra M. Bucerius;
Kevin D. Haggerty and
Luca Berardi, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 246-268.
ISBN 9780190904500
[Book Section]
Fuller, Matthew.
Side Channel Attacks.
Rosi Braidotti;
Emily Jones and
Goda Klumbyte, eds.
More Posthuman Glossary.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 133-134.
ISBN 9781350231429
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Geagea, D.;
Griffin, B.;
Kimble, R.;
Polito, V.;
Terhune, Devin Blair and
Tyack, Z..
Hypnotherapy for procedural pain, itch, and state anxiety in children with acute burns: A feasibility and acceptability study protocol.
Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8,
ISSN 2055-5784
 Preview |
Gere, Charlie.
World's End.
London: Goldsmiths Press.
ISBN 9781913380007
 Preview |
Glissant, Édouard and
Chamoiseau, Patrick.
London: Goldsmiths Press.
ISBN 9781913380540
 Preview |
Granell, Carlos;
Mooney, Peter;
Jirka, Simon;
Rieke, Matthes;
Ostermann, Frank;
Van Den Broecke, Just;
Sarretta, Alessandro;
Verhulst, Stefaan;
Dencik, Lina;
Oost, Hillen;
Micheli, Marina;
Minghini, Marco;
Kotsev, Alexander and
Schade, Sven.
Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe.
Technical Report.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Green, Dido and
Hill, Elisabeth L..
Motor coordination.
Rhonda Booth;
Tara Murphy and
Kathy Zebracki, eds.
Paediatric Neuropsychology within the Multidisciplinary Context.
London: Mac Keith Press, pp. 43-56.
ISBN 9781911612575
[Book Section]
Gunaratnam, Yasmin;
Puwar, Nirmal;
Johnson, Mark;
Clisby, Suzanne;
McGuirk, Siobhan;
Turner, James;
Choudhury, Tanzina;
Ashraful, Ovi;
Fernandez, Marta;
Gill, Andréa;
Souza, Isabela;
Arámburo, Pável Valenzuela;
Morales, Deyanira Clériga;
Pereyra, Aldo Jorge Ledón;
Garcia, J Neil;
Guevara, Nerisa del Carmen;
Jacobo, Jaya;
Ramil, Kate Alyzon;
Clarke, Yaliwe;
Matchett, Sara;
Mbasalaki, Phoebe Kisubi and
Hahn, Catherine.
Experiments in Cultures of Equality: A GlobalGRACE online course.
Hameed, Ayesha.
(The Art of Living Well and Dying Well).
Anselm Franke;
Elisa Giuliano;
Denise Ryner;
Claire Tancons and
Zairong Xiang, eds.
Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World).
Leipzig: Spector Books / Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW).
ISBN 9783959056946
[Book Section]
Hameed, Ayesha.
'The Decentering Machine'.
Unmoored, Adrift, Ashore Symposium, Panel #3: The Decentering Machine. Or Gallery, Vancouver, Canada 19 - 21 May 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Hameed, Ayesha.
'How to Do Things with Sound'.
How to Do Things with Sound: An Evening on Sonic Fiction in the Arts and Activism. Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, Germany 3 March 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Hameed, Ayesha.
'The Ocean as Archive'.
Artistic Activism and the Power of Collective Resistance. Vanderbilt University, United States 16 March 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Harbison, Isobel.
Charles Asprey, ed.
A.B. Real Life.
London: Charles Asprey, pp. 34-39.
ISBN 9781399924894
[Book Section]
Harbison, Isobel.
Whose time is it anyway?
Christina Kennedy, ed.
The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now - IMMA: 30 Years of the Global Contemporary.
Dublin: Irish Museum of Modern Art, pp. 22-30.
ISBN 9781909792272
[Book Section]
 Preview |
He, Yan;
Chernyshov, George;
Han, Jiawen;
Zheng, Dingding;
Thomsen, Ragnar;
Hynds, Danny;
Liu, Muyu;
Yang, Yuehui;
Ju, Yulan;
Pai, Yun Suen;
Minamizawa, Kouta;
Kunze, Kai and
Ward, Jamie A.
Frisson Waves: Exploring Automatic Detection, Triggering and Sharing of Aesthetic Chills in Music Performances.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 6(3),
ISSN 2474-9567
 Preview |
Heathershaw, John;
Chalcraft, John;
Chubb, Andrew;
Fulda, Andreas;
Hughes, Chris;
Kaczmarska, Katarzyna;
Karran, Terence;
Lennox, Corinne;
Pils, Eva;
Prelec, Tena;
Rudolph, Kelli;
Woodman, Sophia and
Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak.
Model code of conduct: protection of academic freedom and the academic community in the context of the internationalisation of the UK HE sector.
The International Journal of Human Rights, 26(10),
pp. 1858-1865.
ISSN 1364-2987
Hope, Lorraine;
Anakwah, Nkansah;
Antfolk, Jan;
Brubacher, Sonja P.;
Flowe, Heather;
Gabbert, Fiona;
Giebels, Ellen;
Kanja, Wangu;
Korkman, Julia;
Kyo, Akira;
Naka, Makiko;
Otgaar, Henry;
Powell, Martine B.;
Selim, Hedayat;
Skrifvars, Jenny;
Sorkpah, Isaac Kwasi;
Sowatey, Emmanuel A.;
Steele, Linda C.;
Stevens, Laura;
Sumampouw, Nathanael E. J.;
Taylor, Paul J.;
Trevino-Rangel, Javier;
van Veldhuizen, Tanja;
Wang, Jianqin and
Wells, Simon.
Urgent Issues and Prospects at the Intersection of Culture, Memory, and Witness Interviews: Exploring the Challenges for Research and Practice.
Legal and Criminological Psychology, 27(1),
pp. 1-31.
ISSN 1355-3259
 Preview |
Kekecs, Z.;
Moss, D.;
Elkins, G.;
De Benedittis, G.;
Palsson, O. S.;
Shenefelt, P. D.;
Terhune, Devin Blair;
Varga, K. and
Whorwell, P. J..
Guidelines for the assessment of efficacy of clinical hypnosis applications.
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 70(2),
pp. 104-122.
ISSN 0020-7144
Kerbel, Janice.
In: "Speech! Fight!", Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 2022 - 2024.
Kerbel, Janice.
In: "Speech!", Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 2022 - 2024.
Kirwan, Richard;
Donkor, Kimathi and
Ince-Mitchell, Jerome.
'Painting Symposium'.
Painting Symposium. Camberwell College of Arts, UAL, United Kingdom 14 June 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Koho, Mikko;
Burrows, Toby;
Hyvönen, Eero;
Ikkala, Esko;
Page, Kevin R.;
Ransom, Lynn;
Tuominen, Jouni;
Emery, Doug;
Fraas, Mitch;
Heller, Benjamin;
Lewis, David;
Morrison, Andrew;
Porte, Guillaume;
Thomson, Emma;
Velios, Athanasios and
Wijsman, Hanno.
Harmonizing and publishing heterogeneous premodern manuscript metadata as Linked Open Data.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73(2),
pp. 240-257.
ISSN 2330-1635
 Preview |
Lai, Gorm and
Khosmood, Foaad.
What is a Game Jam?
Allan Fowler and
Foaad Khosmood, eds.
Game Jams – History, Technology, and Organisation.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9783031151866
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Langham, John;
Stamate, Daniel;
Wu, Charlotte A.;
Murtagh, Fionn;
Morgan, Catharine;
Reeves, David;
Ashcroft, Darren;
Kontopantelis, Evan and
McMillan, Brian.
'Predicting risk of dementia with machine learning and survival models using routine primary care records'.
2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Houston, TX, United States 9-12 December 2021.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Lazzarini, Andres and
Melnik, Denis.
Andres Lazzarini and
Denis Melnik, eds.
Economists and COVID-19: Ideas, Theories and Policies During the Pandemic.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9783031058103
[Book Section]
Litvintseva, Sasha and
Wagner, Beny.
First Look 2022.
In: "First Look", Museum of the Moving Image, New York, United States, 17 March 2022.
Litvintseva, Sasha and
Wagner, Beny.
In/Visible Measures.
In: "In/Visible Measures", Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, United States, 11 October 2022.
Litvintseva, Sasha and
Wagner, Beny.
'Materialities of Measure'.
Dis/Entangling Perspectives in Material Research Lecture Series. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany 3 January 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Macleroy, Vicky.
Richard Charlesworth;
Deborah Friedland and
Helen Jones, eds.
Children's Literature in Action.
London: Centre for Language, Culture and Learning, Goldsmiths, University of London, pp. 391-395.
ISBN 9781913694067
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Macleroy, Vicky.
Siblings’ Multilingual Discourse.
Anat Stavans and
Ulrike Jessner-Schmid, eds.
The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 325-352.
ISBN 9781108669771
[Book Section]
Malik, Suhail.
Ilan Manouach and
Anna Englehardt, eds.
Chimeras: Inventory of Synthetic Cognition.
Athens: Onassis Foundation, pp. 181-184.
ISBN 9786188536180
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Mameli, Consuelo;
Menabò, Laura;
Brighi, Antonella;
Menin, Damiano;
Culbert, Catherine;
Hamilton, Jayne;
Scheithauer, Herbert;
Smith, Peter K.;
Völlink, Trijntje;
Willems, Roy A.;
Purdy, Noel and
Guarini, Annalisa.
Stay Safe and Strong: Characteristics, Roles and Emotions of Student-Produced Comics Related to Cyberbullying.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14),
ISSN 1660-4601
 Preview |
Martin, James.
Marx's Rhetoric.
Dilip Gaonkar and
Keith Topper, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Rhetoric and Political Theory.
New York: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780190220945
[Book Section]
 Preview |
McAuliffe, Sam.
'Rising, Falling'.
Critical Transformations: Terra Critica 2.0. Utrecht University, Netherlands 8 - 10 June 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
McAuliffe, Sam.
Utopian Realism.
Peter Marks;
Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor and
Fátima Vieira, eds.
The Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-230.
ISBN 9783030886547
[Book Section]
McConnell, Ned;
Wood, Samantha and
Boakye-Yiadom, Appau Jnr.
Live Art Commissions 'Before: Compliments'.
In: "'Before: Compliments', Live Art Commission", Studio Spaces, Wapping, London, United Kingdom, 30 March 2022, 6 - 7 May 2022.
 Preview |
McGrath, Sean;
Blake, Andrew;
Stapleton, Gem;
Touloumis, Anestis;
Chapman, Peter;
Jamnik, Mateja and
Shams, Zohreh.
'Evaluating Colour in Concept Diagrams'.
13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 13-17 September 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
McGuirk, Siobhan;
Johnson, Mark;
Clisby, Suzanne;
Puwar, Nirmal;
Gunaratnam, Yasmin;
Turner, James;
Choudhury, Tanzina;
Ashraful, Ovi;
Fernandez, Marta;
Gill, Andréa;
Souza, Isabela;
Arámburo, Pável Valenzuela;
Morales, Deyanira Clériga;
Pereyra, Aldo Jorge Ledón;
Garcia, J Neil;
Guevara, Nerisa del Carmen;
Jacobo, Jaya;
Ramil, Kate Alyzon;
Clarke, Yaliwe;
Matchett, Sara;
Mbasalaki, Phoebe Kisubi and
Hahn, Catherine.
Re/Locating Cultures of Equality.
 Preview |
Miller Oduniyi, Susie;
Blair, Jeff and
Dennis, Fay.
Brown Bread.
The Sociological Review Foundation.
 Preview |
Mooney, Cara;
White, David Alexander;
Dawson, Jeremy;
Deary, Vincent;
Fryer, Kate;
Greco, Monica;
Horspool, Michelle;
Neilson, Aileen;
Rowlands, Gillian;
Sanders, Tom;
Thomas, Ruth E;
Thomas, Steve;
Waheed, Waquas and
Burton, Christopher D.
Study protocol for the Multiple Symptoms Study 3: a pragmatic, randomised controlled trial of a clinic for patients with persistent (medically unexplained) physical symptoms.
BMJ Open, 12,
ISSN 2044-6055
 Preview |
Moreno, Louis.
Unhoused Music.
In: "Unhoused Music", BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, Netherlands, 12 - 13 November 2022.
 Preview |
Mozzachiodi, Roberto.
The End of Philosophy.
Beverley Skeggs;
Sara R. Farris;
Alberto Toscano and
Svenja Bromberg, eds.
The SAGE Handbook of Marxism.
London: SAGE Publications, pp. 920-939.
ISBN 9781473974234
[Book Section]
Mukerji, Siddhesh;
Murphy, Alistair;
Joyce, Maverick;
Kaye, Molly;
Goodrow, Joseph P.;
Clark, Madelyn Lucia;
Donahue, Kathleen E.;
Heitkamp, Melissa;
Tyler, Brooke and
Hoffman, Lily.
Expressing our truth, expressing our care: A collective reflection on humanizing the social work classroom.
Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping,
ISSN 1080-0220
Mörtenböck, Peter.
'Zukunft anwenden'.
Candidate lecture, Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Neves, Joshua;
Chia, Aleena;
Paasonen, Susanna and
Sundaram, Ravi.
Lüneburg, Germany: Meson Press in collaboration with the University of Minnesota Press.
ISBN 9783957960290
Ng, Julia.
'Hamlet through the Parlamonium'.
Shakespeare and the Frantkfurt School of Philosophy. Shakespeare in Philosophy at Garrick’s Temple to Shakespeare. Garrick’s Temple to Shakespeare, Hampton, United Kingdom 25 June 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Ng, Julia.
Sapphic Sociability.
diacritics (Special issue on 'Women in Theory', ed. Erin Graff Zivin), 49(2),
pp. 25-32.
ISSN 0300-7162
 Preview |
Niarchou, Maria;
Gustavson, Daniel E.;
Sathirapongsasuti, J. Fah;
Anglada-Tort, Manuel;
Eising, Else;
Bell, Eamonn;
McArthur, Evonne;
Straub, Peter;
Aslibekyan, Stella;
Auton, Adam;
Bell, Robert K.;
Bryc, Katarzyna;
Clark, Sarah K.;
Elson, Sarah L.;
Fletez-Brant, Kipper;
Fontanillas, Pierre;
Furlotte, Nicholas A.;
Gandhi, Pooja M.;
Heilbron, Karl;
Hicks, Barry;
Huber, Karen E.;
Jewett, Ethan M.;
Jiang, Yunxuan;
Kleinman, Aaron;
Lin, Keng-Han;
Litterman, Nadia K.;
McCreight, Jey C.;
McIntyre, Matthew H.;
McManus, Kimberly F.;
Mountain, Joanna L.;
Mozaffari, Sahar V.;
Nandakumar, Priyanka;
Noblin, Elizabeth S.;
Northover, Carrie A. M.;
O’Connell, Jared;
Pitts, Steven J.;
Poznik, G. David;
Shastri, Anjali J.;
Shelton, Janie F.;
Shringarpure, Suyash;
Tian, Chao;
Tung, Joyce Y.;
Tunney, Robert J.;
Vacic, Vladimir;
Wang, Xin;
McAuley, J. Devin;
Capra, John A.;
Ullén, Fredrik;
Creanza, Nicole;
Mosing, Miriam A.;
Hinds, David A.;
Davis, Lea K.;
Jacoby, Nori and
Gordon, Reyna L..
Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization demonstrates high polygenicity.
Nature Human Behaviour, 6(9),
pp. 1292-1309.
ISSN 2397-3374
 Preview |
Noriega, Pablo;
Verhagen, Harko;
Padget, Julian and
d'Inverno, Mark.
'Design Heuristics for Ethical Online Institutions'.
International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE 2022: Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XV). Virtual Event 9 May 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ogg, Kirsty;
Britton Newell, Laurie;
Fowler, Lilah;
Ford, Jayday and
Rothschild, Eva.
'Craft-Tech: Panel Discussion'.
Craft-Tech: Panel Discussion. Online, United Kingdom 10 February 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ogg, Kirsty;
Walsh, Victoria;
Dibosa, David;
Cranfield, Ben;
Phillips, Andrea;
Wade, Gavin and
Solitt, Lucy Rose.
'British Art Network Conference 2022. Day 2 Panel: Curating in the Contemporary: the art school, museum, and the academy'.
BAN Annual Conference 2022. Royal College of Art, United Kingdom 17 November 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Piazza, Giulia G;
Iskandar, Georges;
Hennessy, Vanessa;
Zhao, Hannah;
Walsh, Katie;
McDonnell, Jeffrey;
Terhune, Devin Blair;
Das, Ravi K and
Kambo, Sunjeev K.
Pharmacological modelling of dissociation and psychosis: An evaluation of the Clinician Administered Dissociative States Scale and Psychotomimetic States Inventory during nitrous oxide (‘laughing gas’)-induced anomalous states.
Psychopharmacology, 239(7),
pp. 2317-2329.
ISSN 0033-3158
Quin, Corinne.
Redacted Ceramics.
In: "Domestic Monsters", Constance Howard Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 12 April - 31 May 2022.
Ramos-Mastache, Daniela;
Mondragón-Maya, Alejandra;
Liemburg, Edith J.;
Enriquez-Geppert, Stefanie;
Goerlic, Katharina S.;
Rosel-Vales, Mauricio;
Pérez-Ferrara, David;
Jansari, Ashok S. and
Aleman, Andre.
Understanding the relationship between apathy, cognition and functional outcome in schizophrenia: The significance of an ecological assessment.
PLoS ONE, 17(11),
ISSN 1932-6203
 Preview |
Reckitt, Helena;
McCormack, Chris;
van Noord, Gerrie and
Džuverović, Lina.
'The Third Hand —Claire, Bernadette and Friends'.
And Others: The Gendered Politics and Practices of Art Collectives, Panel Four: ‘The Third Hand’—Claire, Bernadette and Friends. Birkbeck, University of London, and online, United Kingdom 1 December 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena;
Moser, Gabrielle;
Damiani, Giulia and
Parent, Vanessa.
Resonance and Transmission.
In: "fORUM: Resonance and Transmission", Mercer Union, Toronto and online, Canada, 7 October - 17 November 2022.
Rogers, Holly.
Tom Perchard;
Stephen Graham;
Tim Rutherford-Johnson and
Holly Rogers, eds.
Twentieth Century Music in the West.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 104-128.
ISBN 9781108481984
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
Tom Perchard;
Stephen Graham;
Tim Rutherford-Johnson and
Holly Rogers, eds.
Twentieth Century Music in the West.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 202-226.
ISBN 9781108481984
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
Music and the Moving Image.
Tom Perchard;
Stephen Graham;
Tim Rutherford-Johnson and
Holly Rogers, eds.
Twentieth Century Music in the West.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 295-318.
ISBN 9781108481984
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
Recording and Production.
Tom Perchard;
Stephen Graham;
Tim Rutherford-Johnson and
Holly Rogers, eds.
Twentieth Century Music in the West.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 229-252.
ISBN 9781108481984
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Rosamond, Emily.
Cloud Relationality.
Catherine Parayre, ed.
Cloud: Donna Szöke.
St. Catharines, Ontario: Small Walker Press, pp. 40-51.
ISBN 9781990208195
[Book Section]
Sagar, Ilona.
The Body Blow.
In: "Radio Ballads", Serpentine Galleries, London, United Kingdom, 31 March – 29 May 2022.
 Preview |
Samman, Amin;
Boy, Nina;
Coombs, Nathan;
Hager, Sandy;
Hayes, Adam;
Rosamond, Emily;
Wansleben, Leon and
Westermeier, Carola.
After the Boom: Finance and Society Studies in the 2020s and Beyond.
Finance and Society, 8(2),
pp. 93-109.
ISSN 2059-5999
 Preview |
Savransky, Martin.
Afterword: Speculative Earth.
Nina Williams and
Thomas Keating, eds.
Speculative Geographies: Ethics, Technologies, Aesthetics.
Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 285-298.
ISBN 9789811906909
[Book Section]
Schmetterling, Astrid.
Charlotte Salomon.
Karin Althaus;
Sarah Bock;
Lisa Kern;
Matthias Mühling and
Melanie Wittchow, eds.
Kunst und Leben 1918 bis 1955.
Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag / Lenbachhaus, pp. 220-223.
ISBN 9783422990661
[Book Section]
Schmetterling, Astrid.
Else Lasker-Schüler.
Karin Althaus;
Sarah Bock;
Lisa Kern;
Matthias Mühling and
Melanie Wittchow, eds.
Kunst und Leben 1918 bis 1955.
Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag / Lenbachhaus, pp. 176-179.
ISBN 9783422990661
[Book Section]
Schwindt, Grace.
Defiant Bodies.
In: "Defiant Bodies", Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Switzerland, 17 September 2022 – 5 February 2023.
 Preview |
Sewell, Alexandra;
Davies, Max;
Zwarthoed, Jennifer;
Baird, Alexandra;
Matasovska, Klaudia;
Kirk, Max and
Sterk, Pippa.
Voice Practices to Support LGBTQIA+ Educators and Pupils.
Alexandra Sewell, ed.
Diverse Voices in Education: A Workbook for Promoting Pupil, Parent and Professional Voice.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 150-167.
ISBN 9780367761837
[Book Section]
Stewart, Gavin R.;
Corbett, Anne;
Ballard, Clive;
Creese, Byron;
Aarsland, Dag;
Hampshire, Adam;
Charlton, Rebecca A and
Happé, Francesca.
Traumatic life experiences and post-traumatic stress symptoms in middle-aged and older adults with and without autistic traits.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37(2),
ISSN 0885-6230
 Preview |
Stewart, Lauren;
McConnell, Bonnie;
Darboe, Buba;
Glover, Vivette;
Huma, Hajara B;
Sanfilippo, K R M;
Cross, Ian;
Ceesay, Hassoum;
Ramchandani, Paul;
Cornelius, Victoria and
stewart, Lauren.
Social singing, culture and health: interdisciplinary insights from the CHIME project for perinatal mental health in The Gambia.
Health Promotion International, 37(S1),
ISSN 0957-4824
Tan, Chooc Ly.
In: "Atmospheres, Photo London 2022", Somerset House, London, United Kingdom, 12 - 15 May 2022.
 Preview |
Tan, Chooc Ly.
Décalé 6.
In: "Décalé 6", Space 289, London, United Kingdom, 18 June 2022.
Tan, Chooc Ly and
Utamachote, Sarnt.
'Sonic Statements'.
Sonic Statements, Celestial Festival. Celestial Festival, Berlin 14 - 15 May 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Tecilla, Margherita;
Guerra, Andrea;
Rocchi, Lorenzo;
Määttä, Sara;
Bologna, Matteo;
Herrojo Ruiz, Maria;
Biundo, Roberta;
Antonini, Angelo and
Ferreri, Florinda.
Action Selection and Motor Decision Making: Insights from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
Brain Sciences, 12(5),
ISSN 2076-3425
 Preview |
Tsigeman, Elina;
Silas, Sebastian;
Frieler, Klaus;
Likhanov, Maxim;
Gelding, Rebecca;
Kovas, Yulia and
Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Jack and Jill Adaptive Working Memory Task: Construction, Calibration and Validation.
PLoS ONE, 17(1),
ISSN 1932-6203
Twitchin, Mischa.
'Disturbing things'.
Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer Conference. Tartu University, Estonia 10-11 May 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Twitchin, Mischa.
'Do we remember?'.
Online Launch of Memory Studies 15(3). Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, Tallinn, Estonia 29 September 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Varvia, Christina.
Habeas Corpus Expert Witness!
Mette Marie Kallehauge;
Lærke Rydal Jørgensen;
Kjeld Kjeldsen;
Eyal Weizman and
Christina Varvia, eds.
Forensic Architecture - Witnesses.
Humlebæk, Denmark: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, pp. 68-85.
ISBN 9788793659551
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Velloso, Luciana and
Morais, Isabela Carvalho.
O mercado e suas dinâmicas.
Karin Brondino-Pompeo;
Isabela Carvalho Morais and
Carla Caires Abdalla, eds.
Aspectos Culturais do Consumo: Fundamentos, Fronteiras e Aplicações.
São Paulo: Pimenta Cultural, pp. 193-211.
ISBN 9786559394098
[Book Section]
Vianna Franco, Marco P.;
Molnár, Orsolya;
Dorninger, Christian;
Laciny, Alice;
Treven, Marco;
Weger, Jacob;
Albuquerque, Eduardo da Motta e;
Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto;
Villanueva Hernandez, Luis-Alejandro;
Jakab, Manuel;
Marizzi, Christine;
Menéndez, Lumila Paula;
Poliseli, Luana;
Rodríguez, Hernán Bobadilla and
Caniglia, Guido.
Diversity regained: Precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment.
Science of the Total Environment, 825,
ISSN 0048-9697
Wagner, Beny.
'Artist Talk'.
Artist Talk. Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom March 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Wark, Scott.
Timothy Neale;
Courtney Addison and
Thao Phan, eds.
An Anthropogenic Table of Elements: Experiments in the Fundamental.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 109-120.
ISBN 9781487563578
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Zivrali, Esra Zıvralı;
Roestorf, Amanda;
Spain, Debbie;
Howlin, Patricia;
Bowler, Dermot;
Charlton, Rebecca A and
Happé, Francesca.
Aging and autism: Do measures of autism symptoms, co-occurring mental health conditions, or quality of life differ between younger and older autistic adults?
Autism Research, 15(8),
pp. 1482-1494.
ISSN 1939-3792
 Preview |
van Schalkwyk, May C I;
McKee, Martin;
Cassidy, Rebecca;
Petticrew, Mark and
Blythe, Jenny.
Gambling disorder.
The Lancet Psychiatry, 9(6),
p. 429.
ISSN 2215-0366
This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 01:16:04 2025 GMT.