Number of items: 1173.
 Preview |
Anderson, Ben;
Aitken, Stuart;
Bacevic, Jana;
Callard, Felicity;
Chung, Kwang Dae (Mitsy);
Coleman, Kathryn S.;
Hayden, Robert F.;
Healy, Sarah;
Irwin, Rita L.;
Jellis, Thomas;
Jukes, Joe;
Khan, Salman;
Marotta, Steve;
Seitz, David K.;
Snepvangers, Kim;
Staples, Adam;
Turner, Chloe;
Tse, Justin;
Watson, Marthy and
Wilkinson, Eleanor.
Encountering Berlant part one: Concepts otherwise.
The Geographical Journal, 189(1),
pp. 117-142.
ISSN 0016-7398
 Preview |
Asante, Barby.
Declaration of Independence.
In: "O Quilombismo:Of Resisting and Insisting. Of Flight as Fight. Of Other Democratic Egalitarian Political Philosophies", Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, Germany, 1 June - 16 September 2023.
 Preview |
Asante, Barby.
Grounding for Group Work Exercise.
Jemma Egan;
Leyla Gatens;
Amal Khalaf and
Alex Thorp, eds.
How We Hold: Rehearsals for Art and Social Change.
London: Walter Koenig/Serpentine Gallery.
ISBN 9783753305035
[Book Section]
Asante, Barby;
Alhaag, Amal and
Pattikawa, Jefftha.
'#2: Dispossesed Archives'.
This is Film! 2023 Film Heritage in Practice - #2: Dispossesed Archives. Eye Filmmuseum, Netherlands 8 March - 24 May 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Babiker, A;
Elbarbary, N.S.;
Alaqeel, B.;
Al Noaim, K.;
Al Yaarubi, S.;
Al-Abdulrazzaq, D.;
Al-Kandari, H.;
Alkhayyat, H.;
Odeh, R.;
Babiker, O.;
Abu-Libdeh, A.;
Aljohani, A.;
Al Abdul Salam, N.;
Al-Juailla, F.;
Masuadi, E.;
Deeb, A.;
Weissberg-Benchell, J.;
Gregory, Alice M. and
Al Alwan, I..
Lessons learned from COVID-19 Lockdown: An ASPED/MENA Study on Lifestyle Changes and Quality of Life during Ramadan Fasting in Children and Adolescents living with Type 1 Diabetes.
Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes, 16,
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1179-5514
Banca, Paula;
Herrojo Ruiz, Maria;
Gonzalez-Zalba, Miguel Fernando;
Biria, Marjan;
Marzuki, Aleya A.;
Piercy, Thomas;
Sule, Akeem;
Fineberg, Naomi Anne and
Robbins, Trevor William.
Action-sequence learning, habits and automaticity in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
eLife, 12,
ISSN 2050-084X
Beasley, Kevin;
Boakye-Yiadom, Appau Jnr;
Bourouissa, Mohamed and
Johnson, Devin B.
In: "Ritornellos", Nicolleti Contemporary, United Kingdom, 13 April - 20 May 2023.
 Preview |
Blackman, Lisa.
Emotions and Affects of Convolution.
Gregory J. Seigworth and
Carolyn Pedwell, eds.
The Affect Theory Reader 2: Worldings, Tensions, Futures.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 326-346.
ISBN 9781478024910
[Book Section]
Blumer, Stéphane and
Borges, Sofia.
In: "CARTAZES", comıtė, Lisbon, Portugal, 3 - 21 July 2023.
 Preview |
Bokhan, T.G.;
Terekhina, O.V.;
Shabalovskaya, M.V.;
Silaeva, Anna V.;
Leshchinskaia, Svetlana B.;
Gayfulina, Zh.Ph;
Aparina, K.V.;
Malykh, S.B. and
Kovas, Yulia.
A Study of Correlations between Newborn Children Outcomes and Emotional States and Attachment to a Fetus in Women Pregnant Using in-Vitro Fertilization.
Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 20(3),
pp. 563-587.
ISSN 1813-8918
Boldrini, Lucia.
Chapter 22. Introduction (World Literature).
Péter Hajdu and
Xiaohing Zhang, eds.
Literatures of the World and the Future of Comparative Literature: Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association.
Leiden: Brill, pp. 273-283.
ISBN 9789004538498
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Bulley, James.
Elizabeth Price and
Nina Wakeford, eds.
Document of the testimony, deliberation and reflection of the Artist Citizens Jury 2022.
London: Goldsmiths CCA, pp. 49-62.
ISBN 9781739492410
[Book Section]
Burrows, David and
O'Sullivan, Simon D..
Science Fiction Devices.
Bernd Herzogenarth, ed.
New Perspectives on Academic Writing: The Thing That Wouldn't Die.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 39-52.
ISBN 9781350231535
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Burt, Philippa.
American 'Invasions'.
Helen E. M Brooks and
Michael Hammond, eds.
The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre of the First World War.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 160-178.
ISBN 9781108673778
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Chen, Kanyu;
Han, Jiawen;
Baldauf, Holger;
Wang, Ziyue;
Chen, Dunya;
Kato, Akira;
Ward, Jamie A and
Kunze, Kai.
Affective Umbrella – A Wearable System to Visualize Heart and Electrodermal Activity, towards Emotion Regulation through Somaesthetic Appreciation.
Proceedings 4th Augmented Humans International Conference 2023, Glasgow, UK (AHs2023),
pp. 231-242.
Chilver, John and
Pettitt, Daniel.
Coat Heel Throat.
In: "Coat Heel Throat", Recent Activity, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3 November - 2 December 2023.
 Preview |
Clout, Lucy.
Pipe Dreams.
In: "Pipe Dreams", Chisenhale Studios, London, United Kingdom, 31 March – 2 April 2023.
 Preview |
Coates, Jennifer and
Pichler, Pia.
Gender and discourse analysis.
Michael Handford and
James Paul Gee, eds.
The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis, 2nd edition.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 187-202.
ISBN 9780367473839
[Book Section]
Colin, Anna.
Chaleur Humaine.
In: "Chaleur humaine", FRAC Grand-Large Hauts-de-France, France, 10 June 2023 - 14 January 2024.
 Preview |
Colin, Anna and
Boutonnier, Thierry.
Acting with Trees.
Angelika Burtscher and
Daniele Lupo, eds.
As If: 16 Dialogues about Sheep, Black Holes, and Movement.
Leipzig: Spector Books, pp. 143-153.
ISBN 9783959057523
[Book Section]
Cooke, Kirsten and
Harezlak, Ann.
Beatrice von Bismarck, ed.
Archives on Show: Revoicing, Shapeshifting, Displacing – A Curatorial Glossary.
Berlin: Archive Books, pp. 49-53.
ISBN 9783948212916
[Book Section]
Craighead, Alison and
Thomson, Jon.
In: "Breathing", Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany, 30 September 2022- 12 February 2023.
Cuch, Laura.
'Artist Talk'.
Optic Translations. London School of Architecture, United Kingdom 9 February 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Dopierała, Aleksandra A. W.;
Pérez, David López;
Mercure, Evelyne;
Pluta, Agnieszka;
Malinowska-Korczak, Anna;
Evans, Samuel;
Wolak, Tomasz and
Tomalski, Przemysław.
The Development of Cortical Responses to the Integration of Audiovisual Speech in Infancy.
Brain Topography, 36(4),
pp. 459-475.
ISSN 0896-0267
 Preview |
Dopierała, Aleksandra A.W.;
López Pérez, David;
Mercure, Evelyne;
Pluta, Agnieszka;
Malinowska-Korczak, Anna;
Evans, Samuel;
Wolak, Tomasz and
Tomalski, Przemysław.
Watching talking faces: The development of cortical representation of visual syllables in infancy.
Brain and Language, 244,
ISSN 0093-934X
 Preview |
Douglass-Kirk, Pedro;
Grierson, Mick;
Ward, Nick S.;
Brander, Fran;
Kelly, Kate;
Chegwidden, Will;
Shivji, Dhiren and
Stewart, Lauren.
Real-time auditory feedback may reduce abnormal movements in patients with chronic stroke.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 45(4),
pp. 613-619.
ISSN 0963-8288
 Preview |
Eghtebas, Chloe;
Liebald, Alexander;
Pospelova, Maria;
Manjunath, Ashika;
Geheeb, Julian;
Puspitasari, Norma;
Ward, Jamie A and
Klinker, Gudrun.
'An Experimental Video Conference Platform to Bridge the Gap Between Digital and In-Person Communication'.
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing (UbiComp/ISWC ’23 Adjunct). Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 8-12 October 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Eshun, Kodwo.
Recursion, Interrupted.
Tom Holert and
Doreen Mende, eds.
Navigation Beyond Vision.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 148-152.
ISBN 9783956795657
[Book Section]
Eshun, Kodwo and
Mende, Doreen.
Pixelating Assembly: Not Sinking, Swarming.
Corina Apostol;
Marius Babias;
Reinhard Braun;
Pablo DeSoto;
Gabriela Salgado and
Leila Topic, eds.
Oliver Ressler. Barricading the Ice Sheets.
Berlin: n.b.k. Ausstellungen, pp. 54-65.
ISBN 9783753304854
[Book Section]
Eshun, Kodwo and
Sagar, Anjalika.
...But There are New Suns.
In: "...But There Are New Suns.", Cooper Gallery, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, United Kingdom, 13 October - 16 December 2023.
Eshun, Kodwo;
Sagar, Anjalika and
Ferreira da Silva, Denise.
'The Otolith Group with Denise Ferreira da Silva'.
The Franklin Humanities Institute Climate Change, Decolonisation and Global Blackness Lab. Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, United States 14 September 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Figueira, Carla;
Ivo Franco, Pedro Affonso;
Martins, Carlos;
Fortez, Ingrid;
Henderson, Marisa;
Pegado, Gersy;
Mendes, Cassandro;
Maia, Laina;
Bokor, Katalin;
Muxito, Adelino;
Silvander, Johanna;
Simonini, Benedetta and
Quintana, Carolina.
Mapping the cultural and creative industries in Angola.
Technical Report.
United Nations, Geneva.
 Preview |
Figueira, Carla;
Ivo Franco, Pedro Affonso;
Martins, Carlos;
Henderson, Marisa;
Fortez, Ingrid;
Maia, Laina;
Bokor, Katalin;
Mendes, Cassandro;
Pegado, Gersy;
Silvander, Johanna;
Muxito, Adelino;
Quintana, Carolina and
Simonini, Benedetta.
Mapeamento das indústrias culturais e criativas em Angola.
Technical Report.
United Nations, Geneva.
Frizell, Caroline.
Coming home to a posthuman body.
Linda Aspey;
Catherine Jackson and
Diane Parker, eds.
Holding the Hope: reviving psychological & spiritual agency in the face of climate change.
Monmouth: PCCS Books, pp. 76-85.
ISBN 9781915220271
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Garrelfs, Iris.
Infinity Kisses 23 Live.
In: "Carolee Schneemann’s Cats by the collective Cats Like Plain Crisps", Blindside, Melbourne, Australia, 9 November 2023.
 Preview |
Garrelfs, Iris;
Clover, Catherine;
Yang, Yeung;
Jones, Shauna;
Corringham, Viv;
Bartley, Roseanne and
Roseanne, Johanna.
Carolee Schneemann’s Cats.
In: "Carolee Schneemann’s Cats", Blindside, Melbourne, Australia, 8 November – 2 December 2023.
 Preview |
Gent, Carl.
The Balls of Alban.
In: "They Take It Seriously I Find It Interesting", Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Gupta, Anna;
Bernard, Claudia A.;
Lakhanpaul, Monica;
Sharma, Anita;
Peres, Teresa and
Schack, Laura.
The Consortium on Practices of Wellbeing and Resilience in BAME Families and Communities: Children, Young People and their Families.
Project Report.
UCL/Goldsmiths, University of London/Royal Holloway, University of London, London.
 Preview |
Hameed, Ayesha.
In: "Videonale Digest, VideonaleScope 10", Moltkerei Werkstatt, Koln, Germany, 25 November - 10 December 2023.
Hameed, Ayesha.
'Keynote Lecture'.
“Of Sea Changes and Other Futurisms” Confluence. CCA Glasgow, United Kingdom 19 August 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Han, Jiawen;
Chernyshov, George;
Sugawa, Moe;
Zheng, Dingding;
Hynds, Danny;
Furukawa, Taichi;
Padovani, Marcelo;
Minamizawa, Kouta;
Marky, Karola;
Ward, Jamie A and
Kunze, Kai.
Linking Audience Physiology to Choreography.
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 30(1),
ISSN 1073-0516
 Preview |
Havemann, Leo;
Katan, Simon;
Anstead, Edward;
Gillies, Marco;
Stroud, Joanna and
Sherman, Sarah.
Digitally supported assessment.
Linda Amrane-Cooper;
David Baume;
Stephen Brown;
Stylianos Hatzipanagos;
Phillip Powell;
Sarah Sherman and
Alan Tait, eds.
Online and Distance Education for a Connected World.
London: UCL Press, pp. 195-210.
ISBN 9781800084810
[Book Section]
Healey, P. G. T.;
Howes, C.;
Kempson, R.;
Mills, G.;
Purver, M.;
Gregoromichelaki, E.;
Eshghi, A. and
Hough, J..
“Who's there?”: Depicting identity in interaction.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46,
ISSN 0140-525X
 Preview |
Hirsh, David.
Contemporary Antisemitism.
M Weitzman;
R J Williams and
J Wald, eds.
The Routledge History of Antisemitism.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 38-50.
ISBN 9781138369443
[Book Section]
Hoque, Aminul.
Nadiya Hussain – a baker, a mother, a wife, a celebrity, a brown woman, a Muslim, a social justice campaigner…. A leader!
Melanie C Brooks and
Miriam D Ezzani, eds.
Great Muslim Leaders: Lessons for Education.
Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, pp. 273-286.
ISBN 9798887301815
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Hynds, Danny;
Zheng, Dingding;
Zhang, Yilin;
Ma, Hua;
Ragozin, Kirill;
Chernyshov, George;
Ward, Jamie A;
Saito, Tatsuya;
Kunze, Kai and
Minamizawa, Kouta.
'Phantom Undulations: Remote Physiological Sensing in Abstract Installation Works'.
Augmented Humans International Conference (AHs2023). Glasgow, United Kingdom 12 - 14 March 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Joncus, Berta.
Musical Abolitionism.
In: "Abolitionism and the Arts in the Long Eighteenth Century: An interdisciplinary symposium", Columbia University, United States, 6 May 2023.
Keddie, Amanda;
MacDonald, Katrina;
Blackmore, Jill;
Boyask, Ruth;
Fitzgerald, Scott;
Gavin, Mihajla;
Heffernan, Amanda;
Hursh, David;
McGrath-Champ, Susan;
Møller, Jorunn;
O’Neill, John;
Parding, Karolina;
Salokangas, Maija;
Skerritt, Craig;
Stacey, Meghan;
Thomson, Pat;
Wilkins, Andrew;
Wilson, Rachel;
Wylie, Cathy and
Yoon, Ee‑Seu.
What needs to happen for school autonomy to be mobilised to create more equitable public schools and systems of education?
Australian Educational Researcher, 50(5),
pp. 1571-1597.
ISSN 0311-6999
 Preview |
Knai, Cécile;
Petticrew, Mark;
Capewell, Simon;
Cassidy, Rebecca;
Collin, Jeff;
Cummins, Steven;
Eastmure, Elizabeth;
Fafard, Patrick;
Fitzgerald, Niamh;
Gilmore, Anna B;
Hawkins, Ben;
Jensen, Jørgen Dejgård;
Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal;
Maani, Nason;
Mays, Nicholas;
Mwatsama, Modi;
Nakkash, Rima;
Orford, Jim F;
Rutter, Harry;
Savona, Natalie;
van Schalkwyk, May C I and
Weishaar, Heide.
The case for developing a cohesive systems approach to research across unhealthy commodity industries.
BMJ Global Health, 6(2),
ISSN 2059-7908
 Preview |
Lange, Steffen;
Santarius, Tilman;
Dencik, Lina;
Diez, Tomas;
Ferreboeuf, Hugues;
Hankey, Stephanie;
Hilbeck, Angelika;
Hilty, Lorenz M.;
Hojer, Mattias;
Kleine, Dorothea;
Johanna, Pohl;
Reisch, Lucia;
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Schwanen, Tim and
Staab, Philipp.
Digital reset: redirecting technologies for the deep sustainability transformation.
Technical Report.
oekom, Munich.
 Preview |
Lawrence, Kate;
Fibert, Philippa;
Hobbs, Jemima;
Myrissa, Kyriaki;
Toribio-Mateas, Miguel A;
Quadt, Frits;
Cotter, Paul D. and
Gregory, Alice M..
Randomised controlled trial of the effects of kefir on behaviour, sleep and the microbiome in children with ADHD: a study protocol.
BMJ Open, 13,
ISSN 2044-6055
 Preview |
Likhanov, Maxim;
Zakharov, Ilya;
Awofala, Adeyemi;
Ogundele, Olusegun;
Selita, Fatos;
Kovas, Yulia and
Chapman, Robert.
Attitudes towards genetic testing: The role of genetic literacy, motivated cognition, and socio-demographic characteristics.
PLoS ONE, 18(11),
ISSN 1932-6203
Litvintseva, Sasha and
Wagner, Beny.
Living Togetherness.
In: "Living Togetherness, Taiwan International Video Art Biennale", Hong-Gah Museum Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, 4 November 2023 - 28 January 2024.
Litvintseva, Sasha and
Wagner, Beny.
More-Than-Human Gaze.
In: "More-Than-Human Gaze", Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland, 23 September 2023.
Litvintseva, Sasha and
Wagner, Beny.
Science, Body, Anatomy.
In: "Science, Body, Anatomy", Tate Modern, Starr Cinema, United Kingdom, 25 November 2023.
 Preview |
Luo, Yu L. L.;
Kovas, Yulia;
Wang, Lizhong;
Stalikas, Anastasios;
Kyriazos, Theodoros A.;
Gianniou, Foteini-Maria;
Likhanov, Maxim V. and
Papageorgiou, Kostas A..
Sex differences in the Dark Triad are sensitive to socioeconomic conditions: the adaptive value of narcissism in the UK, Greece, and China.
Current Psychology, 42(26),
pp. 22436-22448.
ISSN 1046-1310
Luzon, O.;
Afzali, S.;
Baribeau, C.;
Bhatoa, R.S.;
Choudhury, A.;
Dale, A.;
Haghiran, M.;
Kirhan, S.;
Powell, B.;
Shaw, H.;
Surendran, P. and
Wong, C.L.M..
Agents of change: A vision for psychology through the lens of tomorrow’s leaders.
Clinical Psychology Forum(363),
pp. 74-85.
ISSN 1747-5732
 Preview |
Mabb, David.
Dialectical Reversal in About Two Worlds.
Sarah Horton and
Victoria Mitchell, eds.
Pattern and Chaos in Art, Science and Everyday Life: Critical Intersections and Creative Practice.
Bristol: Intellect, pp. 222-228.
ISBN 9781789388718
[Book Section]
Madrid-Valero, J.J.;
Ware, Julia;
Allen, Janet M;
Boughton, Charlotte K;
Hartnell, Sara;
Wilinska, Malgorzata E;
Thankamony, Ajay;
de Beauforte, Carine;
Schierloh, Ulrike;
Campbell, Fiona M;
Sibayan, Judy;
Bocchino, Laura E;
Kollman, Craig;
Hovorka, Roman and
Gregory, Alice M..
Sleep quality and quantity in caregivers of children with type 1 diabetes using closed-loop insulin delivery or a sensor-augmented pump.
Pediatric Diabetes, 2023,
ISSN 1399-543X
Madrid-Valero, Juan J.;
Matthews, Timothy;
Barclay, Nicola L.;
Odgers, Candice L.;
Moffitt, Terrie E.;
Caspi, Avshalom;
Arseneault, Louise and
Gregory, Alice M..
Problematic technology use and sleep quality in young adulthood: Novel insights from a nationally representative twin study.
Sleep, 46(6),
ISSN 0161-8105
Maitland, Sarah.
Performance of Maitland, S. (2019) Untitled Theatre Translation Commission for Playful Productions, as Federico García Lorca’s 'House of Bernarda Alba', adapted by Alice Birch, staged 16 November 2023–6 January 2024 at the National Theatre, London.
In: "The House of Bernarda Alba", National Theatre, London, United Kingdom, 16 November 2023 – 6 January 2024.
 Preview |
Noriega, Pablo;
Verhagen, Harko;
Padget, Julian and
d'Inverno, Mark.
'Addressing the Value Alignment Problem Through Online Institutions'.
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XVI (COINE 2023: Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XVI). London, United Kingdom 29 May 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
O'Nions, Elizabeth;
Petersen, Irene;
Buckman, Joshua E J;
Charlton, Rebecca A;
Cooper, Claudia;
Corbett, Anne;
Happé, Francesca;
Manthorpe, Jill;
Richards, Marcus;
Saunders, Rob;
Zanker, Cathy;
Mandy, Will and
Stott, Joshua.
Autism in England: assessing underdiagnosis in a population-based cohort study of prospectively collected primary care data.
The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 29,
ISSN 2666-7762
 Preview |
Oreggia, Eleonora;
Cavandoli, Sergio;
Dusi, Anna;
Tonin, Piero and
Malviste, Compagnie.
In: "SEMPRE+CAVA", Milan, Italy, 11 - 14 January 2023.
 Preview |
Park, Soomi.
Embarrassed Robots.
In: "Femmes Designers - Through Her Lens: Testing boundaries in STEAM", Shoreditch Arts Club, United Kingdom, 19 October 2023.
 Preview |
Pasinetti, Luigi L. and
Wirkierman, Ariel Luis.
Cambridge equation.
Louis-Philippe Rochon and
Sergio Rossi, eds.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
ISBN 9781788973922
[Book Section]
Pentaris, Panagiotis.
Daniel Enstedt and
Lisen Dellenborg, eds.
Culture, Spirituality and Religious Literacy in Healthcare: Nordic Perspectives.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 232-242.
ISBN 9781032320540
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Price, Jessica;
Gurley, Nikki;
Gyapong, Margaret;
Ansah, Evelyn Korkor;
Awusabo-Asare, Kofi;
Gyasi, Samuel Fosu;
Nkhoma, Pearson;
Nyondo-Mipando, Alinane Linda;
Okello, George;
Webster, Jayne;
Desmond, Nicola;
Hill, Jenny and
Gordon, W. Scott.
Acceptance of and Adherence to a Four-Dose RTS,S/AS01 Schedule: Findings from a Longitudinal Qualitative Evaluation Study for the Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme.
Vaccines, 11(12),
ISSN 2076-393X
Price, John.
Windrush Day Celebration.
In: "The Museum of Everyday Life - Hillview Community Services, Telegraph Hill", London, United Kingdom, 22 June 2023.
Prime, Sian and
Newbigin, John.
'Culture and High Streets'.
How Do We Create Sustainable Business Models with Real Social Impact?. Plymouth, United Kingdom 7 January 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Pullen Sansfacon, Annie;
Medico, Denise;
Riggs, Damien;
Carlile, Anna and
Suerich-Gulick, Frank.
Growing up trans in Canada, Switzerland, England, and Australia: access to and impacts of gender-affirming medical care.
Journal of LGBT Youth, 20(1),
pp. 55-73.
ISSN 1936-1653
 Preview |
Ranković, Katarina.
Scripting for Agency.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Rauf, Betul;
Perach, Rotem;
Madrid-Valero, Juan J.;
Denis, Dan;
Sharpless, Brian A.;
Farron, Hope;
French, Christopher C. and
Gregory, Alice M..
Associations between sleep variables and ostensibly paranormal experiences and paranormal beliefs: A scoping review.
British Journal of Psychology, 114(4),
pp. 797-818.
ISSN 0007-1269
Rauf, Betul;
Perach, Rotem;
Madrid-Valero, Juan Jose;
Denis, Dan;
Sharpless, Brian;
Poerio, Giulia Lara;
French, Christopher C. and
Gregory, Alice M..
The associations between paranormal beliefs and sleep variables.
Journal of Sleep Research, 32(4),
ISSN 0962-1105
Rauf, Betul;
Sharpless, Brian A.;
Denis, Dan;
Perach, Rotem;
Madrid-Valero, J.J.;
French, Christopher C. and
Gregory, Alice M..
Isolated Sleep Paralysis: Clinical Features, Perception of Aetiology, Prevention and Disruption Strategies in a Large International Sample.
Sleep Medicine, 104,
pp. 105-112.
ISSN 1389-9457
Reckitt, Helena.
Nicole Gets It.
Mark Godfrey and
Monika Bayer-Wermuth, eds.
Nicole Eisenman: What Happened?
London: Whitechapel Gallery and Museum Brandhorst, pp. 68-69.
ISBN 9780854883127
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Reckitt, Helena;
Fuller, Sabrina and
Torrell, Ehryn.
'Drawing for Our Lives'.
Drawing for Our Lives. Drawing Room, London, United Kingdom 26 March 2024.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena;
Fuller, Sabrina;
Zhihan, Dot Jia and
Iohe, Taey.
'Collectivity & Care'.
Collectivity & Care. Eastside Projects, Birmingham, United Kingdom 10 May 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Redhead, L.
'The Practice of Practice Research'.
Public Research Seminar: Dr Lauren Redhead - The Practice of Practice Research. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom 21 February 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rigby, Bethany.
At Sea.
In: "Aig Muir, At Sea", An Lanntair, Stornoway, United Kingdom, 2 December 2023 - 20 January 2024.
Rigby, Bethany.
Mining The Skies.
In: "Into The Deep: Mines Of The Future", The Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen, Germany, 26 May – 5 November 2023.
Robertson, Rachel Siow;
George, Jennifer and
Kuan Johnson, Matthew.
'Building for Joy in the Digital World'.
14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023) and the Affiliated Conferences. San Francisco, United States 20-24 July 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rogoff, Irit.
Genealogy and Futurity.
Isabella Maidment, ed.
Isaac Julien: What Freedom is to Me.
London: Tate Publishing, pp. 78-84.
ISBN 9781849768399
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Sadakata, Makiko;
Yamaguchi, Yasumasa;
Ohsawa, Chie;
Matsubara, Masaki;
Terasawa, Hiroko;
von Schnehen, Andres;
Müllensiefen, Daniel and
Sekiyama, Kaoru.
The Japanese translation of the Gold-MSI: Adaptation and validation of the self-report questionnaire of musical sophistication.
Musicae Scientiae, 27(3),
pp. 798-810.
ISSN 1029-8649
Sagar, Ilona;
Sweetapple, Kate and
Kasunic, Jacqui.
'Encountering Archives'.
Encountering Archives. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 29 - 30 November 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Sanfilippo, K R M;
Glover, Vivette;
Cornelius, Victoria;
Amiel Castro, Rita;
McConnell, Bonnie;
Darboe, Buba;
Huma, HB;
Ceesay, Hassoum;
Ramchandani, Paul;
Cross, Ian and
Stewart, Lauren.
Expression of antenatal symptoms of common mental disorders in The Gambia and the UK: a cross-sectional comparison study.
BMJ Open, 13(7),
ISSN 2044-6055
 Preview |
Santarius, T.;
Dencik, Lina;
Diez, T.;
Ferreboeuf, H.;
Jankowski, P.;
Hankey, S.;
Hilbeck, A.;
Hilty, L. M.;
Höjer, M.;
Kleine, D.;
Lange, S.;
Pohl, J.;
Reisch, L.;
Ryghaug, M.;
Schwanen, T. and
Staab, P..
Digitalization and sustainability: a call for a digital green deal.
Environmental Science and Policy, 147,
pp. 11-14.
ISSN 1462-9011
 Preview |
Sarker, A;
Lakamana, S;
Guo, Y;
Ge, Y;
Leslie, A;
Okunromade, O;
Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ;
Perrone, J and
Mackenzie-Brown, AM.
#ChronicPain: Automated Building of a Chronic Pain Cohort from Twitter Using Machine Learning.
Health Data Science, 3,
ISSN 2765-8783
Schmitt, Helena;
Sindermann, Cornelia;
Cooper, Andrew and
Montag, Christian.
Empathy: A cognitive neuroscience approach.
Gregory Boyle;
Georg Northoff;
Aron K. Barbey;
Felipe Fregni;
Marjan Jahanshahi;
Álvaro Pascual-Leone and
Barbara J. Sahakian, eds.
The Sage Handbook of Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience: Cognitive Systems, Development and Applications.
London: Sage, pp. 306-322.
ISBN 9781529753547
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Schwindt, Grace.
July 2023 - July 2024 / period in Belgium: December 2023 and January 2024 and July 2024
A Cold Stone.
Schwindt, Grace.
July 2023 - September 2024 / period in New York: September - November 2023 and August - beginning of September 2024
Silent Archive.
 Preview |
Scott, Richard.
Fishmonger [Poem].
Michael Mackmin, ed.
Poetry with an Axe to Grind.
Norwich: The Rialto, p. 25.
ISBN 9781909632141
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Scott, Richard.
Lapidary [Poem].
Wendy Allen and
Charley Barnes, eds.
Under Your Pillow.
Uttoxeter: Victorina Press, p. 3.
ISBN 9781739580179
[Book Section]
Seita, Sophie.
In: "Crossing Borders", Millbank Tower, London, United Kingdom, 2 - 5 November 2023.
Seita, Sophie.
In: "Pretty Doomed", Ugly Duck, London, United Kingdom, 12 - 15 October 2023.
Seita, Sophie and
Woo, Naomi.
In: "bingenTV", Mimosa House, United Kingdom, 27 October – 8 December 2023.
 Preview |
Shinn, Abigail.
Margaret King, ed.
Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Shore, Cris and
Thedvall, Renita.
Researching the Eurocrats.
Mathieu Segers and
Steven Van Hecke, eds.
The Cambridge History of the European Union: Volume 1: European Integration Outside-In.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 471-493.
ISBN 9781108780865
[Book Section]
Stewart, Gavin R.;
Corbett, Anne;
Ballard, Clive;
Creese, Byron;
Aarsland, Dag;
Hampshire, Adam;
Brooker, Helen;
Charlton, Rebecca A and
Happe, Francesca.
The cognitive profile of middle-aged and older adults with high vs. low autistic traits.
Autism Research, 16(2),
pp. 429-440.
ISSN 1939-3792
Stewart, Gavin R.;
Corbett, Anne;
Ballard, Clive;
Creese, Byron;
Aarsland, Dag;
Hampshire, Adam;
Charlton, Rebecca A and
Happé, Francesca.
Self-harm and suicidality experiences of middle-age and older adults with vs. without high autistic traits.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53(8),
pp. 3034-3046.
ISSN 0162-3257
 Preview |
Sun, Yanke;
Greaves, Dwaynica A;
Orgs, Guido;
de C. Hamilton, Antonia F;
Day, Sally and
Ward, Jamie A.
Using Wearable Sensors to Measure Interpersonal Synchrony in Actors and Audience Members During a Live Theatre Performance.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 7(1),
ISSN 2474-9567
 Preview |
Taha, Ahmad;
Barakat, Basel;
Taha, Mohammad M. A.;
Shawky, Mahmoud A.;
Lai, Chun Sing;
Hussain, Sajjad;
Abideen, Muhammad Zainul and
Abbasi, Qammer H..
A Comparative Study of Single and Multi-Stage Forecasting Algorithms for the Prediction of Electricity Consumption Using a UK-National Health Service (NHS) Hospital Dataset.
Future Internet, 15(4),
ISSN 1999-5903
 Preview |
Tan, Chooc Ly.
Décalé X 144.
In: "Décalé X 144", The Yard Theatre, London, United Kingdom, 1 June 2023.
Tan, Chooc Ly.
We Teleport And Dance.
In: "Cities of the Night: The Royal College of Art at RIBA (2023 London Festival of Architecture)", RIBA, London, United Kingdom, 1 June - 29 July 2023.
Thabit, H;
Boughton, C;
Mubita, W;
Rubio, J;
Mader, J.K.;
Narendran, P;
Evans, M;
Leelarathna, L;
Wilinska, M.E.;
Fullwood, C;
Gregory, Alice M.;
Hovorka, Roman and
Rutter, Martin K.
Impact of the CamAPS FX hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery system on sleep traits in older adults with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 25(3),
pp. 889-893.
ISSN 1462-8902
 Preview |
Tsigeman, Elina S.;
Likhanov, Maxim V.;
Budakova, Anna V.;
Akmalov, Aydar;
Sabitov, Ildar;
Alenina, Evgeniia;
Bartseva, Ksenia and
Kovas, Yulia.
Persistent gender differences in spatial ability, even in STEM experts.
Heliyon, 9(4),
ISSN 2405-8440
Turner, Lynn.
'Ray of Light'.
Nicholas Royle: A Symposium. University of Sussex, United Kingdom 23 June 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Turner, Lynn.
Red Threads.
In: , ed.
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!: towards a feminist criminology.
Berlin: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Vianna Franco, Marco P..
Brent M. Haddad and
Barry D. Solomon, eds.
Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 126-127.
ISBN 9781788974905
[Book Section]
Vianna Franco, Marco P..
Social provisioning.
Brent M. Haddad and
Barry D. Solomon, eds.
Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 495-496.
ISBN 9781788974905
[Book Section]
Vibell, Jonas;
Gillmeister, Helge;
Sel, Alejandra;
Haggarty, Connor J;
Van Velzen, Jose L. and
Forster, Bettina.
Electroencephalography of Touch.
Nicholas Paul Holmes, ed.
Somatosensory Research Methods.
New York: Humana, pp. 431-449.
ISBN 9781071630679
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Voss, Jan Peter;
Guggenheim, Michael;
Rigamonti, Nora;
Haulsen, Aline and
Söding, Max.
Provoking Taste: Experimenting With New Ways of Sensing.
Jan Peter Voss;
Nora Rigamonti;
Marcela Suárez and
Jacob Watson, eds.
Sensing Collectives: Aesthetic and Political Practices Intertwined.
Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, pp. 199-218.
ISBN 9783837657456
[Book Section]
Vráblíková, Lenka.
The University.
Tilottama Rajan and
Daniel Whistler, eds.
The Palgrave Handbook to German Idealism and Poststructuralism.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 383-398.
ISBN 9783031273445
[Book Section]
Weizman, Ines;
Muggenburg, Julia;
Madejska, Agata;
Mattes, Hanna;
Murdoch, Sadie;
Porat, Ronit;
Wachsmuth, Anna;
Curtis, Penelope and
Garfield, Rachel.
'Jazz The Known: Artistic Experiments on Women of the ’20s'.
Jazz The Known: Artistic Experiments on Women of the ’20s. Goethe-Institut London, United Kingdom 13 October 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
 Preview |
Wilkins, Andrew.
Andrew Wilkins, ed.
Policy Foundations of Education.
London: Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781350171138
[Book Section]
 Preview |
Willems, Roy A.;
Smith, Peter K.;
Culbert, Catherine;
Purdy, Noel;
Hamilton, Jayne;
Völlink, Trijntje;
Scheithauer, Herbert;
Fiedler, Nora;
Brighi, Antonella;
Menin, Damiano;
Mameli, Consuelo and
Guarini, Annalisa.
Internet Use and Perceived Parental Involvement among Adolescents from Lower Socioeconomic Groups in Europe: An Exploration.
Children, 10(11),
ISSN 2227-9067
 Preview |
Yunes, Nour Diab;
Varelidi, Chloe;
Cantera, Ana Laura;
Hui, Angela Wei Nok;
Park, Soomi;
Hage, Nour;
Tanaka, Kaoru;
Richter-Lunn, Katharina;
Zhang, Weidi;
Estarita-Guerrero, Ana Carolina;
Li, Jiabao;
Petric, Maja;
Tan, Ling;
Soula, Noemie;
Zeng, Jiani;
Zacharias, Maroula and
Yan, Shao.
Femmes Designers.
Femmes Designers Ltd..
 Preview |
de Albuquerque, João Porto;
Anderson, Liana;
Calvillo, Nerea;
Cattino, Massimo;
Clarke, Andrew;
Cunha, Maria Alexandra;
Garde-Hansen, Joanne;
Klonner, Carolin;
Lima-Silva, Fernanda;
Marchezini, Victor;
da Mata Martins, Mario Henrique;
Grajales, Diego Pajarito;
Pitidis, Vangelis;
Rizwan, Mohammed;
Tkacz, Nathaniel and
Trajber, Rachel.
Dialogic data innovations for sustainability transformations and flood resilience : the case for waterproofing data.
Global Environmental Change, 82,
ISSN 0959-3780
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 01:19:31 2025 GMT.